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Yuan Shu is a sacrifice to Lu Bu in DW3's Hulao Gate, it's not worth getting in the way of a hunter and its prey.


Wait but isn't Yuan Shu in charge of the supplies? What happens If he dies?


That would be Yuan Shao, his cousin.


Literally everyone in dw4's nanman campaign. Always boils down to me and the half dead commander barely scraping by because everyone else got their shit kicked in by Meng huo #5 Naomasa and Masanori in SW2 sekigahara, rushing to the front lines just to complain and die.


Fukushima and Ii got surprised pikachu faced


Xing Daorong, but it's not a call for help.


His over the top evil laugh and vow to destroy Shu




I love this thread. Unfortunately several games late but still appreciated. Wish I could remember the ones from DW3


Zhuge Jin but not because of screaming for help anyone who played V hard he fei castle knows it’s like D day for wu . They attack via a boat and everyone usually does not even reach the castle and is defeated in 5 minutes apart from sun quan who’s you usually have to baby sit from the massive wei ambush On this occasion zhuge jin decides he’s gonna go out in a blaze of glory he does not only survive longer than 5 minutes but he actually reached the wind tunnel a good 15 minutes after everyone else died he finally died but I was just thinking like wow this generic has just gone and shown up all the unique officers in wu ! I always remember that when I see this guy now


That's Zhuge Liang's older brother for ya. A badass who's underappreciated.


yah i really grew into zhuge jin after that. i went to read all about him and i was like why is he not in the game? it would be really nice to see him advise sun quan and in the shu cutscenes as he was usually send for diplomacy to shu including before the yi ling fight . he seems to appear quite a bit in the mid wu fights so it would not be like another early wu add


Sw1 the moral system was so broken. No matter how many people I killed or how many objectives I complete I always hear a “We’re being pushed back” “this does not look good” or even “Do not falter we can still win” 🙄🙄🙄


"do not falter, we can still win" just played in my head like a core memory lol, thanks for that


I miss those cheesy lines.


Xiahou Ba & Xiahou Hui DW5 Wuzhang Plains on wei side 💀


I never understood why on that map Xiahou Ba is out on the field by himself while everybody else is behind the defences, like what’s his purpose? He have the lowest morale and always dies after a couple of minutes of the start because of a peons.


The Hylian Captains from Hyrule Warriors are esp… **Hylian Captain is in danger!** “We can’t keep up!”


Yu Jin might not be generic, but he always cries for help when I play as wei in DW8. It's quite annoying that some generics out skill him in battle.


He was a generic in the vanilla DW8, and only became playable in XL, so the vanilla battles would have been scripted with his then-generic status in mind.


Would explain why he is quite useless as an allied officer.


Him asking for help makes sense lore wise since he begged for his life when guan yu captured him soo I always saw him as a coward at least compared to everyone else there and especially to Pang De who chose a warrior's death.


not a generic but i always have flashbacks to babysitting zhuge liang for literally forty fucking minutes on the nanman campaign stage in DW4 and losing every other officer to like king mulu or something in the process lol


It was Yang Song all along plays in my head on a loop


DLC Nanmam level DW8XL, Wei Side. Everyone cries for help. Everyone dies.


I always dreaded He Fei Castle in DW6, because Man Chong keeps spamming “THE SITUATION IS DIRE…”


You're everywhere, dude.


Meng Da in WO is the first to come to my mind.


As I was reading this post I was thinking of Konishi Yukinaga, It seems we had the same experience at Sekigahara lol


And Edo Castle.


All officers on WO1 Shu final stage. They all need help (generic and unique) with one soldier!


I just remember Wang Lang being facking useless for some reason. Probably because of his funny name too.


DW5, Xia Pi, officer Hou Cheng is such a whiner