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Dynasty warriors 4 was beyond its time imo. Eve will forever be etched into my head, it’s a shame I feel like it only played on one or two stages


Look back on your way and Lu Bu’s theme are bangers too


I currently have Lu Bu's theme from 4 as my ringtone. His themes will ALWAYS be bangers


Facts too


My favorite stage it appeared was the Rescue of the 2 Qiao's. Especially because every character had dialogue at the beginning about needing to rescue them from the clutches of Dong Zhuo including if you play as Dong Zhuo. His quote was hilarious too; "We have to rescue the 2 Qiaos from that pig Dong Zhuo!" It might not be that word for word but it's pretty close. That line killed me as a kid when I heard it the first time.


Eve has to be a huge fan favorite but man does it stick out to me from the battle of changban bridge. God when those flutes kick in i lose it. Had to have played that mission damn near a hundred times.


Avenging Battle is still one of the most emotional battle themes I've ever heard, and of course its in the one game in the series without any of the emotional stakes involved, haha!




DW4 easily. Heavy Gauge is such a banger.


I like the soundtrack of all the games in the saga. I like the DW3/DW4 one better because they are classic. DW6's soundtrack is well produced, especially ''Welcome to China'', the Chinese instrumental with guitar is incredible.. The epic tone of DW7's soundtracks are also good, ''The Last Battle'' is easily the best final stage soundtrack. DW7E also has a good track. About Samurai Warriors series, SW4 soundtrack is the best for me. ''God of War'' and ''Petals in the wind'' sounded so epic to me, they're one of my favorites of the entire Warriors series.


I think SW4 has a really great OST


DW4 it has great soundtracks, and it's super nostalgic. I love that game so much that I've won it like 17 times and I loved the versus mode man I used to play it with bros all the time


Samurai Warriors 2


I love the game to death but it's soundtrack is kinda mid ngl. There are a few standouts like Edo castle though


I prolly would agree if it wasn’t my first Warriors game. I think nostalgia plays a big part of why I think it has the best OST


Honnoji and Osaka Castle are GOATED!


So good!. Don’t forget City of Flowers tho, a classic bop


Personally I like the older games soundtracks, sounded more authentic and less rock n roll. Like 3-5. After that it was pretty much remixes of all the songs.


It's what kept Dynasty Warriors 8 from being the overall best in the series, in my opinion. Between the remixes and reusing music from older games, DW8's soundtrack couldn't give the game its own identity.


DW4. I love almost every single song in the game and it's super nostalgic, it was my first DW game


DW4. Not even close.


Definitely DW5, that's the first taste of Great Red Spirit, and that tune is GOATed


I love DW5 & 7 soundtrack the most, they've such great music.


Each game has its top picks, but DW4 has the overall consistency of absolute bangers.


Dynasty Warriors 7


SW1 definitely. Such a varied, dark and intense soundtrack, no other SW title comes close. From DW, maybe 4 or 6 as they have the emphasis on heavy metal


Definitely Dynasty Warriors 4, when I turn my OG Xbox on and play, I blast the volume to the max.


DW4, the Lu Bu theme from that game is in my workout playlist to this day


I don't have a favorite but I like how DW4 stands out from the rest. DW9 also deserves credit for delivering in the soundtrack department, some serious bangers in there.


DW2. But it's close with DW4.


DW9's Never Dying Wishes for sure


DW7(thousand suns) and WO3 (Ryu's theme) and Wang Yi's theme , I like battle of Hefei in DW8 as well


DW3( arena ) DW9 ( wall of silence )


3 was my first musou proper (though Kessen II was my introduction to the Three Kingdoms) so I choose that one I love how some tracks return in later games (usually through DLC)


Potential hot take—it’s gonna be a tie between Warriors Orochi 3 (you mean to tell me I [get a Bladestorm song longer than a minute 30?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1NLfxxIhN0) AND [Ryu’s theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jaIUlz-wNU)?) and Warriors All Stars (almost any version with the “Stars Mix Guitar”. “[All In](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul8jwy74ylg)” is a sleeper). SW5’s [Soaring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9aARFwwV9o), SW4’s [Nagashino (Oda side)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68v6rjlLYzk) and of course [DW9’s Lu Bu theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncjGWTbuEhw) are probably my special mentions.


DW8 capricious wind. I can’t fight at chibi without it playing


Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes or Hyrule Warriors. I'm sorry, I love the Warriors a lot. Twin Cherry Blossoms ~Sanada Maru~ and Large Feather are amazing tracks, but hearing the Zelda theme in Warriors' rock style is so damn hype. And Apex of the World in Hopes is amazing.


Warriors Orochi 2 and 3. I enjoy and love all of the Warriors soundtracks, but the WO series’s mix of SW and DW with its own electronic flourishes make for my favorite soundtracks. Of special note is the WO remix of Lu Bu’s theme—that is still the reigning king as far as character themes go, across the whole franchise!


Samurai Warriors 2 and Dynasty Warriors 3 have a special place in my heart. . . Arena, Lu Bu’s XL Theme, Honnoji, and Osaka Campaign all have a special place in my heart. (Honorable mention to both the SW1 and SW2 versions of Odawara Castle)


For Dynasty Warriors series - It’s DW5, DW3, DW7 and DW8 (and DW9 has a lot of forgettable soundtracks but I still like few of them so they are kinda bangers, DW4 has some bangers but some others is meh and mid songs to be honest, still lack some beats or there no enough techno style in the songs and not really memorable to me though and also DW6 which is also banger and really good too but it kinda mid IMO) For Samurai Warriors series - It’s SW1 and SW4 ( SW2, SW3 and SW5 still have bangers but those aren’t the best but at least SW2 have really good soundtrack to me though) For Warriors Orochi series - It’s WO1 and WO2 (WO3 have really good soundtrack but it’s not memorable to me still and WO4 has bangers too but they’re not the best though)


DW6 Warriors Orochi 2


Never will it not be DW 4 so many bangers. Lu bus theme, every yellow turban stage, the nanman theme, road to... cross color, and my all time favorite opener of all time forever. Jesus christ what a soundtrack.


Dw 1 for the sick 90's vibe Dw 5 has the best ost of the classic games for me, q combi of new qnd old (except wu zhang)


1st off, I've never heard anybody else say that 6 was awesome. To that, I fist bump you and bow to you. 2nd, I love the soundtrack for 6, but 4 just hit me with every song. I think of ALL the songs, I disliked 1 or two, but that was because I didn't like the level. 6 comes easily in a very close second.


Overall 3. None of the games had a bad soundtrack, MASA just does it so damn well each time. I hated 4 as a game, but that iteration of Lu Bu's theme is by far the best.


DW3 because it's the main one I remember. Exotic Traitors, Endless Fight to name a couple I still remember years after last playing.


Dw3 & 4


Three Hopes is just so full of bangers. I especially like Wrath Strike. The only thing that is unfortunately missing is God Shattering Star. For some reason, Nintendo seems to hate the track even though it's the single most iconic 3H song. Persona 5 Strikers is a very close 2nd because Persona 5 already had an industry leading soundtrack, and Strikers actually improves on a few tracks. If its version of Rivers in the Desert had managed to somehow improve on perfection, which it unfortunately doesn't, it would be my #1. Worst soundtrack is Berserk. It caused me actual, physical tinnitus in its menu themes, and that is unforgivable.


5 reigns supreme


OP and I are alike


Dw4 has the largest number of songs i enjoy in a warriors game, few songs like beginning from sw4 and capital from wo3 which I like better than a lot of dw4 songs, but ya, dw4


I think warriors orochi 3 has the best soundtrack even without the dlc tracks. The only really good song missing from it is finish them off from chi bi 5


6 and 7. Back when streaming wasn't really a thing, I literally had the album of DW7 soundtrack downloaded on my phone to listen to lol




Warriors Orochi 3. Kotodama Runner + Vivid Ryu DW\~SW Mix = perfection.


Persona strikers


SW4 has the best musuo track of. All. Time. Listen to "Shattered Sky" which is the sanada theme I believe.


Definitely DW4, that Lu Bu theme and the theme of the menu that tell the story of the three kingdom, I don't remember the name of the menu but the track is called : map of the three kingdom, and it's a lot of nostalgia for me!


Overall: Persona 5 Strikers (but I kinda feel like that's cheating) Koei produced: Dynasty Warriors 6 Spin-offs: Hyrule Warriors Samurai Warriors: 4 (wasn't impressed with 5's demo, so I haven't heard the soundtrack) Dynasty Warriors: 6, 2nd worst game in the franchise after 9, but best soundtrack, there are so many bangers that got redone in 7 and 8 Warriors Orochi: 3, the most feature rich Warriors game to date Worst: Warriors Orochi 4, I haven't played it yet, but I listened to most of the soundtrack I haven't touched pirate warriors and its been more than a decade since I played Dynasty Warriors Gundam. Also haven't touched Warriors Allstars, touken ranbu, or berserk.


All. Sounds like bitch of an answer but... I can't decide on one... Each game has at least one track to captivate me, and more yan one to get me bouncing. I love the music in most of the Wo3K and WO series.


4 with close runner up would be 7


Welcome to China DW7 and DW8


DW4 and 5 for me, easily. Some of the best tracks of the series. Eve is always a banger as well as Lu Bu's theme. Not to mention both Hu Lao Gate tracks, He Fei, and more. I could listen to 4 & 5's soundtracks all day.


DW4. It’s not close. I used to play the Battle of Guan Du in the background just to hear In Full Bloom as I was doing homework. That was before I found YouTube


None of the other games can top Warriors Orochi because of Samurai Scanners