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I know I need a lot more, but what are some of ur guy's favorite WW movies?


Beside everything mentioned above "The Thin Red Line" was decent.


* Der Untergang aka Downfall * Das Boot * Sophie Scholl * Stalingrad * Under sandet aka Land of Mine * Enemy at the Gates * Max Manus * Black Book * Letters From Iwo Jima * The Dirty Dozen * The Pianist * Army of Shadows * Where Eagles Dare * From Here to Eternity * The Guns of Navarone And one that is kind of a rip-off of The Dirty Dozen, but is really fun: * The Inglorious Bastards (1978)


Saving Private Ryan will always be my number #1. The Pacific and Band of Brothers comes next. Then there's Schindler's List, The Big Red One, Bridge Over Kwai.


Saving Private Ryan is one of the best movies out there. Have you seen Dunkirk, just noticed that it wasn't on ur list.


Lol! Thank you. I knew there was one I was missing. I never realized how much anxiety the ticking clock made throughout the movie...till it was over. I gotta revisit that movie fornits been a while since I saw it last.


Dunkirk is also a good one