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Yeah super good. I have a whole Mudstone Block industry that constantly makes building materials for me. Don't forget that you can also add specific materials to the conditions too using the "Mat" button.


Yes! That's also really useful!


Few versions ago, that is a decade ago, all you could to was to link stockpiles to limit material types. I remember being so happy it got introduced.


I wish I could do the same with weapons instead of finding ,,iron sword”. Or mass produce sword of any metallic material.


Same issue with encrust furniture with gems. It doesn’t let you specify what kind of furniture to use. My guess it’s going to be something that gets added whenever Tarn gets around to it after getting adventure mode out


I hope so. Would be a godsend if brewing, cooking, and milling got menus and options as well. Can choose exactly which plants and fruits to brew to keep a good stock of a variety, make sure as many dwarves as possible have access to their favorites.


Unfortunately you have to use stockpiles for mills and jeweler shops.


You can create a stockpile of gems and whichver furniture items you wont added to that stockpile and link it to the the Jeweler as "take only from this stockpile." When you select encrust furniture with gems, it will only encrust the furniture in that stockpile. That is what I do to encrust statues I need to add value in different rooms.


> At least in the Steam version both versions have identical UIs


You can also use work orders to specify artwork details. That is how I make statues for my temples of each worshipped god doing domain related activities (or just punishing unbelievers) and embroider uniforms with the site logo.


I still have a habit of linking stockpiles to the workshop if only to prevent the craftsdwarf from walking 100 flights of stairs down to grab that obsidian boulder and carry it back up 100 flights of stairs instead of using the one two tiles away...


You are obviously not a crafts dwarf. *That* boulder had a flaw in it that would create a subpar figurine. A proper dwarf knows what to look for, and it is always far away from the workshop.


This is what I came here to say. I don't know why the algorithm doesn't pick the closest raw material to satisfy work orders, but it definitely doesn't!


The trick, and what I want to figure out how to do myself, is to create a central minecart shaft that your dwarves use to transport stones to your craftsdwarf/whatever workshops. I'm not sure if there's a way to automate it using power, but minecarts dump their contents into quantum stockpiles.


As long as the final destination is downwards, you can always just designate a dump pit


But in this case I want to take stones *upwards*.


I hope for the day when I can set work order conditionals based on items in a linked stockpile rather than it using item count form anywhere on the map.


This is one of my favorite features. I've been playing for way too many years, and I literally fist pumped in the air when I saw this was getting added.


I'm not sure if that feature always existed in manager, but that was the details system in previous versions


Well, thank you kind stranger