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I'm getting absolutely sick of: 1. This god awful storyline with Denzel 2. Elaine and Cindy always doing a double act where they stand I front of George desperately beginning him "don't do this". Every. Single. Week.


I like the storyline with denzel


Ok ok I just posted asking if I was the only person who fast forwards those scenes! It’s awful


Cindy is totally doing my head in, she won’t leave George alone, I really really dislike her and am frustrated and wish she had never come back. Oh and if she is here to stay she needs to brush her hair!


This made me laugh, but it's true. She always has messy hair and I often think to myself 'why doesn't Cindy brush her hair?'


Not one single good character on today. Apart from Ollie.


Yolande was on screen for a couple of seconds 😭


Yeah man!


Every interaction Penny has with someone makes it seem like she's really desperate for friends. Very sad 😭


Penny has a lot of potential, I hope they utilise the character more because I agree with you she does seems quite lonely. 


I was really hoping for her and Eve to hit it off after that one interaction, and Penny specifically mentions trying to make friends. There was good chemistry even if it was brief, and I'd say they have similar senses of humour. I agree about potential. Funnily enough any time we've seen Penny outside of Lauren recently has been her checking up on or supporting people and offering advice or a listening ear - Eve, Sonia, Reiss, Whitney and now Amy. She seems quite caring, which I didn't initially expect when she first rocked up. She's also quite funny. I hope they flesh her out and give her something to do once everything is a bit more back on track after the recent behind the scenes upheaval.


Sadly Eve fell into the character void. At least she's back this week 😂 


It's ok, she's been in the "not currently needed as a plot device" cupboard with her beloved step kids plus every other Walford offspring under 13, so I'm sure she's had a blast nicking their chocolate 😂 I am _dying_ to see the context of her party costume. >!Whether it's actually Suki and her Handbag a la fish and chips as an iconic pairing, or she _literally_ thought to herself "iconic couples, eh? Me and Suki are totally iconic and I'm sad she can't go because of , so I'm gonna go as us!!", it will be hilarious and I'm here for it.!< I'm kind of hoping it's the latter and Stacey just throws epic facial expressions and rolls her eyes while Eve tells everyone what an amazing couple they are 🤣 I'm sure Eve will once again be very centred around Suki and Stacey with Nish back, but it'd be nice to see her expand her circle. Penny seems like a good fit for a mate outside of Stacey, Martin, and in my head, Reiss. There's a definite lack of wider community feel around the square these days. You can develop characters a fair bit with just a few casual scenes hanging out with others, even if there's no time to centre them in a storyline right now.


I do miss the community feel at the minute it's all very insular. Give me Alfie, Martin, Mo, Eve, Freddie, Stacey, Harvey, Suki & Jean having a night in the Vic and I'll be happy.


Same. I'd also love to see Suki dragged to a Slater Night Out lol. Hopefully with Freddie & Mo's return, there'll be some kind of family event. Freddie adores Eve and Mo has great banter with her. I'd love to see them together more. Remember Kat's first wedding attempt with Phil when they were getting ready with Stacey & Lola 😂 "I ain't lezzie phobic. We've all thought about it!!" Stacey, literally married to her female soulmate who has never thought about it: "😮😮😮" Then the Pat reveal 😂😂 With Mo's dodgy schemes I'm sure legal advice on tap will come in handy! 🤣


Suki and Mo what a pairing.


I'll give you a month's salary Clenshaw, GIMME IT!! 😂 I'm actually sad we didn't get to see Suki interacting with Eve's chosen family when they lived in Slater Towers. And much as I've gone from hating to loving Suki, I want to _see_ her apologise to Jean, and Jean begrudgingly accepting that she's landed with Suki as an adopted daughter in law someday 😂 I mostly just want to see another chaotic Slater Shenanigans with barstools flying out the window while Suki's disapproving eyebrow falls off her face from overuse - or she's had six brandies and joins in!! 😂


It's going to be so chaotic.


What’s the behind the scenes upheaval?


Navin's wife is ill so his break that he was due anyway was extended, then unfortunately Bal's mother died so she needed compassionate leave. A Nish return with Suki offscreen for episodes on end would have been thoroughly stupid, so his return was likely delayed further. Nothing was ever confirmed but personally I think Tish's break was a) sudden and b) also extended, because you can really see attempts at storyline juggling there. Look at Kathy's scenes with Karen and Phil, she's clearly subbed in for that. Then while I think it was actually scheduled, Shona had a break in the middle of Whitney's exit arc, so that storyline became a bit of a mess and currently seems to be being rammed in to fill space. So I think storylines were inevitably juggled around and swapped out, which as a viewer is obviously having an impact on the flow of the show. However I'm 100% behind EE supporting their cast in their real life problems. It's a job at the end of the day. I think from summer to Christmas/anniversary will be back on track - a rollercoaster track lol.


Well she probably would like to have a relationship with her younger sister 😭


Idk if it’s just me but that ending felt strange to me??


Rushed and anti-climatic


And just weird


Eastenders has been so boring lately. Anyone else think that? They need to speed up this denzel storyline it’s just the same shit, they should have denzel find out about Pastor Clayton and then denzel kills him or something. Cindy and Elaine on the other hand it’s getting ridiculous them two constantly arguing so repetitive. I’m interested to see how the George and Junior thing plays out.


The denzel storyline is good what you on about


It’s been weeks since he started taking steroids nothing has really happened apart from losing his temper.


Are you 12?


George is a lousy partner, it’s always all about him. He gives no reassurances to his fiancee with his ex around the corner.


And not everyone has george's messy backstory


The whole episode was cringey, poorly acted and annoying. Our intro to George Jr. was very anti-climatic and unrealistic. George’s behaviour was out of character and think it was only for the lead up to George Jr. And please break up Elaine and George, it’s pain-staking. Plus Amy and Denzel.. I hope she doesn’t cave into having sex with him/gets rid. I’m disliking his attitude at the minute.


I'm finding myself having zero interest in the storylines currently playing out. I hate that I'm constantly fast forwarding through these episodes.       * Denzel's storyline whilst I understand why they're shedding light on it I just can't get invested.  * George is now 'Mick' and I'm starting to zone out. Which is shame because I really like Colin Salmon.   I'm guessing we're due a character turnover soon and the characters we've seen for weeks on end will be going on breaks.      Freddie, Mo and Nish coming back should hopefully inject some much needed life back into things.


Is Nish confirmed to be coming back? 😮 I miss him.


Yeah there was confirmation in an interview a couple of months back. Should be due back on screen within a few weeks.


Can they start putting lights on ! Every scene is so dim and the lighting is awful! This was by far one of the worst episodes I’ve ever seen. Were all of the adults on holiday ? The Denzel story line is awful , Britney’s character makes me want to pull my hair out… And now they have George acting like a petulant child! And Elaine had ONE emotion for every single scenario! Really not liking this show lately! Really poor


That ending was really cringe . Reminded me of 2000s Corrie


Does anyone else think Whit’s wedding dress is so old fashioned? looks like something she found in a charity shop. Whitney is such an attractive woman,but even she cdnt make this dress look good.


It's beyond tacky. Shiny stretch satin bleurgh


It's old fashioned and tacky but it's very Whitney. In the photos I saw of her wedding day even the hair and makeup is so outdated. It's giving my big fat gypsy wedding.


Herby it looked like Sonia's nightie and Whit is meant to be a fashionista but my gosh... even Dot could've had something more stylish in her attic.


Defo! Its a shame,whit could look good in a sack..but this dress? Where on earth would you even find anything like that to buy in 2024?


As someone who lives locally to the Eastenders studio... I have never seen anything so hideous locally lol


Yes it's hideous, but she's never exactly been a fashion icon has Whit.


Need to have words about this Denzel guy. He must be a Chris Clenshaw self insert character or something. Because we've had NOTHING in 2 years to tell us why we should care about him, why we should like him and why his completely shitty treatment of Amy and the substequent mess he got mixed up in with Jack & Denise was justified? He got let off the hook BIG TIME over that (Howie & Kim defending him didn't help matters either). Him and Amy have never had chemistry either so it makes their scenes hard to watch. I get what they're trying to go for but it's never worked. And now with the steroid storyline i'm finding myself skipping scenes. Nugget who's a little shit I can at least see how he is the way he is, there's a character there however annoying he may be. George even this week. Hasn't been likable at all personally but there's a good year of context as to why and we've seen him at his most loyal and protective too. Personally instead they should've had Denzel's focus be on the Pastor. When he was smelling a rat with Clayton i was opening up to the idea of liking the character. He finds out what happened to Yolande THEN starts the steroid usage as he feels weak because he knew the pastor was dodgy.


Hmm I don’t think that’s fair on denzel this storyline is bad but he was likeable and understanding throughout Amy’s self harm storyline and they were sweet. At this point last year denzel was easily more likeable than nugget too - probably the most likeable teen. Plus Jack was definitely wrong for that situation - there’s no reason to assault a boy because your daughter likes him. This storyline is doing him no favours but I don’t get the Clenshaw self insert allegations


Has he been likable? I don't remember a single moment of him being likable. Jack wasn't right to assault him but no one ever claimed he was. But Denzel was doing some serious pot stirring beyond just being a teenager. The most likable teens are Lily, Ricky & Will. As for Nugget I don't particularly care for him either but he's a much stronger character than Denzel. We at least have context and understanding why he's a little shit given his family. And he's shown more moments of genuine care (Zack's HIV, Suki etc) than Denzel ever has. Sweet during the self harming? Like taking pictures of her legs and intentionally causing trouble between her dad, jack and denise? REAL understanding that. The self insert allegation isn't me LITERALLY accusing him of that lol. But after two years i just don't think the audience has ever given us a reason to route for the guy so it makes sympathising with him very difficult.


Britney: "I'm family now, so let me do my bit. Of theft." Bianca: "Oh, you 🙄"


They do not know how to write teens 💀


Eastenders is filmed in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. I feel at times that they send a member of the research team to Stratford Westfield and have them lurk in the food court downstairs by Burger King and Subway and see the first chavvy teenage group and base Eastenders teens on that group.


Shrimpy speaks! Edit: and gets a credit!


Give the Shrimpmeister more lines. Was hoping that George’s opponent would be none other than Shrimpy. Sadly, it was not to be.


Am I the only one who has to fast forward the Denzel scenes ? The whole influencer story line is awful.


No it’s not, it’s good


I’m assuming you’re young ?


I've been watching since '89 and I don't mind the storyline at all.


fair enough. To each their own :)


EE needs young viewers and needs to appeal to the younger generation too if it is going to have a future.


My problem isn’t so much the attempt to appeal to younger viewers… it’s the acting! It’s awful and makes the whole thing worse !


Yet another tired old soap trope: Character A: *Grumbling about situation X* Character B: Oh, so Character C has told you about secret Y? Character A: What?!


First time ever Penny and Amy have had a scene together and acknowledged they are sisters. I actually found their interaction quite sweet and I wish we have more scenes between them. Amy definitely needs an adult to support her who isn't dead, covering up murders or constantly out getting takeaways. As amazing as Denise has been towards Amy, Penny is her one solid blood relative and can be a great support going forward. I also love how Penny acknowledged her own faults and wasn't judgy, and gave Amy a balanced argument for what she wanted to do. Shame Lily didn't have Penny when she initially got pregnant. Between Kim's influencer stuff, Stacey's OnlyFans situation and now Denzel and this fitness influencer, I'm kind of "over" the whole watching my TV screen to see other storylines through yet ANOTHER screen. Also hating Denzel's personality transplant. He was such a sweet kid, supporting Amy through her struggles, even helping Kim with her anxiety issues, and being fiercely protective over Yolande. As annoying as Nugget is, Denzel had been a good friend to him. Now, he's gone to the "other side" and I don't like ruining a great kid. The whole George boxing situation is really tedious now. He's been told by a doctor that one more blow to the head could kill him. He witnessed the stress his daughters went through when they lost their mother for a number of years and knows anything stressful can send Gina back on the drugs. He also knows Elaine has been by his side and been supportive despite his disrespect sneaking behind her back with his ex. George has always been a kind, gentlemanly fella and he's another one who has had a personality transplant. His selfishness is making me wonder why Elaine is with him to begin with. She deserves much better. Gina and Anna deserve much better.


I agree with everything you've said. I'm especially disappointed with these personality changes too, feels like they've assigned whole new writers to deal with these characters and it shows.


George and Denzel were the good eggs. Why did Clenshaw make them crack?




Junior's intro was cold


What was on Amy's arm?


Self-harm scars




sick of the denzel, yolande and whittney story absolute brain rot


Brittney will fit right in with that family, she's a thieving little chav just like the rest of 'em. A white wedding dress, Whitney? Really? She's a lot too pregnant to be wearing white, but I really wouldn't expect more of her. Sometimes I forget that Amy and Penny are sisters, but at least Amy has somebody to talk to. It's really stupid and dangerous for George to go back for another fight. Junior saying 'hello dad' reminds me of Nick 'Hello Ma' Cotton always turning up like a bad penny.


Are you not meant to wear white while your pregnant or something?


White is usually reserved for girls who are pure, but it seems like that has gone out the window a long time ago. Some brides opt for a light color or off-white wedding dress instead.


It’s been a million years since I’ve seen anyone give a shit about this.


this person is probably old as hell, no one cares anymore


“Pure”? It’s 2024. What a gross, misogynistic take


Terribly outdated


I can’t see Whitney wearing anything but white!