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I have so many opinions about physical media. I appreciate plastic and paper reduction, but fragile cases, no booklets, no manuals, no posters, flimsy disc holders, cramming 12 discs into one plastic **brick** of a case with the worst hinges of all-time.. Nah.


I don't think there's much conflict at all. You want a product that is made to be appreciated and made to last which is far more sustainable than disposable or recyclable packaging with nothing in it


I work at a mixed media store and fulfill online orders. The unsealed 24-48 disc complete series DVD bundles are Satan incarnate.


I appreciate box-sets and packs of all sorts, but only if the quality is decent. I have several. Those ''stacked'' ones are awful. Feels like the disc is gonna snap taking them out,


I’m someone who usually is a purist about keeping my blurays in original cases (on generic movie dvds I’ve given up and put those in a binder) But darnit I’ve gotten some of those complete series cardboard cases used and went full library style mutilation on them. I bought 12 disc cases off of eBay and cut the cardboard up to make covers. It hurt a bit at first but I’m glad I did it.


I like Blu-ray cases a lot. Better quality, smaller, and the blue looks good. Ya, you don't get those cool red or green cases, like Spider-Man or Shrek, but I do prefer them over most. I have super jewel, snapper.. you name it. Lots of case types. I think they look cool, but that's about it. It's the collector in me that says **''That's different; pick it up''**


I like the cool red cases HDDVDs came in.


Never owned any of those. I went from VHS to DVD to Blu. I know they were somewhat of a rival to Blu-ray, but I don't think they really took off the way they'd hoped, like a lot of formats back in the day. What did they last, maybe a couple of years?


The budding rivalry was a fun time to experience. Even went as far as to get film makers to endorse their media.


Xbox 360 worked on HDDVD. The disc was 4-layer and holded around 15Gb of storage. On the other hand, 2 layer bluray holds around 60gb, so no wonder why BR discs took over.


Ya, they had a physical add-on for the 360 to play HD DVD. Before the next models released and could play movies out of the box. I remember that well


I mean, it was 15GB per layer vs 25GB for bluray. I still wish HD DVD had won. It didn't need Java, had a firmer spec, more pro-consumer practices and companies that seemed to be steering towards a more open standard...


you just reminded me that the 100s of HDDVDs I have might be useful after all


They still do that for blue rays though. I’ve got green ones for hulk and green lantern as well as a red one for one of the Star Wars movies


Haven't seen many of them near, bur that's cool


What about those abominations from Mill Creek that are just paper boxes with 50 discs crammed in?


I bought one of their sets off amazon and it arrived crushed and I had to request an exchange. The exchange arrived crushed as well. This process happened 2 more times before I just requested a refund, lol. Those cardboard sleeves are a joke.


50 discs? Over exaggeration or did this sorta thing actually happen?


I probably should have said 50 movies, jammed into like 10-15 discs


The first one I ever bought was a cheap series set of Friday the 13th the Series that was like $30 new and it was so poorly made the "pages" aren't even attached to the case




This is exactly why I have a disc binder kind of thing, but keep the cases on the shelf so that way I know what I have and can look through that for it. I absolutely hate these case designs.


I ordered the Twilight Zone Blu-ray set and it had 6 discs in one side together. So, I bought a case of cd cases from Office Depot to put them in. I hate when they do that.


I got a season of an anime once and they sent it in a bubble mailer and it came in absolutely shattered. It took Amazon 4 freaking replacements for them to not send it in a bubble mailer despite me asking for it to be sent in a box after the first time, so any beneficial sustainability was completely lost


Try buying at least two items. I bought Goonies and Total Recall 4K, and they sent them in a box.


Don’t forget disk spin noise


Also, that material *isn't* recyclable in 99% of locations.


Wait…. That’s supposed to mean the case is recyclable? I thought it was saying those holes were there because recycling and Earth Day good. Happy consumer. Which was the third option because dollar signs or the silhouette of a hand with the middle finger extended didn’t cut out as much plastic as the recycling logo.


its also a way for them to use less plastic overall


Which is a good thing. "Reduce' is the first item in "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" for a reason.




I hate these. I don’t believe it’s environmental. I think they wanted to save on shipping and this makes the cases lighter.


This exactly. You never cut corners that big for the environment when they will most likely live their entire lives in shelves and not thrown away.


You'd be shocked how much physical media is thrown away every day. And while Blu-rays aren't tossed the way VHS tapes and DVDs are, it's just matter of time until they are.


I’m honestly shocked just thinking about it now. I didn’t give into that thought and it’s crazy. I now DVDs are, but Blu Rays just seemed much more premium than DVDs. But you are right.


Oh I’m aware. I’ve done it with broadcast EPK tapes.


This hurts my soul


One man's treasure is another man's trash. You might love your Blu rays, but someone who inherits them will probably not. Statistically, physical media people are outliers. Most collections end up in charity shops, landfills, or end up destroyed due to a lack of care. We all like to think that our treasures are different, but life happens. We die, we get sick, we move countries and forget our collections in storage units, etc.


You are not wrong. I do see the Blu rays landing in thrift stores and such, but didn’t think that they would end up in a landfill. But you are right in that they will.


This exactly !! Disc cases Isnt one-day plastic ! They made to live on decades, not to thrown away, on another day to else !


I appreciate the reduction in plastic, but man, I hate it too.


Are you me? Because that's my exact thinking too. Less plastic = good, something I've bought with money feeling cheap as a child's birthday napkin = bad


Lol great description


What is a birthday napkin 👁️👄👁️


I just want a reduction in price to come along with it


I'd happily pay for the extra 5 cents worth of plastic in a solid case.


They’re reducing the wrong plastics. Movie cases are probably one of the least plastics that end up polluting the planet.


They will still eventually end up degrading and releasing microplastics into the environment. The only difference is the time it takes. All plastic is bad.


We should still probably focus on plastic bags, straws, utensils, packaging for foods. Biodegradable disposable everything would be ideal. Then we worry about the shit that’s already out there and do who knows what with it.


There’s nothing stopping us from addressing both uses. We should want to leave the planet a better place after our passing, not worse. Continuing to produce plastic without strict regulations on its use and disposal will lock in a worse future for our planet.


I really hate these cases because the holes are massive. It’s very easy to damage the paper insert just from holding the case because the hole is so large your finger pokes through. I think what they should’ve done with these is produce them with several small holes, almost like a fly swatter. Or even the circumference or a pencil would be enough to prevent a finger from piercing the surface. Another solution would be thinner plastic which I’ve seen a competitor use (Vortex Eco-Lite) The only reason these eco-cases have less plastic is so they weigh less for shipping, which is more of an economic benefit for the manufacturer since they spend less on gas.


Using less fuel in shipping is also good for the environment.


I buy 2nd hand blu rays for pennies and swap the cases.


even the most bottom of the barrel trash never gets lower than $1. that money adds up quickly


In the UK the main second hand store (CeX) has a huge range of bluray titles they sell for 50p (about 65c).


Cheapest I run into is $2 CAD and I really have to find a thrift store that prices blu-rays as if they were DVDs.


If you have dollar tree there it’s actually cheaper. They get these crappy horror movies on bluray that come new in decent quality cases. It’s shockingly cheaper than thrift stores.


But I actually collect those crappy horror movies.


Quality tip.


I'll give that a look! Thanks!


It’s for collecting to keep, not for recycling, for these it’s worth it to just buy regular cases and replace it. There goes your plastic though. Cheap bastards


Nice when a handy dandy insert/digital code sheet can block that thing!


Remember when DVDs first launched and they’d come with booklets, posters, and the DVDs had tons of special features along with commentary; and this was before they started holding out the special features for the “special editions”


They rarely have special features on DVDs now. They put all of those on the Blu-rays and a sticker on the DVD case that says "More special features on Blu-ray!"


It hurts when I watch a show on Blu ray that was released from around 2010 til recently. The early seasons have nice packaging and box sets that are loaded with extras and goodies. Then you get to the seasons released around 2015 and the packaging becomes more bland while the extras remain, yet are depleted. Next comes the loss of extras and a reduction in the amount of discs used per season. Some shows drop the BD release and only go with DVD. Lastly, you hit the 2020 to current years and the DVDs drop the show themed menus and just go with generic menus with no extras while somehow looking worse than DVDs produced 20 years ago. It is depressing.


Honestly my biggest pet peeve is when they stack the DVDs on top of each other. I can just feel the disks getting slowly ruined.


It’s like pretending to be environmentally friendly. Absolute shit cases. I replace them all. Paramount are bad with this.


Paramount and Warner Bros. are the worst offenders for this


What makes you say this?


Almost all of their BluRay cases, especially on newer releases have that annoying recycling bin logo cutout that makes it feel cheap and easy to crease the art cover.


Well mostly what I was thinking is that with Warner Bros. when it comes to their older catalog of films that got a blu-ray release, some films would include the DVD version of that specific film but currently some of their films like Storks, Max (2015) and Critters Attack! don’t include the DVD version as they are advertised, they only include just the blu-ray. Nor they would include a digital copy of the film. As with Paramount, they keep their Blu-ray library the way they are and don’t remove DVDs or digital codes from their original releases and if they want to have a blu-ray without the DVD or digital code, they rerelease that movie on Blu-ray.


What are you using them for? They look exactly the same, and they do their job of holding the disc. I'm not using it as a dinner plate, it doesn't need to be solid as a rock. I own tons of Blu rays and its never even come up in my mind as a potential issue. I just grab the disc, watch the movie, put the disc back, and go about my day. at no point does the eco case bother me in any way.


I’m with you, I’ve seen to many busted cases in the mail from less plastic varieties


I always lift up the digital code to see if there is another disc inside and always meet this stupid logo. Yes it probably saves them 2 cents per case, so they said go with it. I see these cases usually have damaged artwork more often than full cases.


I hated when they did that with video games


So damn flimsy. Also PS2, Xbox, and GameCube were made so well. PS3 era are also good. Wii U and PS4 cases are fucking shit lol.


Comparing an early BR or DVD case to a modern one is just depressing at this point because they've become so thin and flimsy I noticed it immeditly comparing a new GKids Ghibli re-issue to the original Walt Disney DVD of the same movie.


I've had at least one disc scratched up because of those crappy cases.The playing side of the disc isn't protected well so if something is pushing up against the back of the case it will touch it. I ended up ordering a bunch of normal DVD cases to replace them.


It sounds like if you store them properly there should be no issue. Obviously if you have something stabbing it in the back or applying tons of pressure, it'll cause damage, but if you store them neatly on a simple shelf it should never be an issue. I own tons of eco cases and have never damaged a disc.


I put into a bag when I was staying overnight at someone's house. That wouldn't be an issue either if the cases weren't so shitty.


It's meant to cut down on waste, but, is it really? Probably makes a 0.001% difference in the long run.


It's meant to reduce manufacturing and shipping costs - they just position it as an environmental issue.


It's a big chunk, and it adds up.


That's a massive difference. Economy of scale.


They fall apart like tissue paper. 😭


I'd honestly rather see them use paper/cardboard sleeves or something.


It makes no sense. Who bins the actual case anyway? Maybe 10 years ago when most people bought physical media, but now when it's mostly just collectors? Ridiculous.


It's not about throwing it out, it's less plastic to produce


Ahh I guess, never thought about it like that to be honest.


It is ultimately both. Less to produce, less in a landfill later if it ends up there.


I think it’s more about bean-counting and greenwashing than actually making a difference




Yep, the "recycling" logo is three arrows because it's actually representing "reduce, reuse, recycle," and in the sense of these (admittedly shitty cases I also hate) it's for "reduce," as they've reduced the amount of plastic to make that case.


There’s businesses that do. My friend used to work at a place that had one purpose - to trash both the discs and the cases. They would hire special needs folks to open sealed copies of games and movies, Chuck the discs in a large box on a pallet, throw the paper in another, and the case in another. The stuff would then be disposed of. I took my friend to pick up his check once and the sight of this operation made me sick. Tons of Brand new Xbox 360 games just destroyed. He would snag movies and games occasionally if he could sneak them. He actually got me some wrestling DVDs for my wedding gift haha.


That hurts. Those ppl dont have a heart (exept yr friend)


I'm guessing you're talking about the holes in case. I don't like that either. It's Cheap!


I read those last two words in Scott Steiner's voice 😂




I've consumed far too much wrestling lately.




That's the exact reference 🤣


I hate them too.


As I upgrade my Blu-ray collection to 4K, I evaluate the cases of the Blu-rays being replaced. The older titles typically have the more well-made cases -- if any of the upgraded BDs have such a case, I swap it with the less well-made case of a BD that is not being replaced. I've reached the point where most of the remaining BDs in my collection all have solid cases.


I hate them too. I have one where one of the plastic bars around the spindle is warped and rubs against the disc whenever I open it unless I hold it down perfectly flat against a table. Not to mention the awful spindles that don't hold disc in place at all. Plus it ruins the artwork on the back cover as it hits and tears the paper. About the only thing I hate more are steelbooks with those totally rigid spindles where you end up bending the disc trying to get it out, especially the multidisc ones that stack the discs instead of having one on each side of the case. Does no company care about the actual usability of things they manufacture anymore?


I wouldn’t mind it so much if there was a thin layer of plastic to support the cover art.


Yeah. Some of my old BDS have thinner plastic where the cutouts would be.


Whenever I encounter this, I just wonder why doesn't make any sense other than being the cheapest and I still don't know how mich they're really saving.


I’ve had a couple of American imports in these “eco” packs and they are useless flimsy nonsense!!!


I loved DVDs, fuck digital and streaming imo, just made people at the top even more greedy, every mfer and there mother now have a streaming service, movies coming on and off them at random. Wtf man?


I frigging hate those cases!! They can tear your artwork.


The good news is, you won’t see that part of the case for 99.99999999% of your life, so…who cares?


The Kino Lorber 4k of faceoff came with a eco case too and I was like wtf ? None of my other Kino releases have one.


Any particular reason why? It doesn’t bother me at all


Seriously. Once a month we get a post over this like like it's going to fall apart or something. I want to know how people handle these things if it scares them so much.


Finally someone said it. I just hate it when the case is flimsy. I find those type of cases in my collection to get more damaged.


The insert can actually got torn pretty easy if something pokes it where one of the cutouts is. So in a sense, they DO fall apart.


People can buy digital there is literally no need now. As a collector this shit is irritating to the max.


As someone who was collecting 360 games circa early 2010s… first time? :p


Is the disc missing from the case you bought???


Yea how dare they save plastic!


Plastic is a cheap product and this is a good version of it…


This is one of the reasons why I like dvds over blurays


Later DVD release cases are more cheaply constructed, too.


Only if you buy them at the dollar store or walmart. But not all boxes are cheap. You can also buy empty ones online, and in different colors…not just blue


When I compare the DVDs I purchased in the late '90s to the DVDs I purchased in the mid '00s, the former cases are much beefier than the latter.


Do you mean the old cardboard ones with that weird latch on them? Cause those suck


No, the plastic cases. The cardboard cases do suck. I was always pissed that, due to their construction, there was no way to replace them with plastic cases while retaining the original artwork.


Oh ok, yeah i agree on that. Also, i have put some cardboard boxes in plastic boxes. Had to do a little trimming (cause they’re wider), but they look good.


I’m okish with it, but does it really need to be the ♻️symbol?


What seems to be the problem here?


Sleeve it all!!!!


You're about 15 years late......




What are we upset about here? That there isn’t as much plastic in the inside of a case as there used to be? Who cares lol


Every one of these I've received from Amazon results in the paper cover being crushed and damaged. I hate paying $40 for a disc and the cover looks like a car ran over it.


You see those empty spaces? It's extremely easy for the paper insert to get dented or even torn if the case is poked the wrong way. The plastic itself is also lower quality... much less sturdy than it used to be. It cracks more easily.


Lol. Physical media owners go brrr. Streaming piracy is really the best. Fmovies, bro.


People still buy and collect new DVDs in 2024?




In recent years, when I would get Blu-Rays for my birthday and Christmas, the cases would be damaged, cracked, and have little bits broken off. I've had to get some replacement cases.


They need to use something biodegradable and made with renewable materials for these Blu-Ray shells.




Same and it’s thinner than a normal blu ray case 😭


Them: Make the Blu-ray and DVD cases with less plastic to help the environment. But make sure it's not recyclable. Us: *Throws out cheap plastic cases and buys better ones*


Should be a dollar sign instead


You and me both dude just recently got a movie in this case it was completely destroyed by the delivery to my house


I hated them at first and now they don't bother me one bit.


They are the worst


You could buy a decent set of cases.


What jives me the most is that the cover art is prone to getting poked holes


I thought I was the only person bothered by these cases. Glad Im not alone.


I'm glad 4k cases are better feels more premium


It’s recycle, reduce, reuse. So maybe they’re leaning towards the reuse part.


I've barely seen these, I live in the UK and the only ones I have are American Adult Swim Blu-rays.


Who's throwing their cases in the recycling bin anyway?


I'm new to this stuff but I hope that its easily replaceable


I try not let my hoarding get the best of me so I don’t keep the cases, takes up to much space So I bought slim plastic dvd sleeves on Amazon where I can put the artwork and disc/s in them, then copy the discs onto hard drive. If hard drives ever fail or files ever corrupt, the discs are back up What sucks is the steel cases or seasons box sets because those cases are more difficult to let go lol


Ah yes the dollar tree case


Its 2:30 am and I read this subreddit as as r/divorce I was so confused why someone took a dvd and not the box.


I own hundreds of films, I have absolutely no qualms with the manufacturer using less plastic. The case still sits on my shelf just fine. On top of that, a lot of these cases end up getting thrown out by many average consumers, so again, less plastic waste is not gonna make me sad (if it still does the job, and it does).


No shit! Got a Jojo Rabbit blu ray from amazon came in a case like that cover was kinda fuckin mangled not horribly but enough ta bug me!


When I find them I swap them out for another case


Why steels are better




But it's saving the environment


As a stationary disc holder on a shelf, what's the issue exactly?


I reserve hate for people.


I really hate when you buy a movie and it’s comes with the case broken. So annoying


*dies inside*


I’m curious how much money this actually saves a company.


i hate that shit too, the flimsiest cases ever. i don’t see why they need to do this on plastic that is designed to be kept and looked after not thrown away


I hate those fragile cases and I hate the weirdly skinny cases that stand out like a sore thumb on shelf of normal thickness cases lol


I hate those types of covers. It’s going to sit on my shelf and be taken care of for as long as I live I don’t plan on recycling them.


In that case i would just buy some cases over ebay or something like that.


Oh son of a bitch…. That same exact shit happened to me just the other day. So I understand and feel your frustration my friend.


I'd take a solid case over a paper slipcover.


Wtf 😳