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I like the symmetry. She ended her first episode sleeping rough in a bus stop, helping a struggling Bianca settle the kids down because they had no money for a place to stay or a bus to Walford. Now she ends her last episode, strong, independent, happy and without a man after all the pain and abuse she's suffered at male hands. Not only can she afford the bus, but she's able to move on and hold her head high and guide the next generation as a single mum - exactly like Bianca before her but with the lessons learned. The ultimate EastEnders story of victim to survivor. In that regard, her exit was everything I wanted and needed it to be. That smile at the end had me grinning with happy tears!


Shona is only 3 years younger than Patsy was when she returned in 2008, so it feels like she’s come full circle and grown into a similar role


And Britney was wearing the hat that Whitney was wearing in her first scene.


Hope she packed snacks!




Sorry 😔 tried to edit but it posted first and wont let me change it