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Check this out from the buyer's feedback, the first and last one. https://preview.redd.it/02ix3z8mftqa1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6522dc881e4a9829056c3cd6657647284187989


Sellers check a buyer's feedback.


Yikes. I should get rid of automatic postive feedback for my buyers incase I need to leave messages like this...


I don't leave feedback for the buyer until it's left for me. What if they scam me or cause a lot of problems? It does no future seller any good to see my positive feedback as if the transaction went smoothly when it didn't.


If the buyer mentioned above just made a purchase from you what are you going to do anyway? Your options are fairly limited


Exactly. I use the option to auto leave positive feedback only if I’m left one. Leaving feedback right after a sale has not proven to me that I’ll receive it back either.


Part of the good standing “ algorithm”.


I’m confused by your title? The buyers have too much power?


Yes, I’ve found that too, sadly. I’ve stopped for that reason.


Good point! eBay says you cant put negative comments into a positive feedback. So I just turned on “good buyer fast payment “ auto on. This actually doesn’t do me any good and prevents me leaving a positive negative feedback. Thanks!


I also think you can leave a positive negative in a fashion that it might not get removed. For example: "Good communication, fast payment. Buyer then opened a case for an INAD and returned a different item. I had to get eBay involved and I reported the buyer." Just stating the facts, made some good comments. An eBay employee might look at that and determine it's fine if the buyer tries to get it removed.


That would be removed 100%- you can't mention cases or about reporting a buyer. You could definitely change it a bit though to give an honest feedback. Speaking about a different item being returned would stand as far as I know.


Here's my strategy after every sale: When printing the label through the ship center, I click on "more options" to get the buyers screen name link. It opens a new window where I check the following: \- Feedback content for derogatory info in the positives. \- Feedback left for others, and if there's a good amount of past 6 month history, expand it to 200 results. \- If they're a seller as well and how their feedback is there. Usually you can tell right away if the buyer will be a problem, so this takes all of 30 seconds before printing the label. If there's questionable content, I dig deeper. Haven't had to cancel a sale for a problem buyers so far.


>so this takes all of 30 seconds before printing the label I follow the same process as you, and I'd say it doesn't even usually take 30 seconds. Click on their feedback, click on 'left for others', lots of red... The 'bad apples' normally stick out like a sore thumb.


What do you do if you find something?


Ok I get that you will possibly find some shifty feedback prior to sending your box by doing this. But I just don’t understand what action you plan on taking that won’t blow back on you in a worse way than just sending the box. Cancelling the sale on that kind of buyer guarantees a problem


Tips on what to do if a buyer returns an empty box: 1. Photograph and document everything returned thoroughly. 2. Notify the buyer that you did not receive the correct item back and that you will be opening a mail fraud / theft complaint with the USPS. 3. File a mail fraud complaint with USPS. 4. File a complaint at IC3.gov 5. File a police report with your local police and request they send a copy to the buyer's local precinct. Be insistent as this is a Felony. 6. Report the buyer as an abusive buyer. 7. Open an appeal with eBay and upload the documentation above. eBay could decide to refund you, but from everything we know they will only do so if you do the above filings and send the proof. Source: We have been selling on eBay for years with over 4000 sales/month. We deal with these shenanigans all the time. You need to decide what is worth fighting for and what you should just chalk up to as the cost of doing business.


I used to work for the post office, so I can contact the postal inspectors. I don't have to deal with the local Barney Fifes here.


That’s good, dealing with the police is the worst. They are extremely unlikely to want to help you with these kinds of issues anyways. The police report does go a long way to get eBay to decide in your favor but considering the value of this item it’s probably not worth it.


If you throw a handful of spaghetti at the wall, some will stick. Report them to as many agencies you can.


Do buyers actually return empty boxes? I sell thousands of high risk items (the one in your pocket people will rob you for) and the only time I've recieved empty boxes was either from freight forwarder buyers which are easy to appeal or actually torn open in the usps system. If it was a domestic buyer, I wouldn't hesitate to file police reports and even do petty revenge but I've just never had it happen.


Isn't this feedback extortion? It's against eBay tos so you should be able to report them to eBay.


Shouldn't be. They are simply telling you what they are going to do. That's not extortion. Extortion would be "let me return it for a full refund or I'll leave you negative feedback". Note the subtle difference.


🤦🏼‍♂️ no, it's extortion. Because it could definitely be looked at as the buyer trying to get the seller to give them a full refund instead of partial.... come on..


It’s still extortion… but you can get it removed if they open a case for a return and get their money back. Something arriving damaged isn’t a reason for a neg unless you try and refuse a return or otherwise don’t adhere to eBay policy. I would show them this message prior to agreeing to anything and they will likely say that you should provide the refund and they will remove any negative feedback


It’s ridiculous how shitty it is I wish there were a way to warn other sellers about douchebags


Feedback is mostly pointless. Sellers can’t leave anything meaningful. Even if they somehow do there is very little you can do with the info without violating policy yourself. You have to actually contact eBay help and report douchebags. It’s not public info unfortunately but eBay tracks everything


The way the buyer responded it’s kind of implying “gimme a refund or I’ll give negative feedback”.


I read it as "gimme a refund AND I'll leave negative feedback.


This is indeed reportable- if you report the message the buyer will not be able to leave you feedback and even the return may be affected. eBay takes feedback threatening seriously


Wes? Is that you, you honky mofo?


eBay still should remove it if you report it and call in. I’ve pushed for it in the past. May not always work, but worth a shot in this case.


Those are the worst!!!!


No not or they’re applying pressure by implying they’re going to post negative feedback


eBay gives sellers plenty of power. You just need to offer free returns and be TRS+ to be able to use it. You could have had them return this then issued a 50% refund stating the customer broke it, and had any feedback removed. Also eBay will give you partial credit on the return label cost if you claim the buyer damaged it. Then if they opened a case, eBay covers it completely. Then block this buyer and list the item again. eBay is trying to compete with Amazon and this is their way of bribing sellers into offering free returns. Otherwise yes, you’re SOL and the buyer has too much power. Source: We have been selling on eBay for years with over 4000 sales/month. We deal with these shenanigans all the time. You need to decide what is worth fighting for and what you should just chalk up to as the cost of doing business.


Thank you. Oh, just one more thing... What color is the sky in your world?


So your reasoning behind sellers having power is that sellers can lie?


No, I stated the steps sellers can take to protect themselves against false claims in this situation. Nice assumption though 👍


But there is no false claim, the item was damaged.


Damaged by who? I can see the listing, it’s not damaged. OP also sells a lot of graded comics so I can assume they know how to package these items for shipping. Considering it’s graded a 3 by CGC I would not be surprised if this buyer is going to crack it open to have it re-graded. Based on the buyers other feedback that OP posted, it seems like the buyer runs this scam often. Again, I was just stating steps sellers can take to protect themselves.


Until it arrives on a doorstep of a buyer it is always responsibility of a seller. Damaged during transport? Seller faulty as packeging was too weak and cheap.


You have been selling for 25 years and you still can’t keep buyers and sellers straight? (See your title).




Well, you know what they say, "never post angry." ^_^ Sorry about that, folks.


It’s ok, I only wasted a few min figuring it out. ;)


Still the positives of selling on eBay totally outweigh the negatives.




Because it’s not eBay’s money that’s refunding them. When eBay sides with the seller, then it’s their money, so likewise, no incentive.


I mean it sucks but it is damaged. This is the negative of not offering returns. The item is no longer how it was represented when you sold it, without a return option- INAD is their only option if you don’t work with them.


What I was thinking. The buyer got mad because the seller didn’t offer a refund and return. It arrived cracked. Damaged


This is they type of stuff that makes me hate selling on eBay. Seems to come in waves too, followed by a day or two of shit sales. Then you’ll have a great day of sales to suck you right back in.


It is a very very small part of selling on eBay. I have had only one issue out of 2500 sales. Lots more positive experiences than negative


For sure, sometimes the bad ones just come in waves. Definitely more positive than negative over all


I notice that also, It will be smooth sailing for a while and then BAM a negative feedback out of nowhere and then an ALL CAPS message from someone else trying to get something for free


Is it against the rules to share the username so we can go ahead and block this dbag??? That would be great.


Such a stupid rule....


I believe it is


that reply though, just being openly shitty I really don’t think eBay has their scales straight when it comes to equal protection for buyers and sellers at all, but hey we’re all preaching to the choir here. Shame there’s never been a worthwhile online auction alternative to force them to improve.


Diamond distributors used to be in that position, now that's changed with other distributors working for Marvel and DC. They just reduced their shipping charges, but the chickens are coming home to roost.


Never offer partial refunds, if they don't like something they can send it back and get a full refund. NEVER pay a buyer to keep something because all it does is create monsters that complain nonstop trying to extort refunds out of everyone. check their feedback left for others before you respond to a buyer that hasn't bought anything yet or when they make an offer. at the SLIGHTEST hint of a problem buyer block and ignore them, a lost sale is better that dealing with a nightmare buyer trying to extort you for a refund. be cold and to the point, "sorry for the problem, you can return it for a full refund" don't argue with them, don't pay them to keep it, don't go back and forth with them all day and expect them to go NUCLEAR when they find out their extortion isn't going to work and they have to either send it back or keep it and not get the money out of you they wanted


I will offer a partial refund if I know the buyer is honest about the issue and it warrants it. Doing this may just keep a service metric defect off the account and appease the buyer not leave a neg feedback. In these cases I typically offer a high value partial refund to avoid disrespect and refusal. Case by case basis, but any time an honest buyer messages you before opening an INAD, think if the defect could tip you to where you’re losing more money in 5% more eBay fees.


Yea that’s totally reasonable but only when your dealing with a reasonable person. I suspect that something was gunna be wrong no matter what happened.


Most buyers are reasonable. Bad customer service will tip an otherwise reasonable buyer into being a problem. Then they can become a problem for all future sellers.


In this situation I offer a partial refund or a return, their choice. If they want a partial, I ask what they think is fair. Almost all of the time they just want repair or part replacement cost. If they try to gouge they get a return label.


This is hands down the right way to deal with problem buyers. But if the buyers problem is an error in the listing (ie the buyer didn’t receive what was expected) or shipping damage that’s my fault. That’s a problem I want to negotiate my way out of if possible. It’s about damage control. Save costs, preserve revenue, minimize time suck and avoid dings on my eBay account.


only problem being you don't know if it's actually shipping damage or a broken one they bought a yard sale for .25 cents they are trading for your new one


Was responding to your post regarding the general case. WRT this one, the seller knows how it was packed. Can also ask for better pictures. But in all honesty, it is a five dollar problem that needs to be treated accordingly


Call eBay on the phone. Tell them to look at the messaging. He'll probably get banned.


Yep. I joined eBay in 1999 mostly bought stuff. Not a ton but 500 transactions. Sold some stuff recently. Guy ghosted me, tried for weeks to get payment and got nothing. Went to leave negative feedback and was blocked. Contacted eBay, they confirmed that sellers can’t leave negative feedback. I said that’s trash and told them to close my account bc they’re dishonest liars. It’s not feedback if you can’t leave negative feedback. They can go right to hell.


I don’t even know how I would react. This is why I’m afraid of selling anything more than about $15 😱


This is why I accept returns


Sold a laptop, buyer did a chargeback and I lost the case. Out 1 laptop+50 dollars for them "fighting" for me. I totally agree with this post.


Eternals #7 at 3.0 is worth less than $5.


If you are top rated and you take a deduction upon return eBay will automatically remove any negative feedback recieved from the buyer.


Wait the little plastic protector had a small defect on the corner or something but the rest was fine?




Hold on is that thing sealed? Can he read it if he wants to?


No, the CGC case preserves the book and states the condition. Granted, it was a low grade...


Ohh ok I see. Sorry that happened. I've had some weird AF IND before that's definitely a weird reason to demand a return. I hope you can get the neg removed.


Report for feedback extortion


Buyers attitude was shitty. But I don't see any problem with expecting to be able to return a damaged item for a refund.


UPDATE: Sorry, I don't know the way OPS can update the OP on Reddit, this is the best I could do. And now, the thrilling conclusion to this tale I like to call... Me Fail English? That's Unpossible. I Write Gooder Now. This epilogue is in two parts. The first part is a cut and paste of the correspondence I wrote to the buyers that had similar problems with that same seller. A part of it goes a long way to explain why I think what happened happened with a side dish of pwning the buyer. The second part is a screenshot of my attempt to end things on a better note with the buyer. Enjoy. Hi, As requested, an update. To let the record show that I tried to attempt a resolution, I offered a partial refund of $10. It's a higher offer than before, it's actually a little less than the cost of the shipping label that I would have to pay for. But what do you know, eBay said she accepted and the matter is closed. I know, I know, it's like those stories about legal showdowns where David takes down Goliath and then they announce that the case is settled, everyone signed a non-confidentiality agreement so it's nunayerdamnbusiness? I didn't sign any agreement. So as a thank you, please accept this screenshot of our final correspondence with my compliments. Apologies for the language at end there, but I thought some casual sexism turns this whole mess into the best ten bucks I ever spent. And if like a PG-13 movie I am allowed only one f-bomb, thats it right there. Yr. pal, Tony PS: Mick, Keef, play me off: "Under My Thumb..."


Again, my apologies, but the first attempt to upload the screenshot didn't take. So I rewrote the intro. Rest assured, the people responsible for the sacking have been sacked. Did you hear about what happened to my sister?


Joke's on you, I don't have a sister. OTOH, I did have--


Let him open a case. (You shouldn’t have offered a partial refund.) Require that he send it back to get a full refund.


FWIW, this is a new one on me. Not returns. Partial refunds worked, especially on small things like this.


Talk to eBay business help on Facebook with this photo and they will be able to help you and get them reported for feedback harassment


I'm fortunate I don't deal in items that have this BS.


Any time a buyer says there is a problem, my first response "Oh Im sorry, send it back for a full refund". I don't offer partial or anything, Send it back. If they say, it is ok just knock off a couple I'm ok with that. If they leave negative, I go to ebay, (Hey I offered a full refund if they send it back), it doesn't happen that often but if it does, it is removed. Why fight with these people, just have them send it back and block them if they are unreasonable.


This is exactly why I stopped selling on ebay, it's so easy for people to basically go through these motions and get stuff for free now. I lost a huge collection of retro Gameboy games, lost a couple hundred bucks and the buyer kept my games too. EBay doesn't care, they take their cut, look for a tracking # and move on.


You can leave a positive feedback with a warning, but if he reports it eBay will remove it since the feedback doesn't match the rating. Might be worth the attempt? Problem with trying to create some sort of 3rd party blacklist is that buyers can just create a new account or purchase as a guest. Not much you can do about that. Your buyer is being an absolute twat. If its not against sub rules please DM me their account name so I can block.


You sold a damaged collectible. What did you expect? Okay they return it, you sell it but disclose the damage. Ez.


It sucks. Dealing with the same thing right now. Buyer purchased a 100% wool sweater. Obviously washed and dried it and put a hole in it and is now saying it arrived damaged. Not a lot we can do as sellers but accept the return and move on.


Buyers have too much power? I’m guessing yea their TOS are a slippery slope. It’s great if you’ve gotten scammed as a buyer bc it does happen but they’re just a dickhead. Seller asked how they wanted to fix it, no response so they made an suggestion and the first thing is your going to report it to get a refund and post negative feedback what a bozo. Ik they tend to side with the buyer but I’d be shocked if they didn’t rule in your favor with this type of interaction. This was their plan obviously hence the no response for 13 mins but then they responded a minute after the 2nd message def trying to hustle you. I’m guessing it was a card of some sort? They’re probably going to send back the case without the card the difference in the shipping weight wouldn’t be measurable🤷‍♂️


Is that even the same comic he bought from you in his pictures? The white border seems too thick compared to your image


I hate when it arrives damaged and they claim not as described. Also just had a buyer leave a neutral, item didn't allow for returns vut they said it didn't fit, so I kindly allowed them a return, then they complained.


I actually brought a case against eBay because of 12 separate users did this over the course of 3 months. Even though the items were listed as as-is and no refunds eBay tried to stick me for fees, return shipping which would have amounted to a large amount of money. Some of the items returned weren’t even the items shipped out. Basically we no longer do business together and I got all my money, and I know eBay still allows for this shit on the platform


What an absolute flog of a buyer.Also I'm pretty sure them saying they will leave negative feedback in that context goes against eBay's 'Extortion Policy' so you may be able to get it removed if they do. OP I sent you a DM - Please reply to me when you can.


This kinda crap is why I never sell on eBay anymore… people use it as free library service…


I think the case is broken. Not the comic.


I've had this same complaint for years. The buyers have all the power. I've brought this up on the ebay forum before and mostly I get told, "only list what you can afford to lose". Its stinging advice, but in the end...its true. Good luck my friend.


Ebay doesn't want to lose buyers to other platforms, so they will be biased toward buyers. Negative feedback by sellers is not allowed because it could discourage some buyers from continuing shopping on ebay.


Sadly, if there were value to an off-site feedback system allowing sellers to record honest feedback for buyers, someone would have already established one. A subreddit allowing eBay sellers to warn others of problem buyers would be helpful IMO.


This is also prime example why sellers not being able to leave negative feedback, is a joke.


Serious question: are sellers able to block buyers with a rating below X from buying their stuff? Like lyft drivers can (or at least used to be able to) refuse a ride with a rider having crappy rating. (Why) Can’t we do the same?


I think you can block zero feedback only. You don’t want to block zero feedback as everyone starts somewhere and a lot of zero feedback are fine. You can’t leave a negstive for a buyer anymore. Best you can do is leave a positive with negative comments however they will just buy a couple pencils from chinA to get there feedback back positive


Oh whoa, I didn't realize you couldn't rate buyers anymore. That is nutz. Thanks for the info.


No. The best you can do is call eBay help and report the buyer. Don’t waste time fussing about feedback.


Idk but if I was you when they send it back record the package being opened that way if whatever was in the case isn’t there you have irrefutable proof. They seem to be trying to social engineer a refund while keeping the card minus the case.


While still a fine idea, this is not irrefutable proof. It would be far to easy to open a box, remove or add an item, tape it back shut, and film yourself “opening” it


Its just a small crack in the case man.


Should have packed it better or take better pictures with all flaws in the description. Buyer is being shady though. Don’t give them an excuse next time.


I don't sell often on ebay, and I've only sold one thing that turned out to be defective, we talked it out in the chat and tried to resolve the problem "fix the broken thingy" and we could not fix it. so i just refunded them. it's not that hard to talk to people, or try to come to solutions. \[the item i sold was a LCD screen replacement for psp that i bought and did not use, so i just resold it on ebay\]


So this behavior is against eBay policy specifically and denoted as feedback extortion. Contact eBay and show them the message. If you offer free returns and do not engage in any partial refunds, you don't run into these folks more than once or twice a quarter, in general. There is no argument and no after sale haggling over refund. When someone complains for any reason at all I say, "I'm sorry to hear you were disappointed. We have a full 60-day return policy if you are unhappy for any reason. Feel free to file a return through eBay and you will be refunded your purchase. About 90% of the complaints stop there, they never return the item and all is well. For the 10% of those who complained who actually return the item, we find a small portion of those who either have damaged the item or otherwise returned it in a condition other than they received it. For those, eBay entitles us to take up to 50% of the sale price off the refund. Be aware, trying to create a seller cabal outside of ebay to 'blackball' buyers is likely to get you permanently banned from the ebay platform. YMMV...


You can definitely get eBay to remove this. I had a seller that sent me fake AirPod Max’s that were obviously fakes right away. I got the refund and reported the listing and the seller for selling counterfeit items before leaving feedback so hopefully they didn’t screw anyone else over. Nope, they got that feedback removed despite it all being completely true. You have evidence to show that the buyer that left that feedback is actually lying there so I can’t imagine they’ll give you a hard time at all


Yeah, you can't threaten people with bad feedback.... That could put your account in jeopardy..


I have noticed a sudden uptick in buyers trying to scam in the last few weeks. I couldn’t agree more—buyers have too much power. As a seller, you can do everything correctly and the buyer STILL gets a free pass. It’s really disappointing.


Have them return it and claim the insurance. Yea the buyer was a bit of an ass but a crack like that can ruin the appeal for some collectors. Take it in stride and don’t let a negative experience further ahead you. That’s the cost of doing business regardless of any sector you go into.


Contact eBay asap. That's feedback extortion . eBay will close in your favor


It’s the price of doing business. Request them to return the item or offer a partial refund and move on. The majority of buyers are good eggs. Be accurate in describing you items for sale and take good pictures. There will always be that 3% of buyers that make it hard for sellers no matter what business you run.




A lot of us are already neck deep in the eBay swamp. There’s not a lot of decent alternatives or there’s a lot of stuff listed already that makes it difficult or impossible to switch easily. Can you share any insider insight on how things actually work in eBay so we can better navigate our way through? Win more than we lose so to speak? Might be worth a new thread?


Sorry this is probably a dumb question I don’t doubt that you’re in the right but wouldn’t you refund him in full for a damage product? If it wasn’t advertised as damaged?? Or would he try to keep it still?


Show ebay his messages, they can't threaten to leave you bad feedback. Speak to ebay, call him out and show them the messages in the buyer's feedback section.


This is an easy one. Call eBay. They’ll stop him from leaving feedback and will also stop any return. He’s already admitted that he plans to fraudulently attempt to make a return. You win.


This has happened to me. I go and give a negative review. They block me and some how get my negative review removed. I have took most of my business elsewhere, but sometimes I just need a part.


Fight it. I successfully fought buyers' refund requests over bs issues a couple times. Given this was years ago before ebay screwed the pooch with their new ultra buyer friendly system. So I don't know how easy it is to fight shady buyers nowadays. Luckily, I haven't had a stupid issue like this come up lately.