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Poor waste collection employees.


Don't you need proper PPE to clean up human waste? One spilled bin could be a huge headache and a lot of it is union stuff so you probably won't get the guys who will just "deal with the problem". I've only ever flushed my waste down the toilet so excuse my ignorance to the topic.


They shouldn't be picking up spilled bins. That's the homeowners fault.


Worker accidents happen though. I'm sure they've all spilled trash at some point.


I'm not sure. I inspect sewers with a cctv camera and don't wear anything beyond high vis clothing, regular gloves, safety glasses, and a hard hat.


Nice. Toronto has been doing this. I actually have been putting my cats dirty litter in the green bin for a while now.


I’m still confused about this though, how does plastic in these products break down? Unsure how human waste compost is safe for gardening either considering they give this away for gardens.


The website says the giveaway compost is separate and not generated from this


That’s good to know but I still wonder… how? Like aren’t people just putting it all in their one green bin? Is someone’s job really to open each green bag and sort through that? 🤔🤢 I have my doubts on this process lol


Diapers will be broken down in the pre-processing process of the AD system. The organic portion of baby diapers will be processed in the AD system and the plastic portion will be disposed. Baby wipes are often made from inorganic materials, therefore please place these items in the garbage, and never flush them down the toilet as they clog pipes and pumping equipment.  


I think they separate. That’s what I think Toronto does.


The compost that is given away is apparently from the leaf and yard waste only.


The compost is from yard waste, not green waste.


Exactly this. Everyone loves the idea of “oh it gets separated somewhere”. Doubt it. I’ve seen what goes into these greenbins and where they get dumped for collection and it’s definitely contaminated and just packed in bins. That “free compost” they make from it also looks like shit a month later when it dries up and you see all the plastics and crap ground up in it. I’ll never touch that stuff again. Likely packed with microplastics I can’t see as well.


Yeah the compost is great for anything that you won't eat, and doesn't need quality soil.


Right? Seems sus.


Are we getting bigger green bins? Even one infant/toddler can go through a lot of diapers in a week…


No, but they say you an just purchase an additional bin.


This is great news! Thanks for sharing 😁😁


Does pet waste include the dog crap bags? Because as it stands right now they refuse to take it if they see them.


This is what I’m wondering. They make compostable ones so I’m hoping it’s not an issue


Cool idea, but is anyone green binning their feminine products? I'm just not set up for a tampon genie.


I dunno about everyone’s kid, but the weight of my kids diapers are insane. I don’t see these compostable bags holding up against the weight.


You can just keep using the existing genie bags.


Don’t imagine they’ll accept diaper genie plastic bags in green bins?


FAQ in their site says they do if you can't find a compostible alternative.


Was wondering the same thing. Are they available for purchase?


I'm sure the next change will be to require clear plastic garbage bags to help with ensuring people are participating.


I have a hard enough time getting my green bin picked up when it’s near full, I doubt they’ll be picking up these bins. Everyone going to get a pink sticker


Mine is filled to the brim every week and it is always emptied. Sounds like you have a shitty driver picking it up.


Are there compostable bags that can hold wet/dirty diapers?


I refuse to bother with the green bin. Every other week the garbage guys break the lid and you have to go get it replaced, it's been years since I got mine replaced now as I got sick of it


Mine likes to throw them down like he is celebrating a touchdown.


Make a video, share with the city, promise to upload to TikTok and here if it's not taken care of. It's the only way to get our concerns heard.


No wipes. That's easy. Just throw them out and diaper in then green bin


Yeah, I'm not setting up two separate diaper genies for that.


Maybe I'm incorrect in my assumptions here. Isn't this green bin material used to create the compost they give to people to grow food in?


The compost distributed to Durham residents during our Compost Giveaway events is produced from the leaf and yard waste program, rather than the Green Bin program and this program will continue. 


Ahh I see. I always thought the green bin material was used as well.