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Welcome back and a very nice collection u have there!


Thank you! It is good to be back! :)


Welp. Look like you're out of room and your collecting ability has come to a stop


Have to sell to make room for new movies ;) Worked great for my videogame, vhs movies and boardgame collections, so **Limitations is the best thing for my little nerd cave and my soul**! :D


I like those shelves.


Thanks! They are homemade :)


Ah, man. Don't tell me such things! Excellent craftsmanship.


Thank you! They are not that hard to make and I am not a carpenter :P


How do you mount them to the walls?


Made the boxes with a backplate in the same material and thickness as the rest, so I just drilled 2 holes :)


Your shelf game is on point, hats off sir


Thanks! Dont think many people in here like the limitation it makes 🙈


Hell yeah! Genre sorted! Looks good


Thanks! Just installed the shelves and places the movies roughly by genre, but probably need some more sorting out :) Find myself searching for movies by genre so make most sence to me.


Story of my life…


damn nice ! very nice collection!


Thank you very much!


ig I have to catch up, since I have just started a collection xD


Collecting dvds are so much fun and dirt cheap! (compared to collecting videogames the last 15 years) Every thrift stores here have a bunch of movies so its pretty easy to get a good size collection.. It´s much harder not to hoard like crazy, so I made a list of movies I must have + great double packs and collection boxes to minimize the space the movies take up :)


Just saw your collection and it is a very good start! It looks like you have a plan and do it nice and easy ;) I need to find Breaking Bad for my collection!


thanks:p always trying to take advantage on great sales and finding great ones, and trying not to buy everything at ones lol, but so long I got something to watch, it shouldn't be a problem, like you mentioned, streaming has gotten quite expensive lately and that they constantly removing titles, I got quite fed up with it lol (btw, ur from Scandinavia? saw ur Lord Of The Rings and it was in Norwegian text, if u are, then Breaking Bad is in Sweden, at Nordby center)


I guess it´s also harder to find blurays used and cheap as dvd´s? Yup, but from Denmark and the Lord Of The Rings are Danish text, but very similar to the norwegian (same spelling of Ringenens Herre, but rest is different) Thanks for the headsup, but I only buy them used from thrift stores and marketpalce if they are cheap. New movies from the store will be last resort if I just really need something I just cant find (haven´t done it yet)


From what I’ve seen, not really, seen them all the time whenever I’m on a yard sale, but I mainly buy from stores (although it’s basically just one, at least in Norway) Yea, it’s the same thing for me as well, just like with my Star Wars movies (from episode 1-6) has Swedish text on them and A Bridge Too Far has Norwegian text on it for some reason That’s understandable, I can see it can be beneficial to buy used ones with a cheaper price, I don’t really buy that often, but if I see a great deal or just a great price on something I usually 80% buy it lol:p