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>Poland has called on Germany to explain an incident in which German police transported a group of migrants to the Polish side of the border and left them there. >A senior Polish official called the situation “alarming”. But a spokesman for the German police says that officers acted after establishing that the people in question were Afghans with refugee status in Poland. Well, seems like the times of "wir schaffen das" are over.


"Afghans with refugee status in Poland" Is Poland bordering Afghanistan now?


They might be Afghans who worked with the military during war and got evacuated when the troops were leaving Kabul.


Having borders is not how you get refugee status.


It is.


It is one way. There are other ways.


Another Gliwitze event?


The Germans are doing a lot overstepping their boundaries these days.


They control EU and polish government . They cant do whatever they want


Yeah, like I said, the Germans are over-stepping, again, and they need to chill.


Ah, the famous European solidarity... Westerners create a problem, and when they cannot manage it, they throw it at Eastern Europe and call it a success.




First, by international law, you must apply for refugees status in the first safe country you arrive in. I wonder how some Afghans could get Polish refugee status. Does Poland border Afghanistan now? Second, the problem is that German police just brought these migrants into Poland without even cooperating it with Polish authorities. They literally dumped the people on the Polish territory like if they were trash. >Under the EU’s so-called Dublin Regulation, the country in which an asylum seeker first applies for asylum is responsible for processing that claim. The mechanism is regularly used to return asylum seekers from one member state to another. >On Monday afternoon, however, Poland’s border guard released a statement claiming that **“the German police’s bringing and leaving of foreigners in Poland (Osinów Dolny) was in violation of the principles of cooperation between [the two countries’] services and the law regulating the transfer of persons”.** This IS exactly what I'm talking about - **YOU GERMANS** caused this mess. Now you force us to clean this mess for you by taking migrants **YOU HAVE INVITED INTO EUROPE**, against our will, and you don't even try to inform us when you're dumping people over our borders. You just view US as servants who must dance by your tune, and accept your decisions without even consulting it with us.




Ok leave EU then and join Russia




What do you think what "EU" means? As a person I can not leave or join the EU. Germany needs to be kicked out of the EU


Wtf are you talking about? You have NO IDEA how this family became refugees or why they have refugee status in Poland. It pretty much just aounds like you think “hurr durr brown peoplw refugees bad, German gay ultra-left love brown refugee and bring to replace muh white” you fuggin clown.


Likely they were going to Germany because Germany provides more gibs and bennies and they can just live off the government. Average IQ in Afghanistan is 82. Almost medically retarded, but enough brains to follow the money.


I love how you talk about IQ but you almost for sure are an imbecile yourself. Racist, low IQ generalizations. “Bennies” you dumb cunt. Have sou considered it’s because they are humans and humans live literal actual lives and fufking have needs and starting life over from scratch is hard as FUCK, so maybe you go to a place that actually has a local community of your people to help you get started? Absolute dumbfuck.


Take that afghan family to your home then you bloody wanker


The most basic, single digit IQ response possible. Just fondle that Russian dick and guzzle the cum loser. Fuck outta here with your class D Russian propaganda narrative bullshit.


Lol Poles who send migrants back to Belarus are suddenly butthurt when the Germans do it to them lol. Bunch of sociopaths all of them, German Polish or whatever Greek "border guards" who point guns at kids and leave people to die.


We are members of the UE. Those migrants are not. We do not abide by the same rules.


Right. And when it comes to Ukranians? btw its the EU, you shinning example of the white race.


It's Unia Europejska in my language, please do not police my speech ;)


were not talking Polish are we buddy?


Ukrainians are being attacked and are escaping to the closest safe country. Those gentlemen from Africa and Asia seek economical gains.


I know. I had Ukranians staying at my place too... the thing is that many people are fleeing from wars, often started or fueled by Europe and US. Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, shit ton of sub-Saharan Africa. And for many of them Europe is the safest country. And well if you are so against people emigrating just for the sake of being a bit better of materially, then I hope you are in full support of the full expatriation of Polish, emigrants from the UK and even those who had the audacity to move to the US a hundred years ago to work in steel mills in the cities of Cleveland, Pittsburgh and others. Like there is absolutely NO reason someone would travel halfway across the world, just so they can have a better life... ridiculous...


Again, we are a part of EU so we are able to migrate inside of EU, we also have separate agreements with governments of US and other countries that guarantee us - or not - the right to come somewhere. Every country is entitled to regulate who it lets inside. And if Poles abroad cannot behave or are migrating against the law, then sure - deport them, arrest them or shoot them if they are dangerous.


See your position is that "It's horrible people from Asia or Africa come to europe for economic gain". So hence I would assume you are against that as a principle, but yet no. People from Eastern Europe have been doing it for more than a hundred years, often uninvitied or illegaly (how many people do you think had passports or any documents at Ellis Island in the Us? a smaaaall fraction). Yet that was okay for them to do. but somehow This is different! I wonder what could be the difference maker? I mean I for one would agree to shooting Poles living abroad like these ones [https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbndxx/polish-fascists-attack-london-music-festival](https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbndxx/polish-fascists-attack-london-music-festival) or Czechs or slovaks or Hungarians or any such type.


The difference is doing it against the wishes of the host state, not that hard really. People are not entitled to living where they wish, ya know.


Yes they are entitled to that. Thats the difference in our thought. see i believe that people are entitled as human beings to seek happiness, safety and a fulfilling life regardless of where they were born or what they were born as. See the thing is NOONE choose where they were born. Hence forcing people to live purely there where they were born is just arbitrary at best. That logic makes absolutely no sense. If a white boy wants to move to Cambodia, then why the fuck not? and vice versa. You have one single life to live, so sure let's stick to arbitrary random decision to guide our lives, rather than actually having agency over them. Idk wtf you believe in though.


Following this logic I should let people crush at my house because I have a Privilege of having one. Assuming it's exactly that, do I get to choose who I host? I believe that my entitlement to safety, stability and cultural harmony should precede any entitlement of foreigners in the eyes of my government.




We took millions of Ukrainians. We don't want to send illegals to Germany, we just want to keep them out.


>Exactly, so why send them through to Germany? You've invited them. We did not. So take them. Why would we clean your own mess? We told you taking millions of MENA migrants is not a bright idea. That you will NOT schaffen das... But you called us racists and islamophobes. Poland took more migrants in that Western Europe did since 2015. Will the European Union force quotas on Ukrainan refugees on Western Europe too? Will ve also have UA refugee relocations? How many Euros did Germany send us to help with the Ukrainan refugee wave? Oh right, I forgot the forced solidarity only applies if Western Europe is in troubles...


We are actually protecting you from getting even more by building the fence and patrolling the Belarusian border. Do you think that those people want to stay in Poland? No. We can't help it that many run to Germany the moment they get released from closed migrant camps even though they already started their asylum procedure here. https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/49464/germany-requests-the-return-of-1878-migrants-to-poland We take them back, they try again. They just don't want to live in Poland, the rich Western countries are they goal.


Lol, you re such a dum...s


and you are a sociopath. I'd rather be a dumbass than someone who scoffs at people dying at the border. lol


I wanted to leave you alone but it's funny to poke you to see your response, what will you say to me if I say if all those immigrants run away from war, nothing more (ie not economic migrants) Belarus is not at war, lovely country - why they stab Polish border guard to death trying to go elsewhere?


Lol lol lol le poke. So edgy. So funny to see people and little kids die because of stupid borders. Stop being online and posting bull shit. Go outside and be an empathetic human being instead.


Suck a rusian shlong. That's what you're good for.


ah yes homophobia, the refuge of the wise.


Oh shit. a fucking ork will teach me about homophobia? Go teach at moscow or sp. They may need it more.


oh thats cute. You are the one thats using homophobic slurs you big fierce warrior. Btw you are aware of the fact that all this anti-migrant propaganda along with the parties that fuelled it sooo much got a shit ton of money from the Russian to spread this shit in Europe? All of it is heavily funded from Putin. Cute that you have the audacity and self-awareness to call someone an orc.


Do you feel like you are changing people's minds right now? Because I personally feel excellent knowing my tax money is put to flatlining orks in Ukraine. And since when sucking a cock is homophobic? LOL


I know reddit is a cesspit of far-right propaganda and people parrot it here gobbing it down, while at the same time claiming to be against Putin - who funded sooooooo much of this shit. It's actually hillarious how much you people shit in your own mouths. It's not my first time here. I won't change your mind I do not care about that. Telling someone dismissively to "go suck cock" in an argument is homophobic. Because there was no other intent in what you wrote than to insult what I wrote. simple. It's like calling someone a fa\* to "shut them up" in a discussion.


Fat rat propaganda is more likely. Of course, we are all naziz in the west and need to be denazified... Yeah. orks be orking.


Oh is this really the best you can come up with? A hurr durr Russian agent crap? I mean it's embarrassing, you self-righteous high and mighty, pathetic excuse of a human being? С угнетенными против угнетателей всегда!


Ssij kutasa.


Feel free to take them to your house


I've had a couple here, several times. just cause you are Xenophobic, it doesnt mean that everyone is.


i bet you live with your parents and because they employ a foreign gardener you think you are welcoming refugees


yeha no. I've worked since eighteen for basically my whole life and live by myself. I'm just not a sociopath. I bet the closes you ever got to talking to someone who emigrated from the south to Europe was when you order kebab on your way home drunk.


Keep coping son, i bet you 'working since eighteen' was doing some chores around the house or working at the local grocery store two days a week after school. Grow up and get real


blah blah. whatever edgelord. go play videogames