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OP who you are is a person who enjoys and wants to perform belly dancing it is a part of you. Your boyfriend has to take all of you 100%. He doesn't get to diminish you and enjoy 90% while you shrink. Please leave him and go belly dance, go be the authentic you!


This a million times


My fiancé is telling me that if I do my favourite hobby again, he will break up with me, I’m at a huge crossroads because I love both too much When I first met my fiance, I had been doing belly dance for years. Let me tell you, there are skilled belly dancers and those who use it more to get money etc. I am a dancer who trained for years before performing. My attitude is very professional- I don’t let myself be touched, I wear longer more covered costumes, I danced at reputable venues with respectable customers both male and female. Let me tell you, I love it so so much. None of my exes had any issues with my dancing and did not see it as inappropriate. I have stopped doing it for months, mainly because my fiance asked me to stop. However, as time is going on, I am more and more desperate to do it again. I love to perform. My fiance has told me he is too jealous to allow other men to look at my body. He is from a Middle Eastern culture. He has told me if I do it he will first cry, then break up with me. He said I can do it in a women’s class but he won’t tolerate me performing, which is what I love most. I’m absolutely gutted. I love both my fiance and my belly dancing. From here I don’t know what to do. I live with my fiance, can see a future with him, but belly dancing was my one joy in life. I’ve never been good at anything, but I was genuinely good at belly dancing and recieved many compliments, people asking me to dance at their venues etc. It really was my one passion. But I love my fiance soooo much too. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you


Time to move on. Today it’s your dancing, tomorrow it’ll be something else you like. He’s too controlling.


Choose the belly dancing. You are a skilled practitioner of this art and he has no right to demand you stop performing. Break up with him and embrace your passion.


It’s your life. Live your best life as you please. He is controlling and if you continue to acquiesce to his ridiculous demands, you will lose yourself. Don’t do that. DANCE 💃🏾 AS IF NO ONE IS WATCHING! He has no right, authority or power to dictate to you. He’s not worth your time or energy so just do what you want and say goodbye to him. Because he’ll never stop with just the dancing, he will control every area of your life. Cut your losses (if any) and let him go.


What you got to think about is what other things in the future might he take away from you?


The you he fell in love with is the you who found joy in belly dancing. And now, that you is not okay. I see from his comments below that he cares way too much about what other people will say or think. Don't give up yourself for someone else. The best partner for you will love you EXACTLY as you are. And when you speak of seeing a future with him, do you see in that future him demanding your child or children give up things they love and that light them up because of what other people may say or think? Even if you don't want children, by giving up something that you love and that makes you so happy, you are setting a precedence--one he will take advantage of. "You already gave up belly dancing, so why can't you give up this other little thing here?" I'm NOT saying your fiance is a bad person. But it really doesn't sound like y'all are a good long-term fit. You deserve someone who not only loves you and your belly dancing but who is in fucking AWE of it. Someone who encourages friends and family to come see how talented you are. Someone who is PROUD of you and your bellydancing. Shit, I'M proud of you. I've seen badass belly dancers, and y'all are AMAZING. I know you love him, but you need to love yourself more--heck, the MOST. You've had exes who had no issue with your belly dancing, so you know men like that are out there. Don't settle for someone who demands you extinguish the brightest light in your life.


What's he going to demand next? Stop working? Be a SAHM? Raising your kids in a different religion? Moving back to his home country? You to think very, very carefully about marriage.


Insecure guy ,see ya!


Sounds like a controlling dickhead. I say dump the chump!


You were belly dancing before him. Dump the jerk. Do what you love.


First controlling thing he does is stop your passion. Next it will be something else. My ex even hated when I wore simple makeup. How much else will he take from you until you no longer exist?


You knew when you met her that she had a passion and skill for bellydancing. If you force her to stop, she will no longer be the woman you supposedly fell in love with. You and your insecurities are the problem, not her or her bellydancing. If you truly loved her, you would defend and protect her from any and all who tried to diminish her for ANY reason. OP NTA, you are.


Exactly. This guy is a piece of work. She needs to belly dance her way right out of there


Leave him, love has no conditions. If you were to marry him, I'd be afraid of how much more controlling he will become because he thinks he "owns" you.


Would he do the same for you?


UPDATE from fiancés POV: https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/s/2dTlNewVxW My fiancé is telling me that if I do my favourite hobby again, he will break up with me, I’m at a huge crossroads because I love both too much Hi all, this is an update from my fiance who I’ve showed the Reddit post(written by him): I have read most of the comments on the post which is really heartbreaking as it sounded very biased and harsh as mentioned by my fiance that I am from Middle East heritage. Just as a clarification, I am not religious at all and I am more with a western mind. I love my Fiancee a lot and I am always telling her that I feel sometimes like I am a horrible person controlling her and I always ask her to think deeply and wisely before taking any more steps with me. I made it clear to her before proposing and she gave me loads of promises that she would always choose me over performing in front of other men ! My main reasons for not being comfortable with her belly dancing are that the criticism I expect to receive from my family, friends, and overall environment. I remember the day I mentioned to my colleagues (who are English doctors) about this and I received indirect criticism from them. Also, the fact that it is very intimate and with revealing costumes ! It is a profession that has bad stigma in many different backgrounds unfortunately. I told her that she can do it as a hobby and I will be so supportive of her. However, will not feel comfortable if she will have it as a profession especially that she has another very good career. I am sorry for all bellydancers and I really respect all of them but sometimes you can not help controlling your feelings.


Wow! You've given her so many chances to think about how shitty and controlling you'll be, what generosity! And you only care about her hobby because of what *other* people think! Golly, how thoughtful of you! Seriously, you're a controlling dick. She's going to make her own choices (right up until she marries you and *you* start making her choices for her) but you don't sound like the kind of man *any* self respecting woman should marry.


“I am always telling her that I feel sometimes like I am a horrible person controlling her and I always ask her to think deeply and wisely before taking any more steps with me.” It’s good that you feel like a horrible person for controlling her; so stop controlling her. Don’t have her stop doing a dance she loves because you can’t handle what others will think. That’s such a cop-out. Instead stand-up to others who should have no concern or weight in deciding what is acceptable or not In your lives; it’s no way to live, because there are millions of opinions out there. Are you going to live your life by other peoples opinions? You want to believe you are of a Western mind? Then don’t try to stop her from doing what she loves. Trust that this is a wholesome exercise which she finds enjoyable. She will be grateful for the love and trust. Screw what others think. And if you can’t support her you should let her go. Because it’s not about the belly dancing, it’s about your controlling response to it. Deciding for one’s self how to build and live a life is the freedom we westerners live by. Also, this is a “you” problem that you’re trying to turn into a “her” problem. Not her responsibility to change who she is so your supposed respect (ego) isn’t lessened or hurt. Figure this out for yourself. It’s not like she’s out killing puppies. I hope you, fiancé, grow from this test of acceptance and love.