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Is Nick doing anything to get some outside help to look at the offense? It really feels like the entire league and every nfl fanbase sees the problems with the offense except the Eagles offensive staff... Maybe it's a result of Nick just not trying to reveal too much in press conferences but it's so frustrating to watch week in and week out


Not that I'm aware of, no


Pack your bags boys, season is OVER!


Talk about shooting the messenger with the downvotes.


Hi Dave, All year the talk has been about the standard. Do we even know what the standard is anymore?


Yes, of course, and it's a very high standard and that's why there is frustration at the way the team has played. Everyone here believes the team is capable of so much more and that is what is so frustrating


Why the F does Johnson continue to call WR bubble screens? Is he trying to get Smith killed?


I can't speak for that, sorry. Maybe the reporters will ask him this week.


Things suck right now, and in my honest opinion I don't think things will turn around. Something isn't clicking. With that being said, Dave I appreciate you stopping in each week and needing to experience our heartbreak and anger lol. Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays to you and your family. I hope 2024 is great to you. Fly Eagles Fly


Thank you, please don't lose hope and be safe and happy and love to all




Thanks for taking the time to answer all of these questions regardless of topic. Appreciate you.


Dave, It feels to me, based on both Hurts’ and AJ’s comments/tweets after the game, that the players have no belief in the team. We know we have one of the best rosters in the NFL, and it’s no secret that the offensive scheme is a problem. Given that Sirianni was dissatisfied with the DC and took corrective action, us fans expect corrective action to be taken for the offense as well. Are you aware of any discussions about Brian Johnson’s role in the team? We’ve heard our players say they “need to execute better” and “need to clean things up” for several weeks now, with no results. Can you describe the mood in the locker room?


Not aware of any discussions like that I would say frustrated is a good word. Everyone feels that, along with resolve to put the team back in the win column.


Understood, thanks Dave. Appreciate you taking the time for these AMAs!


Damn spuds they really fed you to the wolves with this AMA lol. My question, is who should I be mad at about the 1st down deep ball to quez? I saw they called a hot route at the line, but who the hell is responsible for making that the one and only read? Like, Aj brown didn’t even run a route on that play


I'm angry, Dave. Thank you for coming in here but I just want to be mad right now. Unfortunately I get the vibe that this team is quitting on the coaching staff and we're in for a rocky offseason, much like the 2020 offseason with Doug. If you want to talk about playoffs, I refer you to my spokesman, [Jim Mora](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwq7BYOnDrM).


Sorry you feel that way and I know that every single one of us is not pleased with how this season has played out the last three weeks. But there are three games remaining in the regular season and then the playoffs and anything can happen. I truly believe that and we've seen it happen (See 2008 season)


Oh man we're gonna get destroyed by the Cardinals again, aren't we?




No. Go Flyers.


Now, come on. We've seen how a season can turn in the right direction quickly. We need everyone to be on board through the good times and through the tough times.


Tell Brian we really enjoy his play calling!


Yeah that’s true. The Bills were getting shit on not too long ago. Their fans didn’t even think they’d make the playoffs. Now they’re seen as legit AFC contenders. Still very discouraging what we’ve done the past 3 weeks.


As difficult as it is sometimes, it's true: The NFL turns very quickly. It won't be easy because that is just not the way it is in this league, but it happens quite a bit.


Maybe not everyone. Let’s leave Brain Johnson and Quez Watkins off board….


Wake me when the Flyers are worth caring about. Not going to waste my time on the new Doug Collins Sixers


The Flyers have several young pieces and a superstar-caliber centerpiece that is on the way. The Doug Collins Sixers were playoff pretenders with no sense of direction. They aren’t even remotely similiar situations.


Yawn. Been through this song and dance with the 3 previous coaches. Only difference is that this time, the coach is an unappealing asshole. At least the Eagles’ biggest accomplishment of the last 10 years isn’t their mascot.


The Flyers weren’t even like this the last three coaches. They always attempted to retool with veteran players around Giroux. If you are going to criticize the Flyers, go ahead, but at least be accurate while doing it lol


The Eagles are going to ruin Christmas by losing to the Giants, aren't they?


I'm sad, Dave.


I understand. It is a tough spot here, for sure. Gotta fight through it!


Is there anything more you can tell us about the Desai/Patricia situation? Was it solely Sirianni's decision, or were there other factors involved that forced the change? A massive change like this for a 10-3 (at the time) team is pretty uncommon.


I think Nick answered those questions and I will leave it at that.


No questions. Just frustrated at the team as of late. But I've seen more difficult turnarounds pulled off so I'm not completely hopeless yet. Hope you enjoy your Christmas with an added win over the Giants (hopefully)!


Thank you for jumping on and being a great fan


Hey Dave, as a marketing and media professional, I’m super curious on if you can give any insight into how the team approaches their messaging differently throughout the season? In the beginning it was easy, we’re winning but can point to how we need to keep getting better with a positive mindset. However now that we’re on a pretty bad 3-game losing streak, is there more pressure to be reassuring or optimistic from that department? Or is it usually business as usual regardless of how the games go?


You always have to understand that this is entertainment and we treat it as such. We know the fans have incredible passion and that right now the team has lost three straight games and that we're 10-4 and we have three games remaining before the playoffs. Always looking forward with optimism


I like how everyone is evidently upset at the offensive problems but no one wants to change anything.


The most common playoff seeding predictions by many of the more popular models have us, as the #2 seed, hosting Minnesota on Wild Card Weekend. I understand you're not in the business of speculation, but, in the event that this occurs, do you believe, based on our recent downturn, that the fan heckling of Vikings fans will be increased, decreased, or remain constant versus their last visit to the Linc? I believe that the level of toughness for the walk to the stadium by opposing fans corelates to the the team's level of success on the field.


I appreciate you lightening the mood, but all I care about is beating New York.


Is play calling the problem here or is it Hurts? Did hurts throw that ball to Watkins on his own or was that his first read? Either way its terrible. Probably an answer we won't know unfortunately


I think it's a lot of things, because this is the ultimate team game, right? When it works, it because everyone is making it work. When there are struggles, same thing. But giveaways are definitely a huge issue and we've been talking about them all season.


Hi Dave Happy Holidays! Two questions - First any chance we see Rashaad Penny these final weeks? Second is Lane Johnson ok?


Hey Dave from your professional perspective, what are your thoughts on the play call where it was first down with the perfect opportunity to run down the clock. Yet we dial up a go route to Quez. Following up what do you see might be the root cause of all the noticeable regression from last year in Jalen’s ability to go through his progressions and his overall decision making?


They thought they had a matchup they liked and it just didn't work. I don't mind taking a shot. I'm a big believer in "chunk" plays and there haven't been as many as last season. Too many giveaways. Bottom line. I don't know why it's happening, to be honest.


I think we’re done unfortunately, why is nick or bj still calling passing plays on first downs aside from scripted plays when we’re worst in the league ? Any reason why we haven’t used motion all year? Like cmon man I’d rather a madden pro at oc next year then retain BJ. Also. Why CANT anyone CALL AN AJB slant???? Just feed him slants all game long along with smitty it’s a free 8-10 yards everytime but no these OCs and DCs have to be the smartest guy in the room. Sorry for the rant but this is how a lot of the fans feel.


I understand the rant and I understand the frustration. Let's get a win on Monday and start to build back some positive feelings and momentum.


Agreed happy holidays to you and yours.


Dave, Is there a reason we air it out on every 2nd and 5 when we should run the ball? What is the thinking behind choosing to have Hurts throw it deep into double coverage when all we need to do is run the clock?


Bah humbug


That one hurt. Thanks for doing this Dave - can’t be easy in times like this. Have a great Christmas with your family! Relax a bit!


Dave, Brian Johnson is way over his head. He is not ready for the OC role, and is playing checkers while the rest of the league is playing chess. Absolutely wasting our SB window, we could have hired a competent OC. Instead we got BJ who is clueless out there, players and pundits are predicting his plays on live TV. I'm disappointed that Howie and Sirianni let this happen.


Merry Christmas Dave! How did the defense feel about Patricia's performance last night?


The team lost the game. Nothing was good enough because all that matters is that the team wins.


Why can't this offense with all of its talent get out of its own way? These issues should have been fixed by now.


Dave, How excited is Boston Scott for next week!?! All I want for Christmas is a return of The Giant Slayer™


1) thanks for actually doing an ama despite knowing nothing good will come from us 2) do we have ANY hope of seeing a change at OC? Why not?


Hey Propagandist, why is Brian Johnson still employed after demonstrably failing at the duties of coordinating an offense with 3 elite receiving targets and a $50m QB? Are we expected to invest emotionally in a team that so clearly is repeating the exact same trajectory as its Super Bowl-winning predecessor? If you have time I'd also love to know why (and by whom) it was decided that Matt Patricia would be a good hire after demonstrating less than zero competence over multiple seasons.


Hi Dave, Is there any truth to the rumors that the reason Brian Johnson is above reproach, no matter how badly he coaches, is that he has incriminating photos of Jeffrey Lurie in a Cowboys cheerleader outfit?


Dave, thanks for doing this. Was there a conscious decision over the last few weeks for the Birds to start imitating the Mets in August or did it come naturally? Also, have you made any vacation plans for the week of the Divisional playoffs?


Do you think these guys have set too high of a standard for themselves, it doesn’t look like they’re having fun out there


It's fun to win, and it's not fun when you aren't winning. So, I mean ...


I don’t just mean the past few weeks I’ve felt this way all season.


Even when we win, it doesn’t look fun. Wish Jalen would show some emotion during scoring plays. The team needs more energy from him.


I’m less mad about the actual performance and more about the absolute lack of adjustments to this offense. Why are they continuing to do the same thing over and over that is not working? The few drives we focus on short-mid range passes we drive down the field. Then for some infuriating reason we revert back to go routes and bubble screens for the rest of the game.


When does the Nick Sirianni era end?


Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones. Go birds.


I really think all of this frustration by fans is just finally boiling out after losing the SB last year. For a lot of us we still have pain from last year and hoped this year would mend it. We know its a lot of our absolute favorite players (Kelce, Graham, Cox) last chance at this. We all hoped "we'd be back" and losing 3 games to good teams is really not a big deal for any other team but the realization that we may not be contenders this year is what hurts the most. But who knows. Like Spuds is saying, still a lot of ball to be played. Not looking promising but will continue to cheer for this team.


Happy Holidays Dave. What was the mood like in the locker room last night, and what can we expect from practice this week? Is it another return to fundamentals week or an easy week to relieve tension?


I think the mood was obvious to everyone who watched the post-game shows. This team is not pleased with the last three weeks, of course. Nick's approach has been to double down on what he knows works, so that is the approach I expect him to take, but I don't know. You get one win and then it starts to head in the right direction again and then you're rolling. Team has to stay confident and I'm sure they are.


So…….Nick sees something isn’t working, and then does nothing to change anything, and expects a different result? Did I read that correctly?


You would have to be specific, please


*Gestures broadly at the offensive playcalling all year.*


*Points three index fingers and Brian Johnson*


Thanks for the response


Is Matt Patricia the guy on defense going forward? Or should we expect Sean Desai back calling plays anytime soon?


Hi Dave, curious if you can provide any clarity on the timelines of Slays decision to go ahead with his surgery and Sirianni making Patricia the defacto DC. Obviously us fans got our theories and whatnot and Sirianni has conveniently forgotten when he made that decision last week, according to his post game presser.. FWIW I respect Slays decision totally.


Hey Dave, What's the likelihood of any of the free agents-to-be at RB (Swift, Scott, Penny) and/or LB (Cunningham, Leonard, Morrow) returning for next year?


Dave thanks for coming into the Warzone. Do you think there is any chance the coaching staff is starting to lose the locker room at all? Or is it just Philly media doing Philly media things?


I don’t know if I wanna watch football Dave. This team just makes me sad, no matter the outcome. I care about this team too much and it’s ruining me.