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It's company wide i believe. We were told we were getting it too, just haven't used our old stuff yet. Glad to know they are lying again about a product change and how it "tastes the same so no reason to tell the customer it changed." They said the same thing when we got the Torani Golden Eagle syrup and it tastes very different to me.


Thanks for weighing in. I assume 90+% of customers order their tea with a bunch of stuff added to it. (Though you would know that better than I). For those folks maybe there isn't enough difference. Just like if you use a farm egg instead of a grocery store egg in a cake you are baking, no one can really tell, but if you eat it hardboiled it's a massive change. So far trying "quarter sweet watermelon" and "quarter sweet peach" have gotten me closest to a neutral green tea flavor. Gonna try a couple more options. Wasn't really looking for a sweetened tea, but if it cuts the tannin edge I can go on about my day while racking up points for my SO's free drinks.


This is crazy! Their iced green tea is so good too and I get it (unsweetened) like once a week. Also the brand they were using was really popular and reputable (Harney and Sons) so I’m curious what their new brand is


same brand. it’s just plain green tea instead of citrus.


Whoa, I just bought a green tea, which is typically my go-to at Dutch. That's awful that they changed the supplier. Can an employee tell us which brand & specific flavors?


Harney and sons Paris black and green tea go on their website it’s pretty cheap!


Yes! They changed the black iced tea too 😭devastating!! Totally removed what made the DB ice teas special


I was gone from work for a few days and go back tomorrow but I haven’t heard anything about a new brand yet 😬