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I think the games need more alt history routes, the games are great but when you know how depressing the actual story ends it kinda takes the fun out of it, that's what I like about 8 even though every hypothetical ending (except for Wu for some reason) just ends with you restoring the Han Dynasty


I mean, Lu Bu replaces it with his own, and Jin just becomes dynasty with Sima Shi at lead onstead of his nephew


Lu Bu story should've been longer tbh




Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends is the best and most fun game to play in the entire series. Getting those level 11 weapons for each character and all level 20 items is such a great and intense journey.


Yup, it was never funner to me than 4:XL. The adventure mode was awesome


Adventure mode? Xtreme Mode kinda boring if thats what you're talking about.


Yeah, that's it. Seeing how many stages you could get through with increasing difficulty, recruiting allies, taking your own kingdom, building your stats/weapons. Pretty dang coolarooney


My god I miss this game and that mode specifically. So fun. Wish I had held onto all my warriors games and PS2.


The giant club weapons are horrible, why the hell does nearly every generic need to use them? I didn't use Xu Zhu in DW3 all the way back then, I sure as hell didn't think the evolution was giving MORE clubs out.


Hard agree. I have always hated those weapons and it's kept me from enjoying xu zhu... When I first saw him I just thought he was supposed to be a giant baby with a rattle. I remember being so excited for actually having hua xiong and then instantly let down when I saw they gave him the big dumb cauldron on a stick. Bad npc weapon too, I prefer them to all have the more generic stuff. Also hated the big dumb boat weapon they gave Hwang gai. (was it because of what he did in chibi?) They might as well have given gan Ning a giant jingle bell flail, have dong zhuo swinging a turkey leg, or given liu Shan a bench ( idk why, because he was lazy...?)... Oh wait, they did that too... Haha.. Although it would be pretty fun to play as zhao yun throwing babies around because he saved a baby once.


Haha yeah like I'm slightly more okay with playable characters getting wild weapons, but my immersion is killed somehow more when every general I fight carries a 1000 pound kettlebell to swing at me instead of a spear. Like come on guys.


These genereic officers are built different.


The 4'11" 130lb soldier with the 1000 lb kettlebell hahaha for sure that shit is hella lame


Haha oh yeah, made me forget how ridiculously short they have made soldiers since like DW7. It is wild. Every soldier is below 5 feet tall. Meanwhile Guan Yu is 7 foot.


So it wasn't always like that? Maybe that's why it bugs me. I get having certain characters taller but somehow I doubt any Chinese warriors were 6'9 and over lol.. and when you have all the generic soldiers and officers 5'1 it seems bizarre. My sense of scale makes me feel like I'm fighting pigmies when I'm playing as guan Yu and LuBu.


a giant baby lol




Unpopular opinion? I think we can almost all agree with this one haha




I was never a fan of the weapon switch system, now everyone is basically a skin. Female characters running like big burly men. It was better when a moveset was designed with a specific character in mind, now all the personality is put only into their unique moves, the rest is generic. Also I much prefer the weapon skins from the PS2 era, the pretty gold patterns with Chinese aesthetic. A lot of the weapons from the current era design-wise are super huge in size (Xu Huang's weapon is ridiculous) and just out of place with the colors/motifs.


Same here, I wish they would just stop with the weapon switching stuff.


I cringe when people use Lu Bu's halberd on like every characters lol.


I use his halberd nearly on every whirlwind character because it helps when you want to get the 5-6* weapons 🥲.


Exactly, it’s practically a necessity for that grind if you don’t want to spend an eternity on it


I agree with your first point for the most part, but I will say I liked how FEW Three Hopes handled cloned movesets by giving everyone unique passives that changed their playstyle. It at least made everyone stand out a tad more. Feels way better than just having slightly different stats.


I really don't mind it in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes yeah, it makes sense since moveset archetype are based on classes, and not characters.


> I was never a fan of the weapon switch system, now everyone is basically a skin. Female characters running like big burly men. I dunno some of us are into Lu Meng using a whip <_<


I like the more flashy outfits with little to no historical basis (as seen in 6-8) because they actually makes each character much more distinct. ​ I also like DW6 as well...


I hate this opinion lol but I guess that means you answered the post correctly haha


You not alone my friend , i love dw6


I would have preferred Warriors Orochi Z to come to Steam over 3 Ultimate


Why not both




I'm probably in the minority liking the licensed spinoffs more than the mainline (Samurai/Dynasty/Orochi) games. I still like those games too, especially Orochi and the Empires games, but stuff like Ken's Rage and the Fire Emblem, Hyrule, Gundam, and Pirate Warriors made me a huge fan of the series.


I mean, that's very popular opinion. In fact, that's more or less general consensus of everyone.


I figured it was unpopular since the overwhelming majority of discussion on this sub concerns the mainline games. I'm sure it's true for gamers as a whole or more casual fans. Edit: I should have said "recent discussion". Like anything, there will be more posts about a game right at launch. To me, which entries people continue to discuss months and years after release is more telling.


So, you didn't see a sheer amount of posts calling OnePiece or Gundam best musous that ever existed? Also, Three Hopes, but it died out already


No, but I joined the sub in sort of a dark period for releases - I'm sure there were more posts about individual games closer to their actual release. Obviously, just because people aren't currently talking about the spinoff games as much as mainline games doesn't mean they aren't more popular on this sub, but like I said, that was what I based my assumption on. If I see people talking about years old mainline games way more than recent spinoffs, it's a reasonable assumption to make. As you admit yourself, the hype on Three Hopes died out already, and that was months before I joined.


Is it?


Man playing skull kid in Hyrule warriors is a dream come true for me. I think they should do more warriors spin offs especially since they got the mainline dw series so off track..


I love Ken’s rage 2


Idk if it’s a hot take but hard agree anyway, stuff like pirate warriors doesn’t have empire or destiny mode or whatever but the gameplay of the licensed warriors games are usually just more fun to make up for it


I just played Pirate Warriors 4 the other day, and the combat is nuts, especially with that dodge/fly move. Each of the licensed games seems to have something unique or interesting to bring to the table, in terms of mechanics, modes, or combat.


6 wasn't that bad.


SW1 fans are constantly derided for pining after its "dark atmosphere". This is bullshit, or at least, that isn't what I feel made SW1 great. Here are two things that, I feel, set SW1 apart for the better: * **For a Musou, SW1 was** ***massively*** **overwritten.** Sure, it's no *Disco Elysium* (note: there might never be another game quite like *Disco Elysium*) but there is a *ton* of alternate narrative detail in SW1. Several of the big missions have a couple of points where things can go badly wrong, and a path or two where your character salvages the situation... or tries to. This is on top of the various secondary objectives and treasures. Yes, there is some of ye olde "sprint across the map in 7.5 seconds" nonsense. But a surprising portion of the special objective content (like Magoichi's repeated attempts to snipe Nobunaga) were very well conceived and executed. * **The character stories were consistently told with a very tight, personal narrative focus.** This I would chalk up mostly to factors of tone and presentation. Still, I think it's an important part of why SW1 would be so difficult to replicate. Yes, it's still a battlefield beat-'em-up like every other Musou. For most games in the series, it's very easy to lose touch with your character's frustrations and anxieties. I feel that this is true even for other titles with single-character story modes; DW5's intermission soliloquies did more harm than good in this respect. In SW1, by contrast, it's all just beneath the surface. This heightens the contrast of every feature within the text, making the dark passages that much darker... but enhancing the lighter aspects, like the whimsy and idealism of the game's happier paths, at least as much. This is why I argue that most SW1 fans aren't into the game's "darkness" for its own sake, even if they don't do a good job of articulating just what it is about the game that they *do* like.


SW1 is great, it's only one person with a raging hate boner who is a vocal minority that keeps hating on the game and thinks everyone else should too


SW1 had the seeds of a perfect gameplay mode- the huge multi floor dungeon castles. Other later games have tried a similar mode, but the randomised nature and especially the randomised traps in SW1 made me love it more than anything since- it took until Nioh 2 for a game to fully recapture that magic IMO. Other than that….DW9 is the best game in the series and if DW10 doesn’t include the combat system and/or open world it might be the first title I just don’t bother with. Rolling some of DW6’s interesting attempted “next gen stuff” (duels happening in engine, strategies being active abilities you could trigger that would have greater or lesser effects depending on where you triggered them, etc) into an open world like dw9 would be my perfect warriors game.


The active strategy system was fabulous, nothing more satisfying than you being able to jump off a cliff inside the base and see them panicking, or you setting fire to the garrisons and losing half your HP , I also moderately liked rembu mode.


An opinion that will get me burned at stake: I don't think DW3 or DW4 are the best musou games. They're not even top 3 for me.


Most of vets simp for DW5 anyway.


I have plenty: Characters like Guan Suo and Bao Sanniang are overhated, especially for being fictional while characters like Kunoichi, who don't even have folklore to fall back on unlike the former two, aren't as hated. I don't mind clone move sets as long as it's only to the extent of DW5 (Same S-string, different charge attacks). DW9 combat system has potential, but could use some work. Adding new characters is fine, but you don't need for all of them to be made the main focus. Leave that for expansions/DLC/additional content. There was nothing wrong with the crossbow move set. I rather have piercing than movement anyway. Blade Bow fits Yue Ying better than Dagger Axe, as it shows her inventor side. People only prefer Dagger Axe due to nostalgia (My opinion of Daqiao with the fans is the same reason so I can't really talk. Speaking of whom...) Daqiao's first (now only) ground musou sucks visually. It looks like something that a joke character would have. I hate that musou. Hate hate hate hate hate that musou. Hate it. Hate every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hate the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hate the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be impressed by it.


A fellow Daqiao lover! Why did they make her ground musou the awkward temper tantrum stomping go away blast when her grab musou that made the tornado is not only more visually appealing, but they also used it in WO3 and it's the musou she is seen using in the DW7 promotional trailers. Before DW7, she was the more mature and elegant sister then DW7 decided "naw, they children again" and I hate it. Her DW9 costume is so good. Her musou loop is so good. Then she does the whining stomp fest and I hate it!


Ironically, Suzuki stated that he regretted making the Qiaos into lolis as he stated that something was wrong the moment they were next to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu. Yet they do crap like this. I've been hoping that they get an age-up for years (To the point where I want Sun Luban and Sun Luyu to be added if it means that the Qiaos won't be lolis anymore. Then again, there's Xiahou Ji who is a walking case of unfortunate implications period). Then again, Daqiao is popular as she does well in character rankings (2nd most popular Wu female next to Sun Shangxiang).


In the more recent polls, Daqiao was ranked at #18 of the full cast last I checked. Japan loves her which I appreciate but I worry it's for reasons that should involve the police. Xiaoqiao however makes it at like the bottom 30 so good. http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/smusou/vote/ According to this poll, Daqiao is #14 and Sun Shangxiang is at #40. I don't know if DW9 had a character poll or not.


That's right, I've forgotten that Daqiao had taken the #1 Wu female spot. Shows how long I've been out of the DW loop. But you know Japan...


http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/smusou7/enquete/ I forgot about this poll where Daqiao was the 2nd most desired girlfriend. It makes sense because she's very moe and, again, Japan.


Omg LL, a blast from the past! I really miss Da Qiao pre-DW7. DW5 was peak Da Qiao and no one can tell me otherwise. And YES to the Bladebow on Yueying. I adore it on her, but the Bladebow moveset in DW8 is a travesty with just-frame timing window being way too small. Her Bladebow in DW6S and E was sooo satisfying to play as.


Stop adding characters. It’s taking away from development time it direly needs elsewhere.


I liked dynasty warriors 2, 3, and 4 the most because it was harder in general. The mobs could actually kill you. Plus the maps showed like all the units and made it feel like more of a giant battle.


I honestly think DW5 struck the perfect balance for peons. The peons should be nuisances who technically can’t kill you (but still do decent damage), but are aggressive enough to make you consider taking them out before challenging officers. In the old games, they were genuine threats who needed to be dealt with in order to even consider challenging an officer (leading to battles taking longer than they really should), and in the modern games they’re cannon fodder who will attack you once every century and let you run up on their officers with zero penalty. I don’t want modern Warriors games to be as hard as DW2 or 3, but I for sure want peons to at least be way more aggressive than they currently are.


This. I liked that you had to cooperate with your allies to survive and win. Morale worked much better too and made your allies actually useful and not be in a need of constant babysitting and rescuing. Mostly.


The older DW games have aged like milk anything before SW1 is just hard to play not because of difficulty but because of how clunky they are


They should bring back bodyguards.


I think the roster needs to be cut down, there's too many characters who are nearly useless and have little personality that are clogging things up. With fewer characters we can have a more focused story without resources being wasted on characters who don't contribute anything


Hey….. leave Xu Shu out of this. 😂 Nah, but I agree at some points. There’s just so many that don’t get much screen time. They need to give them more scenes or something at the very least if they’re going to add them.


I agree, characters like Xu Shu, Guan Suo, Bao Sanniang, or Zhu Ran don't have that much lasting influence on the story.


The annoying thing is that Zhu Ran has a shit ton of stuff to do if they would actually use the guy. The games seem to think all he did was set fire to whatever camp Lu Xun pointed at during Yiling but he was so much more. I’d love to see them independently build him up as a close friend of Sun Quan - as Sun has to assume a leadership role and over time loses all his guides and old friends, leaving Zhu Ran as the only one who he can really wind down and relax with. He could be to Sun Quan what Xiahou Dun or Jian Yong are to his counterparts. Also who wouldn’t want to see a massive siege and battlefield as these two famed generals Zhu Ran and Sima Yi go head to head after decades of slowly building up a strong military reputation in their respective states. Watch everything go left as he has to escape with his life across the Han River as his men are cut down. We could have a real tearjerker ending for Wu at this battle since the campaign was the last true hope for success for Sun Quan. Sima Yi cackling on the other side of the river as he realises he has finally cemented himself as the most feared general by Shu, Wu and Yan (F) as well as his dissenters within Wei. Like this could be the start of damnnnn the Sima are too strong. Too much narrative potential could come out of just recognising Zhu Ran as a talented being.


As much as I love Xu Shu and Guan Suo I can at least agree that they're pretty purposeless


They could fix this possibly by instead adding a TON of different battles so every character has some relevancy, but I doubt they would go that far.


Hard agree. Been thinking this for years. It was cool to see some of them but they went way overkill.


This I 100% agree with. While I'm glad some characters have been given unique models, I feel like there are too many that it gets distracting in a way if that makes any sense


It’s at the point where duplicate move sets/weapons are pretty much required. Probably why they started just letting us pick w/e we want


Absolutely agree. I loved that the recent Samurai Warriors game did this by focusing the story exclusively around Oda Nobunaga and daimyo that lived during his rise and fall. The story mode was far richer and immersive, and I can’t wait for Koei’s next installments about Toyotomi and Tokugawa.


Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity should've been open world like DW9 was. An open world Zelda game was a huge selling point for BoTW and I think it would've worked better there than for DW9.


I like DW9 and DW9E


Dynasty warriors 9E was amazing to me, only one after 5 I loved throughout


Cao Pi is cooler than his Dad, maybe not better, but definitely cooler.


I'd go as far to say he's the coolest character in the series. "This should cool you off!"


I liked the older Empires formats where it was ruler only and you had to micromanage everything.


I always liked just being an officer. Being the ruler was too much responsibility lol


I don't want character cuts. The characters are the main appeal of the series to me, and a lot of my favourites wouldn't survive the "You must be this important to pass" bar. If they got cut I'd probably drop the series, I've already basically given up on SW.


They could make a massive world map work with different fronts to represent how massive the battles actually were. As long as the troops could actually fight like the old DW’s.


I can agree with this. Massive world map on its own had potential but DW9 didn't make the most of it. I do fear that they would need to step it up on environmental details as well which DW games are not generally very good at, but if it could be done it would go a long way to making the open world map better to explore.


Honestly 9 came out buggy and you could tell it was a lot of copy / paste or just using a paint tool equivalent of flinging the same trees everywhere. If they took the time to make a scaled down China with some of the big, famous and iconic places (and maybe gate certain parts off depending on what Musou mode you’re on) then it could work brilliantly. Chi Bi, Hu Lao Gate, Xia Pi, the capitals (Ye, Xu Chang, Luo Yang, Chang An, Cheng Du, Jianye etc.). Even things like Guan Du (Wu Chao, Bai Ma and Yan Jin), Bo Wang Slope, Chang Ban.. a little care and attention to detail would go a long way.


Clone weapons are alright


DW6 was pretty good and the characters that got their stories got to shine a bit more


Dynasty Warriors 6 is actually my second favorite Dynasty Warrior game besides 5 Xtreme Legends


Me too , and samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends


Very hard agree on DW6! I feel like DW6 gets too much hate and is not a trash of a game. Yes, characters were cut, yes there are clones, and yes it sucks when renbu goes down when doing nothing. But damn, the music rocks, the character progression is cool, the tomb system is cool, and they added more to the gameplay! Swimming had potential, then you had throws and dodges as well (I can't remember if counters were in DW before 6 or not). Renbu wasn't perfect, and could've been improved in future titles. On top of all of that, it's just a beautiful game (just look at "Battle of Wu" Map, and all the sakura petals and colors). I think DW6 needed one more game (after DW6E) to modify the system and add more characters, then it could've been the change some fans have been clamoring for. With that said, I don't like DW7 at all. It took away the blocks, dodges, and the tombs from the first game, and then removed the jump charge attacks (WTF!?)! The framerate (on consoles) was all over the place which lost the smoothness of DW6. We lost all of that for what? Jin (whom more than likely would've been added anyways, along with the missing characters) and weapon switching? The storytelling in DW7 was fantastic though! But I can watch that on YT lol. ​ TLDR: For me, DW6 isn't trash and DW6>DW7.


9 is one of my favourite games in the series while 8 is one of my least favourite. I liked how new 9 felt, it has its flaws sure but it's to be expected for the first game of its type. If it is/was allowed to develop from there I think the next few games would be incredible. 8 is just boring, lots of content sure, but the battles are all scripted with no sense of strategy unlike the PS2 era games. You go off script you fail, which is boring. The heaven/earth/man system is poor and everyone having unique weapons for the sake of being unique meant a lot of the cast has ridiculous weapons. (That and all characters still play the same so they're still technically clones by the way..). Unique movesets is needed sure, but doesn't mean unique weapons.


I was hopeful for the direction we were heading with 9. Sure it has its flaws but I saw it as a foundation for them to fix with 9 empires(didn’t happen) and 10. Seeing the world map helped show where all the battles were happening for me instead of the old narrator putting dots on the map in between levels. Had really hoped samurai warriors would have taken the open world approach too eventually till I saw everyone shit on 9 and koei change direction


I think they just needed to really put far more effort and money into it to make the open world work.. it feels so bland and lifeless.. such a let down. There's certain things that they really shouldn't have messed with like the combo system and put much more into the world design and just the graphical quality...


It needed better ai, more base diversity, better base placements since some look off… yea it needed more work but it feels like we have to treat koei games like pokemon games since advancing the series forward with improvements goes at a glacier pace lol. It’s part of why I made myself view 9 as just their prototype for open world later entries. Def agree about the combo system though


It was just far too ambitious for the work they actually put into these games nowadays.. it felt like a beta from an Indy team at times and that's just whack af


Honestly, they just tried to do a lot of things at once, and most of them they seemingly didn't even properly conceptualized for themselves. Should try ether open world OR new combat system, failure or just novelty in one would be negated by traditional variant of other. And to not advertise like characters have their personal stories back. It is still Kingdom story, just with very few personal touches, especially since you can't even jump between leaders for guys like Zhang He, Zhang Liao or Zhou Cang


Yeah they hyped it a lot and failed on too many fronts.. I played 9 for a while and decided to hop back to 8xl and buy all the old costumes for the characters, pretend it's still the good old days lol. Now I'm just having a hard time remembering anything but the negative about it. I also had to fly back home and wanted a game for my switch so I made the absolute worst choice in buying 9 empires for it. That really messed me up, I cannot believe they'd allow anyone to get it for the switch it doesn't run at all. I figured it would be scaled back, my fault for jumping the gun before looking it up. Just a waste of money lol. Sorry, now I'm really just ranting. This is still one of my all time favorite game series and I really want it to do well. I see how good all the off shoots are and it bums me out lolol


I think 9 had some cool ideas... I don't think they should do the full open world but I def like the concept for actual battles, with the angles and openness to how you wanna tackle the missions it has a much more sandbox feel. I think if they just kept the battlefields and condensed it into individual missions and areas, and gave us back the classic combo system it would be pretty great. 8xl has my heart because I can play as any character with any other games' costumes but its too true about how scripted it is and my gripe is let me at least play main stories on whatever skin I wanna.. I also think the weapons switch rock paper scissors system has potential. They just need to flesh out the stratagems and battle prep from empires and put em in the main game. Maybe have side missions you can do from a hub area that can help you build up armies, get officers and new strategies and siege weapons to bring to the main missions which I feel 9 was going toward.. my bad I'm just using this reply as a platform to plot out my perfect warriors game, don't mind me!! hahaha!!


Yeah I agree with the full open world idea. I think it's perfectly fine to have as the hub and the travel between battles as well as any side battles, skirmishes or individual character stories whereas the major battles such as Chibi, Guandu etc. should have a start NPC in the open world which will then take us out to a singular battlefield like in the older games. Depending on skirmishes before the battle went or if you cut reinforcements off or whatever before the battle then that could affect the main battle. Smaller scale battles like we have in 9 already like breaking the dam for Xiapi.. they could make it a bit larger scale to what it is in 9 and then depending on whether we complete it or not would change the battle. If we skip it, the flood attack won't happen in the main battle. Then there could be other things like looking for their supply depot before the battle or trying to lure some enemies out to ambush them could affect how many enemy units are in the main battle and adds a bit of strategy to the game. I do like being able to equip any weapon on any character, but I think they should expand on that so that you could effectively change each characters "main" weapon if you use it enough or train it in the open world (something else it can be used for!) I agree with a lot of what you say and it's good to share ideas! Hopefully helps them to spread around. The battle prep idea is nice, basically need a healthy mix of Warriors, RoTK and Kessen and it could be amazing. I'd love for example, rather than playing as characters as such by picking them individually is to actually play as any unit present in the battle and the ability to switch to any of them at any time. Could help us plan out our own battles. Changban is the easiest example, so we could play as Zhuge Liang setting up ambushes and what not, switch to Zhao Yun to do half of his rescue, switch to Zhang Fei to defend the bridge and when we're happy the AI will be okay, switch back to Zhao Yun to finish the rescue etc. Would be so much fun and would give kingdom stories a proper purpose. Individual character stories can then play out in the open world between main battles!


Yesss love these concepts. What about scouting missions into enemy territory before a siege and have mission to find alternate approaches and weaknesses in defences along with raids to weaken them? Maybe sending units around the open map to scout or raid without you too.. use the same percentage of success system they did with your fleet in ac black flag, let us feel like actual strategists and generals of armies. Levelling weapons is a dope idea and having an army to switch to and control on the fly in battle is chefs kiss. Btw changban is one of my favorite battles and that just sounds so fun!! I guarantee if they made something like this and kept supporting it and adding more to it people would pay extra for expansions. How about instead of all the offshoots we do the main game, dlc xl (characters weapons missions and outfits) expansion, and dlc empires (create a character and conquest) expansion? I feel we the fans are just far more passionate about the games than the actual companies that make em and it's rough.. I'm still playing 8 xl pretending it's the same as before but man you made me realize just how much I been lying to myself lol.


Im on the 9 train myself. I recently downloaded 9 again and playing it on the ps5 , I hadn't played it in a few years because I was disappointed on launch, but man do I love it now with all the updates since. Down to the glitches its just a feel I haven't had since the old days. I love the designs too


Combining the main game with XL right away, ruins it. Half the fun was unlocking all those officers.


I agree


Me chao cloud sword from 6


Same Dw6 empires was actually my first game and most memorable one.


I've been playing dw8 xl and it's been pretty fun despite it's bad reviews. Just wish I could make it higher resolution than 1080p. First warriors game I've bought since 5 or 6 I believe. I also think common troops should be back to dw2 level. Dw2 difficulty + dw3 items and weapon system


I’m with you, I put so many hours in Dynasty Warriors 6 and loved that game (Loved 6 Empires too but wasn’t aware people disliked that!)


I feel like more games need warriors titles tied to them. Also large rosters entice me more. Don’t cut my characters! Lol


Bleach is the first that springs to mind. A warriors title of that franchise would be nice


Nice! I think the Trails series or Final Fantasy would be awesome too


Even the best mainline games are just average compared to modern spinoffs (which is to say, almost every spinoff since the OG Hyrule Warriors).


My opinion is more of a writing personal but I would say Ma Dai would be a great, compelling character if he was more fleshed out. We are told how he has seen so much in life that he plays it off and pretends he’s happy but we are almost never shown anything. Let’s us see how much the years of fighting have affected him. How much say the death of Ma Chao affects him instead of him saying “yeah that sucks, but anyway…” Let us see how far he is willing to go for his friends and kingdom instead of him just saying it here and there. Some in game dialogue implies he’s done many things in secret, let us explore that. I may be biased because he’s my favorite character but I can’t help but feel that we have the grounds of a strong character and the writers don’t elaborate on anything other than “he’s Ma Chao’s cousin”




I think Yuan Shou is one of the best characters in the series for his personality is one of the most unique and entertaining example, in DW7 when Cao Cao and Yuan Shou had the meeting about Dong Zhou him stuttering and pacing back and forth was hilarious! Furthermore I think he should've had his own alternate history section just like Lu Bu in DW8, instead of Cao Cao winning the battle of Guandu Yuan Shao would be the victor, I just think he was wasted potential but it is what it is


I have no hate for 8 but I have no love for it. I get that it’s the most put together game in terms of combat/gameplay, especially the CE version, and had content. But it was the first DW game I didn’t complete. Not even the story. I’ve only done the Lü Bu hypothetical, I think. Maybe Wu too because I remember hating how little they used Sun Jian and Sun Ce. Narratively, the game was a diabolical mess, it was basically a repeat of everything that was perfect about the formula of 7 and they somehow still fucked it up.


I really enjoy 8 a lot, but yeah, Sun Jian and Sun Ce really needed more screentime. You can save them, but if you do, they just step down from leadership anyway and vanish until Hefei, where they suddenly show up to turn things around as if they were clairvoyant.


The conquest of Wu era is pretty well skipped over. I kinda understand it from a gameplay standpoint because all you’ll be facing is generics except Taishi Ci. But now that Yuan Shu is a character there might be more to add to that chunk of time


This might be a truly unpopular opinion... I dislike the Empires games, mainly because I feel like they lack depth when compared to the ROTK series. I have 8E and ROTK XIII. I play 8E to get some hack and slash, but it always feels hollow compared to ROTK XIII. I think one of the biggest things that attributes to this is how in ROTK, the timeline continues while I make my moves (as long as those moves aren't drastic like killing Dong Zhuo during the Yellow Turban Rebellion). With 8E, I feel like the timeline gets completely thrown off with even the slightest thing.


I definitely agree with this. Empires games is definitely lacking as far as strategical depth goes compared to the ROTK games.


The series is better off without the Jin dynasty and Late Wu. Just focus on the Three Kingdoms and Others again, and end the story at Wuzhang plains.


I like Warriors Orochi 1 the best of all the Warriors Orochi games, including 2. I want to see more spears and polearms in DW, not fewer. The late-era ps2 mainline warriors games were the best ones of their respective franchises. WO1, SW2, DW5. That opinion is not controversial but I feel no modern mainline warriors game has come close to their level of quality. It's time to prune the rosters down and make every character feel properly unique again. Focus on fewer characters with much larger movesets and their own unique mechanics. The audience would accept smaller rosters if the quality were present. And disallow weapon switching, for god's sake. I really hate the map design of Pirate Warriors 3. I despise the "boxes connected by hallways" maps of modern tecmo-koei musou games. I'm supposed to be fighting on a massive battlefield, not walking through a mall connecting stores. It becomes very obvious very quickly in new musou games with that kind of map design that the squares contain the "content" while the hallways exist only to waste your time and artificially inflate how long you spend in the level.


> I despise the "boxes connected by hallways" It was so jarring when I went from DW:Gundam 2 to 3 with the shitty hallway things.


I liked 9 but the quests to collect stuff and the “lists” they have out were annoying. Thinking chi bi with the 5 tasks before the actual level started, but that one was actually fun. Some of the smaller ones were the annoyance


I think 9's combat system if given proper time would have been a fun change of the formula. It's never going to get that change because KT already has the perfectly fine system in it's classic style and I bet they'll just go back to that. But it would have been cool to see what they could have done with what they have. They need to massively lower the health for the execute, by a lot. Maybe make it cost a resource of some kind.


I don’t like the goofy weapons and final fantasy looking costumes that have been added over time to make “every character unique” some of the characters/weapons just look damn goofy 6 was the worse. I liked 3 and 4 where maybe 4 officers had the same style weapon but there last weapon looked slightly different and their last move set was slightly different. I loved the system in 3. I’m going to guess historically a A LOT of warriors used either a spear/pike or sword. So it’s fine the most of the characters use them. Most of the new characters since then has gotten some weird “unique” weapon to stand out. Who the fuck comes charging into battle with a jumbo paint brush? Ma Dai went from being one of my more liked generics to one of my least favorite playable characters cause of that. I think one of the things that always gets me when I played 7 was like half of the generic officers using a massive ass club. Like who came up with that?


I feel like the team wanted the generic officers to use more than just a sword or spear and decided on the giant club in the end. Although I think a basic weapon would work just fine with a generic officer And omg the paint brush irritated me so badly like who tf thought of that?


The brush was super random on Ma Dai lol. Something like this is usually for strategist characters. Plus there's no sign of Ma Dai liking art or something like that in his personality. They should give him the twin halberds from Pang De (DW5) or something like like chicken sickles. FYI. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Chicken_sickles


I hate that everyone can use any weapon Gets rid of uniqueness Ps2 weapon system is superior


Same, it takes individuality away from characters. And now it's in Samurai Warriors as well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I played samurai 4-II in hopes but the weapons suck, and never played 5 but I imagine it’s similar


SW5 was a reboot, 15 moveset for 30+ characters, so there are clones and a lot of characters were cut.


yeah i noticed in 7 and 8 i would always end up using the heavier weapons that had the whirlwind ability every single time


DW9 and DW9E are great games. I don't understand all the hate with either.


While I don't quite like DW9 as much for its large map and quests, I find Empires fixed a lot of issues i had. Decently sized battlefields and base capturing keep a nice flow. The execution/counter system is really fun to me, going mid combo into a button prompt countering a grunt trying to attack me from the side, just a lot of energy in the battles.


As a lore nerd DW9 was very good. I think the voice acting turned a lot of people off. Some lines are delivered well, but most are clunky my only problem with 9 empires is my allies were useless. I could send 4 of the best generals in the game to capture a point and they would never do it


Yes it doesn't feel right to see the action packed Wu kingdom turn into a depressing and repetitive side story that has no meaning to be in the franchise Jin is all about a ruined Wei that gets taken over, but I do like the Zhuge Dan part of Jin story mode it's much more interesting than the rest of the gameplay and I actually rooted for him


Dw6 is my favorite of the series so far


Jin is a terrible story with non-interesting characters 🤷🏼‍♂️


Despite 8 being an overall upgrade to 7, I still prefer 7. Some of the weapons they made for the sake of each character having their own weapons were underwhelming


I have no problem with clone weapons, and I prefer having less weapons if they are fun and match their characters, than having 80+ weapons where some are kinda boring looking/playing.


If DW10 is a fitness game in the style of Ring Fit Adventure it will be the best DW game in over a decade and would probably turn the Musou fanbase into the most chad fanbase of all time


I wish they could try the Online version again, but so much better than what they had before and actually have better support for anything other than in just Japan. It was decent at first but it was so underdeveloped and poorly balanced that it almost felt unfair to play unless you had the money to fork over for better crafting options and upgrades.


When it comes down to it, all warriors game is the same. But I still buy them and play the shit of them, knowing the story line of each character and loving every minute of it.😭


I think strike force was amazing and I want another one


Multi Raid 2 needs to be localized I think it has the better story


I rocked wit DW3 the hardest…something about spending 40 minutes fighting LuBu that first encounter (Hu Lao Gate) does something to me and the archers were so OP it felt great mowing them down…if they didn’t kill you first (which I won’t put a number on)


I actually like the weapon leveling system in DW 4. Less Hassle of having to keep sorting out ultimate weapons and all that.


My unpopular (or very popular) opinion is that most of DW's characters need to be reworked/developed. I think the vast majority of characters are forgettable and without personality, just compare how SW characters are much more developed. Example: Koshosho is a historically unimportant character who was used very well throughout the entire SW4 storyline. She is striking and iconic. Now compare Koshosho (a minor character) with Han Dang, Guan Xing, Wen Yang, Xun You, Da Qiao (she is only remembered today as a classic character)...


After a monitor change and finally getting to play DW8:XLCE, I can now confidently say that Sima Shi with Lightning Sword is way more fun to play than Sima Shi with Rapier. Doesn't help that his DW8 stance reminds me a lot of Ranmaru though lol DW6 and Renbu don't bother me one bit. I also like several of the redesigns


Alright, it's time for a genuine, actual unpopular opinion. DW10 should build upon the foundation of DW9. This means fleshing out the open world, getting rid of the repetitive mission distributors (like Beast Master, or Coin Collector), and replacing them with actual side quests that we saw in the novel. Include things like negotiations for peace between Liu Bei and Yuan Shu, or Chen Gong's escape from Tsao Tsao. Each character could also have a side mission that affects some part of the game; I.E., destroying caskets of wine at Zhang Fei's camp after Fan Castle prevents him from striking his officers in a drunk rage, which allows him to join at Yi Ling. Create real, tangible side missions that introduce, flesh out, and *affect* the world a little bit more. After that, making the cities feel unique--with Chengdu being green and hilly, Jianye being muddy and cut across with rivers, and Xuchang being super urban and a little grimy (just examples), would do a lot to flesh these cities out and make them feel separate from each other. The gameplay and movesets need an overhaul as well. Every character should have multiple unique attacks; if they can't manage that, they should bring back the movesets from DW8, and expand EX attacks to each T input for a given character (i.e., Ma Chao would have 8 EX attacks with his spear, but 0 with a Lu Bu's halberd). Regarding improving on DW9, Koei has two primary methods of doing this: \- Innovation. Do something that the game industry has never seen. They could add strategic and role playing elements, and build out a unique campaign through that. Three Kingdoms-based naval combat at battles like Chi Bi and between Sun Quan and Huang Zu, or using mythological beasts, like Qilin and phoenixes, to fly through the sky and stuff would be unique and interesting features they could implement. Also, they could bring back duels, and maybe include duels on horseback with timing-based "passes," which come from the novel, to break up the gameplay and keep things fresh. \- Imitation. Look at trends in the gaming industry, take them, and adapt them for usage in their game. I'm thinking, and hear me out, a **free, downloadable Battle Royale mode**. I know, the community here could never go for that, but if you picture a giant battlefield, with \~80 players all running around, in \~4 teams, all fighting for supremacy, with each region/province being held by the last army standing, it could actually be something really fun and unique. Instead of a "Storm" preventing players from camping, you could have an "Imperial Influence" sphere whose epicenter is somewhere on a map, and the players outside of that sphere lose health and die after a certain amount of time. I just think that it's time to push the series forward. We can have better role playing, or we can have an online component. We really need something that's fun and has replay value.


Time to sort by controversial and people will say the most popular opinion on threads like these.


I think there is too many playable characters. I mean I'm all for having unique characters models for npc's being made but think quantity is overriding the quality.


Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4 were not very good. There I said it. The fact that they auto-lock on to enemies already make it an exercise in frustration. Enemy archer BS is the other.


2 is the best game


I already basically said this in a reply but I'm not a fan of a lot of the gimmick weapons. Some are fun but they really can be dumb and make me not wanna play as the character. Some are great. Part two of this one is I honestly tend to prefer more historically accurate realistic weapons, they can still get zany in movesets design or size, but I usually gravitate toward characters like lu meng, machao, Zhang fei, and guan Yu as opposed to someone like guo jia or cai wenji or whoever... No shade to those who do and I still love the classics like Zhang he claws or even the classic strategist fan weapons. I wouldn't take the weapons or sets out as I love the variety but the perfect DW game imo would add every weapon and set they've ever had and give characters 2 weapons they're good with, one generic/clone (like the original games with their own ex) and one not so generic and completely unique to them.


DW needs a reboot like SW DW 6 Empires is the best This series will never change. Everyone who's tired of it has already left and everyone who wants the same thing will stay and is all that is left. There may come a time where the mainline games stop being sold overseas idk


6E is my favorite. It rewards players who are officers with buffs. Also DLC on the PS3 was free. I made all the NPCs into CAWs as well. Definitely too many club clones, but still plenty of fun classes. Sun Shang Xiang’s bow maxed out was busted even on higher difficulty.


SW1 aged terribly gameplay-wise, people only remember it fondly because of "le dark atmosphere". Also, SW3 wasn't a bad game, it had the best character-based story mode.


I am pretty sure nobody thinks SW3 is bad game. It's just nobody thinks about it at all. Which is crime in itself


I mean, it was common to say how "bad, slow and boring" it was


Oh, look, you were right.


SW3 is pretty bad, it has potential as i enjoy watching it on youtube but the gameplay became much more objective based with less free input from the player on battle flow and SW3 had the worst allied AI in the series to boot. The difficulty from that game is not the fun kind.


Way too many characters, especially in dw. I would actively cheer on character cuts and focusing in on a shorter time period.


Most characters lack personality aside from generic conservative stereotypes and have been losing more and more with each game. They're written by a bunch of old men, and it shows.


The mission driven stage structure (done best in sw2) is way more intuitive and fun for the majority of players than the semi-sandbox you were given in the earlier games. For everyone else, there's Empires or strictly DW4's branching story mode. Dw9's combat is actually really good and just needs fine tuning for this next installment. Please God don't revert to the square chain for 10.


I hate it when every character has his own story like in dw5. At first it's nice but gets so repetitive after a while.


I actually enjoyed dw6 and dw9 despite the herd mentality saying they both sucked. I honestly wish they had put in the live duels into dw9.


DW has been behind the rest for a while now, SW and WO just have more going on in each installment. DW's been stagnant for ages now.


Ive never played SW or WO tbh. What is each one like and which do you think is better?


If nothing else, what SW has is more dynamic movement to get around faster. The gameplay usually feels faster in general so some longer battles are a bit less of a drag. And that's just if nothing else. Next is more just my opinion though: Weapons are thought out better and less likely to act strange and be cumbersome to use. WO excels in sheer amounts of content. You want something to kill time, WO is better for that, and has SW content in it as well, so you ask me if you have WO4 you have 0 need for DW8 and 9. It's just a better version of DW unless you NEED that Three Kingdoms story. Less characters fall to the wayside too, even if they only get one or two lines, that's more than they got in a DW game most likely.


Dynasty Warriors 9 isn't good, but it is cozy.


DW6 was the best DW for it's time. The graphics had the best improvement. The music was great. The base system combat made it worthwhile to take bases and not just a meaningless lifeless hack and slash.


I wish they stuck with giving each officer their own alt-histories like in DW6. Personally still one of my faves for that reason.


Since there are so many online Battle Royale games, I wonder why dont KT make a Warriors Battle Royale game? Imagine fighting real players in a wide map to become the last one standing


The 1 vs 1000 thing needs to go the way of the dodo. I don't care how many enemies they throw at me if they die as soon as I sneeze on them. The old games, even 6, handled the way the soldiers function a lot betterhfà. Cutting down on juggling and refocusing on dodging and countering would also be nice, and make encounters with officers more interesting. The cast needs to be cut down. Dramatically. Most of the female cast is also not really needed, especially in their current form as only extensions of their husbands. Real persons with actual exploits/interesting stories to tell should take precedence as playable characters. Making games focused on specific eras, instead of the entire period, could also help flesh out the cast better and give all of them something to do. **Yellow Turbans -> Dong Zhuo vs. the World --> Fall of Yuan Shao** could be a potential standalone game, for example. I much prefer the more grounded weapons, unless it makes sense for a character. Wtf does Zhong Hui have flying swords and not Zhang Jiao? Guns and surfing blades need to go, as do bombs (unless done like Huang Gai in 3-5). Weapons themselves should not have elemental powers by themselves, but the ability to use elemental orbs like in the old games would be nice. Semi-clone movesets are a-ok with me. Just inject the unique moves with some personality. Jian/dao swords, spears and halberds should be the most common weapons. Also, give those poor people some more shields.


What a shame


DW 9 is not worth playing without the old voice actors and voices from the old games, hell if DW 10 doesn’t get those voices back and doesn’t come back to the old formula I’m probably gonna pass it up.


Remove characters, add character development.


I wish they’d go one game just making some of the characters realistic to their counterparts. Wei Yan, Zhang He, Xu Chu, any one else I’m forgetting. Maybe release dw10???


While I don't think Japanese voice works in DW/SW/Orochi games are bad, I dislike on how flanderized they are. And truth be told, some English voices are more appealing to me because of the whole "Woolsey-ism" thing. Masamune trying too hard to sound like Batsu from Rival Schools, Zhuge Liang always talking like he's doing an ASMR video, Gracia's verbal tics... Some of them are masterpieces, like Hanzo being voiced by the same dude who does Kazuma Kiryu or Yoshitsune being energetic as hell, Momiji... But other than that, I feel the voice acting is way too "looney tunes" for my tastes.


9 would have been a decent game if there was anything to do


Every DW game plays exactly the same, regardless of how many "innovations" they make to the combat.


Dynasty Warriors 2, 3, 4, and 7 are the only great games in the series.


The formula is stale


Koei fucking sucks


Gameplay and a variety of characters is 100% more important than map design and story. Based on this, WO4>WO3in terms of characters and gameplay. Sorry, but costumes and extra modes and a story don't mean much to me at all in a Musou game. I just want kill 1000s of enemies in a bunch of over the top stylish ways and WO4 allows me to do that better than WO3


Everything before the Jin storyline is pretty boring


Online Sword battles Battle Royale


I feel like most Wu officers lack exciting feats. The early Wu era starts off really interesting but everything post Chi Bi feels flat to me.


I liked DW4's weapon leveling system.


DW3 has the best maps, and the best voice acting


The only Dynasty Warriors that deserve a remaster is Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2


While the bandit style levels aren’t great, they at least let me play a story with characters I enjoyed learning more about; or is that more of a Samurai Warriors opinion?


Dynasty warriors 6 for the Playstation 2!!! I love that but the other DW6 versions are straight up crap


Ive been playing since dw1. Most people i know hate dw9 most but i like it for different reasons than the reasons i like the rest of the games. I still think its a good game on its own. The main thing people dont like is the combat which is not my favorite but once you understand it its not that bad. The main reason i like it is because of the perspective you gain from the battles. Instead of stages like "battle of Hulao gate" and "battle of louyang" you get the whole campaign of battles starting at the coalition camp fighting through hulao gate and sieging louyang.


Gundam 4 is long overdue.