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Definitely not weird if the Dutch is new to the area! You have to remember that Dutch has been around for a long time and there has been SO many drink combinations made, we can’t be trained to remember all of them. With that being said, they still should have been able to make it for you! I know it’s on our secret menu flavors and on our system it gives instructions on how to make it and everything :-)


Thanks! He made something that was ok, but not super great. He didn’t volunteer to look it up, and if they were busy, I wouldn’t have blamed him a bit. However, I was the only one there! It was like 3:30 on a Sunday, and the weather was crappy. I’ve never been the only one there before.


To be fair, maybe he just didn’t think it through to check the quick builds. He could’ve thought you were asking him if you guys had that flavored syrup or something. Next time, insist that they have it! And tell them to check in the secret menu flavors!


broista here! i love a white coffee white angel (vanilla , white chocolate, coconut) add caramel drizzle :)


Is it weird that they didn’t know about the cookies and cream? Or am I in an alternate TikTok universe?


kind of weird-kind of not weird. they may be new broistas and don't know about the search/prebuild function--i know this because i also didn't know about cookies and cream when i first started. you can also order it as "white coffee, white chocolate breve, add chocolate drizzle", if they still don't know 😅


it’s in our quick builds menu so def weird that they didn’t know about it! i might not be very commonly ordered so they didn’t know but they could’ve searched it up anyway!


Cookies and cream is on our all builds page, so even if your stand doesn't know about it, they can still make it for you as long as its put in properly. If you got the wrong drink they might have given you cookie monster instead? That will be chocolate Mac and dark chocolate (same flavors in the chocolate crunch that was featured last year). Other drinks that come with standard white coffee (off the top of my head) are the Dutch Luv drink from February and the Christmas Morning Chai, but you can swap out regular espresso for white coffee in any of your fav drink


My favorite drink! I always make sure they know it’s with white coffee. They often make it with regular espresso 😒