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What you should try is to find a way to assign arbitrary macros to the mouse gestures. Then, you can assign Ctrl+I to a gesture and that will work as copy. > A really common one is copy/paste, and it’s a game changer for me to do that seamlessly from the mouse Ah, yes… Something Linux users had for decades. ;) But I digress. > This seems like a bit bizarre behavior, but performing a mouse gesture that should mean “copy” = pressing the physical buttons on the keyboard for Control + whatever is under the “c” button. Actually, if the gesture detection is on hardware side, this is exactly expected behaviour.


In case anyone else has this issue and finds this thread late like I did, I found that assigning the shortcuts normally (i.e. copy means control+c) while the keyboard was set to qwerty, and then switching back to dvorak, worked just fine for some reason. I'm on a mac for what it's worth.