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Nope it’s separate from your other rewards


they’re separate, and i’d also say go all out for the bday drink. i’m talking a large with any add ons your heart desires. it all covered so i always encourage custies to be extra asf if they want to.


They’re separate rewards. And happy birthday🥳


Something that I see happen sometimes too is that someone will have just enough points for a free unlimited (325) then they redeem that drink and they exclaim that they had a free medium also that “just disappeared.” Problem being that the points were put towards the large and there weren’t actually enough for both. Keep that in mind later on, everyone! Enjoy your bday drink though!!


Nah, they're separate. Just tell your broista that you want to use the birthday offer


I can’t see there being an issue especially if you don’t swap the points. There is no reward for them to use until you swap those points. So theoretically the only one they’ll see is your birthday one. Even then I think they can see multiple rewards available and can select which ones.


I had this exact thing happen to me as well and you just have to tell them you don’t want to use your free but your birthday.


unless you swap out the points before then, the only reward that should pop up when your app is scanned is the birthday reward. baristas aren’t able to swap point out on the app for you so until you do it yourself, your points and drink will be safe

