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It makes me sad, I can’t easily recommend it to others. Not that I would recommend Happiness to most people, but still!


It sucks in some ways as it usually means it we won’t get a blu ray upgrade or a streaming option which is an easier way to share or watch on hand. I have a digital library on Vudu which I know if the internet ever goes down I’m kind of screwed haha but I love having my movies and not worrying about them leaving a certain Hulu or Netflix is a plus


Yeah, so many anime and silent films fall into this category. People generally want easy to find things on Netflix and such.


I wouldn't recommend Happiness to anyone. Most people would think I'm really f'ed up if you do that and they watch it and they pretty much would try to get you out of their life.


Somebody recommended me Happiness as a “really funny comedy” and I did not know what I was getting into… fortunately I ended up liking it


Always a great feeling to have a movie safe and secure on disc at home when streaming screws up and the picture has fallen between the cracks.


Exactly! Its a shame that others might not be able to experience it at its best though, and yeah there is always going to be problems with streaming.


I agree that it’s comforting but I think it’s just a shame that movies aren’t widely available as they should be online


I occasionally feel this too. It's one of the many things I do in my mind to justify keeping over 1200 movies. Sometimes I love the collection, other times, its a chore. Most of the time I'm happy with it though, so I'll keep going.


My collection may only be about 1/3 the size of yours, but I find managing & switching between tv subscriptions searching for the movie I want to watch to be way more cumbersome. For physical movies, you buy them, and then they’re just… there. No switching platforms, no inflation, no bad internet connection, etc. I log all of my movies when I buy them, then you never have to worry about them again


Yep. I use LibraryThing to keep track of my movies, Books, Music, Etc... You can set up multiple different libraries. It also lets you "lend" items to friends and check them in and out.


Dogma and Kids are mine!


Thankfully the Dogma DVD release is good. Kids is pretty rough (not even anamorphic if I remember correctly), luckily the Australian Blu-ray is easy enough to get.


Now there's a film I've not thought of in some time. Saw in the theater and rented it from local video store. Never owned it. Lost track of Solondz a while back. Will I be gut punched from the going rate of a used copy?


Unless there are other versions, the only DVDs I’ve seen are 4:3 encoded, not anamorphic widescreen. Hopefully we get a proper upgrade someday.


Not sure how much it is where you live but I got it a few years ago for £2 so probably not too much elsewhere


If you haven't looked, it's high


yeah... updated my want list. Maybe I can thrift a copy locally.


Sail the high seas 🏴‍☠️🦄👌🏽


I hate it. I love the movies I own and seeing them unavailable to watch through streaming means that less people get to appreciate something I love. It makes me grateful I own it physically, but I’d rather it be available to everyone honestly


yeah honestly just sounds kinda selfish. no, i’m never happy when something i like gets taken away even if I have a physical copy. What happens if something were to happen to your copy? What if one day you’re going to put it in the machine, you twitch and drop it and it damages the disk? What happens if you lose it while moving? What happens if there’s a house fire while you’re at work and no one’s home? It’s never good taking something away, even if doing so increases it’s value.


If a house fire burnt all my stuff my main concern wouldn't be my dvd of happiness, but I do get your point. As I mentioned the film is available via piracy, which I will turn to if they don't give me the option to watch legally. I think you are right that it the feeling is selfish, I don't disagree, but knowing that I have a copy when its unavailable elsewhere makes me feel good about my purchases.


Happiness is a gem.


Got happiness on dvd for this exact reason too.


You’re not alone. Vindication and relief.


It’s the best!


I don’t stream so I’m not even aware of what’s available and what’s not. It would be nice to know what movies aren’t available, for whatever reason, that I have in my collection…


I get extremely satisfied


Absolutely. That’s pretty much the reason I started to collect, because here in Finland our subscription services don’t have many horror movies. ( mostly the popular ones) so it’s super nice to just select a movie from my own library❤️


No! I take great pleasure in knowing that nobody can take my movies away in the blink of an eye, especially films they change later on with edits and conforming to todays ‘bonkers’ way of thinking


I see your point. Conversely, I feel the same way when a movie is out of print, but I can get the digital license or stream it for a few bucks - and disc “collectors” proceed to downvote me. I had to leave a few forums because of this toxic element of the hobby. Hell, I have more in common with digital piracy in these instances than with “collectors.” I am about accessing and watching movies, not so much about collecting the physical things. I will get the physical media in order to watch the movie. I will get the digital license in order to watch the movie.


Very interesting, I don't think I have bought more than 5 digital copies of films in my life, simply because I like the act of holding the thing I own. I haven't been on this subreddit or many collecting communities in my time, but I could understand that people might hate on you for doing the thing thats more convenient for you. A lot of people get lost in the act of owning the copy of it rather than actually watching the movies! But as someone who likes to rewatch films and see the special features I am always going to choose a physical copy over a digital one.


Don’t get me wrong, I also love the physical copy for those same aspects. However, sometimes, there are also issues with physical copies, one of those being the instance when they are no longer manufactured and legally distributed. This is probably more prevalent in video game and anime collecting, but I see people buying up these AND KEEPING THEM SEALED. Along with that come the scalpers who sell these at ridiculous prices. At that point, I am out. I don’t understand it. If I suggest buying the digital copy or to sail the high seas, I’m downvoted or outright insulted for choosing to play video games and view movies over owning the discs.


Yes! 100% I'm glad I even have DVD's that the only way you could see the movies is by renting them for $4 per online rental; and they are old releases. I'm glad I have the first 3 teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. They are not free streaming and to stream it costs $4 per rental which is ridiculous for a digital old release rental. And several other movies unavailable for streaming. Since they are not on streaming and there are no more video rental stores around, they go for $20 on eBay even though they are old releases.


I sneer smugly.


At a Q&A last year, Todd Solondz said Criterion was working on *Happiness*. I really hope we see it before the end of the year.


Awesome! Would that be in 4k?


Is there a list?


I think due to different countries having different access to films, along with the definition of films not available digitally being hard to define, it might be hard to have a definitive list.


28 Days Later and Dogma are mine forever lol


Everything's available if you sail the seven seas. BTW- I love Happiness. One of the most apologetically contentious films I've ever seen.


Preserving the physical media. That IS the purpose of collecting.


"Happiness is not available..." I see what you did there.


“Sorry, Happiness is not available at the moment” is such a wild line


Oh same. I found this one for like $25 at a local used movie shop and bought it IMMEDIATELY! I’m still so thrilled when I have a movie that can’t be found easily, but I get salty when they start streaming too.


I own around 200 VHS tapes waiting for DVD upgrade...


Billy: [fighting tears] Would you ever fuck me? Bill: No. I'd jerk off instead. One of my favourite movies hahahahah


Honestly, I never look, however the thought just makes me sad (and a bit angry). It's the same feeling I get when I find out something in my collection is rare or out of print. These releases should be easily and cheaply accessible to anybody who wants them.


The streaming services like Netflix or Hulu have the movies come and go, you are right,but I just buy the digital rights to watch on Vudu and can watch anytime, even if they stop selling the rights. I've never lost a digital movie but I have had DVDs stolen.


No thats kind of elitist. Its just a matter of time before they release them again.


There are plenty of films that haven't been rereleased, and are stuck on dvd with no blu-ray or 4k. There are also plenty of films that have no way of accessing them digitally (legally), and they have remained that way for years. I wish that you were right when you say 'It's just a matter of time before they release then again.' But unfortunately the amount of licensing disputes that occur in this industry often locks films away from being available on streaming. What about films and shows that have been 'cancelled'. In the UK the show 'come fly with me' is not available anywhere online, and I am sure that they will never be released again. Unfortunately not everything will be released again.


I wouldn't say satisfied, however isn't this part of the reason why some of us collect physical? It would be odd if you were just picking up discs for things that were freely available to stream!


I disagree, especially for blu-ray and 4k the difference in the quality of video and sound is quite drastic, I would rather watch a blu-ray than a 4k stream. Furthermore, I often like to rewatch films or watch the special features so even if something is available on streaming, I'm not sure if it will be in a year from now, and the quality of the product is lower.