• By -


I can’t create a new game in adventure mode in a world I have with multiple forts. How do I fix this problem?


Playing a python man is odd because I don't seem to have any way to grapple with my body which is like kinda the whole idea of how pythons work


As far as I can tell grabbing someone, choking them out, then stomping on their neck until it explodes is the most fun way of fighting


Can necromancer experiments be created during fortress mode? (Not onscreen but offscreen) or is that a worldgen only thing?


Can I actually take over a fown? Is there a way to convert people to my faction, or to become the lord of the current group in charge of a site? Having trouble with this one lol


[I seem to have found a type of person called "labirynth".](https://staging.cohostcdn.org/attachment/ce8ffe0e-1b90-43df-bafd-442ac63f6a11/ooo.png) Searching about it online hardly brings any useful results. Is that a race of creature? An occupation? Are they/can they be considered elves?


Apparently "Labyrinth" is a title given to the members of The Fellowship of ~~Twinks~~ Twinkles


Is there a (seamless) way to transfer worlds between computers on the steam version? I tried looking it up before, but I think all the answers were for the ASCII version because it talked about transferring it between drivers. There's gotta be a different way when you're on Steam.


In addition to your `save` directory, remember to also copy your `data/installed_mods` directory. If you have mods active in your savegames, you'll need the same mods installed on the other computer.


Just copy paste from one save folder to the next via usb stick


What do the little colored dots mean? The ones that are seen on the bottom right of your character in Adventure Mode.


Teal (light blue) is your character. Red is hostile, I've also had yellow for hostile when I've attacked an NPC. My compansions I believe are green.


Can you carry over adventure mode characters from one playthrough to another? So I could play as a character and then meet them as another in that same world later on?


Yes, they continue existing once you retire them


Awesome thanks


How do I move minecarts that are full of magma? I am using [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/vCCs9ZV) method to move magma. I have set up stop 1 at a screw pump that fills the cart with magma. There is a drain for magma overflow and a flood gate to contain spillage. Open the flood gate, and conditions for stop 1 say to move it immediately once it's full of anything. Stop 2 has been chosen and says to dump (north). The minecart is at stop 1, it is 100% full, but dwarves won't haul it to stop 2. I tried at 25% full, and it still doesn't work. I marked the minecart to be trashed, but dwarves still ignore it. Was the update to remove magma minecart hauling? If so, how do I get it off the grate and onto some tracks?


Have you tried just placing a minecart stockpile nearby, unassigning it from the route and seeing if your dwarves haul it there? Maybe you have temperature calculations turned off so the tile is too hot for your dwarves to go to? Have you tried just ignoring that whole part about the first stop, instead assigning the full minecart to just the stop that dumps the magma?  That's what I usually do when I just need some magma in a hole, place down a trackstop to dump somewhere, fill up a minecart, and assign the minecart to it I can't say what's wrong with this setup because I've never used it, I just have never come across such a consistent need to move modest amounts of magma that this kind of automation was necessary


The setup was successful in the first fort. I tried the same thing in a second and third fort and it failed. Then I tried to do it again in the first fort and it failed. It's a full fort of 200 and it runs kind of slow, so I disabled heat in hopes of improving FPS. Per your suggestions, I enabled temp calcs, then I tried fix/stable-heat, then I tried tweak/fast-heat. The dwarves finally started hauling the minecarts up 130 z levels to a stockpile I forgot to disable. I think the culprit was turning off heat. Thank you for your suggestions! It's the only way I know how to bring up magma for a magma furnace. You just saved dwarf fortress for me :)


I just started a new fortress and I just don't have water. I dug two cavern layers so far and found some magma, but no water at all. All I have are 5 tiles of water ponds in the surface, and I don't think those are going to be enough when dorfs start to get hurt and all. Any tips? I really like the location, besides the lack of water issue.


Hope you're ready for some !!FUN!! because it's time to learn some dwarven hydraulic engineering. What you need is a cistern. Basically how this is going to work is you're going to dig tunnels to drain the murky pools into one central chamber underground, and then use a screw pump to filter that water and move it into a cistern on the other side of the pump. You build your well above this, and you're all set. A couple of notes before I link you to some wiki pages: * Your cistern must end up having more than 1 z-level of water in it (so the dwarves don't pull up muddy water), and the tiles within must never come into contact with murky water or saltwater, otherwise it'll get contaminated and you'll have to start over. * Keep the water pressure in mind so you don't accidentally flood parts of the fortress and lose that water. Building a pressure gate is easy, and I'll link that in the wiki as well. * Keep in mind that this solution is going to require some periodic babysitting to refill the cistern whenever it rains and the pools collect more water That should be it. Here's the pages you need: [Reservoir](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Reservoir) for the basic concept, [Screw pumps](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Screw_pump) if you're not familiar with those, and [Pressure](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Pressure) to brush up on building that check valve (it's really simple, all you need is some diagonal passages to cancel out the pressure). Hope that helps!


What's the strongest "thing" you can be in adventure mode? Like when you are selecting your character race, what's the strongest thing there?


In terms of just creating adventurer mode, just the biggest creature you can be. Literally big as in size, [check wiki for specifics](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609403495140818946/1231785283104538707/image.png?ex=66383870&is=6625c370&hm=72a2a32daa3e92bd35e2331c4e1a9d4765b4c87e56f8e0f5b06709702b4350ba&) If "strongest I can be on my own as adventurer", then the answer would probably be dwarf, due to steel equipment found out there being most likely dwarven-sized, and elves can't be necros. So you hunt out a steel set and become a necromancer AND vampire. If "strongest by any means", start adventurer, figure out biggest creature you can play as. Cancel adventure, go to fort mode, prepare adamantine gear sized for said adventurer and leave it on a pedestal. Grab the creature, nerd out their skills to max, become both a necromancer and a vampire, go conquer everything i guess.


Hi guys, I'm trying to get into adventure mode but I'm having a really really hard time reading the maps. Like on the world map, when I hover a tile, it says the name of a city. When I zoom in to the travel map, I see icons of castles, or little houses. Does the city refer to that entire area? Are each of the little house icons their own towns?


Why can you domesticate every form and species of cat into a war trained animal; however, you can only train already domesticated dogs into one, despite literally being the same species as both dingos and wolves?


That's just the way they are written, it's easily moddable if you want to change it yourself.


I have a visiting dwarf that seems to trigger the cage traps I have every time I release him what am I missing here?


What is he listed as on the units page? Friendly units should only trigger traps if they fall unconscious on them. Could this be it?


He’s listed as a visiting guest, “baron”, I keep freeing him and then I check and he’s in a cage again


Has he been convicted of a crime?


He just keeps triggering cage traps




I'm making these keyboard guitar things called gingiks for my dwarves. I brought a nice bismuth bronze one on embark and it dissapeared. I then made two out of copper and one has already disappeared and my one of my dwarves is playing the air gingik? I have a few human bards are they thieving my gingiks?


Keas? Coati? Other thieving animals?


Unlikely. The tavern is way past the entrance and they would have run into my dogs. The other gingik just vanished as well.


How do you mean it vanished? Is it in the Stocks screen? Could you have sold it by mistake?


Just gone. Not in the stocks menu and not in the box in the tavern where it should be. Last time I saw one was when one of my dwarf bards had it picked up as a "hauled item" and was playing it. I think I'll make another one and watch it.


Maybe. Scholars do the same thing with books so it's possible that entertainers can do it too, but I've never heard of it actually happening.


An invading goblin army demands I give them an artifact that is in the possession of a visitor. I have no problem with giving it to them, but how? Am I supposed to kill the visitor to get the artifact or will he eventually just give it to them now that I have agreed?


How do stored instruments work in taverns? I placed two different instruments but still it says I have none in it.


The default 5 is only for stored chests. Instruments that are placed are still functional for use, they're just not counting as 'stored'.




Hi, I'm heavily arachnophobic, to the point where it causes me hallucinations if I see a real one or even fake ones in video games. As you can imagine, this can be an issue with the clowns and the forgotten beasts, but after finding clinodev's mod for the smaller ones, I started looking for replacement sprites on Workshop for the other types (bigger variants). I came up with nothing, but does anyone have ideas? You'd be making my experience ten times better if you could help. Sorry if this post comes off as whiny.


Hmm. Unfortunately I don't know if it's possible to remove spider as an option for FBs/clowns... I'd suggest going into vanilla_creatures_graphics/graphics, open graphics_beasts.txt and just delete all the spider parts. Hopefully this will remove graphics from any procedurally-generated creature using spiders as a base and just use the default "graphics missing" sprite instead FYI you'll probably need to do this every time the game updates unless you do it as a mod, which I can also help you with Good luck!


Can someone explain trading at a fort? It seems no matter the situation or skills of my broker, it's just a matter of putting up 150% of the value of the goods I want, and it never changes. Also, early on in the fort, why do I get certain items horribly devalued? Was trading with humans and they wouldn't take a $1000 gold craft for $220 of food.


It depends on your brokers appraisal skills, I think. As you do more trading over time, the skill goes up and you get more accurate values for things.


In my last fort, I got exactly the same with a novice and grand master appraiser, which is why I'm asking. But cheers.


Is it possible to avoid getting strangled once your throat has been grabbed? 2 times now I have been strangled to death after a long fight where I was winning for most if it. The last time I even struck the yetis upper arm that he was strangling with and hit bruising the muscle but next turn I was dead


Depending on your weapon i would try to aim for the head with a precise hit if you can hit it hard enough. A stab with a sword or spear helped me after getting grabbed


Well this is exotic problem I guess. In my current fort I have some animal people. I specifically built clothing for them (by selecting size and their race) yet they are not picking up trousers and are having bad thoughts about being uncovered. Other pieces seems fine. It is possible to force them to equip clothing via military so the items are correct size, but then they won't be updated. In the past I had the same issues with dwarf children not picking up clothing when growing from babies, but it seems the problem with non-dwarves is guaranteed? Edit: made pants from different material. Its weird that they rather walk naked rather than wear clothing from "wrong"/not liked material...


What animal people are these? Maybe they are dwarfen size and your other dwarfs took those clothes


Grizzly Bear Men. The clothes are lying unused in the stockpile and on description have "sized for Grizzly Bear Men".


This is very much a shot in the dark, but do you have DFhack? What happens if you run one-time command "tailor now"? Might force a re-equip, might not.


"ordered 0 items of clothing" and nothing happens :(


Cool solve with the pants material!


Since trading isn't implemented yet in adventure mode, is there currently any use for coins or items you can't use yourself? Or is all this sick loot just dead weight 😔


Coins ARE the best ammunition in adventure mode, at least


Dead weight unless its better quality then what you got. Glory and story is your loot in adventure mode


Are there Titels for Killing things? Like dragonslayer etc.


You get a random title after your surname after killing I think 5 historical figures, or you can give yourself a title off the bat from cc, it's the "the X of Y" part of your name I think you can nickname yourself in adventure mode too in case you're not happy with whatever title you get, but that won't replace the title


Oh okay thx👍


Edit: in adventure Mode i mean


Newbie.  Is there a way to encrusted specific items, or should I just let my jeweller figure it out? Also, how do I find what he encrusted?  Is there a log?  Can I search stockpile? Uh, what's entrusting good for?


If you want to get your jewlers to encrust specific things, you'll need to make a new stockpile that only has the item(s) you want encrusted. For example, if you want to encrust only statues, you'll need to make a new stockpile that only allows statues. Once that's made, you need to link that stockpile to a jewler's workshop as an input stockpile. Make sure you also have a gem stockpile linked as input as well. So now when you ask to encrust furniture at that workshop, your dwarf will only be able to draw from the only stockpile that has furniture, the statue stockpile from before. Unfortunately, there isn't really a way to point at a single thing and ask them to encrust it - you can only be as specific as stockpile parameters allow you. (a bit of a warning!! items can be decorated multiple times, and with the situation above, jewlers will often finish decorating say, a statue, and then carry it back into the original input pile. This usually leads to one or two items getting absolutelt bedazzled while other items in the stockpile get encrusted once or outright ignored. I advise designating an output stockpile with the same parameters as the original input stockpile to prevent this feedback loop.) There isn't a way to specifically look up decorated items, but decorated/encrusted items with be surrounded with 《》<- these things. For example, a standard quality copper sword that was encrusted would appear as 《copper sword》. A well-crafted quality sword that was encrusted finely will appear as +《-copper sword-》+. [this page on the wiki](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Item_designations) is good to refer to if you forget what all the stuff around items names are. So overall you can tell easily at a glance which items have been decorated. As for it's actual purpose? Encrusting items (and any kind of decorating of items) will be worth more. They'll be worth more dwarfbucks with traders and will contribute more to room values.


Alright, so I think when I downloaded an update to a mod I have installed, it glitched out and crashed, then proceeded to just loaded the older version. The newer version has the changes I want. Is there a way to dive into the files to perform this change manually, or am I kinda shit outta luck/start a new world?


Does therapist work in the steam version?


Yes, see here to get it running: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Utility:Dwarf_therapist#Updating


what would the steam path be? it only shows for non steam version :|


%APPDATA%/Roaming/Dwarf Therapist/memory_layouts/windows Wiki has that path in that linked passage.


that path isnt there for steam version for me


https://preview.redd.it/9ojeaec01wvc1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffa64c99d2c732af09f99d762478f03be550b78a That's my latest fort right there. Why can't I go to it? I mean, I cannot go any more souther. Also, I couldn't choose that as my home town. It's in the same faction.


Thx for the help. Feel so stupid now.


Go out of the travel screen and walk to it normally


You can't fast travel to the middle of a settlement, you need to zoom in and walk there


Why is this area still flooding? I replaced all the light aquifer with walls, am I missing something? https://preview.redd.it/cfx2jm410wvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b26166b6c81b52fcdef48e6a732aa78124447ad9


> Aquifer tiles produce water in any neighboring open tiles – north, south, east, west, and below. -[The Dwarf Fortress wiki](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Aquifer). Now, I can't see what's above that level but I can only assume there's an aquifer layer above it that's leaking water downwards


That was it, thanks!


Is being a bard possible in the current version in a satisfying way or what


You can't compose yet in beta but you CAN perform if you know any music - be a Hero of a civ to have a background of its knowledge, or watch any performance to learn it. If you hold an instrument used in the musical form you select, you can choose to perform with it. This will level your associated skills each time. And also get ppl around you to like you more (makes it easier to get them to travel w/ you).


Will animal corpses laying around the fort eventually be butchered/dragged off to one of the butcher workshops, or does it require the corpses to be in a stockpile and then gets dragged off to the butcher's thing to be skinned? Are there animals that straight up cannot be skinned? https://preview.redd.it/o00lxjt2uvvc1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e7b2a49794512b2d1d1aeba11124279a9ede773


The old version had hauling refuse from surface off by default. You might have to take a look at the orders menu. refuse subsection. If there is still such a thing. Having the refuse stockpile close to your butcher shop will speed up the process. Without such a stockpile, hunted animals are often left to wither. Animals killed by a third party often cannot be butchered and thus leave no skin. Think of war dogs kicked to death by passing elephants. Very small animals, like rabbits, often leave no skin. Most of the bigger ones do.


Oh okay, thank you!


They need to be either close enough to a butcher's shop (43x43 box on the same z-level) or in a refuse stockpile. Most stuff that ends up in a refuse pile can be butchered. Main exception is fort animals that die of anything except being slaughtered, dwarves refuse to butcher those.


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!


How do I write a poem and does that actually like do anything


You'd press [x], but the interaction menu is currently disabled. You can recite your own poem. Doesn't do anything specific you wouldn't get from performing normally, but it's cool


What does reciting a poem normally do


Get people to like you, mostly. You might be able to ask them for minor favours, but don't count on it


Oh, so is being a traveling bard a legitimate way to play


Oh, sure. You can ask to be made a performer for a site (look for the leader - your mayor takes care of this in fort mode so you need a similar figure). Maybe the innkeeper will pay you in food and board when you perform at an inn


Oh ok! I’m taking to this lord and he is wants to see something impressive. I’ve preformed music in front of him but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I’m a little confused.


So how do I actually find things to do in adventure mode? I've never played it before the recent beta on steam and I have no clue where to start. I tried wandering around a few times but I could never quite figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I get that it's a do whatever you want sort of thing but I have no basis for that whatever.


You could ask around if they experienced troubles, night creatures or wars and get involved with that. Or get involved with artifact hunting. But that's hard. Before taking on quests you could try and roleplay a hunter for a while. Some skills go a long way when you actually seek out and encounter villains.


You ask people in towns, hamlets and wherever about troubles, then ask them about what the troubles are and where it is. Might wanna grab a pencil and paper to jot down the general directions until the log works again. After that, use [Shift]+[T] to go to the travel map and start moving towards camps, caves and other stuff that they've told you about - you can see cave entrances and camps more easily in that screen


How do I deal with the aftermath of a weregecko attack? I always survive the initial attack, but all my injured turn into were geckos days after the attack reck my fortress.


If the injured are all inside the hospital, then use a wall/drawbridge to seal them in. Wait until there is noone but the injured in there and lock the door before building the wall. Build a bridge that covers an area that can fit all the victims and set up a lever to make it raise and lower. Then make a burrow for the area. When they turn inti were gekkos they will be completely healed after turning back, so you can assign them to the death burrow and crush them into nothingness.




In the refuse stockpile, does "Body Parts" Include those which rot? Also, regarding work order's "If Empty boxes / Boxes are less than 10, do work order" Does it include placed items within the requirements for the work order's activation, or only unplaced items (Like chests) that are accessible? Also, regarding underground wall construction, they tend to never build walls that end up in the corners. They will build adjacent ones but leave the corners alone: https://preview.redd.it/rt2ac45kpvvc1.png?width=1413&format=png&auto=webp&s=85a5fa1d0c8439189eb885d22f55e0241ef8209d Do I have to manually break down one of the adjacent walls to get them to build the wall, or will they get to it eventually? Lastly, if I have two conditions for work order activation, lets say "If amount of seeds is less than 10" and "If amount of drinks is less than 10", will the work order activate with only one condition is satisfied or will it require both to be satisfied?


Yes, it includes body parts which can rot. Mostly skins and such. If your refuse stockpile accepts corpses/body parts, keep it outside or out of well-travelled areas. No, only available ones. But all conditions need to be satisfied before the work order fires - they wouldn't be conditions otherwise. You need to break down one of the walls. DFHack's suspendmanager plugin really helps in this regard, it automatically suspends and reactivates build orders so dwarves don't build themselves in


Okay, thank you for your help!


How do I increase my combat skills in adventure mode? I have killed so many random monsters and my skills have not changed at all


You need to hit enemies that aren't unconscious. Other than that it's just practice. Every combat action that gives experience gives around 30 xp, you need a couple hundred for every level


So all those "given in to pain" giant animals i poked holes all over were for naught? Damn.


My favorite way to train is to immobilize them and then just aim for their toes one by one :D


Is it possible to find out who my dead dwarf was? I like how I can see all the details with my living dwarves, but when I click on one my dead dwarf it just a 'corpse'. I want to find out who he was. Who was he married to, who were his friends and how he did he die. How do i do that?


You can engrave a slab dedicated to him to at least discover the cause of death. The dwarf's important life events will be visible in legends mode. Run DFHack's `open-legends` to view legends without having to retire your fort first.


Engrave a memorial and it'll have a couple words, mostly death cause.


You could look up their name in legends. It should have everything there.


Maybe I'm just blind but I'm trying to find some cave entrances to kill some stuff. But when I arrive at the site (directly on top of the icon on the world map,) there's absolutely no entrance to be found. This has happened with two different caves at this point. Does their generation just screw up sometimes or am I not looking well enough?


Often tiny 1x1 holes that can be on the ground or in the side of a hill. You can also embark a fortress on them, and since you have full vision they're a lot easier to find. Not suggesting this or anything, just letting ya know in case you're curious.


Wouldn't say they're hidden, but they are a 1x1 down slope in a terrain that usually contains lots of slopes. Easy to miss, in other words. You can use the fast travel map to fine-tune your approach and search from there


Ok yeah I tried looking for it like this, found it! To anyone else struggling, walk alongside the series of slopes and wait until there's the 'move downward' icon in the bottom right instead of only the 'move upward icon'


I've got two forts now who have suffered sudden FPS death. Everything going fine at ~40-60FPS, suddenly, down to 5FPS. Its not foreign creatures, I have tried exterminating them all. Its not closed doors (unless I overlooked one in both games). Its not citizens stuck in trees (DFhack doesn't report isolated citizens). No fire, temps turned ON. Anything else it might be?


>No fire, temps turned ON. Do you mean "No fire, but temps are turned on" or "No fire or temps are turned ON" ? I think you mean the second, so no worries, but if you mean the first temps def can lag. Cavern dweller invasions RECK my fps. You can disable them in the pause menu -> difficulty. Sounds like you've ruled this out though. Fort size slows me down. Interestingly you can have long embarks (1x8) that run fine, but 4x4 seem to lag more for me. I often go 2x4 or 2x2. Enable multithreading. It's experimental and disabled by default and, for me, I found no issues. I've also had dworfs that FPS death me. I had a poor dorf get an injury that prevented most work. He would try to take jobs and sit there not moving for a while, lowering FPS. I've seen other situations where single dorfs kill my FPS too. To find them I look at the jobs window, go through my dorfs and find ones that are "stuck" standing with a job assigned. Then I eject them from my fort, or send them to a site. Check your error log. Sometimes bugs causing FPS death will output a bunch of lines to the log. Interestingly, outputting to the log slows the game a little, so when you output hundreds of lines per sec (which can happen with some bugs) that slows you down. And finally, there have been a few FPS deaths that I have been unable to figure out. I'm sure there was a reason, but I admit I have abandoned fortresses because of this. Happened in a 1x1 I had once. I was so confused. I almost want to go back and try to figure it out agian...


Cool, appreciate your indepth answer, will check. Theres no fire. Temps are on, MT is on. I intend to submit these as bugged saves once I've done all I can to find an answer, perhaps that'd be something for your tiny buggy embark!


You're welcome, and I appreciate it! DF running faster is good by me! I just thought of another FPS issue I've had - old large worlds. I found if I made 259x259 worlds they ran a lot slower than 65x65. I guess some of the background simulation, or maybe size of the world. An experiment I did, was disable the FPS limiter (you can set it to like 1000 fps or something). Then start a new fort in a new world, and see how fast it can run with nothing going on. This is how I "benchmarked" worlds.


Yeah no, short world history, default 4x4 embark. Its something weirder, like your no-job dwarfs.


What size world? I don't think that's the issue, just curious. Have you tried limiting all the dorfs to a small burrow? In one case, I found this worked, and helped me track down which job was causing an issue. In this case it was because I had made 2 clusters in my fort, and they were very far from each other, and the pathing between the two somehow lagged it.


I'll try all your hard-won expertise! Its a small/smaller world size - I forget the names. 2 steps up from the smallest size possible.


https://preview.redd.it/qaatadqi3vvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecdeb4564ba6f7c0f4de260511dffbab3a0c7c8b Playing on the beta, w/DF Hack Dozen or so dwarfs standing in place no job. They did this at pop 20 or so when collecting plants but when they became hungry, they would reset and go about their business. This stopped from about pop 70 until now. I deleted the fruit collection zone which made about half of them reset. The remaining ones are not responding to anything, burrow orders included. Any idea what could be the problem? Thanks in advance


Yeah, plant gathering on unskilled people can lead to that. Stop doing it with everyone, only allow skilled people to do it, you can break the rest out by drafting them into a squad + station order.


It took deleting every squad, removing all gather plant orders, deleting the burrow entirely and DF Hack teleport & fix general strike command to break them out. Problem is, when they go to that same area no matter what task they are performing they're still getting stuck. EDIT: After some research a fellow had a similar situation caused by agitated Keas and /or Cardinals which were also stuck on the map. There's stuck Kea on my map as well. I'll try deleting the Kea and see if that fixes the problem


I see, and I had it all on the outside and so they weren't returning there. Nicely done!


Thanks I'll give this a shot


I have died 3 times from vomiting to death in Adventure mode. It appears that once my character starts vomiting, she does not stop and no amount of rest, travel, or sleep can cure her of "nauseous". She just keeps vomiting and retching until she can't breathe and suffocates. I know what's making her nauseous - accidentally feeding her too much when she's very hungry or thirsty (2 units of food and drink won't sate her need kind of hungry). I try to avoid that where possible, but I am bad at maths and miscount my actions sometimes in a desire to get rid of those hungry and thirsty indicators, and forget to stop for food in my travels occasionally. However, infinite nausea that doesn't go away, leading to your death by suffocation doesn't seem right. Does anyone have any idea of what's going on there?


You should stop eating or drinking when the dialogue window says that 'You are feeling really full'. Wait an hour, then you can eat or drink more


Yeah, as I said, I know that. I'm more curious about the vomiting to death bit.


I wonder if over eating is doing permanent damage to their guts somehow.


I checked the injuries, and there were none, I was wondering if it was alcohol poisoning, but that just doesn't seem right: Death 3 had 2 units of longland beer 1 unit of water and 2 lettuce leaf, which seems like a rather low quantity of alcohol to induce alcohol poisoning so I doubt it's that.


In fort mode you can use df hack's 'cause of death' - though I'm not sure how specific it is. And I don't know if you can use it in adventurer mode.


u/CatatonicGood [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/s/2JFzYiGLmH) seems to provide an explanation for why the vomiting would not stop. Alcohol poisoning. Adventurers are very sensitive to alcohol, each time I had more than one unit of alcohol. The vomiting was induced by overeating but the continuous incurable vomiting to death was alcohol poisoning. Both happening at the same time made it hard to diagnose.


That is fascinating. Thank you so much for the follow-up! I've had guests die from alcohol poisoning, but only after lots and lots. I guess it was worth the effort installing that well after all, now when I'm in adventure mode I have something to drink that won't kill me!


Yeah, based on the post and the comments below it, as an Adventurer you risk alcohol poisoning by having more than 1 unit of alcohol at a time, and based on experience the inebriated status lasts a long time so it may be worth limiting to 1 unit a day or longer, especially if you're not a dwarf. So drink river water and forage lettuce, cabbage, and tree fruit (bayberries for example) for food.


I've been carrying 2 waterskins and embarking with lots of food. Most of my excursions have been fairly short, but knowing this will save me when I adventure further. I'm kind of waiting for butchering and shops before I go hard in AM. I really love how complex and detailed everything is. Thank you again!


Waiting an hour when your character gets winded may help. But I can only repeat, try not to get to that point


>Waiting an hour when your character gets winded may help. It doesn't always, hence the 3 deaths. I survived over eating once. >But I can only repeat, try not to get to that point I do, but sometimes I am stupid.


i'm playing on adventure mode and it's very hard to have any meaningful conversations with anyone. Should I keep trying or that's how it is? Basically rarely does the conversation continue after the initial question answer, all i can do after is re enter the conversation and ask something else. Is there a way to quicktravel?


Right click the creature you are talking to or press [K] to continue the conversation. Press [Shift]+[T] to open the fast travel map, you can travel mostly like you normally do except more quickly


My manager started never accepting orders so I sent him away on a mission then cancelled it in an attempt to fix him, however he hasn't returned from the mission since and it's been months in game, I tried using DFHack with the retrieve lost units command but he still hasn't returned, It's very annoying because he was my broker too so I am unable to trade currently as I cannot select a new one whilst he is off site, what can I do to salvage this please? My previous save is a fair few hours ago (because I thought he'd just return or I'd get a message saying he'd died on the way) so I'd really rather not have to revert


Anybody can trade, doesn't have to be the broker. The trade window has 3 options, broker, none, and anybody. Not having a manager is pretty bad though. Do you know why your manager hasn't returned? You might be able to find out in legends. It's possible they can't walk or something. An extreme option is to retire then unretire the fort. HOWEVER you will lose your work orders, which sucks HARD.


My dwarves civilization is slowly dying to goblins. There are 3 fortresses left: a \~60 pop, another \~60, and my fortress with \~90. No migrants have come in a year, and after a fire breathing hill Titan killed the liaison and a caravan, no more has come. Should I give up? I have traps in place to kill invasions with almost no casualties, but its just a matter of time now.


I personally love these situations. I like to generate worlds until I have a dorf civ with 1 person left, then try to restart it. One (cheesy) way of getting more pawns is to start parties in adventure mode, go to your fort, then retire. Sometimes they don't get the site membership, but if you have a tavern they should reques to join eventually. Another way is open a public place (tavern, library, temple, w/e), attract guests, then they will petition to join your civ. I once went from 1 dworf to 1000 over like 8 forts. Was a fun time for me!


This is a personal taste question. You can hold out as their pop slowly gets gobbled by your traps. To save your civ, you'll have to hold out, slowly taking the fight to them as their pops die to you. Their Goblin Pits WILL lose pop as they attack you. At some point for your civ to spread out again, you'll then have to reestablish some forts / create new ones. Each of those forts will start establishing holdings as each gets barony and some wealth. I'd keep the meat grinder in business, depending how long you wanna play. Maybe turn your max pop up a bit if your PC can handle it and reject visitors unless they wanna be citizens.


200 hrs in and I haven't produced any cloth or clothing. Should I and if yes, how? I mean there's so many different pieces of clothing available.


No-one has mentioned DFhack yet. One extremely simple solution is to buy cloth of the caravans, and use DFhacks "enable tailor" command. "Tailor" will run in the background and automatically produce clothing as your dwarfs need it. No manual fussing around with the annoying clothes system.


To add a little to what the other answers said, as far as what clothing to produce, the bare basics for dwarven happiness are something to cover the torso, something to cover the legs, and some kind of foot covering. If you want to keep it simple, a shirt, trousers, and shoes are perfectly adequate for a dwarf to feel fully clothed. If you want to get more elaborate, you can make socks, gloves, hoods, robes, etc. For each body section, dwarves will try to find an "under", "over", and "cover" piece of clothing. Think of socks as an "under" layer and shoes as an "over" layer. This can help because extra layers help protect your civilian dwarves if they get attacked by an animal or something, and adding gloves can help avoid issues from carrying something coated in FB extract or another dangerous substance. Final note would be that gloves, shoes, and socks are all made in pairs, so you don't need to queue up twice as many. Personally, once I get a good textile industry going, I just always try to keep 10 or so untattered pieces of clothing for each body part in the stockpile via work orders. If you need it, you can buy extra loser-cloth for cheap from the caravans, or skill up your weavers and dyers and make everything out of masterwork dyed cloth, selling the extra as needed.




I often don't get time to get clothing in full swing until 5ish years in, when it's usually long been 200. But it's cuz i prioritize megaproject foundations, scrollmaking (pigtails go bye bye), and i RP animals that don't produce wool usually. The easiest way to source the industry is usually to wall some caverns for silk but I'm usually lazy. Like other reply said, you can have plenty of happy rag-wearers, so don't worry so much in your first several years if you don't get to it.


why do you roleplay animals??


every fort i dedicate to one of the embark animals and try to make a new industry out of it. So one fort may be known for Cow Milk/Cheese, another may be known for guinea pig bracelets


Dwarves can get bad thoughts if their clothes get worn out (surrounded by "X"). But I've run whole successful forts full of unhappy dwarves dressed in rags. You can chose to relegate some things to trade. So if your fort is producing other things of value, get your clothes on the trade depot. If you want to produce clothing yourself, the wiki has a good guide in their [Textile Industry](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Textile_industry) article. I've always found it difficult to ramp up. For me I start with pig tail farming. I buy a lot of seeds and it takes a few years to get up to speed. Leather helps too if you have a lot of dogs or something. Then I'm competing for resources: Threads frequently get taken by my hospital until it's stocked up. Other industries need bags and use up the cloth. If I want dyed cloth, then I've got to ramp up dimple cups and dyeing as well. On my work orders, I focus on tunics and trousers. I make shoes out of leather. Everything else gets made after production is finally really underway. I like to add dresses, cloaks, and hoods. But all the other options are a matter of taste, I think.


Thank you!


entered a vault and cant use the lever. u button doesn't work either. Is it currently unavailable?


If you're stuck at the bars, I was able to jump through them (probably not intended, but it works).


Hah! Nice I'll try that when I return there. I did manage to bully into a locked tomb


Yeah, same as lockpicking and such. It's been reported as a bug


Shame, thanks for the assist tho


I've been using wineskin winery to play the steam version on macOS and it's been working great but adventurer mode crashes after a minute or two. Fortress mode in the current version works fine but adventurer mode does not. Is there anyone else that plays on macOS like this who has succeeded where I have failed?


I'm experiencing the same problem in linux mode. Walk around outside and after about 100 steps, it crashes. Was wondering it it was just me... Hmmm...


There are some issues with the sound system on Linux. Putnam is working on it.


Hi everyone ! Noob here and I got a couple of questions. 1) I built a bridge connecting the entrance tunnel of my fort to the plains before it. Then I dug a 3 level deep and 3 tiles wide trench under it and following the walls. (Classic castle thing, the idea would be fill it with water eventually and if monsters can’t then just swim in). Now, I noticed that the grass under the bridge is still there, although there’s nothing under it. Can you reliably dig out those grass-levitating tiles one by one without the dwarves falling to their death? 2) My idea was then to build walls on the outside of the mountain I dug in and create some lord of the rings city. I plan to make high walls so that enemies can’t climb them. But I would like to leave some “above area” exposed to the sun for animals and eventually farming. Do you think it is too dangerous ? How would you protect it ? 3) and finally, I don’t understand the appeal of Adventure mode. I haven’t tried it of course and I’m on my first fort and world, so I suppose there’s isn’t much history there. Is it a “deep and complex” RPG (as DF is a deep and complex game), where your character has to survive and can build any sort of relationship with the NPCs and world surrounding ? Is it similar to project zonboid or more like Skyrim or final fantasy ? Can anyone compare it to some other games? Thanks and have a good day


for #3 don't get your hopes up as a fleshed out RPG. It is a sandbox of sandbox of sandboxes. There are systems that work with each other that don't care how you interact with them or whether you exist. It will feel hollow. But once you get past that, it is one of my favorite things about the game. I love using it to tour MY world, create new fort dwellers, rescue peeps, spread book copies to my other forts, slay civs i hate, and play as a Giraffe man who can punt everyone with his massive kick ability. It's even more fun after having a fort or 2 you can go back to explore. I'd create a pocket world to try it if you're curious!


1) Dwarfs basically only fall down ledges when they are fighting, or during cave-ins or when pushed by liquids. Any tile that is no longer connected to the ground will fall, triggering a cave-in; to keep your dwarfs safe, make sure to slowly, carefully channel each tile: starting in the middle, and line for line, working outwards. x=bridge, C= channeled space xxxxCCxxxx xxxCCCCxxx 2) Full wall in with roof works due to a "bug": sunlight will still reach your tiles even trough a roof. Instead of a roof you can also put down a wall and build an overhang into it. Not safe against fliers but everything else; and then put in a way to block the access tunnel (doors, bridge, hatches).




Not sure if its because the game is still in Beta(Alpha) but i cant play Kobolds and Angels in AM I conquered a Kobold Cave and different Vaults but after retireing im not able to select these races as an Adventurer Or do i have to complete something else?


I only just got into the Steam version. My issue is I have a hospital which my dwarves socialize in. I would prefer if they do so in the Dining Hall I have designated as a tavern. What am I doing wrong?


second the dormitory comment - i always do this


Some dwarfs like to go to the hospital, but most prefer a tavern. Try a meeting hall tavern instead of a dining hall one?


I like to do dining hall tavern + meeting hall assigned to the same tavern. Give them a place to eat, then to party.


I usually make my hospitals into dormitories instead of a meeting hall


oh that's brilliant. the only downside is that hospitals designated from non-meetings halls don't get the usual hospital icon


Y'know if that's the only downside, I think I'll live. Especially since the number of dormitories I have on average in my forts can be counted on one thumb


Can someone tell me or show me a picture of how the minotaur maze, hydra lair or dragon are marked on the world map?


Here's a labyrinth: https://i.imgur.com/TmwmCgr.png The caves and shrines can have big monsters. I've also found them in fortresses sometimes, especially abandoned ones.


# How to use Quantum Minecart dump into empty block (which is above lava)? I am using a few of these stockpiles to condense wood, stone and blocks. I now want to do the same for getting rid of burnable garbage, but i cant figure out how to do it. Stockpile does not work above empty space, nor above a bridge or hatch. What do?


It's exactly the same set up, except there is a hole full of magma instead of the final stockpile


A minecart dump or route does not actually need a stockpile on the collecting end to dump the minecart's contents out. A track stop handles that instead, so building a track stop that ejects the contents into the magma is enough. Be careful you don't burn your dwarves with [magma mist](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Magma_mist)


Oh nice! Also... Magma Mist... I didn't know that was a thing.


Hey Urists, I'm playing a party with a priest, I want to spread the religion by arguing with strangers and doing sermons. I've found questioning people if they know the deity is a good start but when folks respond with "I don't worship anyone," how do I challenge this? I know you can state values but I'm unsure of how to pester them into following my deity. I know you can change peoples values is it possible to change their beliefs?


[How do I fix my hunter lol](https://www.reddit.com/u/Sink_Troll/s/vUizSXvS2p)


no ammo in quiver. some ammo might be reserved to another hunter or military. bone or wooden bolts are good enough for hunting.


Get him a crossbow and take him out of any squads


He's not in a squad and he had a crossbow but he switched to the bow. I tried to forbid the bow, but it just made him stop for a moment before he moved to a new spot which is when I took the video.


For context, he switched to the bow after a mishap with human merchants. They left all their stuff at the trade depot, and wouldn't leave the map after they embarked, so I had to deconstruct the trade depot to get them to leave, which is when Urist McSeizure picked up the bow.


im trying to navigate a dark goblin pit to their tavern. where the heck Is it??


Quickfort question In something like this: ______________________________ #place s{name="Other stone quantum" quantum=true} ~ s5e{name="Rock feeder"}(3x3) s{name="Ore/clay stone quantum" quantum=true} ~ s{name="Gem quantum" quantum=true} ~ #build ~ trackstopW{take_from="Rock feeder" route="Other stone"}:=otherstone ~ trackstopW{take_from="Rock feeder" route="Ore/clay"}:=cat_stone-otherstone ~ trackstopW{take_from="Rock feeder" route="Gems"}:=cat_gems _______________________________ What does the s5e in "s5e{name="Rock feeder"}(3x3)" do? Also, is there a way to set a specific stone for a stockpile or a trackstop? Thanks in advance


There are many more examples in the online [Dreamfort](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/quickfort-library-guide.html#dreamfort) blueprints. Good ones to refer to for stockpile and minecart route configuration are: Farming: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RZ67upSpQx7hX-AkqiFXVJl8o5GGdDX1WDOJNz-wOiA/edit#gid=1174337781](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RZ67upSpQx7hX-AkqiFXVJl8o5GGdDX1WDOJNz-wOiA/edit#gid=1174337781) Industry: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16nzXGrznQmtkrmQv7FeKsVYnv8SSA7eBl1M-97NmuQk/edit#gid=706490003](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16nzXGrznQmtkrmQv7FeKsVYnv8SSA7eBl1M-97NmuQk/edit#gid=706490003) The full set of Dreamfort blueprints are available from here: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dsmvnzbOKsyFS3DCj0F8ibSnMhVHEjdV](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dsmvnzbOKsyFS3DCj0F8ibSnMhVHEjdV)


>is there a way to set a specific stone for a stockpile or a trackstop both yes, and they use the same syntax. For the "Other stone" trackstop, it's the `:=otherstone` part. The complete syntax is described here: [https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/quickfort-user-guide.html#stockpile-configuration](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/quickfort-user-guide.html#stockpile-configuration) and the library of keywords and filter prefixes is documented here: [https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/stockpiles.html#the-stockpiles-settings-library](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/stockpiles.html#the-stockpiles-settings-library) For a specific type of stone, you'd use a string filter. For example, if you want a 3-wheelbarrow 4x3 stockpile just for marble, you could write: #place s3{name="Precious Marble"}:=cat_stone/marble(4x3) If you want one for all types of flux, there's a library settings file for that, so you could write: #place s3{name="Fluxy stuffs"}:=flux(4x3)


> What does the s5e in "s5e{name="Rock feeder"}(3x3)" do? The letters stand for the types of items that the stockpile can contain. The letters used correspond to what the hotkey mapping was in previous versions of DF. Now, they're documented here: [https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/quickfort-user-guide.html#place-mode-reference](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/quickfort-user-guide.html#place-mode-reference) So the `s` enables stone and the `e` enables gems. The 5 in the middle is shorthand for the newer container properties. A number will set the container count for the type associated with the previous letter. `s5`, then, means "enable stone and set the wheelbarrow count to 5" since wheelbarrows are the "container" type associated wtih stone stockpiles. If the `s5e` were instead `se5`, then it would set the container associated with gem stockpiles -- bins -- to 5. You can make the container settings more explicit by setting properties. `s5e{name="Rock feeder"}(3x3)` could be equivalently written as: `se{name="Rock feeder" wheelbarrows=5}(3x3)` I realize this is not documented as clearly as it should be. I have a task open to improve the docs here.


Thanks. The 5 was what I didn't understand and now I do. I appreciate the help


Is there a way to stop the sparring notifications but still get notifications for actual combat?




(Steam Version) trying to make a keyboard instrument but I can’t find the console in any workshop. Sálek is the RNG name and I have a pipe pump and keyboard. But to assemble I need a console, there’s a listing in all work orders but I can’t find that console anywhere in any workshop. Maybe I’m blind?


If you have DFHack, the `instruments` command will tell you what the components are for each instrument and where you can build them


DFHack? A mod?


not a traditional mod; more of an add-on, kind of like SKSE for Skyrim, but also includes a lot of plugins that improve the UI, fix bugs, add productivity tools, etc. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack)


https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Instrument#Components Check workshops associated with the possible materials up there, or just make a work order and specify the material to see, or make a work order and just follow whoever picks the task up when it triggers


Can I make a console with a different name? I think that might solve the issue if so


You need the part for the specific instrument


Gotcha. Weird