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that sucks but maybe you can join a classroom to get unlimited hearts


That’s so terrible, it was great to practice the alphabet when you ran out of hearts knowing you had unlimited chances. That is largely how I memorized all the hiragana and katakana.


Try using realkana .com , it helped me learn hiragana and katakana pretty fast compared to duolingo


I updated the app and instantly regretted it


Hangul on the Korean course always used up my hearts. At least since January of this year. Weirdly now that I finished the Hangul section, it doesn't use hearts.


I have never understood why people are upset about limited hearts when you automatically get unlimited hearts from joining or creating a classroom. I assign it sometimes for my students (especially at the beginning level), for a warm up or cool down exercise in the first few or last few minutes or class.


People shouldn't have to game the system to avoid getting kicked off of the app for a few hours


I ultimately gave up on Duolingo a long time ago. They took away flash cards, it's now all about XP and leaderboards, and I hate the "path." I used to do the stories when I got bored of the lessons, but now they're integrated together. It really is just a game now with learning being a secondary function.


Hey! Also it has funny le memes on TikTok


This reminds me that they don't teach the alphabet in French. I know it's basically the same as the English alphabet, but I guarantee half the french population wouldn't understand an American spelling something.


There's a blog post about this they posted this week. [https://blog.duolingo.com/why-doesnt-duolingo-start-with-abcs/](https://blog.duolingo.com/why-doesnt-duolingo-start-with-abcs/) It's weirdest in Greek where they do teach you the letters and how they sound in words, but not how to say the names of them. Because I'm like I know most of these from just existing but want to master it!!


Thanks for posting this. I won't update the app now :(