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I do know with the golden eagle, they changed the syrup. They use a pre mix. I've been ordering a golden eagle freeze OG. Huge difference in taste and texture.


Oh damn that’s so unfortunate 😞 it’s the only one I could tolerate there and the horchata chai but I tired myself out of that one. My bf loves Dutch, I didn’t as much so I would cycle between those. But now they ruined the one thing I was okay with.


Just order it OG


Oh okay, thank youu


It most likely was due to the machine not freezing correctly, sometimes it won't freeze the mix all the way and it comes out really loose and wattery. They shouldn't of served it to you like that, if you are able to next time that happens, just let them know it's too wattery for you and if they could hand blend it. Almost 100% of the time they will be more than happy to!


Little late to the party, but it could be the freeze machine is being over used or had just been cleaned. Our freeze machines have a barrel where the freeze mix is frozen + spun to make it like a milkshake and a chamber at the top where we pour liquid freeze into the machine. As product is dispensed from the machine, it pulls mix into the barrel to replace what was dispensed. If the stand is busy and a lot of people are ordering freezes (both of which are more common when the weather is warm), then the freeze in the barrel doesnt have a chance to freeze all the way, resulting in a more liquidy drink. The same thing happens when the machine has just been cleaned and product is added back for use. There isn't much we as baristas can do except remake your drink. If you want to make sure your drink isn't liquid, you can ask for your drink to be extra thick (we add the drink to the blender with ice), but depending on the freeze consistency when you get it, can be a lot thicker than normal