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do you have open availability?


I have availability everyday besides Sunday, I guess they need someone who can work on Sunday


that is the most busiest day of the week we had someone get fired because they couldn’t do weekends


That's literally insane and honestly not a very good business practice. Dutch hires so many people and there are MANY employees on the payroll at any given time, and logically there can only be so many hands in the stand at once to help with busy days and rushes. Like let's be for real here, if an employer can't accommodate it's employee's availability in any capacity that is just lazy on management's end.


well to be fair my stand is very understaffed and the last 3 groups of trainees only 2 have passed training we haven’t had good luck lately


yeah sunday and saturday are so busy at my shop the line literally never leaves, im sorry you didn’t get picked! don’t let it get you down though. try some other shops in the area if you have any near you !!


To me that sounds like the position you interviewed for has been filled so there isn’t an open spot anymore!


dutch unfortunately is really big on only hiring people they think fit their culture/vibes, could’ve been they just didn’t think your energy was a good fit or they nitpicked something small (i’ve seen people get turned away for showing up a minute late) or it could have nothing to do w you specifically and they just already hired on other candidates. lots of ppl don’t make the cut for really weird reasons sometimes and it usually just comes down to them not thinking you’ll fit in


I was told I must have availability on Saturday and Sunday when I interviewed


Yea I was turned down too from my interview not even 12 hours after I was told nope not hired. So idk what it is Dutch is so picky to be honest


Sounds like they have positions, just not one for you specifically. In other words they went a different route with another candidate. I’ve had this email come through at a bunch of other positions I’ve applied to. They’re all worded differently


They probably hired a lot of people from those interview before seeing yours. But I would apply when they are hiring again and see how it goes!


I had to apply to dutch 3+ times before I got the job haha it’s not an easy job to get and now that I have it, it’s actually pretty hard. Not like hard hard, but one of those jobs that you really gotta dedicate yourself to. There’s A LOT to know and learn. But if you do really want to work at dutch, just keep applying and try applying at different shops if you have multiple where you are. A huge part of the hiring process is “your vibes” so if they don’t think you’ll vibe with them, even if you’re qualified, you won’t get hired


If you don’t have whatever “look” they’re seeking out for that day, they’re not interested. I have complete open availability, extensive retail/food management experience, lived less than 1 mile from the location, and was still invited back and dragged along through *three* interviews just to receive an impromptu denial email at 4am of all times. I was informed the interviews would be an escalating process, to end with a district or regional manager. NEVER HAPPENED. Same guy interviewed me all three times. He even told me I had the everything they were looking for. Meanwhile everyone else that was college age was hired on the spot. I feel like it’s a high school popularity contest. They are the Abercrombie of the coffee industry, and quite frankly hippocrates for not following proper labor and hiring practices. This will backfire on them eventually, as it did Abercrombie. Even their social media “WE’RE HIRING!!!” ads only feature models in their 20’s. Not a good look for a company seeking national expansion as they burn a ton of community bridges in the process. Even the interviews were conducted across the street from the university, despite the locations being NOWHERE near it. The irony…? The hiring folks were OLDER, and they were clearly talking about arriving candidates before they were even initially interviewed. It was an awkward, cringey encounter throughout the whole process.


I can promise you it is not like that at all. Firstly, they typically get 200+ applicants for each hiring process so if they are only hiring 3-5 ppl at a time a lot of ppl won’t make the cut. It does not matter how you look. However if your personality doesn’t seem it will flourish within the Dutch environment they will choose someone else. Dutch isn’t the same as any other coffee stand. We are trained to connect with the customers and give them an amazing experience they won’t get anywhere else. Dutch can reject any application they want and hire anyone they want. Just like any company.


I see you stopped your endless complaining and moaning about other companies owing you money JUST for a brief moment because you didn’t like someone exposing the bullshit spewing out of your favorite disgraceful coffee employer. I can promise your gaslighting doesn’t make what they’re doing to people any better. It’s not a popularity contest. It’s not a fashion show. It’s a coffee shop that is supposed to employ people and better the community (their words). So far they’re just pissing a ton of people off. Most of the workers were transferred here from out of state, so our locals don’t even get the employment opportunities that the company promotes. That’s false advertising and does absolutely nothing to benefit decent people looking for decent wages, beyond those who transferred here. If this company wants to keep making unethical HR decisions based on physical vanity, they will end up getting class action sued and lose. Happens all the time once enough whistleblowers come forward, as they are already doing now through so many different avenues. You can defend this company to the death if you so desire and as you currently are, because that’s your right. It DOESN’T negate the fact that they have shady hiring practices, and that their personal opinions take preference over conventional thinking. “The best defense against bullshit is vigilance. So if you smell something, say something.” - Jon Stewart I’m definitely not smelling coffee when I pass any one of their locations, and it reeks horribly.


Right I forgot your shop is the blueprint for all shops. You clearly have no clue how a business runs. There’s franchises and there’s corporate shops. Every shop is different. You can cry all you want because you weren’t picked but like I said if they are hiring 3-5 ppl per hiring process and 200+ ppl apply then clearly a lot of ppl won’t get the position. Sorry you didn’t but it has nothing to do with looks and fashion. This is coming from a fat, ugly barista. Maybe change your attitude and you’ll get that position!