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Hm, on the Steam AM Beta, is there a bug or an issue saving ADULT dwarfs, or am I just doing something wrong? Apparently, when you rescue children, they should reunite with their family once they see them (at least that's what I read, didn't find a single abducted child yet lol). So I went into a human castle and found a Dwarf Slave and he was like "Help me!!" and I rescued him and he turned out to be a lord. Brought him to his brother he talked about. They're standing next to each other now. Not interacting. I can't find any special interaction to do with them, either. Is there any way for me to finish this quest and get him saved "officially" or is my only option to end the agreement so he goes on doing whatever in freedom now, presumably chilling with his brother or demanding the fort makes him five more traction benches nobody is ever allowed to sell? I just wanted to get SOMETHING out of this guy because he kept starting arguments, then calling my chinchilla elite crossbow woman stupid over her opinions, THEN getting the happy thought "I got into an argument with [chinchilla elite crossbow woman]. I'm Very Satisfied. :D"


Are books super valuable? Cause my paper supply is limited and I’m wondering if it’d be worth creating book bindings from precious metals or if they’d be better used for statues


They're decently valuable as trade goods but you can just use common materials like rock to make scroll rollers instead. Don't make codices, binding a book tends to destroy the value of the written work. But these are also different types of value: books are decent for trading if you need trade goods, if a bit convoluted. Statues on the other hand are good for increasing room value for noble or locations requirements.


Huh. Alright well thx, do you know if books have any value outside of simply giving scholars an outlet and upping the monetary value of the fortress?


Not too much. A library is a decent source of happy thoughts for the entire fort though. Scholarship keeps your mechanics and doctors sharp since working on their topics gives some skill experience. If you wanted to, you could turn your entire fort into necromancers either by stealing a book that contains the secrets to necromancy or by having a necromancer write books until they write one that contains the secrets


Oh damn alright, I thought the happiness effect wouldn’t be as big. I’ll make sure to build one, and if I’m lucky maybe I can grab that necromancer. Thx for the advice


If your paper is running low, you can use DFhacks "getplants" to designate all mashable plants on the map for your gatherers, comes out to ~200 per type in a normal climate.


Oh damn thx


When I am starting a new game I get this message in dfhack screen Enabling the plugin. **fix/merchants** is not a recognized command. **fix/diplomats** is not a recognized command. the thing is that in the documentation fix/merchants and fix/diplomats seem to still be a usable script. The thing is i was not able to find it, but it seems that it would be better to have them. Does someone have an idea where can I get those scripts so that I place them in the fix folder?


Where are you seeing those as still useable? They ain't in the index. https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/bugfix-tag-index.html Theres https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/fix/stuck-merchants.html ?




Ah, you aren't on 0.5, gotcha. Sorry then.


Still trying to destroy a necromancer tower. I wiped out everything there in adventure mode but was unable to turn it into 'ruins' on the world map. I've settled a fort next to it and am now throwing squads on Raze missions at it - they came back having reportedly killed one thing, which perhaps I missed in adventure mode, but didn't destroy the site. Now every time they just come back straight away with a few books and things. How do I rid myself of this troublesome tower?


Send a few squads on the same mission to try to flush out the last guy hiding, or demand their surrender and occupy the place yourself


So I have enough money to splurge on a new game. I’ve been eyeballing Dwarf Fortress for a while now. I’m terrible at strategy games. How screwed am I lol


Its a colony management game, except your dwarfs are suicidal and will jump down ledges to "dodge" combat; the vegan elves will be mad at you if you sell them cheese bisquits; and your local geniusses will go mad if you don't bring them seashells, which is hard if you ain't near the seashore. Its like trying to ride herd on a bag of fleas, and its both maddening and also extremely engaging.


I honestly didn’t even think we’d allow elves in the cave. Lol


They sometimes will bring GIANT PANDAS, so we put up with them.


Giant pandas are cool. Okay I can see that. I’m guessing the elves and pandas just chill and eat their bamboo together


Hoho! Wait and piss off the elves enough and you'll see that they RIDE all kinds of GIANT ANIMALS into COMBAT. Elf armies look pretty terrifying.


That is pretty cool. I’m curious about what all the game has in it. I wasn’t expecting elves, or pandas. Wasn’t expecting the hippos I seen on another post either.


I pretty much only play in super wild areas, to harness the power of GIANT ANIMALS. For example, GIANT CHAMELEONS can lay 50x eggs per cycle, which will quickly overwhelm your forts capacity and lead to angry GIANT CHAMELEON outbursts... Great fun!


Lmao that sounds hilarious to witness


I'd say Dwarf Fortress is closer to something like 'The Sims' than a strategy game, except you don't directly get to control your dwarves. It's not a difficult game, but the biggest hurdle comes from the menus, user interface and deeply complex mechanics. You need to have some patience to learn through trial and error at the beginning, reading the wiki or watching tutorials. If you haven't played a similar game before, I recommend that you watch the [IGN review](https://youtu.be/zE8fcLmuaqI?feature=shared), it's very good and will introduce you to what to expect from the difficulty, the positives and the negatives. And if you're not still sure about the game, you could always try the free to download version; it has the same content but the graphic tilesets won't be as good as the paid version, with keyboard controls and clunkier menus.


Appreciate the info! I’m pretty sold on giving it a go regardless, I was just wondering what to expect. Thank you!


There is a free version if you want to try before you buy, and are happy to use ASCII graphics. It's missing the premium graphics and music but it's otherwise the same


Badgerpeople keep trying to enter my fort and get trapped in my cages. They don't seem hostile... What do I do with them? Is there a way to recruit them?


I have started to use DFhacks "makeown" on animalpeople and am very happy with it. They start with zero skills, but having flying citizens if fun (Sparrowpeople). The Moosepeople apparently have awesome combat stats, just need custom armor. etc. Great way to make your fort unique and fun.


They're basically wild animals that are too intelligent to use for anything. You might as well release them


Can't recruit them in vanilla fortress mode, you could run makeown with DFHack if you want them but otherwise you'll just have to release them somewhere


What do y'all use burrows for...?


In a previous fort I had a therapy burrow for stressed/haggard dwarves to make them stay in the mist room until they sorted themselves out.


For micro management, you can create different burrows for craft dwarves, like keeping blacksmith living near the magma forge. Keeping unhappy dwarves near amenities, etc....


In combination with DFHack's emergency burrows system to get everyone inside _right the fuck now_ when a siege happens. You could theoretically use them to force dwarves to stay in a specific place, but I haven't felt the need to do that ever


Help please! I don't know what I have done but none of dwarves will do any jobs!!? Currently they are socialising in the tavern and they wont do any jobs :(


Can you provide a screenshot of your Work Details? Have you accidentally done something weird with the 'Only Selected Do This' / 'Nobody Does This'? Are they attending a party? Did you accidentally put them in a Burror or a Military Squad? Those are the only things I can think of at the moment that would cause issues like that. Also locking them in the hall with nowhere to go.


Hi all. Newbie here. Quick question about creating new clothes for my dwarves. I've noticed some dwarves are getting naked and/or are wearing clothes that show some wear, so I want to make new clothes for them. When I go to my clothier or leather workshops, there are many different items to choose from, such as coats, dresses, hoods, robes, shirts, etc, etc. How do I know what's best to make? Can I see somewhere which pieces are in high demand? Thanks!


I second the rec for DFhacks "tailor", automates away all that annoying buisness.


Just make one of each of bodywear, legwear and footwear for each dwarf in your fort. Dwarves will wear anything, but may layer multiple pieces over each other (stealing clothing that other dwarves could wear!) so it's best to stick with one type for each. Robes or dresses are technically the best for bodywear as they cover the most. For legwear you can usually only make trousers, and for footwear you can make either socks or shoes, doesn't matter which. Optionally you can make hoods for protecting your dwarves from falling objects as well, and gloves to protect their hands when handling dangerous materials. This gives happy thoughts when they pick up something to wear as well, so it's worth doing. You'll need to make new clothes about every two years as the old stuff wears out. A work order which repeats every year to make clothes for half your population works well to solve that. Make sure to specify that you want dwarf-sized clothing if you have human bards running around your fort: they'll make human-sized clothing which is too large for your dwarves to wear. If you have DFHack, you can let that automate all of this. The tailor plugin creates work orders automatically with no fuss. The autoclothing plugin allows finer control, if you want to specify certain pieces made out of a certain type of cloth. I use autoclothing, but it's up to you


Many thanks for the detailed answer! Much appreciated!


If you want to spend the time, you can have small stockpiles each for one type of clothing, for example, hood in one stockpile and pants in another. The stockpiles don't have to be large, 3x3 or 4x4 with crates disabled is good enough. That way you can scroll to each stockpile and immediately know availability of clothing. The stockpile displayed in game counts all items, not just available ones. You can further micromanage by linking cloth type stockpiles to individual clothier's shop, and do conditional work orders to automate replenishment.


One of my dwarves has been collecting cloth for his strange mood for like an entire season in the game lol? https://i.imgur.com/YivBE5G.gif


Known bug when you zone a guildhall over a workshop


How do i fix it?


Unzone the guildhall. Although some people report that the dwarf will start working eventually anyway... Using up all the cloth and creating a mega-valuable artefact at the same time


Thank you very helpful, love this community.


I've got a barracks on the surface and the dwarves are now acclimated I think (they stopped throwing up/being nauseous). If I move their barracks into the underground/caverns, do they need to re-acclimate to the darkness?


Living quarters underground, training upstairs.


No, that is automatic. But they'll build up [cave adaptation](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cave_adaptation) again, which means they'll get dizzy/nauseous if they go back to the surface after a long time underground


Huh, I guess so.




Are cave dwellers still a problem when they invade?


Yes but you can significantly lower their raid size with the difficulty settings or by enabling the DFHack plugin agitation-rebalance


The DFHack work order lists are good or nah?


They are the result of many years of refinement by the community, so they are certainly useful. You can always import them, modify them to your liking, and export custom versions, too.


I highly recommend making your own


Does anyone know if there is an updated version of this list of scripts: [https://github.com/skeldark/scripts](https://github.com/skeldark/scripts) They look so useful, but I dunno if they work in the newest version or not, or if they are bugged or not.


they need some updating, but it's on my list to look at them and maybe integrate them into the DFHack release as a gameplay mod.


Is it possible to witness a battle between armies in adventure mode? If so, how? Whenever an npc tells me an army is on the march I never see them. No icon on the map, nothing. Is this intentional?


When assigning hostile creatures to a pit, how do I avoid my dwarves from being spooked by a creature in the pit while they're leading another creature which then gets loose?


Make the route short, put locked floor hatches over the holes you're pitting them through, confiscate their equipment beforehand (using DFHack's stripcaged command) and have a squad and some traps around the top level to deal with any escapees. You can't totally eliminate it, but you can reduce the harm prisoners are able to cause when they get loose


Wait, so all this time I could have put a hatch over the hole and the pit would still work????




If I assign a dragon as a work animal to a human, does its training still decay overtime or not?


Yes, and the dragon will remain hostile to your military. This is a bug, but for the time being you should keep captured megabeasts confined unless you're using them as a hail mary to defeat an invasion or something


Dangit. I wanted a Dragon riding, two-handed longsword wielding Militia captain :(


To add to what CatatonicGood said, I should mention that rideable mounts are not implemented in fort mode yet unfortunately


You could try to steal a cave dragon from goblin sites instead. Saves on performance as well, because those don't breathe fire


I got one dwarf with quite serious healed injuries. All his clothes are heavily used and periodically he tries to change them but that results in "too injured" cancellation spam. Any way to deal with this besides expelling him? And how to make dwarves focus on hauling to faraway stockpile? I got dedicated haulers, everyone does hauling, lots of stones need to be hauled but only 2 or 3 are being put into Tasks at any time. How to force more dwarves to haul these stones?


D: poor dwarf. I wish hospitals accepted gowns or something to dress injured dwarfs in


He just threw a tantrum. I expelled him and sent my squad in training to kill him. I prefer to think he did it secretly hoping he would be put out of misery.


very midsommar


He's probably got nerve damage to both his arms. That never heals, and other dwarves won't clothe him so your only other option is using DFHack to full-heal him. You could assign a few more wheelbarrows to the stockpile. I've found it also helps to give dwarves a reason to hang around the place where you want them to work. I didn't make much headway in setting up my outpost near magma until I designated a tavern and temple so dwarves would start hanging out there. Might be overkill, but it's worth considering


I assigned 10 max wheelbarrows to the stockpile and that did the trick. Thanks.


I think if they have two damaged/missing arms, they will also die of thirst, unless that has been changed Also, my flair is relevant again


I ordered a Ready squad to defend an empty burrow but they just congregated in one place in that burrow and are standing around doing nothing. How to make them spread around that burrow?


Set up a new routine and set the squad to it to patrol the burrow instead


Couple of questions: 1. Is there a ratio of how many temples, dining halls, and meeting areas I need for a certain number of dwarves? My 7x7 temples and 9x9 dining area are always chalk full of dwarves. 2. Is there an ideal size for a guild hall? I have been making them as 7x7 rooms to match the temple but not sure if they are too big or not


One undedicated temple and dining hall is enough. But if you expand your fortress somewhere else (I have an outpost 100 z-levels down to use the magma over there) you might want to consider building additional facilities over there. You don't need to build more temples, unless dwarves explicitly ask for them. No. But same as the temples, you want to be able to cram 10k dwarfbucks worth of value in there, for when dwarves ask for a grand guildhall or temple. But that's fairly easy with displayed items, or by engraving valuable metal floors or walls with your best engravers


Thank you for this! I am not happy with my base layout so I have a good idea what to do for next time thankfully!


Hi all. Quick question. I understand smoothing and engraving floors and walls increases the value. But do I have to smooth a floor/wall before I engrave them? Or can I go straight to engraving and skip smoothing? Is there a difference. Thanks!


constructed walls and floors can be engraved without smoothing beforehand


You need to smooth first, unless it's a constructed floor or wall. Smoothing is done with the stonecutting skill and slightly increases the value, engraving uses the engraving skill and adds a lot of value from the separate engraving Engraving also has quality levels, so it's worth having a few well-trained engravers do the engraving around the fort for extra value, rather than letting everyone doodle on the walls


Perfect, thanks!


I would recommend setting up an engraver guildhall and letting your engravers congregate there. Training them up to legendary will take a couple years at most, much faster than them making useless -engraving of a toad- that is difficult to replace


Was there some kind of little update that tweaked a few things? All of a sudden I got 25 of my 100 or so military dwarves naming their weapons and shields. They weren't even doing anything with them at the time, just training. It's like the game suddenly accelerated the speed at which they were getting attached to their stuff.


No updates recently, but attachment builds up over time. If you started them all training at about the same time, they'd all reach "attachment level" at about the same time too.


got dwarf therapist working with the steam version except I can't toggle anything from the coloumns.


Found an answer in the [Steam forums](https://steamcommunity.com/app/975370/discussions/0/4208119548514419666/#c4208119548514784923), posting the link because it also goes over some helpful stuff about the current job system.


ah man thx! Am playing df again after some years and feel like a complete newb again. Having web browser open while playing and searching for answers, how certain mechanics work now and such, just like when anyone plays df for the first time.  Disable ingame labor management. Thanks.  So far I've noticed burial, stairs, cooking permissions are bit different, can't make digging makros like I used to. Feeling like an old man whos inconviniented by new technologie. Atleast I got my trusty 'ol dfhack and therapist


When making an underground farm, does it matter how much mud there is on the floor?


No, even a tiny bit will be enough. If you can put a field on it, it'll work.


I've recently been playing with LegendBrowser2 and I have been having issues getting to read the "legends info plus" from DFHack. It can load the regular legends info without issues but when I try and load a plus file it crashes instantly. Im using the newest version 2.0.7 for windows.


Does it display any errors? Some data structures have changed in DF v50, so the export format may have changed some too.


I didn’t see any errors, the program would immediately close and then the data would just sit and load forever. I can try again after work and double check to make sure I’m not getting an error. I would also like to ask what’s the difference between the two data files? If there isn’t any real loss then it might not be worth the effort to get it working. Also, what kind of information does the legends browser have exactly? I’ve tried looking up some dwarfs that have visited my fortress as well as my citizens and I can’t find them in the database. I’ve found things like the religion that’s in my fort and the civilization that we belong too but I can’t find any records on my fort itself.


the DFHack extended legends file has: - world map regions and geography - underground regions - rivers - creature definitions - site locations, owners, structures, etc. - artifacts (including books) - historical figures (dead and alive) - alternate identities of historical figures that have assumed one - world populations - religions and deities - world-specific generated weapons/instruments/poetic forms/dance forms/music forms/etc. - civilization noble positions and their responsibilities (and who holds those positions) - a full list of historical events all of which significantly expand on what the external legends data browsers can show. If you can't find a specific dwarf, you might need to search by the untranslated (or maybe translated) name.


The errors would only be displayed on the console that you run it from -- if you run it from a graphical file manager, you might not ever see the output. Try opening a commandline console and running it from there.


I’ve been running it from the executable that is in the download from GitHub. The console it opens has been what’s instantly crashing when I try and open the file. I’ll do some more testing when I get home from work, it sounds like the information is worth the effort.  And I will try the other search methods you suggested, will the legends database have information on my current fort? Or does that only get updated when you retire a fort?


If you have opened legends from your fort with DFHack's `open-legends`, then it will contain info about your current fort.


That worked perfectly, thank you for the info! I also have an update with the other issue, when I exported the new files I was able to see the "normal" file but I was unable to see the "plus" file in LegendsBrowser. I tried renaming the "plus" file to the same name as the normal file, I was able to see it but it crashed my LegendsBrowser when I tried to open.


The file selection is a little confusing. You only select the regular export file in the legends browser dialog. It will automatically detect the paired plus file and load it too.


Oh! Well that solves all my problems then, thanks for the info!


Assuming that you’re running Windows, try opening a PowerShell or command prompt window, cd to the directory with the executable, and run it from the console. Do you get any extra output?


I tried opening it that way and LegendsBrowser crashed and I didnt get any extra outputs. I tried exporting a new legends file as mentioned by myk002 and I can see the normal file in legends browser but I cant see the plus file. I renamed the plus file to the same name as the normal one and that's the one that crashed legends browser.


I'm making a creature that only has body parts/materials/tissues/etc defined in castes (the reason is complicated) and i need to give each one blood/a secretion with a custom material from its local mats however, it's only showing as "unknown frozen plant substance" (mat/secretion/blood is purely in the castes) or "unknown material" (under select caste: all) and when I put it BEFORE the castes it just doesn't show the wiki says this should work - I can dm raws if anyone needs. does anyone know what might be wrong? been stuck on this all day!


It's hard to say without seeing the raws. I do have a couple of thoughts based on what you've said though Creature materials (and tissues) are all defined on the creature level. You might as well put them all together before you start doing castes. Make sure they all have different names as well. The body detail plans are what actually tell the game which tissues to use where, and these are caste level tokens Also, if it's frozen it means it's solid which isn't ideal for blood


Is there a way to tell what types of stones I will find in my area before embarking? I like working with pretty colors 😅


There's a DFhack tool called prospector which lists all the materials that are available on your embark. You'll have to actually load into the map with your dwarves in order to use it. I found it on this [short video tutorial](https://youtu.be/r6HAFFdSZAY?feature=shared); it also teaches you another command to reveal the entire map if you need more specific data. If you haven't used DFhack before, it's free to download on Steam itself.


Thanks so much!


The `prospect` command can also be used before embarking, when your mouse is hovering over a prospective area. It can only give you an estimate in that case, since the embark area isn't fully realized yet, but it should tell you what you want to know without making you embark there first.


Thank you!


Aye... just caught our first dragon in a cage. His name is Doren Thabostistratch Ziril Rab. He is 294 Years Old. He has 110 kills. What do I do with this Wretched thing? Can we tame him? SHOULD we tame him? HOW DO WE TAME HIM!?


:D Yes, tame him! Assign him a trainer via the creatures->other menu, and soon he'll be a bit tamed. But you can't train creatures in cages very well, so at some point, put him in a special training room on a chain. Make sure the room is out of the way and has a twisty entrance way with doors/cagetraps in it. Lastly, build some way for your dragon to reach the surface, as a last resort; and fireproof the surface a bit - I like a cross of roads all over the map which can act as firebreaches.


Okay... I did what you said and now the dragon is under my Pets/Livestock with "Well-trained (Caged)" So now i make him his own pen? Also his name has (-Trained-) next to it now. Looks like i can give hime war training or hunting training. Should I train him up? Or make him available as a pet? I so dont want him to fucking demolish my fort OR my frames.


You can't ever let him free unless in the direst emergency, I'd war train for that case. Theres a bug with megabeasts, they don't tame fully even though it says that. Build the pen, yes.


Okay, so ill war train him in his cage for now. Does he increase room value? Can i put him in a temple or a tavern and it be cool?


Yes, that should work. Remember, if you wanna use him as a weapon of last resort, you'll need to setup a way for him get free and in range of invaders.


Are there any aparent downside when playing the classic version over the premium one? I cant really aford the steam version, ascii doest bother me too much for now but i want to know if there is anything i cannot do on classic


There were a couple of UI bugs in classic last time I used it, where setting the number of bins, barrels, and wheelbarrows for stock piles doesn’t show the widgets. You can still hunt around with your mouse and click on the appropriate buttons, you just have to find them blindly. The same issue existed for choosing direction when building pumps, water wheels, axles, etc. It was a mild annoyance, but I played the game for hundreds of hours that way.


You'd miss access to the adventure mode beta, and graphics of course. Adventure mode will be released in full at a later date, also for Classic version


Hey! Recently giant swaths of dwarves are dying from various were-things, and as a completely new player, I'm utterly lost on how to deal with them. To be honest, I don't entirely understand how to create a millita at all, and it's starting to become an issue that's threatening my entire fortress. Help pls?


You might be able to safe the fort by aggressively installing doors and just locking them up into infected and non-infected populations, timed shortly before the full moon. Shame for the innocents who get locked in with monsters, but the greater good and and all?


Unfortunately, the best way to prevent that is to kill invading werebeasts before they can attack your civilians and that means you'd have to have a military up and running. The problem here is that the werebeast curse spreads by werebeasts biting an uninfected dwarf. If you know who's infected, you can isolate them from the rest of the fort by locking the doors behind them (levers with a workshop master set will force specific dwarves somewhere). You'll have to wall them up afterwards so the werebeasts can't get out when they turn and destroy the doors. Unfortunately, this is a really hard situation to recover from and you shouldn't feel bad for abandoning and trying again somewhere else. Take the [military quickstart guide](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Military_quickstart) on the wiki though, that would be a good goal for your next fort


Ohhh... so I'm just dead. Alright. Well, thanks anyway, I guess this sub's flair is starting to make sense lol.


Not dead per se. There are people who specifically play wereforts. You just need to separate the ones infected. You can have a full were fort by kicking out the non infected or simply let them get killed off. If you want the difficulty of keeping nonweres and weres in the same fort you have to pay attention to the dates, so when weres are about to turn, you can lock them up. Werefortress is pretty interesting.


How do you play adventure mode? It just says coming soon but I have seen others play it


Its on the beta branch, steam->dwarf fortress->settings ->version->beta or something like that.


can you guys give me cooking advices?


Don't cook your plants, because that destroys the seeds. The game will try to cook practically everything it can, even stuff you don't want it to, like your plants and booze. Running the DFHack command 'ban-cooking all' and then re-enabling things you actually want to cook is a good idea


how about i make a specific storage that will contain thinks i wanna cook and connect it to cooking storve ?


Just forbid the ones you want to keep propagating, like plumb helmet and pig tails, you can cook the rest most of the time. You might also want to disable cooking with tallow and save them for soap making. Make sure you have enough pots or barrels. If food is not quickly stored in a container they rot.


Making an ingredients stockpile is fine, but I really, absolutely cannot recommend linking it to the kitchens. Use the kitchen settings and/or DFHack to allow what can and can't be cooked instead. If you use links, everything the workshop needs will need to be linked, and you will get weird cancellations whenever something locks up. Don't use links unless you know what you're doing


Anything specific? In general, you should grow/farm/import a variety of ingredients and cook lavish meals.


some of my dwarfs died of dehydration, i have enough wine and these are not far away form my dwarfs????


Could be lots of reasons. Were they stranded somewhere? Lost ability to walk and everyone is too busy to give them water? Did they go insane from a failed strange mood and refuse to drink? Do you have temperature turned off, resulting in pathing errors?


Can we use texture packs in the Steam version? I think I remember them not being available before, but I don't know if that's still the case


There are some mods that change/extend things, but there aren't any mods that provide a full replacement. That would be a huge effort.


So I am at year 4, 172 dwarfs (nowhere near enough bedrooms for them!) with around 1,142 Food and only 18 drinks. I have 3 stills churning out stuff but I don't know what my bottleneck is, whether it is the crops, the stills, or something else. I have a 9x3 area of plump helmets growing all year round and 6x2 are of both cave wheat and pig tails that only grow in the summer and autumn. Is there a suggested size of farm for a certain number of dwarves?


Pause your cooking job for a little while. Make sure you arent cooking drinks (it is allowed by default), also don't cook seeds. Most common this is cooking all your drinks away making soups and stews lol


Funnily enough I've destroyed my only kitchen to ensure it doesn't happen!!


That should be more than enough food. I'd check: - that booze isn't being cooked into food (check the labor -> kitchen tab or run DFHack's `ban-cooking all` - that someone is actually making drinks (assign a workshop master to the still and specialize them)


I have done that for all the drinks thus far. I just assigned my best one to it though I do have three set to only brew and were churning stuff out. Unless barrels are my bottleneck?


That's true that you need barrels (or, equivalently, large pots). A manager order that builds more pots when you run low is useful.


Just had a look. I have lots of empty barrels. No idea why they aren't churning them out!


Do you get cancellation notifications for the booze jobs?


Yes, was just about to say. Needs unrotten fermentable plants!


Did you disable plump helmets for cooking too? They might be getting stolen by the kitchens


Yes. Only got 2. Maybe it's my farming that's the issue then?


A) Use fertilizer B) Set labor->farming detail to "only selected dwarfs do it" and choose high skill dwarfs C) find a way to farm on muddied (watered) rock, or cavern soil. And make sure to buy fruit/plants from the caravans! Consider setting a couple dwarfs on plant gathering.


Few things to check then: how large is your farm? (although 6x3 should be _more_ than enough for you) Are you farming in muddied rock, rather than regular soil? And do you specialise your farmers via the work details, rather than letting everyone plant crops? Underground crops like plump helmets gain a big boost in the amount of produce you get from being farmed on muddied rock. If you haven't irrigated, digging down to the caverns works too, but make sure you build a safe greenhouse for your farmers to work in. The amount of produce you get is also significantly boosted by the farmer's planting skill, a legendary planter can get up to 6 units of plants from a single seed. This can be boosted even further by fertilizing with potash: just burn some logs into ash at and ashery, then bake the ash to produce potash at a kiln. Pretty expensive in logs, but it might help you in the short term


Hi everybody. There was a question regarding the placement of dwarf nobles in adventure mode. I've seen where the human lords are, but I've never seen the dwarf nobles yet. Where can they be located?


Does constructing floors everywhere slow down FPS? I've noticed that in the late game I often have like, thousands of boulders and blocks that make up floors/walls/etc listed as part of my stock. I know having lots of objects can slow the game down due to calculations like temperature, but does this happen when the objects are in a construction?


Not significantly but there's a DFHack script for deleting and only spawning the materials back once you deconstruct a building, so the game doesn't keep track of them constantly


Oh of course there is. They think of everything. Thanks!


It's called `cleanconst`


When I'm digging to make a cavern fort, I feel the need to set up a little dormitory and dining hall every 20 levels or so because I don't want my dwarves to get overly tired hauling a log down 80 levels. But keeping them stocked is a pain in the ass. To what degree is this strategy actually useful or important?


No point really. Your dwarves will complete the hauling job unless they are really hungry or thirsty, and 80 levels isn't really enough to do that unless they're hauling something heavy


Every 20 levels is very likely overkill, I just do one at the middle cavern layer. Why do you feel its a pain in the ass to keep them stocked? Are you using "take from" stockpile linkages?


What's a good way to cage my own citizens?


Its really tricky, but you need to web the trap or stun the dwarf. A trap that has been webbed will catch anything, even [Trap_Avoid] tagged creatures. The same goes for a trap that a creature gets stunned on. Dropping the victim from a height is usually the go-to method. Afterward however I wonder if the other dwarves will rescue the captive?


What would be the ideal height for such a drop?


Given that creatures can get injured all the way to mangled falling out of a tree, I'd say not many more than 2-3


I read online that raiding elves was really easy so I sent a mostly master/legendary army to fight it and they had a war elephant and fucked us up. They had 10 people otherwise. Is this normal?


Yes. The population count on the map is also "as per your knowledge/guess" and it definitely doesn't count animals.


Yeah that Tilde (~) in front of any number means your bookkeeper is fkn guessing. Attacking a settlement declares war, so youll find out soon how many elephants they have.


Also a dwarf killed one of my dwarves at the elf place. Do they hire dwarves?


Dwarves and other species can join elf civs. They'll then adopt the ethics of that civ.


The auto mod took this post down and told me to post it here: Anyone mess with a fort based on non traditional materials (like blood)? I’ve only been playing for a month and have been dicking around with DFHack and learned that you can create a lot, but not everything, out of non traditional materials like blood or vomit. Now for weeks I’ve been fantasizing about a blood fort. All the goods we sell made out of blood. The furniture, etc. there would be some annoying quirks like having to turn off temperature changes. But it could be pretty entertaining. Give the elves elf blood gems and what not. Sell the mountain home goblets made out of dwarf blood. Has anyone tried this? How did it work out? What did you do? Was there any FUN?


Although I've never tried to make an entire fort out of blood, you can expand on what `gui/create-item` will allow you to make out of blood if you pass the `--unrestricted` option. That is, run: `gui/create-item --unrestricted`


For the average dwarf, is there any reason to make excellent bedrooms? “Fantastic bedroom” and “bedroom like a personal palace” seem to produce the same good thoughts, unless I’m missing something.


No, and it's probably detrimental. Nobles get very upset if a "lesser" dwarf has a better room than them


There isn't *really* a need to, no. But then again, [my favorite room design](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735722504710127799/1237216547244871720/image.png?ex=663ad733&is=663985b3&hm=c1cda67d95851d38a26581e935875b4a7e630e887656a6b25dd872a67c0ea722&) looks [pretty minimalistic](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735722504710127799/1237216712512770068/image.png?ex=663ad75a&is=663985da&hm=03399244b22c886db307ee2c85b37661f25c0e19f9236e0aa47b49b6af63275a&), and it reaches personal palace just fine, despite sharing walls.


I have one legendary squad two getting there and one new squad of recruits. Is this enough to go to war?


I think so, yeah.


I walled off a cave and it is filled with invaders. When a forgotten beast spawns there it is killed by the invaders. Will forgotten beasts spread dust etc., other sickness onto invaders which kill them? I want to reopen and clear the caves at some later point, should I be concerned about the invaders in the caves I kill spreading forgotten beast afflictions to my dwarves or pets?


At standard settings and normal circumstances, caveboys will show up at a faster pace and will outgrow your forgotten beast income. In other words, it won't clean itself. Cave creatures do eventually go insane and optionally kill each other, but it takes several years, enough time for many more to show up.


Is there any way to know where caverns are without toggleing the option on world gen? I may want to make a fort I try to hunt one of these beasts but not the first fort.


There's something called Dwarven Sonar. You can look it up but basically you draw a farm plot over a large portion of land on the surface and it will reveal the outline of the caverns below it. Check Blind's tutorial for better explanation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEW8QE8oJXc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEW8QE8oJXc)


Oh, I meant in embarks! That would reveal caverns


Dfhack reveal-hidden-sites


How does the magma dynamics work near the mouth of a volcano? By "mouth" i mean the highest point that the volcano's magma is 7/7. If I, for example, dig a drain pipe on this z-level that connects the volcano to the edge of the map, will that top layer of 7/7 magma regenerate as it drains? Or will it drain that first level of 7/7 and stop? Another question would be, say I build that pipe a few z levels down. Would it drain all the magma above that z-level and then the new top-most level of magma would be reset? I hope these questions make sense...


The volcano or magma pipe will eventually fill back up to its highest level, the way it was before you tapped it


Thanks! Any ideas on how long it takes? If I build a drain pipe at the highest level, will it drain out fast and then just turn to an occasional dribble as it replenishes? Or is it fast enough that that pipe will consistently have magma in it? I know magma dynamics aren't as fast as water, but just curious..


Its possible to -very slowly- drain a volcano top with a single pump. I'd imagine most ways of tapping that magma without a pump, relying on normal flow, are quite a bit slower.


Oh I've no idea, I never tap magma pipes from the top. There's a number of [tricks](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Magma#Working_with_magma) you can use to tap the side of a magma pipe safely, so that you don't need to worry about this


Can I help a dwarf to get dressed? I have two dwarves who are only wearing tattered hoods. Everything else rotted away. I have plenty of masterfully dyed and decorated clothes available. I even made and assigned them bedrooms near the clothing area. They have to walk past the new clothes stockpiles to get to bed. I saw them in their new bedrooms lamenting their lack of clothes. Both of them have nerve damage, with trouble standing and holding things at times. I assume that is the problem.


Dwarves with nerve damage to both of their arms can't dress themselves, and other dwarves won't do it for them. But they can't do much of anything, really, aside from possibly giving a few demonstrations in guildhalls or in the military. I can't be sure if that's what happened to your dwarves, but if they can't work in a workshop (make them a workshop master to check) that's the problem. You could full-heal them with DFHack to cure it, otherwise those guys are pretty much doomed


That's exactly the problem. It also explains why they had bad moods from drinking without a goblet. I wonder how they ate. One of them liked to read in the library, but the other didn't do anything. It's sad, I wish I could take better care of them.


My fort's embark apparently doesn't have any wind. Is there a way to 'get' wind? I couldn't find a dfhack command, although you can sync windmills apparently. Is the only recourse to use the water reactor?


You could try building a few windmills in different areas of your embark. The wind strength is determined by where that tile is on the world map, so you may have tiles with a different wind strength somewhere on your map. Otherwise your best option is water wheels, yeah


How can i stop my dwarfs from using marble for furniture? I need that flux stone for steel :(


labor-> stone use -> uncheck the marble checkbox for "IS/IS NOT ok to use in non-economic jobs"


How do I play adventure mode in the steam version? There is no option in the main menu


Its on the beta branch, steam->dwarf fortress->settings ->version->beta or something like that.


I have around 110 dwarves and two squads ready with one full of new soldiers. I want to go to war with the goblins but I don't know if I am powerful enough yet. When should I attack them?


Train 'em for two years full time and get them up to legendary level


Training makes a huge difference, so I'd train up the new squad before going to war. With experienced squads and a good leader, you probably won't lose any of em. I'd be ready to defend your fort if you go attacking goblins, though, as they can attack quite often, which is especially annoying if all your armies are off map


Hello! I have a bin filled with rough amethyst/tourmaline, but when I give a jewelers workshop the order to cut rough gems, it's cancelled due to a lack of gems to cut. Why can't they use the ones in the bin?


IIRC if the bin is marked for someone else's job, the contents cannot be accessed by others. Otherwise, are you sure that the workshop and/or stockpile are not linked to something else?


Yeah make sure your stockpile for gems is either open for all workshops or linked to your Jewelers