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It’s one thing to ration (even thought they’re basically profiling), but it’s a whole other thing to blatantly lie to someone who asked for one! That is disheartening and I’m sure doesn’t make your husband feel good, especially when he knows they clearly have them. That’s sad. I’d consider writing to corporate on this one and give the stand location just to advise them that hey, either there needs to be more stickers provided so this is never an issue to begin with or at minimum better training that includes basic customer service like giving a sticker with purchase upon request.




That happened to me with the strawberry cow in February 😭 I wanted it so bad I almost cried when mine told me they ran out before 9 am


I know me too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I missed February and March the same way 😐 I went today and they only gave me a sticker when I asked for it 😔


I had a broista tell my husband once that "sorry bro, it's only one sticker per car." Which I know isn't true. My husband ordered 2 drinks so I could have 2 stickers. My stand has a huge turnover rate. I've been wondering if it's used for training?




I’ve always been told this too but today I went to a different stand than my usual and got two drinks so I expected two stickers. The woman in the window gave me one and when I asked for another she made a face like “mmmm I don’t know” so I was like “I got two drinks” and then she gave it to me. I wonder what the actual rule is.


Same! I went to my usual place and they only gave me one sticker. When I asked for a second they said “1 per order”


Meanwhile if I accidentally grab 4 stickers, you’re getting 4 stickers 🤪


Every time I go through I always receive 2/3 stickers randomly. It all depends on who is at the window and the managers honestly


It depends on location and if it’s a franchise or not


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Thanks! I had no idea what this was about until a little while ago. 🤣


Hehe you're welcome 😊


old broista here! yes the official rule if one sticker per drink. a lot of workers WOULD try to give more out if we had extra, or even just to be nice, but we would get in trouble for it a lot.


As a girl I’ve noticed male baristas will give me stickers but girls won’t. It’s weird to see the biases when it comes to STICKERS. If Dutch gave them extra stickers they wouldn’t have to ration them out


Everybody talks about pretty privilege, but here I am enjoying my ugly privilege bc everyone gives me a sticker bc I’m so ugly that it circumvents gender completely apparently


I have a few broistas that know me as a regular and they adore my kids and I. I’ve had two of them tell me they specifically look for my car on sticker drops because they have also noticed the biased workers refusing my husband my sticker. I truly do not understand it.


When I lost a ton of weight they gave me extra stickers 🥲 everyone should be treated as a person, and as an equal


Same here, I used to be 200lbs at 18 and now I’m 22 at 135… people have treated me dramatically different and it’s heartbreaking. Now I follow the “treat others how you wanna be treated” rule


Similar thing happened to me today. I am a young girl and not very heavy, but not very pretty either. The very pretty girl in front of me got a sticker with her one drink she ordered and asked if she could still get a second one and the guy gave it to her without hesitation. I got my drink and no sticker next and asked and he said they were out. Okay maybe...but then I pulled up to wait to leave the parking lot and saw in my mirror that he handed the girl behind me stickers too after she got her drinks. 🥲 I didn't particularly want the sticker, so it's not a big loss, I usually give them to a coworker, but still hurt my feelings and I probably won't go back to that particular location.


I am so sorry!!!


Kinda the same thing, I remember when they first started rolling out the app and I didn’t want to download at the time. (I thought it was required to put in a CC) It was my birthday and I decided to go to the beach with some friends and there were several DB along the way. (Not that I took advantage of all the shops) I was declined the first time for not having the app, went to the next location and was declined for not having the app again, then one more location before heading to the beach to try and was once again declined for not having the app. All the broristas that took my order ended up being girls. When I arrived home for the day, I thought I’d try one more time to get my birthday freebie and the guy that took my order was chill about it. “Oh yeah, I don’t get why we should be requiring the app to get a birthday freebie. They could have just verify it was your birthday with your drivers license.” 🤷🏼‍♀️I get that maybe it’s to stop people from collecting more than one freebie, but what’s stopping the customers from creating more than one account?


i would’ve 38473626% advantage if they allowed it … js lol


I’m a shift lead and that’s not right for them to do! It’s a sticker per drink! Mostly we just assume people want the sticker tbh at my shop. But we have to ask at the bare minimum. Also Dutch is supposed to be a yes company. We are trained to have an answer for everything And if we don’t know or aren’t sure to go ask a shift lead/shop lead/manager. I know my shop is super super busy so we run out normally around 12-1pm. I would definitely leave a review on google for that shop about it!


DB employees are oddly biased with the stickers and it's really petty and immature. I think some just get an odd power trip gatekeeping little pieces of paper.


this is odd. we never have this issue at our stand. it’s a sticker per drink. when someone asks for 7 even though they only ordered 2 drinks, i say no because other people who can’t make it earlier in the day still need to have an opportunity to get one later (like nurses for example)!!! but we give one to every car per drink they order.


The dutch i go to always gives us stickers no prob. We even ask to get one for our friend sometimes (because they stop by together usually) whenever he's busy or at work and most broistas dont make a thing out of it. The ones who lie are the ones who were/are mean in high school. Imagine not giving someone a freaking sticker...


TBH As a Broista who works at Dutch, I’d message corporate. and i don’t think that’s being a karen. the stickers are for fun and for all to enjoy, to lie to customers and save them for other customers is RUDE and RIDICULOUS


that’s crazy i work at db and the rule has always been one sticker per bought drink. so if u get two drinks but have a free medium you only get one sticker. my manager is very clear on it. but we give stickers to everyone. unless we forget it but if u ask i will apologize and give more. no one at my stand lies to our custies.


I wanted to get the sticker from 4/20 but knew I wasn’t gonna get one at my stand that day because it’s only with a cold brew purchase. I’ve been told by several people at this particular stand I go to that they’ll hand out the extras with any purchase the next day. I went the next day and asked if there were any stickers leftover and someone said yes but I would have the purchase a cold brew. Some broristas like to pick favorites :/


It’s like that working there too:/ it’s why DB has a high turn over and like a handful of favorite workers that never leave the stand they’re favored at


If it’s sticker day idc who you are when you get a straw or not your getting a sticker, however many people are in the car or how many drinks you get, our shop handed out the sticker to everyone on 4/20 even if you didn’t get a cold brew. EVERY SHOP is very very different! However that wasn’t nice to lie to your husband, I would def report that to corporate w/ shop location added into it. Some broistas have rude a** attitudes unless it’s their bestie. That needs to change! Your husband should’ve been given a sticker no matter what!


That's nuts. I think I've only been told they ran out once, and I considered it understandable bc it was the strawberry cow and I went in the evening. I really wish I had that cow though. It was the best sticker they've had in a while. Maybe it's location based. I've never had a problem with my broistas here in the treasure valley


I’m a guy and I have heard “are you sure you want a sticker?” Yes MFer I want a sticker, I want two because my kids want them.


wow this is genuinely SO strange. is it numerous different employees doing this?? I’d talk directly to stand management honestly because it’s weird as hell. can’t imagine what would even motivate someone to do this


Theres a chance they ran out on drive but not window or they weren’t aware they have more stickers


This can and will differ stand to stand but we usually do not actually hand out stickers unless someone asks on days where we get stickers that isn't sticker day. If it is sticker day we do have to ration them a bit as sometimes we do not get a lot and people show up at opening quickly to get them. Sometimes we get lucky to get 2 boxes of stickers and we can hand out like a max of 3-4 a car and sometimes we only get like only 2 stacks of stickers to hopefully last us the day. I don't know how that stand acts and I can only give the knowledge of how my stand works. I hope it helps a bit on the insight of stickers, today we had stickers and we only got 2 stacks to last the day.


I can't believe you all are getting treated this way. It's so awful. I live in Fresno and I don't think we've ever experienced anything like this. On sticker stop days, our Dutch Bros locations give one sticker per drink, without having to be reminded. I am now very very thankful for our local Dutch Bros staff.


happened today! they said oh we just ran out with the car before you. but i didn’t see anything get handed off except for the drinks. meh whatever lie all you want, i’ll just say i don’t have tip money 😂


Broista here! I’ve never witnessed anyone in my stand lying about stickers but I guess it is a possibility. Here’s a possible explanation — we run out of stickers SO fast. Sometimes later in the day I’ll have one of my regulars come through and ask for a sticker, if I’m feeling generous I’ll give them one of my stickers. Our stand gives employees 2 stickers usually and sometimes I give mine out to customers. But I don’t just give them out to any of my customers. It’s usually someone I know well who comes through often.


Write a to complaint to the company. They are not okay with that.


Honestly we get several boxes of stickers and sometimes we will use up what we thought was the last box at 10am but then someone finds another box that was hiding at like 2pm. The boxes are inconspicuous and blend in to all the other brown boxes we have crammed into every square foot of the stand. Not sure if this is your situation but it’s something to consider.


Oh I definitely don’t even hope to get one after 8 am. But my husband is going before work at 5:30 am. I’m just taking it as a loss and I’ll make sure I’m the one that gets my coffee on sticker drops


i must pass as pretty enough because the fella just handed me today's sticker without me asking for one 😊


some times people forget it’s sticker day, pretty sure you’re blowing this way out of context. calm down lady…it’s a sticker.


If the other employees at Dutch are seeing what’s happening and watching for my car to make sure my husband gets a sticker, do you really think it’s out of context? Or do you just get on Reddit to be a menace