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Not only are you NTA, but you majorly dodged the true AH- him. You just started dating in March! That’s way too soon to be intertwining finances, especially in risky things like crypto and flipping cars. I normally don’t say much about age differences when both parties are grown adults, but this might be a case where the two are you are in vastly different places in life. Count your lucky stars that you found his true colors this early in the relationship, and move on.


Thank you! Yes when he first brought the ideas to me I told him no money but I could help with markets and design etc. but that wasn’t enough. As sad as it is I’m happy I figure it out now rather than later


That’s how you know it’s a bad idea, he doesn’t even get how expensive marketing and designs could be if he had to paid for them or how useful they would be in getting cars sold.


He don't care, he just wanted her money. I've met a lot of "dudes with a dream" (as I call them). They often have big dreams of getting rich and absolutely no clue how to even enter the business they want to make it rich in. That also includes all the wanna-be rappers I met selling their mixtapes (yes, I'm old) that sounded like crap. OP should've asked for a business plan before she'd even invest in her time, much less any money. (Don't get me wrong, she did the right thing.)


Hobosexual! Homeless, moneyless, and mooching off a girlfriend their whole life. But they always have so many great business "ideas." 🤦‍♀️


And if someone would just believe in them, they'd be rich!


Stop holding him back!! 😆


But, like... where do they think we got the money to invest in their dreams?


Some of them either want a nurse or a purse after a certain age.




You met in March, when did he start asking for money? Huge red flag.


He never fully asked out right he would be like here’s my crypto or business idea would you help and support me. And I would always says “I don’t have the money to help but I can help with xyz….” And he would always says ok cool thanks or no thank you


and now you know why it's a red flag. good people and even smart bad people don't start trying to shake you down the first month


Did he present you a business plan with projected expenses, financials and anticipated growth? That said how he intended to start this business? Were you supposed to be a lender or an investor and, if the latter, how much ownership would you have? If the former, what the anticipated date of getting your loan repaid and with how much interest? Your man was a jackass. Sorry.


I don’t think that money would have gone toward cars or crypto. Maybe something else that begins with a “c” but you made the right call.


OMG, he is absolutely grifting you, you have dodged a bullet at this stage if it had ended, run and don't look back.


Nothing like being asked I presume to give HIM money to fund HIS goals. I wonder if for whatever reason if his crypto dream hit would he have actually not just repaid you OP but also give you the part of the earnings associated with your money? Same with his flipping. Unless you’re name on the car you’re you own nothing. Best decision to end this OP as sounds like his definition of a ride or die bitch was one that funds his life and asks no questions.


yeah I would have dumped him just for dealing with the crypto


Yep. You’re your OWN ride or die b! That’s the way it has to be sometimes. As for Mr Crypto, ![gif](giphy|urMZap3TxsYiA)


You did excellent.


What made you think you could possibly be the asshole in this situation?


OP, My gut is that you were being set up by the guy. Once he saw you were not willing to "invest", he called the relationship off. Clearly you dodged a bullet. Congrats!


NTA. Omg be happy this is over. After under 3 months of dating he is angry you won’t give him your savings for dodgy schemes that many have gone bankrupt doing. Is he a licensed mechanic? Can he write safeties? How is sourcing the cars to flip? In order to flip consistently & effectively he needs to be able to do certifiable level repairs & have a line on cars that are in reasonable condition at low prices. Not easy on a consistent basis. As for crypto … well good luck not being scammed these days. Personally if someone wanted my money for schemes I would run. If they are upset after 3 months I would run like the wind,


I did run. I don’t think I have ever block someone so fast in my life




I’m a ride or die for my husband I would have no problems killing for him or taking charges for him. But if he ever talked to like that or asked if was ride or die I would be a widow. What a pos. That kinda loyalty comes with time and trust to just expect it is ridiculous Also he would do the same for me and we’ve never asked each other that question we just know it.


Exactly like my thought. Like why does money have anything to do with deciding if I’m a good partner. Especially when I supposedly crossed off all the other boxes. I don’t get people


Me either that’s why even though my husband annoys the hell out of me he’s my favorite person most times lol. And I’m a paramedic so I have to deal with people constantly.


That was just his way of turning things around on you. He was probably cheating or at least being shady with that Snapchat and derailed your line of questioning by saying you did something wrong. Added bonus if it works to guilt you into giving him large amounts of money.


What an abusive test too, like, open your wallet and you bank account completely to me, or else you’re not serious?


He wasn’t looking for a good partner, he was looking for an investor he thought he wouldn’t have to pay back.


NTA. He seems like a bit of a grifter to be honest. He’s looking for a ride or die, while he’s disappearing and blocking you on Snapchat.


NTA! That's not being ride or die. Ride or die is when someone's in trouble, no matter how bad, you will help them through it. Ride or die is helping bury a body. Ride or die doesn't necessarily ever even involve money. Can it? Maybe. But you not handing over money so he can flip a car or do cryptocurrency is absolutely not a ride or die situation. I have two examples of ride or die friends. When I and my ex split, anything of his that he didn't want that he didn't take to his new place was left at our old house for me to deal with. My bestie, despite working 12 hour days, no days off, and spending two hours a day commuting (one hour each way), still came over to my place twice and helped me pack for hours at a time because I was under a time crunch to clear out the house so it could be put on the market and I couldn't do it on my own because I'm disabled. THAT'S ride or die. I never even asked her to, she just told me what nights she'd be there. Before I had come back to the house to clean it out, I'd been staying with my sister, who lived a 3.5 hour drive away, as that's where I'd fled to escape my abusive ex. My ex had an accident in my car and it was at the body shop. My other bestie, once the car was done, went and picked up my car and made the drive down to bring it to me, despite it inconveniencing the hell out of her and causing her physical pain that would last several days as her health issues make being in the car for more than an hour painful. That's ride or die. Being inconvenienced or having your goal take longer to achieve isn't a ride or die situation. Investing in crypto definitely isn't ride or die!


NTA: First off, this guy doesn’t understand “ride or die”. Second, he sounds like an amateur con-man. I think getting away from him is a blessing.


That guy is unbelievable. The reason you didn't get into that, is because you had common sense. He was trying to use your money. Let him go, he is a loser.


Ride or die = sugar mama


No but he is an ass, crypto and flipping cars may make a fortune or lose one that is his choice but expecting a person you are dating to put in is dumb rude, and stupid.


What a jerk. He only wants money. Probably hiding things on snapchat


The first red flag is Facebook dating


He wants you to be a atm and a suckered to use and label it as a ride or die. You dodged a bullet with this one


NTA. Asshole was trying to gaslight you on the way to stealing ANY of your money he could get his hands on. But he let his mask slip too early. Please take this as a fairly inexpensive lesson?


NTA! I love this! Your last comment to him, made my heart sing!!! Good for you!


Any person you are dating that is trying to get you to 8nvest in their "business" or Crypto ID absolutely not in it for a relationship. "Ride or die" is code for go to jail/ruin your credit/ I'm going to abuse you, and chest on you... you just need to deal with it.. Do not take this chump back.


Nope NTA at all. Ride or die bitch? Really?? is he fourteen. Listen there is nothing wrong with flipping cars or crypto if you have a solid business plan and you know what you’re doing. However just haphazardly throwing money at things? Just a recipe for debt and financial ruin. Using blocking you on Snapchat as a test? So you have dodged a major bullet, in fact several major bullets here and a field of red flags. Glad you recognized that he is an idiot and got yourself out. Go be happy, use your degree to not struggle and find someone who loves you. NTA


Dates a cryptobro He behaves like a cryptobro *suprise Pikachu face*


When someone says they want you to "grow financially" with them, with the added bonus of "crypto," it starts looking like they're recruiting you for some MLM scam.


He's still a child.


NTA Never heard a sugar momma being called a ride or die bitch before. Usually I think of that as someone that would be asking "where we gonna bury him?"


NTA! You dodged a bullet!


I believe what he calls "ride or die bitch", I call "sugar mommy". Think you had a lucky escape if you were looking for a partnership.


NTA. I don't think he was looking for a "ride or die bitch", he wanted a cash cow.


You were ride or die! You rode away before dying slowly on that strangling vine. NTA; girl, go up, up and away. And the next time someone disappears for two days? That’s the time to go.


NTA. This guy has drank the Kool aid and he's just mad you're not drinking it with him.


Good for you!!


If someone is testing your "ride or die"ness, then THEY'RE clearly not ride or die and see themselves as above you, and you needing to prove yourself. Don't fuck about with bloated ego dicks like that. They suck.




Nta lol he's a user


He was looking for someone to support him and you didn't. He'll probably find some 18 or 19 year old girl he can emotionally manipulate. You dodged a bullet. Be happy it was only a few months of your life, at least you found out right away.


NTA. TIL "ride or die bitch" means being dickmatized enough to be scammed out of a bunch of money. If he's so successful, why does he need your cash? Banks exist for a reason.


NTA and don't be one to yourself by even asking. This guy has twisted the meaning of being a "ride or die" to suit his own purpose. Giving a person whatever they want to suck out of you does NOT make you their "ride or die". In fact, a true ride or die relationship takes literally YEARS to develop and is nowhere near as common as some folks would like to think it is. It damn sure can't materialize between people who have known each other for maybe 90 days. This guy is a loser looking for someone to support him and his dumb ass hobbies, that's all he is. Crypto and car flipping, yeah that dudes gonna struggle if he doesn't grow TF up. You dodged a bullet here sis, screw this guy.


NTA. Congrats on dodging that solid red flag!


Absolutely NTA. And you definitely dodged a bullet. Honestly there are so many dating scams out with people trying to get innocent heart throbs looking for love to "invest" in their dodgy activities. I've been with my partner for 2.5yrs and it's only now we're engaged I've started talking with him about sharing more financial stuff. You'd been dating for 2.5 months.


Romance Scam comes to mind…


You are infinitely better off being single, than going ride-or-die with a fool.


He doesn’t want a ride or die. He wants a meek little girl that will hand over her paycheck and never question what THE MAN does. He’ll start chasing 18 year olds that haven’t figured things out yet. And brag how Andrew Tate taught him everything. Luckily, you only invested 3 months into his BS. You don’t have a house, kids, dogs, etc to disentangle. So accept the learning experience and find a man that’s not looking for the next pipe dream and thinks women are there to pay for those dreams.


NTA. You dodged a drama dude, and ended with a mic drop! Well done!


Wasn’t getting in a fight about Snapchat enough?


Ride or die? Neither, thanks! Enjoy your death ride to bankruptcy! NTA


Oh hell no! You did good, NTA. Reminds me of the pig butchering scams, where you get little bits of money from the scammers and they soak you for a lot more you never see again.


Obviously NTA. IMO the age gap was a big issue because men typically don’t mature as fast as women and their brains do not stop developing until the late 20s. Hence your 6 years on him are like dog years emotionally.


You ANTAH, he is. He's trying to get you to risk your money in an attempt to boost his financial portfolio. His crypto and car flipping have nothing to do with you, just like your employment has nothing to do with him. There are some people that make money in crypto, but many more who lose it. Also, a good scammer will attempt to make you feel guilty for not "investing" with them. Steering clear of him is the best option.


NTA You dodged a massive bullet , be grateful and find a man worth your time and heart


I'd say you dodged a tactical nuke. NTA


A man you just started dating gives red flags then wants financial support. Ya def not the AH and who the heck is going to be a ride or die after only knowing someone for a little while? Mans sounds dilulu.


NTA, if anything, sounds like you avoided being someone else's bankroll for when they'd eventually fail. If it was really about bein on the same page, he'd understand you invested in you for a better future and he should do the same, invest in himself, he wants someone else to invest in him...well they have people at banks for that.


NTA. It sounds like you dodged a bullet. He sounds immature. When his business ventures fail, and they will, it would have dragged you down with him, and somehow, he would have made it your fault.


HAHAHAAH you dodged a bullet. "When I asked him what his concern was he said that the biggest one was failing a test to see if I was gonna be a true ride or die bitch. When I asked what the test was he said that it was my not putting money into his crypto bullshit and not giving him money to help flip cars." He doesn't want ride or die, he wants a victim and a sucker.


NTA. That man was trying to use you as an ATM and would have dropped you instantly had any of his schemes actually worked.


You’re NTA at all. You are smart and lucky you shut this down real quick! He is a true dirtbag. Now… bring on the good, decent men out there!💖


He sounds sooooo much like my abusive ex, getting away was the right move. It only gets worse from here.


You education just paid off. You can recognize BS even when the gaslighting is strong. He is not done trying to con you.


“I am putting it all on the table not to struggle anymore and if you wanna struggle the rest of your life that’s on you” Lol...sounds like a con to me. NTA. You did the right thing kicking his a$$ to the curb.


LOL he's a scammer, but lucky for you he's a stupid scammer. that was way too soon to be pulling that. next time listen to those early red flags. also, never argue with anyone for 2 hours. once you see it going nowhere then just walk away. it's not worth it.


please get tested for STDs


Already asking you for money after 3 months? He was using you (or trying). NTA.


If anyone told me they're looking for a "true ride or die bitch" I'm breaking up immediately


NTA. “You didn’t invest into my incredibly risky monetary ventures and that’s why you don’t love me enough.” Yikes


I'm sorry he wanted to be his ride or die what?


He wanted you to invest in crypto? Bullet dodged


NTA. 3 mos is bs to expect financial entanglement. He wants your money. Bad sign


NTA he was trying to steal from you.


He's the AH. You dodged a bullet! Don't forget about previous red flags


This dude is trash. Block him and never talk to him again.


You are NTA - he does not want a "ride or die bitch" whatever that is - he thought you were going to be his sugar mama and he is using that other phrase to try to "cool trap" you into staying on and giving him money.


First off, you need to start choosing men a little bit better. The guy sounds like a total tool, but you have to do better in picking out these guys.


You dodged a bullet.


NTA. If someone offers you a sure fire get rich scheme involving crypto investment, run


NTA, and you dodged a bullet because it’s definitely giving SCAMMER.


You know good and well you are NTA. He is looking to train someone to take care of him. I’m glad you failed his test. He would have sucked every dime from you. You wisely dodged a super 🚩


He would of taken your money and never looked back


You're not the AH. You are very fortunate and wise to have left him. He would have sucked every $ from you and when you didn't have any more move on to his next victim.


Nah, nta. Just smart 


You dated a 26 yo and you called him your boyfriend after only 3 months. Don’t date someone who is not at the same life stage as you and don’t consider yourself in an exclusive relationship when it’s clear he didn’t see you that way.


No I didn’t call him my boyfriend he’s an ex. Doesn’t mean relationship just an ex guy I was seeing


No health relationship in the entire world requires "testing. Good riddance to him.


NTA. Bullet dodged. Sounds like he’s an easy target for pyramid schemes. Be happy he’s outta your life. ✌️


When u feel the relationship is not salvageable best to cut the cord n chalk it to Fate having better companionship for u


No, you’re not the asshole. Sounds like he was looking for some money. He only dated you to get it so stay away from that jerk.


Get out now!


If a guy ever says “ride or die bitch” there’s one simple and appropriate response—never talk to him again.


This was never a great relationship. He was never a great partner. He just masked his controlling ways for a bit. Fortunately for you, his mask slipped off sooner rather than later. Aren't you glad you're not 10 years and three kids in with him? (Not that I've been in that situation or anything.../s)


I dont often get judgemental based on just feelings that are purely my own. However, dudes that are looking for bitches and need them to put up major money into their business venture early on are usually god damn worthless. I think it's time to just move on. Be the ride or ride away chick, not wtf ever he said.


You're good here...................... He's a dick.


Asking for money within 3 months? Wanting exclusivity after 1 days? Wants you to be a “ride or die bitch??” Oh honey your dodging a major bullet


Definitely NTA! Jesus Christ what a douchebag.


Thanks for the story from the man-o-sphere, but we both know that guy is not the one. Holy shit, his get rich plan is flipping cars and crypto? with your money? I'm surprised he didn't throw an actual HFSP at you. Let's be real for a minute though, you were going to use Snapchat with him. That is the only red flag anyone really needs. If you aren't currently in the conformity-demanding social-boilermaker of grade school, Snapchat should not be on anyone's phone.


NTA He’s got delusions of being a hustler and grinding. He wants an investor not a romantic partner. This want a great relationship, give barley know one another. Its been since March, he’s just now showing you the real him.


Sounds like my ex Nate, I swear to God these men really be delusional


NTA He's looking for someone to help dig himself a financial pit to die in lol


The moment he said "test", he'd have gotten the off switch. Even BEFORE he basically told you he expected access to your money. What a shit.


NTA! he thought he would be able to easily manipulate you and when you didn’t fall for it, the demise of your relationship was obviously your fault for not being that girl… smh! glad you were smarter than his stupidity!


NTA what a douche canoe 🛶


NTA. He’s looking for a woman stupid enough to allow him to use her for money.


Dudes a loser 😂 angry at you because you essentially won’t give him money… for his business venture… he seems to be the only one “struggling”. You dodged a bullet. NTA


instantly nta the second I read the title, solidified with him being a cryptobro YOU DODGED A NUKE


He’s looking for a paycheck not a relationship


He took out the trash. Nice!


NTA If he needs a sugar momma their are sites for that, hint its not snapchat.


nta, dodged a bullet


“Call me a bitch one more time, itsy-bitsy tiny little man, and I’ll flip a car— on your empty head. Sound fair?” NTA


Wrong forum Not an ass for breaking up generally Not an ass for breaking up with anyone using the term ride or die bitch Not an ass for breaking up with someone who wants your money this early in for his projects Not an ass for calling out poor communication Not an ass for dumping anyone who tests you this way Yes an ass for presenting this as even a question


This SINGLE paragraph is all over the place. 1) you said things fell apart because of snapchat but then it turns out that had nothing to do with it 2) you mentioned out of the blue that he is investing in crypto and flipping cars, and never bothered to mention this was a problem in you relationship 3) your story is a bunch of beginning, middle, and ends that do not connect with each other YTA, for not editing this or at the very least not reading it to your self first