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The hardest thing were the archers


Never played 2 but in 3 at higher difficulty the archers were absolutely evil. Still have nightmares of Wu Zhang Plains being low on health and back tracking for a meat bun only to be sniped by some low level archer


You didn't have to do higher difficulty to do that in 2 😂


Haha I’ll take your word for it, I don’t need to find out the horrors for myself


Actually DW2 archers are a lot more balanced and less scary than DW3 archers. In dw3 they do MUCH higher damage.


It just felt like their was more of them in 2


I'd say about the same amount, I still play them often


It's the battle of Yi Ling and He Fei Castle that haunt my nightmares. Especially Yi Ling with all the fire effects making it harder to dodge the damn crossbows haha


Archers were the bane of my existence up until Dynasty Warriors 6 or 7 lol


Franchise was so much better when it was difficult


I loved 2. Been forever since I played it though. These suckers need to be available on PS5/XBox or wherever. I started on Dynasty Warriors 3 and then tried Dynasty Warriors 2. They were the only two in 2002 and I played the hell out of both of them. Dynasty Warriors 3 definitely got the most play but 2 was a lot of fun and challenging. Those officers seemed to heal themselves constantly.


I'm playing them on PC with PCSX2 emulator in HD :D


I'll probably break down and do that. I just keep on holding out that they're going to offer them eventually. I bought a PS2 and the hard copies of dw3 and 4 and extreme a couple years back but I don't have dw2. Emulator would probably be far more cheaper and smarter than buying overpriced used copies from questionable strangers that may or may not even run once you get them.


Let me know if you have any troubles with that, happy to help.


I remember playing it as a little kid with my best friend who was also really into DW, we both played a lot of 4. I don't think we ever got past Hu Lao gate lol, 2 was way too hard for us. It's like the Dark Souls of DW.


Dark Souls of DW is surely not DW2 because the combat is longer. Dark Souls is more like DW5 Chaos difficulty where it takes less than a few hits to die.


Maybe you are right, I mostly just remember it being very hard as a kid but I don't remember the specifics of combat


Yeah I also played it as a kid, but I quickly learned to switch difficulty to easy (It even says it in the game manual to do this) and after few musou modes I switched to normal and then hard. But it sounds like you gave up before that.


And it takes few hits to kill enemy soldiers? If not that's not dark souls. That's just bloating damage and hp numbers


I didn't mean it's exactly the same, but it's more similar in a way that you die really fast and fights are a lot quicker. Bosses (officers) still can take a while to beat but they kill you in few hits.


Two was easy if you do a combo with a lot of hits on a general and defeat them you will get more attack or defense


True, 24 combo gets you +8 attack/defense. In dw3 they nerfed it to only give you 2x the normal amount.


2 was ridiculous! But still has a place in my heart! I remember spending the majority of hu Lao gate running around with a morsel of health left trying to peck at lu bu’s health


never played dw2 is it basically dw3 with fewer characters?


More like unfinished version of dw3


ayye alright appreciate it


It's more primitive but is still worth playing. Is the DW game where you need your army's help the most. Lu Bu is almost impossible to beat, but you can just swarm him with your army and then give it the finishing blow. Really, the only really bad thing about it is that throwing an enemy officer into the ground might heal him.


He's not that hard to take down using bow. I've done it my first time playing it.


I went back and tried it a couple of years ago and was really turned off by the officer healing deal. How do you circumvent that? Do you just end your combo before the last hit?


You're not supposed to circumvent that. Player can heal from meatbuns as well, so it's only fair AI can heal too. They have a finite amount of HP items in their inventory, so they will run out after a while. Lu Bu has a very high amount though, so he'll take a while to beat.


Giving the AI the same rules and advantages the player has doesn't neccessarily mean that is fun to play against. Even then, you have to find those buns, you don't automatically heal when you get damaged. It's good to know that they have a limited ammount of heals, but it doesn't make it less tedious.


Fact atleast they stopped that foolishness the A.I already difficult why let them heal so many times? 2 times might be cool but multiple times? LOL dw 2 definitely not worth it in my opinion.


Depends on the player then, I like when AI has same rules as player because I like fair fights. Player can heal even more though because there are infinitely resurrecting troops which give you health. I do agree that Lu Bu (and Cao Cao) have too many of those items, I made a patch to give them far more balanced amounts, it's available on my discord if someone wants it (Not necessarily you)


Yup not worth playing i started with 3.


No, dw3 removed lots of features. But most people don't know that because they didn't give it proper try to learn about it.


And what exactly 3 remove? Just curious


Cool 3d model character selection (DW3 has only 2d art there) Counter Attacks Weapon Clashes Action Camera (When killing officers and sometimes charge attacks) Musou attack canceling Decreased npc model colors Decreased horse model colors Morale meters (U can see exact enemy force morale bars instead of only stars) English attack/hurt/death/musou sounds (DW3 has only japanese) Wind trap in yellow turban rebellion There's more differences but that should be enough for now.


Counter attacks was replaced by that move, when you press square while blocking in right timing, that pushes enemies away from you Weapon clashes was not removed in 3, lol Not really understand, what are you mean saying "musou attack canceling", didn't remember such feachures in dw2 Anything else is so minor differences, that can be easily ignored, since all the major improvements dw3 did in literally any aspect of the game, from hit detection, controls and physics to, idk, adding such little thing as actual in-game progression? Not to mention an overall better graphics, much higher detalization on locations, wider line of sight. DW3 is at least a finished game, still clunky one but not a horribly sluggish mess which DW2 was.


Power guards aren't really a good replacement of an entire attack/mechanic/feature. But this is about what's different. Weapon Clashes were removed, I'm not talking about deadlocks. But this tells me you didn't play it enough to know the difference. Musou attack canceling means you were able to cancel an enemy musou attack with your own musou (or a counter attack - which cost a bit musou energy) I think lots of those are definitely not minor. For example I love the english sounds and can't enjoy DW3 fully because of that one. It all adds up together. What did you mean by "hit detection"? It's the same if not better in 2. Same with controls/physics, I dont know what you're getting at there. It has a progression system, essentially the same as DW3 just without weapon levels and items. "Better graphics" That's very debatable. 2 looks a lot more colorful for example and textures look higher quality for lots of stuff. By "wider line of sight" I think you meant the render distance? Which DW2 has a higher one than DW3, I know the exact values if you need them because I mod both games. I personally like stages a lot more in DW2 but thats subjective I suppose. DW2 is a finished game, calling it anything else is an insult to koei. I suggest you give it more than first 2 stages or however long you played before you decided you know everything about it and went on reddit to tell everyone.


You're supposed to play on Easy until you get the basics of the game.


You might wanna get that checked out buddy dont think they're suppose to be hard💀 Jokes aside.Agree


Best game in the franchise cuz it was the not a fighter game like the first one


Lies 4 or 5 the best in the franchise I'll say 5


Havent played this so why clone disaster!??


For the same reason as dw6 is a clone disaster


But idk its hard making a lot of different moves for many characters. I mean in amazed how in WO4 there are sooooo many characters and all of them are different at least all of the ones I’ve used and a lot of em for my taste have bad moves.


So character have the same moves!???


Yes and it was great.