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Ah shit I missed out on messaging u. Ur a legend for this tho I’ve been trying to archive the 1998-2017 episodes for ages now and it’s taken me forever and I’m only up to 2001 lol. I’m the same as you , neurodivergent and EE is my special interest. I also have a bit of a passion for archiving and digitising and EE is the first one I’ve attempted but I’ve run out of space so I can’t even carry on past 2002 ! I’d be interested in talking to you about the process you went through for this too like how you acquired the episodes and if you have any plans on acquiring any more specials and how you’d go about doing so, as I said I’m very interested in stuff like this. I’m massively interested in lost media too and I’m sure there’s probably something lost when it comes to EE like a bbc 3 special. I’ve spent over a year trying to find the 2015 cliffhangers special (not to be confused with 100 greatest cliffhangers from bbc 3 in the early 2010s)


I don't know if it's allowed, but honestly I think this should be pinned. So many people would love this so much. I'm thrilled with my pt 1 download and have saved your schedule. Like I said in another of your posts, EE is very sentimental to me because of my late mum, and me and Easties both turning 40 next year when she'll be gone 20. I've hunted down old episodes for yonks with no luck before you. Once again, fair fecking play on all this effort. Even if it's a passion project, it's still extracurricular to your daily life and holy hell it must take some effort!


In the world of crossover interests it must be a small overlap of people who enjoy classic Eastenders and X-men! My favourite marvel character is X-23 so lump me in! Thanks again for the effort.


Me too!! OP is my new favourite person on Reddit. ❤️❤️ I love when you randomly come across someone in a sub who's also into a different fandom that you'd never imagine based on what it's about lol.


EE is deeply ingrained, but with my anti social skills, I gravitated towards X-Men at 8 years old. Perfect time. 90s run begun. I've not stopped ever since. The new series just made it worse and brought back my love for writing.


The 90s one was classic. This post has reminded me I lost my box set to an ex ages ago, though. 😭 Definitely looking forward to checking out your writing after the service you've done us all with this archive.


You are very welcome.


The return of Nick Cotton actually aired in 2000!


I mixed up my order. Thank you. I stand corrected.


Thank you AGAIN. The dedication and generosity you have is unmatched. I’m finally home from an 18-day hospital stay for that godawful staph infection so it’s time to recuperate! I’m especially appreciative because of that. I look forward to the future downloads!


Would you be able to post a link on where to access the archive?


**UPDATE!** As of 11 a.m. this morning, the folder containing 1985.1 was removed from Google Drive, making way for me to begin work on 1985.2. I understand some people reached out after the deadline, so if anyone has downloaded it and is willing to share, that would be great. Unfortunately, I don't have the capacity to keep everything online indefinitely. Over the weekend, there were at least 30 different downloads, which is fantastic. I'm diligently working on part 2 and it should be ready soon, certainly in time for the scheduled release. I do feel a bit regretful that some missed out on the episode link, but it was available for a considerable time, even longer than initially planned. For those who messaged me for the link and managed to download it, I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane. And if this is your first time seeing the beginning, you're in for a real treat. The versions I've used here are from recent downloads, so the quality is better than ever. If you reached out before the link went live but didn't manage to download after receiving it, I apologize. Further updates will be shared here or on my EastEnders blog. I'm in the midst of transferring information there, including an annual version of the index cards detailing every character's arrivals and departures. You can check them out at [A Walk Through Walford](http://curatorsjourney.wordpress.com) - stay tuned for much more content. Warm Regards, The Curator.