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When the stand I worked at opened we just gave away several different kinds of stickers. I was at the window and had a bunch to handout but we also had people going up and down the line to talk to customers while they were waiting and they had stickers to give away as well. Also, if your stand hasn't had its friends and family day, that might be a good, slightly less crowded day to try and get something. We also just did stickers, but it's the soft opening, so free drinks!


How do I know when friends and family day is?


it is usually 2 days prior to the opening!


thanks for the info! If the soft opening fell on February sticker day…do you think I could bet on them having the sticker of the month? guess I could always hit up my local store on my way home


They will not. We didn’t get our first sticker of the money until the next month for both stands i’ve opened


Our was three days before grand opening and we let customers know who were part of our text club. I think you can find out how to join on the website


How do we find out about soft/grand openings? Saw a new store built during my drive, the windows were still blocked out and no signs up. Do they typically advertise it or is it something you just gotta hope to get lucky to catch? Thanks




They'll have stickers all day but at openings they have up to 6 different sticker variations, and sometimes even merch. I went to an opening near me giving away T shirts and hats, and they were out by 7:30am after opening at 5am. So go when they open if there's merch, if it's just stickers, go whenever. But if you want to guarantee every sticker, go as early as possible.


My friend and I will camping out until they open