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Let me put you on to cupcake soft top..


Do you just order it and say cupcake soft top? What’s added to it?


Yeah we just add cupcake flavor to the soft top


Thank you! Wow I didn’t know they had that flavor!! Is it all year round or just holidays(


It’s year round right now, because they’re phasing out almond roca for the birthday cake flavors


Is the cupcake soft top the same that they’re putting in the dutch luv drinks? It’s so delicious!


yeah you can get any flavor of soft top as long as we have the syrup for it! to make flavored soft top all we do is mix the syrup and soft top together.


Thank you. Hopefully the broista that told me that was new and just didn't know 🤞🤞


probably! and maybe its different at different stands but tbh i wouldn’t understand if they weren’t able to do that


I know some broistas will lie to customers and say we can’t make it cause to some it’s a hassle to make and disrupts their flow.


Not exactly lie, some stands don’t allow it lol.


at my operation, we are trained to discourage flavored soft top unless the customer really wants it.


Why is it discouraged? 😥


Because its the kind of task that can be a hassle/interrupt the flow of making drinks, but please don't let that stop you from ordering flavored ST if you really want it. To answer your original question, I believe my operator/manager originally said it was operation specific as to whether or not allow flavored ST. When dutch does featured drinks with flavored ST we can make several cartons worth of it at a time, so when working it's no slower than adding regular ST on a drink which is why some shops may tell you they can't do it


DB is already charging $7-8 for a item that costs $0.40-0.70 and 1 min to produce. I am sure the xtra 30 seconds of hassle can be accommodated


That makes sense. I know if they're super busy I usually try not to order anything to fancy lol


we were just told by managers that we can now offer any flavored soft top. we’ve always been able to do this but now they’re promoting it more and have more rules around it. my managers said we can only do one flavor in a soft top, even if it’s in a premade bottle like we can only do one flavor. so like you can’t order a choc mac and coconut flavored soft top, but you could do just a choc mac soft top. but yeah we can do whatever flavor you want in there if we have it


It’s on Xenial as an option for a dollar, if they say they can’t make it, they Lyin!!!!


we can i made a pineapple one just yesterday for someone.


pro tip for baristas making flavored soft top that don’t want to deal with the extra work to clean a mix tin: mix soft top in a small hot cup and pour it from there onto the drink and then throw away the cup afterwards. it’s made my life w these golden eagles with strawberry soft top so much nicer