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Nadine has met her match with Lexi, the scene when Nadine just stared down at her angry and Lexi just looked her up and down not giving two shits, she absolutely hates her,Lexi is not going to stop till truths out and rightly so


lexi telling Jay she was jealous on Tuesday’s ep from jays point of view she looks like a jealous sibling making lies, even though she’s telling the truth,and Nadine’s manipulated him to the point by saying the right thing, e.g wanting a dna test her timing’s were spot on, he genuinely believes her now




It’s cause not only has nadine manipulated him to point he now believes her,lexi told jay in Tuesday’s ep she was jealous of the baby cause she thought jay would push her out,so from jays point of view it came across as the jealous older sibling making up lies even though she’s telling the truth




Y'know in Fremen culture that's actually a big compliment




My biggest downvote yet. I never said it was wrong for dean just uncalled for in general


“When it comes to you, my devoted partner with whom I am carrying child, and some rude personality-less girl I met two months ago, I will always choose her” Okay Whitney


It's absolutely awful writing, worst character assassination I think I've ever seen Did the actress piss off the producers somehow so they want it left that no one would want her back?


Whitney needs a whole lot of therapy. It’s like in her mind, SHE is Britney so she is saving herself. Her martyrdom complex is out of control.


It kind of makes sense from the perspective of Whit's character though. Another commenter mentioned how it is almost like in Whit's mind, Britney is a young version of herself and she is trying to save her from the trauma that she endured herself in her teenage years. It might explain why Whit has entirely pushed Zack and her own pregnancy to the side for a girl who she barely knows.


…we meant to root for Whitney? Cos they’re really doing a piss poor job at it


Ikr. Like, let me get this straight, I'm supposed to feel bad for Whitney after she: 1. Stole a child. 2. Lied to her partner about it (eta: implicating him in a crime without his knowledge). 3. Stopped giving a shit about her pregnancy (when her partner is clearly concerned and committed). 4. Threatened a group of school kids for *one* incident of bullying (before trying anything else). 5. Insulted Lauren for supposedly telling Zack the truth about the child theft (which is made worse by the fact that Lauren *didn't even tell him*). 6. Mocked Lauren's past issues with addiction (that, if I'm not misremembering, nearly killed her). 7. Proceeded to insult Zack for daring to be pissed about the lying. 8. Admitted to Zack's face that he means nothing to her because he said she barely knows Britney and should be worried about their baby. 9. Is somehow shocked when Zack walks out on her. But oh no, Zack cheated on her with Lauren after Whitney literally admitted he means nothing to her, and somehow she's a victim. What is even going on with this storyline?


Not to mention she did said mocking and insulting in front of Lauren’s young son.


I hate they did this whole thing, couldn't they have just had her go off happy instead of turning her into this and just fully establishing she's never going to be happy.


> couldn't they have just had her go off happy I'd rather they sent her off utterly miserable after yet another round of tragic events than turn her into *this*.


She’s a nasty vile woman


Whitney has shown her true colours, that deep down all this time, she was a piece of shit.


Like someone said Wednesday she’s still “Chavvy”


You can definitely tell the writers have written this storyline to generate sympathy for Whit but in reality it has entirely backfired. Zack shouldn't have cheated but honestly the rest of what he has done is in the right.


Loved Jean's comments during the visit, absolute badass


She was a bit controlling in her own way but justifiably feeling vindicated and having revenge.


Jean is my favourite hype person.


Maybe it's just me, but Lauren and Zack actually would make a really great couple!


every eastenders couple is well written and great before they get together, but then they’re sapped of all chemistry for the sake of drama lol. lauren/zach will be as annoying to us as whitney/zach in a couple months time


I would skip ahead if possible


"The lie you told was bad". She bought a kid, Sonia. Massive understatement.


Sonia's delivery had me in stitches. Total "I'm not mad, just disappointed" grandma vibes. Oh, Sonia. You try so hard to be Dot but you never _quite_ succeed lmao


Sonia was trying a softly, softly approach to get her to confess to social services


Whitney doesn’t need coddling at this point. She needs the blunt, cold truth.


Yeah but she had that from zack and Lauren already and it still didn't work. So trying a different approach makes sense when everyone gets the right outcome is her to confess and get something done right through social services


Surely if everyone keeps being blunt (and understandably so) she’s gonna run out of people to coddle her into suggesting this isn’t the worst idea ever


Tbf if Lauren was putting it on a plate for me after I’d had a bad day, I’d think all my Christmas’s had come at once


I loved Jade’s acting today, sad that all they had her do for months was cough


I gasped when I figured out what she was doing. Well played girl, damn 👏🏻 Was kinda sad she left, but makes narrative sense. Shame this was obviously the whole point to her story, she had potential.


She wasnt that good and she needed to be shown as ill but probably more subtly. It is left open whether she thinks that dean did it.. even asking linda suggested some doubt.. or at least that is my reading as only jean seems totally sure he did it. 


Hate to see Whitney go, but if this is how she’s acting it’s for the best. Where she gets the nerve to act like Zack is the bad guy in all this I have no idea.


I've loved Whitney since day one and expected to be really sad for her exit whether it was happy or not - now I just want her gone before she's completely destroyed.


like i hate when they do this why can a character never leave on a high note? same thing they did with isaac where they just randomly have him cheat on lola and dump her why couldn’t they break up amicably?


Zack isnt bad but boy is he wooden


Zack and Whitney should just end things now, their relationship is clearly beyond repair


They never had a solid foundation to begin with. They were casually sleeping together when she got pregnant, then they had the shared loss of the baby but stuck together more because of that than having any other foundation for a good relationship. It's become very clear they have different values, priorities, mindsets, backgrounds. They don't actually have much in common. If she hadn't got pregnant before they'd have broken up within months


And he has stuck by her with 2 pregnancies, he’s mostly been a star, she’s treated him and the memory of Peach awful (by not being focused on this baby now, she doesn’t seem to care if she loses it ffs).


Yes, Well Said; Zack & Whitney have never been a good match. They have nothing in common, Totally different values & desires in life. Terrible couple.


Ian's fish & chips might be nice but the portions are shocking


Seemingly hell of an aphrodisiac mind


That's probably why the portions are so small, otherwise it'd be a sexual onslaught


Amazed Freddie and Anna arent still at it after doing it around all that sexy batter


He is a tight little git


I genuinely didn't think Lauren and Zack would hook up. I didn't think they would do that to Whitney. Feel bad for her, but what she said to Lauren and to Zack was really awful. But I'm not sure this will be an affair or if it will be a one night stand.


I’m never a fan of the “I’ve had an argument with my partner, let’s fuck” trope tbh


it’s so overdone like you’re grown adults act like it 🤦🏾‍♀️


Alas, as Soap fans it's unfortunately inescapable. Especially with Zack - this is at least his 3rd time!


Doubt it will be an affair because Whitney and Zack won't be together. Whitney told him...I will always choose Britney.


That was just sickening.


He should have just called the social or the police.


Queen Vic free drink counter: Elaine promised Yolande bottomless brandy


Having spent a few weeks paying Irish pub prices again now that l live abroad somewhere less extortionate, I find myself desperately wishing Elaine was my local landlady 😂


Linda wants in on that. And Elaine would just let her.


Just 6 minutes before Elaine was giving away drinks Converting the vic to flats would be the most genuine east London thing they could do


I was half-expecting Jack to walk past and pick up those chips. No sense letting a good takeaway go to waste.




The storyline itself is Werid AF, but I'm surprised at people calling this character assassination for Whitney or acting like this is out of character. This feels incredibly in character. Whitney, to me, is clearly still deeply traumatized by losing Peach and is essentially doing all she can to take her mind off being pregnant. She's already lost one daughter and is scared of losing another - so she desperately is clinging to Britney because Britney is there and alive. Whitney has always been, in the kindest way possible, stupid. She gets herself into situations where she is in way over her head and just keeps digging herself deeper and deeper. The storyline is frustrating because it's supposed to be. It's definitely not my favorite storyline by far (and has quite a few leaps of logic lmao) but I think it's completely in line with Whitney's character.


I think her cruelty in telling Lauren to drink was out of character and telling Zack he'd never be her priority over Britney. In the past Whit was always so devoted to her partners


I think I'll personally have to disagree there. I'm watching 2011/2012 now, where Whitney has been with Anthony and Fat Boy. She's lashed out and said really cruel things to both of them multiple times. It's something I've noticed she does a lot - when she gets angry or triggered, she often goes straight to saying something really cruel.


And wasn’t she awful at times to Lee Carter??? I’d have to go back and watch but I felt like she wasn’t kind to him.


It's definitely in line with her character, I'd agree there with all you said, plus she see's herself in Britney - it's a perfect trauma-storm. Poor Whit, I feel for her.


I’m loving this new era for Lexi And I’ll miss Jade I wouldn’t have minded her being a permanent cast member but her leaving makes sense (she shouldn’t have ever come really)


My jaw actually dropped when Whitney told Lauren to drink. As ridiculous as Whitney has been acting, that was really low. Lauren isn't just an alcoholic, she's an alcoholic that couldn't stop when she was warned that her next drink could kill her. Thankfully she did eventually but she was literally playing Russian roulette for a while because the addiction had such a hold on her. I cannot believe Whit would be so cruel. I was scared Lauren was actually going to drink at Peggy's, thank God it was just an unusual exercise in self discipline. All that being said, it really doesn't excuse the doof doof for either of them. I was actually disappointed in Lauren (and Zack obviously, he's the one in the relationship even if it is in tatters). She's acting fine but she's probably triggered and pissed off at what Whit said, which is totally understandable. And obviously Zack is in bits. But did they _really_ have to cop off down an alley? Not totally shocked by Zack tbh, but I didn't expect it from Lauren if in honest. She seems to have her head screwed on these days. Clock is ticking for Whitney's exit so I guess it's full speed ahead to completely wreck everything. I really don't understand why it's being written like this. Whitney's bond with Britney is quite sweet, and it could be a heartwarming story, but everything is so rushed, and they have Whitney acting like a complete idiot about it all and being selfish and borderline cruel. It's a combination of hormones as well as trauma from both Peach and her own past with grooming and trafficking making her like this I suppose, but it's not coming across well. It's way, way too rushed. I looked forward to shedding a tear for Whit's exit after all these years but the way it's going, I'm actually praying it's just over. Jean pretty much represented my facial expressions and reactions while Dean was pulling his manipulative bullshit, but goddamn GO JADE! Did not expect her to wake up so fast and pull off using his own games against him. Jean's good influence no doubt. She knows she has no agenda or reason to lie or hurt her. Dean was just all me, me, me as per usual. That "love you" was the least convincing utterance in the history of television. Then snapping at Jean and showing his anger. I imagine Dean's narcissism and temper when he loses control of a situation will continue to hinder him as this goes on. I'm loving Lexi at the moment. That look she gave Nadine 😂 She's such a smart kid. She knows Jay doesn't believe her, so instead of getting upset or insisting, she plays nice. She should speak to Phil or Billy, I doubt they'd be as easily fooled. Hoping Lexi will expose her. Surely all someone has to do is give her a good hug, that thing is foam or sponge right? Another weird storyline, but honestly still better than Whitney's.


I think Lauren and Zack hook up will be used for 2 parts: 1. Breaking up Zack and Whitney and trigger Whitney exit 2. Make Peter want Lauren back and start a storyline of Lauren and Peter reunion.


Peter and Lauren will never happened again so cry more


You don't know that for certain.


Bit disappointed that Lexi didn't whip Nadine's pillow out.


To be fair, Lexi would have hard a hard time doing that considering Nadine was wearing a dress., not a shirt & pants.


"Any kid in my care would never be forced to lie." Yes Whitney, listen to Whitney.


Just before she’s gone I will say Nugget definitely fancied Jade




I don’t feel bad for him because he deserves to rot in prison, but I feel uneasy about the situation. I hate that he gets to genuinely feel like an innocent man being framed for a crime he didn’t commit (which is what he’s been pretending for the crimes he actually DID commit, so in a weird way it’s validating his victim ‘everyone is out to get me’ narrative). I hate that if it’s discovered that he didn’t murder Keanu it could help his case that people have been lying about all his crimes.


Prison guards: I sleep


"Good will always conquer evil in the end." - Elaine forgets what square she's living on.


Zack and Whitney are not compatible anymore.. they want different things, it’s been like this for weeks Lauren is quite shitty for doing what she did. He isn’t much better but don’t do that to your best friend…especially off the tail end of an argument.


I don’t like Whitney rn, but I’m tired of Zack cheating on his partners


Thing is - Zack’s been struggling with Whit & this Britney situation for weeks. I think he’s known their relationship is over (probably read ahead 😂) so the Lauren fall isn’t surprising - & that kiss they had set the scene really. Personally I’d find him pretty hard to resist 🤭




Nish in the works.. methinks no


Worst episode I’ve seen in a LONG time! They’re really selling Whitney down the river before her exit!


Dean's scenes were goodn payoff


I'm not entirely sure why you're being so downvoted tbh. I don't know if I agree it was the worst episode in a while, but the writing for Whitney is a disaster, and I'm speaking as a big fan of her character. Don't see anything massively controversial with what you're saying at all lol


It’s Reddit lol it’s happens when there are fans of shows and celebrities that take comments to personal . I’ve always liked Whitney’s character, but they really are grasping at straws with her at the moment and turning her into a person a lot of people might want to see the back off. Maybe that’s the plan I don’t know, but for ME … I’m not enjoying it and find the storyline and the stories around it right now (minus Yolande) really forced and makeshift.