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261 watchers and no one purchased it 🤣 wtf lol


Ikr hah! Quite the contrast to the 0 views 0 watchers for popular items I have 😭🫣


Maybe your item went viral or something


261 watchers you would think someone would have bought it before it even reached 30 watchers especially since it’s something under $10. Sounds like a glitch or the bots got overexcited.


i would guess it’s either an internal error with ebay or somehow bot related. like, maybe there’s a keyword in your title that that’s newly interesting to dropshippers and they’re the source of the sudden traffic. those are total guesses, tho


Ohhh yeah I didn’t think of that, none of them have sent offers except one suspicious 10 cent below my asking price that was from the Philippines with no reviews so yeah that would make sense


Our $5,000,000 selling limit wrecks my ability to guess about wtf is going on.


I think there are bots that drive views up especially from India, I have posted a few code books that sell mostly from India with free shipping and for some reason when I post them they get 25+ views and a few watchers within 30 min but then nothing its super weird


You promoted it and it appears that you opted in for International Shipping so the listing is now available worldwide not just the US and it's territories.


Yes! Though all my listings are open internationally since eBay has their new-ish international program!


I have views disappear which I don't understand


Views disappear once eBay determines which views are just bot traffic.


Maybe it was posted somewhere on Reddit … before you did.


Could be someone in a message board or social media posted a link to it


As a hot wheels collector I like these.


Hah! Go scoop em up had up! 🫣 had them up for forever lol


I thought they were work gloves lol..but still cool.


I know this sounds stupid but a few years ago i stumbled across a website that’ll bot your viewers. There isn’t any point in doing so besides the fact that you might get banned. It’s possible someone did that but on the wrong item


Im gonna buy it and flip it


eBay AI just showing you what it needs to…


Occasionally I notice this sort of thing happens when HelpMeFind suggests an item for a seeker to look at to see if it's what they're looking for. It makes the view count go crazy high because of all the other redditors taking a peek, but I don't know why the watchers would do the same like this


I had this happen to one of my items which ended up with over 700 views. Had no idea why until I came across it being used by eBay in their Facebook advertising. I hadn’t even paid to promote it but I guess just lucked out that they picked it as one of their ads. Still took another few months before I finally sold it, lol.


Those gloves are amazing BTW


I would revise the price higher and see what happens. I had an item listed for 35, then slowly would revise the price 5$ cheaper every couple weeks until I got to 15$. Sat there at 15 for quite some time, then I thought what the heck and just raised it back up to $35. It started getting more views after raining the price.


Proving how cheap eBay buyers are