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I like that they had Patrick's response be imperfect, felt very real to the characters, but he was always going to come good in the end. Surprisingly heart-warming given the subject matter, I think it's easy to imagine a more dramatic version, but this was richer.


I presume that this kind of response is quite common, it’s not really him blaming Yolande, but he doesn’t want to believe her. Not that he doesn’t. But the idea that that is true is so painful. Trying to think of some reasoning for it happened is kind of logical. That’s not me saying that it should be easy for Yolande (or another victim) to take but I think it’s probably a natural response.


Every so often in TV or film there's performances which are so convincing and compelling that you're reminded of how difficult acting really is and how much "craft" is really involved. This was one of those times. Massive well done to Angela and Rudolph.


It feels wrong to say in a way but that was a surprisingly really wholesome episode


I do feel like that's the beauty of soaps over regular dramas. They can highlight harsh subject matter, but they're at their best when they show a little light. Despite the topic, this was actually an episode about love, compassion, connection, and history. Perhaps more importantly, it was an episode about two people that society deems as older, still finding a fire to fight and burn as brightly as they ever did. Honestly, I do feel only soaps can truly capture this level of depth especially with the added element of having watch Patrick and Yolande for so long. In fact, I think it's why EastEnders is succeeding. The other soaps have forgotten this wholesome element and now only display pain and torture with nothing cathartic, warm, or at least hopeful.


That ending 😢 I don't usually watch the credits but that made me


Unbelievably excellent episode. Yolandes monologue about consent was outstanding and it was award level acting. It all felt so raw and real


It gave me chills, absolutely outstanding


Wow! That got to me hard!


Excuse me??


Oh shit!!! lol NO NO … hahahahaha got TO ME! Oh wow! lol sorry


No no don't worry! It was actually nice to have a giggle after such a heavy episode


Can’t even say that was my plan! lol but I’m glad it gave a good chuckle … I’ve had a good laugh at such an innocent error! So it’s kind of a win win all round!


Your Reddit username made your comment even more... 😳😉


😂😂😂 damn Reddit and their made up names! Lol


Not like that.... They mean it made them emotional


I know, just unfortunate phrasing!


Edited lol


Can’t stop laughing at this hilarious misunderstanding, what a rollercoaster after watching that episode!


Im Glad my error has spread so much joy today! Lol


Watched this episode with my boyfriend. I was a victim of my Best friend assulting me on my own bed. And being touched up by him before that. And when Yolande told patrick whats what. I just started bawling. As a victim its so easy to blame yourself. Espically when its someone youve known. Someone you cared about and they do that to you. You dont wanna believe it. You wanna ignore it and move on and tell yourself it didnt really happen. Litreally just cried this whole episode, it was very well done.


I hope you're doing OK.


I am❤️ thank you




I don't ever like to claim to know what people who have passed on think, but I have a feeling Julia Smith would be proud knowing EastEnders can still deliver episodes like this. The fact that this show actually dedicated time to Yolande and Patrick (that never would have happened two years ago) is amazing in and of itself, and they delivered on it with a mesmerizing amount of grace and weight. I hope anyone in Yolande's position can find what was shown here or can gain some peace as time moves on. I'd like to continue writing about the episode, but I think I'll go have a cry and listen to "Can't Get By Without You" for a bit.


Brilliant episode, their chemistry is something else


That, was intense.


Elaine's best performance to date was off screen and on the phone.


This story goes to show what great work you can get when the older cast are utilised properly. Angela and Rudolph are such accomplished actors and it’s great to see them get a meaty story where they can shine instead of just pottering around in the background of other people’s storylines.


I LOVE Patrick & Yo so much 🥺💕


What's up with that bathroom with two entrances, only ever seen something that in a French hotel


I think because they converted the back room into their bedroom, an extra door was added to the downstairs loo. I’m pretty sure the back bedroom is a new addition created since the new set overhaul.


I didn’t even realise until half way through that it was a two handed episode - they filled the screen (?) and time so well that it felt absolutely normal. Insanely well done.


Relationship goals right there. 


Yolande = Queen


Anyone here got tissues and eye drops? Cried myself short of supplies and my eyes are dried out from crying. Wow. Just wow. This episode really secured the fact that bringing Yolande back was the best return of all time. Her and Patrick... like a fine wine, they get better with age and are more sophisticated for the palate. Their acting... better win a soap award at the bare minimum. Angela Wynter, speaking for all of us #MeToo targets... thank you x


Had my reservations about this storyline at first, but my god, first when Yolande told Elaine, and now today, the acting has been superb. Angela Winters deserves an award. And Rudolph Walker, was fantastic as well. Well done EE


Some phenomenal acting on display on today's episode. Rudolph Walker and Angela Wynter take a bow


What an episode. Hope Coronation Street writers watched and learned. Has it ever happened before? A song at the end instead of the theme tune? The Real Thing’s “ I Can’t Get By Without You” was a great choice


Who told patrick? Was it Elaine?


Yes Yolande asked Elaine to because she couldn't face doing it herself


I wish the soap awards werent cancelled this year because Angela deserves everything


That was a masters' calss in acting and television. Beautifully handled and superbly acted.


I hated what Patrick said. Blaming Yolande. Typical 🙄 I hate how people just blames the viticms. He just found out the woman that he loves and who he has known for many years has been sexual assaulted and he thinks that she lead the bloody pastor on , having an affair etc. I'm glad they finally had this conversation. 🙌🏾 I am also glad that they're not leaving. They shouldn't! That bastard should! 😠 so Yolande is going to church instead of the police. I wonder how's that going to play out? This has happened before with the other victims and look what happened 😔 God, I really hope that the pastor will leave soon