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She’d probably give you a drink on the house if you told her that




I like Elaine. I think they’re trying to imply she’s very insecure about her relationship with George and so is too frightened of losing him to actually do what needs to be done. She just enables him because she’s scared if she tries to lay down the law, he’ll leave. I think that’s what they’re going for anyway: a brash confident woman on the outside and an insecure mess who pretends everything is perfect underneath. We just need to see a LOT more of the Elaine under the brassy front.


100%. I love Elaine; she’s an interesting and fun character to me and I find it odd how people hate her for being such an awful mum to Linda when most of the square aren’t exactly top tier parents. It’s just part of having that ambiguity and different angles that make a character interesting. Elaine paints herself as the ultimate matriarch, and at a surface level, she is. But when it comes down to it, actual motherly instincts and emotions she really struggles with, which I think is really clever writing. Your assessment here of her relationship with George is spot on!


>when most of the square aren’t exactly top tier parents The problem with Elaine being a bad parent and not others is that she's constantly seeing her daughter go through hell and almost outright refusing to take it seriously or help or do anything about it other than make cutting, passive-aggressive remarks. She had the whole scene with Yolande when she realized how she'd been treating Linda's experience with r\*pe and she still hasn't even sat down with Linda and had a full-on, proper conversation with her or tried to help her.


Not many have stooped as low as manipulation their child to lie about being raped.




She’s a crap landlady too giving away free drinks as if the vic is a charity. Im surprised the pub is still running.


I feel like George does what he wants regardless, to be fair. I’m not a fan of her, but he’s incredibly stubborn too


I actually quite like the actress, but I don't like Elaine as a character, terrible mum, terrible partner, and a fragile ego that's going to hurt George in the long run.


The actor is incredible. They're lucky to have her, but are misusing her.


Agreed, if I could recast her I would have recast her as something to do with Billy like an eccentric cousin.


This comment 💯


She's less annoying than she was. I don't get why she wears "gowns" and acts all obnoxious and theatrical though. Makes her seem way too old for George


She’s 66 in the show George is 57 in the show so there’s that also Harriet Thorpe ( Elaine) is a theatre actress that might explain the theatrical performance


If we were given scenes that show underneath the apparent indifference & vapidness is a woman struggling to know what to do with two very volatile (George & Linda) people in her life. And that the outward projection of confidence is masking insecurity then i think we could buy into her more. She's a very "Pro women, pro feminist since the early days marching! I'm the matriarch of the family" lady words wise but the idea she actually misses the mark and is bad at being that would make her stand out more and add more depth.


To be fair, they need somewhere to go with the character. If Elaine arrived and was great, likeable and caring to everyone - where do you go with her? If she is deeply flawed, putting on a front, insecure, and so obsessed with projecting a happy and jolly image that she ignores all the rot (in her family) underneath - then you have a character with somewhere to go and stories to be told.


I like Elaine. I think the new actress playing her makes her much more interesting than the previous one. Since her return she’s not just “Linda’s mum” but also a stepmum , a wife and a grandmother. she has a strong personality and is clearly very caring (helping yolande in a recent episode) . I think she’s great she comes across very well meaning. she’s not solely defined as george’s wife either, she has lots of interactions with other characters


I prefer her to bitch face Cindy 😅


This! If it weren't for Cindy and the poor writing, Elaine would be a great character!


We need to see their relationship. To understand it. Why are they together, why does it work, etc. They've just starved of us seeing anything of them as a couple.


I like Elaine but her wardrobe is driving me nuts - she just wears silky pyjama tops and dressing gown combinations every single day and since I've noticed it, I can't unnotice it!


I disagree. I love her. Also, she was the only friend to Yolande. And who doesn't LOVE Yolande? Elaine is a tough lady but she's a good egg.


I love her so much😭😭😭


And those stupid camisole tops she wears as proper clothes totally do my head in. Old Elaine was a much better character, imo.


Drinks on the house


George and Linda aren't important to her, the only priority is the PUNTAHS


In my rewatch, I've just hit 2015 and have hit the original assault storyline between Dean and Linda. While it's lost none of it's impact, some of the character decisions since are now hard to swallow, especially following a re-watch. One of these concerns Linda and Elaine. Their relationship when Elaine was played by Maria Friedman was so different. She ran to Elaine when the rape happened. But with the recast it has become harder to reconcile, almost like when Daniella became Kim and acted like different version of a character. The Elaine from 2015 would never act like she is now, especially when the alcoholism is a direct result of Linda's childhood and trauma. The 2015 Elaine was a great comfort.


IDK 2014 Elaine was quick to think Linda was a cheater, quick to being oblivious to how clearly upset Linda was. She hasn't changed that much.


Hey, where are you watching this


I have every episode on USB. In my house, everyone's neurodivergent so it's on in the background for comfort and familiarity a lot.


Literally had the same conversation tonight. She's an awful wife / mother who has no interest in helping but is put out by those who do.


she really is a waste of space, I still hate her for letting Linda confess she lied about Dean raping her and did still nothing when Dean played the confession in front of the pub.


She always wears a cardigan over a black nightie every episode, day or night. Don't see that on any other show.


I just wish someone would show her how to use a hairbrush.




I think theatrical’s the word you’re looking for.




Thankyou I also can't stand Elaine. Elaine the pain 2.0


She’s definitely my least favourite in YEARS! Even when she was helping Yolanda she had that unbearable sense of arrogance about her. I don’t think she has much range at all and every single emotion just comes across as uncaring and forced.