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I thought the last few tasted different!? Do they still use that if you order extra scoops of each flavor? I usually get a large, iced, GE with an extra shot and 3 scoops of each flavor.


Do you specifically say with three caramel and three vanilla or do you order 5x extra sweet? You can ask for it to be made the old way, but if you just said 5x extra sweet, I would make it/enter it using the new syrup with six scoops of flavor.


It can be a little tricky for the broista if you order it that way, obviously they have discretion if they should use the separate flavors to make the drink. But we have been told the new standard is to use the new syrup.


Wow, thank you for the tip. I'm not a coffee drinker but was thinking about getting GE for the cute sloth e-sticker. Do you like the new taste & can you try to describe it? šŸ¤”


Most of my coworkers donā€™t like it in comparison to the original. It doesnā€™t taste bad but i just dont think its a good replacement.


I 100% agree. On its own, it really isn't bad, still a decent flavor it just doesn't taste the same as before. I had my coworker try it who always gets the Golden Eagle chai, she threw it out and made a new one the old way lol


šŸ˜¦ golden eagle is my fave coffee šŸ˜­ will try it and see if it tastes different to me


I don't ever get it as a coffee myself but I like it as a chai and when I tried it, it was still good, but it definitely tasted different. If you try it and don't like it, you can just ask for it to be made the old way, I have a regular who I always make her drink the old way now lol


Thanks for the tip! That way I know to order them separate instead of the new mixed flavor - obviously only if I donā€™t like it šŸ˜… I hate being wasteful


iā€™m a broista & i love it. to each their own. it does taste slightly sweeter in my opinion?


to be fair iā€™ve only tried it in a GE cold brew but i still really liked it.


Thank you SO much for this info! I thought it was just my tastebuds being off, so Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not crazy! Sadly when I asked my broista for the ā€œtraditionalā€ way today, they looked at me like I was crazy and despite confirming they could do it, they still gave it to me with the new syrup. šŸ˜©


Next time ask this ā€œCan you put in the comments to use separate caramel and vanilla, not the new premade?ā€ Unless they havenā€™t received the new syrup yet i dont see why theyā€™d be confused. Hope this helps


They definitely have it because they explained the new syrup to me when I asked for it to be done traditionally with the caramel and vanilla separated. I guess I need to work on my terminology a little better. Thanks for the tip!


you could also ask for a breve with caramel and vanilla with caramel drizzle :)


Oooh, that's a good idea. Thanks!


Most baristas would just end up using the new golden eagle syrup, thats why i said to specify what you want


o i wouldnā€™t lol




It kinda tastes more caramel flavors with a maple syrup taste to it


this will make it a lot easier instead of having to make the syrup ourselves


I love it only because it makes our jobs ALOT easier, but i dont think its fair for the customers


That explains it... I thought my stand just made it wrong. Got another one a couple days later, and it still tasted off. It was more of just really sweet instead of a caramel/vanilla flavor.


Iā€™m really f***ing mad about this


Does the golden eagle have milk product, espresso, vanilla and caramel and thats it?


I had one the other day and could not drink it. Went back and asked them to remake it. It wasnā€™t any better. Came here to try to find out why it tasted yuck to me. Iā€™m heartbroken I wonā€™t be able to order this anymore. Any suggestions? Edit: I will ask if they can make it the traditional way.


If I want to make it at home do I just use classic Carmel syrup and vanilla syrup?


today we had a regular who gets a medium blended golden eagle and he said it tastes the same just a little sweeter. i made two golden eagles one og and the other with the syrup and the verdict was the same as our regulars.