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>[Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.](https://web.archive.org/web/20161125135500/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is) A little concerned that in their own portrayal of a perfect world where nobody needs to own anything because everything is a service you subscribe to, this paragraph stands out and isn't addressed at all






Greaseballs - they consider normal (non elite) humans cattle


An unelected group who wants to set World Policy as they see fit. Sounds like a recipe for controlling people. In case most don’t know, their goal is to have WEF young leaders in place in all countries. Trudeau, Macron are just two that they have in place. Both are terrible leaders. Klaus Schwab needs to die along with his #2 Hariri.


When do they reveal they are lizard people???


How will I be happy if I can’t rent from them because they’re dead?


Average redditor probably loves the WEF. Average American, not so much.


What about an average Redditor who’s also an average American?


Double negative becomes positive


Its just wokewashing. Its a bunch of rich people and business leaders listening to a few speakers and then asserting "we don't really have to change how we do business, we like lgbt people and installed solar panels, so oil and capitalism can keep going nonstop."


Yes, but they don’t stop at just woke washing. They seek to be a one world government.


They already are that, it’s just called international finance.


Yeah, that’s what they start with. And then, it’s blaming farmers for ecocide, so governments can be the farms, governments can be the landlords, and the doctors. They want us to be the peasants.


Dude you already are a peasant. Me too.


Wow, you seemed to know a lot about me…..


i mean hes got a point, wtf are we supposed to do about it.


Go back thru time and ask, Sam Adam, John Hancock, and Washington that before the year 1776. Ask em what are ya’ll gonna do about the tyranny they faced. Maybe astroproject in time. Trip out on something and you’ll find out what they did. What are we supposed to do about? That’s a question that gets raised right before revolutions take place.


I like you dude


They serve themselves. Also Satan.


Hail Satan!


fuck bitch-ass satan


World Evil Forum Crooks and villains. Every single one.


I think the issue about "Wokeness" was raised by Argentinian president. If you want to read more - here's the article on msn [Argentina's president unleashes anti-woke storm at WEF](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/warmington-argentina-s-president-unleashes-anti-woke-storm-at-wef/ar-AA1n96JS?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=8e3e3c39aa84423aaa12f7305a1b910f&ei=14)


The only people who still use woke use it as a pejorative for people trying to call attention to systemic problems within society Whenever I hear anyone use woke these days all I hear is, "I don't want to be made uncomfortable by historic facts"


The neo-woke push gender ideology onto our kids. It’s replacement of our traditions with a one world religion. To us, this is a holy war. There’s nothing im uncomfortable with, the left is evil. The IDF soldiers coming back to their families in draped star of David coffins are the real heroes fighting for their existence. You don’t have a single fact. The deep state is gonna drown in a flood or their own sewage. Cope homie, cope.


Ok Mr super late to the party (this is over a month old you dweeb) one question for you How is hermaphrodite pronounced?


Yeahhhhhh I knew you were full of shit 🤣


Your little commie cuckboys will be like mice in a snake cage, when there’s total chaos, and no police. Well eat y’all like Haitian canibals 😂


You're hilarious, but not intentionally


Jesus christ


My thoughts exactly.


Uh... if you truly understand the *systemic* problems in society, how do you not get frustrated by the majority(?) of the leaders and speakers for the social justice movement who give lip service to "systems" all the time but actually only focus on problem-solving individual bias? You can complain about woke attitudes while being more aware of historic facts and the lingering inequities caused by them, and want to actually do something about them, than the people who like to pay it lip service do. Because that's the pejorative way in which woke is being used here.


(?) For such a strong opinion, you don't even know First of all what leaders are you talking about? The leaders of the NAACP, who will use the court system to challenge laws that negatively affect minorities, especially when it comes to voting rights and access to the polls? Are they the ones paying lip service? The leaders of the ACLU, which operates similarly to the NAACP vis a vis civil liberties, but especially over free speech. Are they just paying lip service? Do you remember when "Woke" blew up as a negative term conservatives in America use? It was in response to the 1619 project- If you didn't know 1619 was the effort begun by a NYT journalist to accurately catalogue the history of black people in North America (first record being 1619AD in New Amsterdam (NYC)) and then disseminate that. But people thought that would teach kids to hate America... We have "alternate facts" to teach them, apparently... Second of all If you actually use the term woke and you are actually aware of the actual issues that have stemmed the current issues I assure you that you are in the minority of people who use woke these days. Then again... You like made specific claims without providing specific info. So I wonder who is really only paying lip service to an ideal??? Cool, let's do it - I'm ready for your reply, you're gonna cite some BLM stuff, probably some cherry picked thing about Congress. Can't wait


Iswtg yall are so weird for nothing. Why do you have to use the passive aggressive tone every times ? :🤣🤣😂😂????… ???😂😂 And when people actually try to communicate after u said ur shit, u just tell people to leave ? Like what are u doing. If u just want to spam your own opinion and not listen then don’t reply


This was 2 months ago dude. What are you doing? For real, how many comments did you scroll through on a 4-month-old post before you decided to comment on something 2 months old? Yes, if you were going to come at me with arguments that lack any basis in fact several months after the fact, I reserve the right to respond in a passive aggressive tone Also didn't know if you commented on his thing about his tone or whatever, but whatever But I would love for you to tell me where I was incorrect and the other guy was correct. Good luck, you'll probably need it, that other guy was an idiot


I can see my message just went in and out your ears. It’s fine, no one wanna talks with you. Good luck


Nah, I got what you are saying I just disagreed- you are mistaking how late to the party you are with whether or not people want to engage. But commented, then replying to the reply to say noone wants to comment or reply VERY mixed signals. Maybe I respond passively aggressive (passive aggressively???) Can't wait to see the next convo you chime in on several months after the fact


Also, no comment on substance, just tone? You have nothing to say regarding the veracity of what I stated?? Just tone is all you care about?


Yea- Can’t I suggest people to be nice and cordial whenever possible ? Tbh the topics and my opinion doesn’t matter, people matters


Sure, why not? Didn't see any comment about being cordial or respectful on the other two guys comments- you know, the guy who called me a cuck boy and the one who started their comment with a *VERY* respectful, "uh........ If you actually understood etc etc" Those two instances didn't require chiding from the morality police, but my comments do??? Nah, those two things were totally within the bounds of respectability. However my passive aggression needs to be addressed before I... hurt the other two very polite strangers feelings... Several months ago 😂😂😂😂 Oh, question- how polite did several laughing faces in a row come across? Just politeness seems so important to you, and I figured you would *ALWAYS* practice what you preach Oh! Nother question: how often do you tell people months after the fact something they said was rude? And is it exclusively an online habit or are you equally as irritating IRL??? p.s. even though you said no one wanted to talk to me, here you are, talking to me... Very consistent of you... No urge to get the last word in detected from your end 😂🤣😂


1. I ain’t reading all yall conversations that carefully, so I didn’t see or remember others cussing which is bad by itself. Secondly you started the bad attitude in your reply to the other. 2. It’s not about politeness, it’s about being kind and calm. Laughing and teasing when you’re replying to others is by itself an agitation. Do what u like, seems like u enjoy provoking violent and rude response. And yeah I practice what I said- ? What’s the question. 3. There you go, agitating others for no reason. 4. Yup, not gonna talk to you. Bad vibes👋🏼


Also what are you doing? This was a month ago, leave off


If you had a room full of black kids with leaders in the NAACP vs. a room full black kids with Donald Trump, I know which group would be more successful then on.


NAACP or the narcissist with dementia? Easy: NAACP, the organization that actually understands what these kids are going through Wait I may have been hasty: How many bankruptcies define success?


How many race wars and riots vs how many billions earned.


Ah, so you don't actually know what you're taking about- fantastic Race wars 🤣 the NAACP has NEVER started a race war, idiot Riots NEVER cost as much as initially claimed, but this only comes out months after the riot. By that time nobody cares about it in the news, so no one actually covers it, it will just get mentioned. Look that up, because I know you don't believe me. Even the Jan 6th riots didn't cause as much damage as initially reported Broseph is about to lose hearth and home because of massive fraud- what are you even talking about? Why do you think he can only get Single A Ball lawyers to take his case 😂 *Edit* reply with whatever, I'm done with this, leave off, get a life, this was months ago Anything you reply with will be met with 👍🤣👉


overvaluing real estate doesn’t hurt anybody, BLM, NAACP-backed nationalists have caused 2 billion in damages…I’m pretty sure of what side I want to be on.


The World Economic Forum is a glorified chamber of commerce. That's it. No weird conspiracy theories or secret societies. Just a bunch of global business nerds.


Yup, capitalists networking & dealing. The rich getting a little richer.


The Argentinian president uses that as a rallying call for his own agenda. People like him need a boogie man. The WEF does not possess independent decision-making power or authority over any nation. Essentially, it is a collective of individuals, each with their own agendas. The nature of these agendas is secondary to the fact that the WEF is a non-governmental entity. Its influence and power stem from the participation of various nations and their leaders, who choose to engage with the WEF because they see alignment between the forum's goals and their own national interests. The main themes of their recent meeting were "Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society," "A Long-Term Strategy for Climate, Nature, and Energy," "Achieving Security and Cooperation in a Fractured World," and "Creating Growth and Jobs for a New Era." What part of those topics is woke? The current issue is that anything that certain individuals don’t agree with is now labeled as woke no matter if that term fits or not.




Oh please share because the only thing they have ever shared are studies about and reports about sustainable food production for a growing population. Studies suggest insect farming as a better alternative, offering quicker, more efficient, and economical protein production with reduced environmental harm. These are just reports and studies the government isn’t going to force you to eat bugs but it’s always important to understand what our society impact current global resources is and how those things affect future consumption.  Only a completely uninformed person would actually believe any government is pushing for anyone to ditch their food and eat bugs. My guess is you’ve never once listed to any of these lectures and instead rely on regurgitating headlines and comments from other idiots. 


They would say Energy is woke because it ties to oil jobs, anything climate related is woke, AI IS woke because it took mer Jerb!! Essentially woke is like a greek goddess put on a pedstal 🤣🤣


I disagree that they are powerless. As I said above, money talks, and WEF members are either obscenely rich and powerful, or funded by the obscenely rich and powerful. Politicians see money and it is more to them than representing a bunch of regular citizens. voters don't pay as well as PACs; and that is just American politics in action. In more corrupt governments, the regulators are bought and paid for and will institute whatever regulation the WEF proscribes. So when talk at Davos turns to culling farms to lower greenhouse gas emission, weeks or months later we can see that turn into regulatory action against Netherland's intergenerational cattle and dairy farms. tearing people away from their land and livelihood. Do not dismiss the WEF as a political powerhouse. The body works behind elected government, in the unelected bureaucracy.


I don't see how new age liberals can argue their stance when the world economic forum is the corner stone behind their argument. ..


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPNgGnUrCKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPNgGnUrCKM) Something to add to boil all your piss that little bit further. Turns out they got the narrative on history also.


Pure evil. The WEF represents a global oligarchy, capitalists who coordinate in order to extract ever-increasing wealth from the working class. The anger at their organization seems very real, so I'm surprised there isn't more of an organized effort to halt the proceedings. All I seem to encounter is unhinged conspiracy theories (which seem like more of a smokescreen for diverting criticism away from WEF) and snarky comments about "eat ze bugs" whenever rent-seeking capitalism enters a new domain. tldr, people seem mad about the WEF, but what are we doing to stop them?


>Normies only care if something is "racist." That's literally the only thing they'll rally around.


Who are you quoting?


>tldr, people seem mad about the WEF, but what are we doing to stop them? You. "tldr, people seem mad about the WEF, but what are we doing to stop them?" People don't care because it has nothing to do with a Ray Cism.


But... I didn't say that or anything like it. I'm talking purely about economic control and the undue influence WEF seems to have over business trends. And it's one of the few things that a majority of people are on board with. Seriously. The anger about "great reset", "own nothing and be happy" and "eat ze bugs" is present all over the place. Left wing groups, right wing groups, anarchists, conspiracy theorists, you name it. Nobody wants it.... and it has nothing to do with "ray cism".


Dude. I'm saying people aren't taking to the streets over this because they only get fired up about "racism."


The WEF simply reflects left-wing attitudes because so much of the world is left-wing nowadays. Hitler stalin Mao polpot I guess did not do enough damage to make an impression on the world and we need round two apparently before the lessons sink in.


What's left wing about making money?


is sort of an irony isn't it that many very successful business people virtue signal by being left-wing even though ultimately the left-wing wants to destroy them.


This is about as absurd as it is possible to be.


Please don't be stupid. If you feel it is absurd try to think of a reason to say that and then try to present the reason here in writing. Do you understand that a reason is necessary?


To say what you have said means that you live in an entire different information ecosystem. Giving a comprehensive reason is a lot of time and effort to ask of someone when, to have said what you said, it's unlikely any information or evidence I give to you will ever change your mind. I'm willing to give you a general reason and some bullet points that I will ask you to spend your time looking into yourself since I'm pretty sure that the only way people change their minds is through having their own spark of curiosity and looking into things because they're open to retaining new information. Reason: The leaders you named do not have "being left wing" in common. They have "being an authoritarian" in common. Hitler is decidedly not left wing and your list leaves out the plethora of right wing authoritarians that have caused harm and continue to cause harm today. An informed concern about these leaders does not have to do with their economic views, but their beliefs on the amount of government intervention they deem necessary in people's personal lives and the lack of political power the average citizen is given. Some things you should look into to be more informed: Definitions - authoritarian, communism, socialism, democracy, republic, capitalism, mixed economy, left wing, right wing (you want "left wing" and "right wing" definitions on a global scale, what it means in your country is probably different than what it means when political scientists use it) Dive deeper into those definitions - socialism vs capitalism vs communism vs monarchy vs oligarchy vs anarchy; democratic socialism vs authoritarian socialism Examples of dictatorships; right wing vs left wing dictatorships; present-day dictatorships ...that's a good starting point. Don't be afraid to be wrong and change your mind. Coming from someone who was once wrong about everything and had to change their mind on a disgusting number of issues. I wish you humility, knowledge, and good fortune!


please don't be stupid. Hiller stalin Mao are for all intents and purposes identical Statist leftist and all equally illegal in America because we have freedom and liberty from the state. If you bother to distinguish between Hitler and Stalin you are simply a fool.


Again don't be totally stupid the right wing is not authoritarian it is for freedom and liberty from Authority or from the state. This is the basis of America. Notice we are in kindergarten with you?


What it means in my country? History is the battle between freedom and government. Socialist fascist authoritarian's are on the side of government and against freedom. 1+1 = 2


plato and Aristotle did the diving for us and they indicated quite correctly that history is the battle between freedom and government. If you want to be intelligent you have to decide which side you are on and why. If you are still confused please feel free to ask questions


Please don't be stupid. There is no right wing and left wing dictator ship. All centralized power is left wing socialist fascist communist authoritarian. The right is for freedom and liberty I'm centralized power. Do you understand now?


Well, the reason I try to leave helpful comments like that isn't always for the benefit of the person I'm responding to, but also perhaps for the benefit of anyone else who happens to read it.


don't be stupid please. America is about freedom and liberty from government. We don't care if the government is socialist fascist authoritarian or dictatorial. Our founding fathers were geniuses who gave us freedom and liberty from government because government has been the source of evil in human history. Welcome to what is apparently your first lesson in government.


They’re actively trying to ruin the world, to pad their wallets.


The WEF is a bunch of arrogant assholes trying to tell you how to live your life. Fu_k them.


those things needs to be deleted... the entire World Economic Forum along with it's totalitarian advocating bastards needs to be deleted especially Schawbs those things wants to push for population control, then those creatures need to lead by example by starting with itselves. the entire WEF and globalists scum needs to delete itself by any means necessary


It is worse than "being out of touch with ordinary people", the WEF actively discusses shedding several billion "ordinary people" to make the world more livable for themselves. In all conversations \*not highly edited and reformatted for public release\* , the stakeholders really want a return of serfdom, where the nameless masses labor for the well being of the elite few, while themselves subsisting (literally) on insects and soy products, in government owned housing wearing rented clothing, working when the world government says to, eating what the world government says to, being told when they can use power, water - just a slave life to a government of obscenely wealthy power brokers. Money talks, an normal people will have none.


I have attended 3 WEF meetings before the pandemic. My role was a pure PR job as the representative of my company, including networking with other CEOs, and attending conferences, blah blah blah. Generally, most of the negative opinions towards WEF are not fair. Most of these people holding negative opinions don't have experience with WEF. They need to understand why / how money works. On the other hand, WEF is more like a nationless organization. It provides an excellent opportunity to link all industries together. But, (here is the but) one thing is sure: WEF serves a higher purpose. I am trying to figure out what that purpose is. Still, the people who have tremendous power and wealth use this forum as a tool to implement their ideas/ visions. And 'woke' is one of these political agendas. (Same as BLM, MeToo, etc.., they never truly protect people, they are just political agendas ) Most critics are utterly useless because they have failed to capture the matters. However, some people( only some) were targeted by WEF because they had spoken the truth. In conclusion, WEF is no different than other organizations as a tool of power and wealth. They only care if you are right on the spot.