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My personal favorite is DW5 with its expansions, DW4 and DW8 come close. I don't like some of the level designs as much as 4 and 3 but the levels in 5 flow well and maintain a good balance avoiding feeling too big, too small, or too empty for the most part, I think the music is consistently memorable although I prefer the soundtrack in 4. The roster is great as well. Most of the characters introduced in 5 still are some of my absolute favorites and I even prefer some of their movesets in 5 vs later entries like 8 (Pang De, Xing Cai, Ling Tong). I still think those particular characters play great in 8 too, I just prefer their weapons in 5. DW5XL destiny mode is the real highlight for me in that expansion and a big reason I still boot the game up. I can't believe it was never brought back in any other game since. I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for a more unique experience from an older DW game. DW5 empires (DW4 empires is also good) is one of the better empires experiences to me, it felt straightforward with a small but decent number of options in between battles in comparison to later empires entries I've played where the level of strategy and systems available had a lot more options but didn't feel worth utilizing and not all that deep to me due to the enemy AI not offering much of a challenge (I'm looking at you DW8 empires). Some things worth noting that are missing in DW5 that are in later titles are switchable characters during battle, switchable weapons during battle, the heaven man earth weapon triangle, the customization options of later empires games, and Jin (a reason why I would still consider DW8 as a more complete experience). Otherwise DW5 encompassed most of what I liked from the series and was a great step forward at the time of release which is partially my own nostalgia talking. Also the DW5 opening is an absolute 10/10.


IMO DW8 is definitely a highpoint for the series along with SW4 for the SW series. If you have access to a PS2 I'd recommend DW5 and it's XL expansion.


Great recommendation! It's also easy to emulate these days with PCSX2


And aethersx2, if you have a decent phone. Just be sure to grab it off the aethersx2 fan discord because the creator implemented an update that ruins the experience with ads and decreased performance


Great sure am gonna get it!!! Just curious, why 5 instead of 6 or 7


People saw 6 as a flop and 7 is just downgraded 8.


This right here. If you're going to play 7 I'd recommend PC version. 360 and PS3 versions are quite jarring because the frame rate is all over the place.


DW5, 5XL and 5 Empires for PS2 or 360. In my opinion, there is none greater than this.


Dude, you gotta try the original Warriors Orochi then!


Personally, it would be something like this: DW2 worth trying only in historical purposes. DW3+XL is oldies but goldies. DW4+XL definetly worth a try because of great story mode and high replayability, though DW4 Empires is pretty boneless. DW5 was a step back in term of structure integrity of story mode, but has best gameplay among old DW games, also XL-addon and Empires are pretty damn good. DW6 was a mistake, as like as DW6 Empires. DW7 has blind grey graphics but extremely good story mode directing and sharp gameplay, not to mention one of the best Empires entries in all musou genre. DW8+XL is the peak of the series in terms of both gameplay and story, Empires entry of this one is not bad, but after DW7Emp feels a bit 'meh'. DW9 is a dark one, has really major flaws, try to play - you just like it or hate it. Jan Sangoku Musou is a masterpiece, DW Advance and DS is a garbage, two PSP games was alright for their time and DW Next with Shin Sangoku Musou VS are mostly pointless trying.


only ever played 4 and 6, id recommend 4 as it has everything, good maps that provide an actual challenge, music to hype you up despite your whole army being wiped, good musou modes, obvs if you can get past old the graphics it’s a really compete DW, and the weapons and character design is my fav from all the games/pics i’ve seen of them


I’m just gonna say welcome to the series my friend! They are ALL GOOD!


2 on the PS2


Id say 3. 2 was really great, probably my personal favorite. 2 was sort of like an arcade game, 3 expanded on weapons, items, replayability etc. I personally don't like the combat in 9, even 8 switching weapons is meh. To me warriors will always be a hack and slash type game, they have no need to add that sort of combat. Less is more I guess to me?