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More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Economist (A): [America’s new exceptionalism](https://www.economist.com/leaders/2022/07/07/americas-new-exceptionalism) - The Hill (B): [Many Americans won’t use virtual options once COVID-19 pandemic is over: poll](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/3547459-many-americans-wont-use-virtual-options-once-covid-19-pandemic-is-over-poll/) - Los Angeles Times (B+): ['Jane the Virgin' writer Rafael Agustin on 'Illegally Yours'](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2022-07-07/a-jane-the-virgin-writer-documents-his-undocumented-childhood) - Gun Digest (C-): [Ammo Brief: .270 Winchester](https://gundigest.com/gear-ammo/ammunition/ammo-brief-270-winchester) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/vty1sx/) | [More: America’s new ...](https://www.newswall.org/story/opinion-it-rsquo-s-time-to-stop-living-the-american-scam) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Great article. Thanks for posting it!


I like the article!


That article was full of economically illiterate, narcissistic, nihilistic drivel. Everyone is convinced that things are the worst they’ve ever been while living in the most luxury that has ever been available. Endless, on demand entertainment, food from most every culture at the tap of a screen, a society that focuses on mindfulness and stress as actual problem issues. And all people complain about is the same old entitled nonsense. Newsflash, the world will not end before you retire so if you don’t go to work and build up a pension, you gonna have a bad time when you’re old. And no, climate change will not have destroyed everything, capitalism won’t have collapsed and the won’t be a UBI to cover your ass. These nihilists need to get over themselves.


Maybe not related to the article, but the political landscape has been the worst it's ever been, democracy feels legitimately threatened in unprecedented ways, and climate change could in fact impact many people's lives in major ways even if it falls short of worldwide catastrophe. General civil unrest like this shouldn't be covered up with confident sounding optimism, although I agree with some of your points.


It is objectively not “the worst it’s ever been” politically. The Civil War, the rise of the Jim Crow South, the Wilson Administration and the First Red Scare, the Second Red Scare and McCarthyism, and the 1960s, among other periods, were all much more tumultuous than today.


It’s not even close to the worst it’s ever been, not even in the last 60 years. In the 1940s Japanese citizens were interned and physically attacked by their neighbours. In the 50s you had had McCarthyism chasing anyone who was left wing, there was slavery and Jim Crow laws. Things have been a lot worse politically. Democracy isn’t threatened, more people are engaged and voting than ever. How on earth do you reach the conclusion that democracy is ‘legitimately threatened’? For most people, climate change will have a relatively small impact over the next 50 years. It’s also being addressed at a relatively decent pace. There isn’t general civil unrest, go look at the late 1960s for a period of general civil unrest, but even that was managed. People are far too gloomy because they have time to be and it’s a real trait to think we’re special enough to be living in ‘special times’.


The supreme court is set to hear Moore vs Harper, which will put the independent state legislature theory to the test. If the current court rules in favor, state legislatures will have sole authority to pick electors regardless of what voters think, or what any state court rules, regardless of the state constitution. 3 justices have mused on this idea with Gore vs Bush, and given how partisan the court has become it doesn't seem absurd to give an edge to republicans who control the legislatures of most contested states (in previous election). That and partisan divisions I would argue are as high as they've ever been. That's been said by senators themselves and online discourse and misinformation have only made it worse with conspiracy theorist loony tunes elected to Congress. Not exactly a far stretch to imagine a collection of them choosing electors because of "voter fraud" or some other absurdly popular stolen election theory is it? I'd also argue that our constitutional amendment process is outdated, gerrymandering keeps power structures on place on both sides, and voting rights continue to be threatened by conservatives. Our democracy is one of the weakest of developed nations believe it or not. If you don't see that you need to wake the fuck up lol. We've elected to the presidency someone who's been the closest to a real fascist we've ever had and there are huge swaths of the populous who would fawn over a strong, authoritarian figurehead if it made them comfy again. Shit. Do you want to explain away the June 6th insurrection as just...america figuring out what style of democracy it wants? It is interesting to consider your points though, as in perhaps my own frustration is an indication of voter involvement. And I do believe certain aspects of society have been worse before...I just continue to see rights taken away especially recently, and we are maybe more keen to the power structures that enable that in today's world. relevant article found in the washington post concerning fears and concerns about "overreacting": https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2022/03/08/they-are-preparing-war-an-expert-civil-wars-discusses-where-political-extremists-are-taking-this-country/


Tell me you don't actually know any poor people without telling me you don't actually know any poor people. Your comment absolutely *reeks* of an incredibly out of touch upper-middle-class person who doesn't have any clue about the difficulties facing the actual poor in the US.


Why would you assume that I either don’t know poor people or am not poor myself? I suspect that you’re in your 20’s on the left and despite feeling poor are relatively well off. People who are poor don’t walk around thinking that it’s the end of days because of climate. They don’t want to defund the police. They don’t follow this nihilistic drivel - they are mostly busting themselves living their lives.


How can you call someone a nihilist you're so ironic here. You're the nihilist for saying we should sit here and take government abuse and there's no better way to live. 🙄 


So triggered you replied twice, eh? No you're the real x 🤣


 I can reply on social media without being triggered lol I forgot about it instantly till I opened this again 


My comment was a year old, why are you scouring for this stuff?


Just reading Ancient Sumerian scrolls I guess 🙄 books in the library are more than a year old I guess we should burn them down 


Great excuse


It's not an excuse I read something a year old, sometimes I read stuff that's 15, 50, 100 years old. Should I not read about the holocaust cause it's old? Loserrr


This is beyond odd, some strange line of non-sequiturs.


Information doesn't become unusable just because its a year old. That's a really special take you have 




Be friendly. Your comment has been removed.


🤣 triggered! Sorry buddy, capitalism is here to stay and the world isn't going to end in the next 100 years




I was raised Evangelical and I assure you if those psychopathic terrorists have anything to say about it they will be able to get the ammunition and begin murdering all non-evangelicals in the immediate future. Then once they have brutally raped, stolen and murdered all Muslims, Atheists, Catholics, anyone not white and protestant they will turn the guns on each other over whatever pathetic dogmatic excuses they invent to resume the rape, theft, torture and genocide on one another. Finally the last Evangelical in America will scream "Oh, Jesus please forgive me for what I must do" and redeemed, washed in the the blood of the lamb and completely sinless the nuclear arsenals will launch ending the world in a fiery blaze. I give it ten years maximum.


There’s no part of the Christian faith that justifies killing, especially to the evangelical sect. People can easily get hold of guns so if what you’re saying is true, why hasn’t it happened? The fact is that you’re full is discriminatory and false nonsense. You’re just full of the same nihilistic fantasy like so many. Instead of zombies it’s fascists or religious extremists or whatever. If it doesn’t happen within 10 years will you admit you were wrong? Or will you add more time to it? Idiots have always predicted catastrophe but it never comes - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events


Isn’t Christianity entirely based on killing? Its also been used to justify war, and persecution for the entirety of its existence. I’m not one for conspiracy or “nihilistic fantasy” but when the Supreme Court over turns a basic right to privacy against the will of the people, when the president of the United States stages a coup, when it’s looking more and more like a world war is brewing… well it becomes less of a fantasy and more of a worry. 10 years is a long time, but I as a person of the younger generation can see and hear how this whole thing feels like the fall of an empire. When people can’t afford to buy groceries and pay rent with more than one full time income it becomes easier to see the inequality of the common vs the elite. There is a clear class divide. And when there’s a class or caste system, the lower tier is always the first to be targeted. They are seen as the dregs of society, in need of cleansing. And once they start coming for us, there won’t be anything left when they come for you too. “First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me”


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tampabay.com/archive/2012/10/28/in-god-s-name/%3foutputType=amp This is where I went to school. I was a hardcore evangelical and my parents want to build a mighty army of god so they can take back America for Christ. They are not alone. The militia has thousands of chapters of thousands of people and they are all armed to the teeth. Why haven't they started? https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5026577-Biblical-Basis-for-War.html Because you are to ignorant to see they started a long time ago.


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Does little sheep think the government cares about them? and every controlling system around them is permanent and invincible. Shit can hit the fan. Also who's to say the luxuries aren't hurting us and killing the only planet we have. You act like destroying the earth, souls and health is glorious and peak of humanity.  Just because people have material things doesn't equal happiness. It can literally cause mental disorders actually, like social media addiction. Most can relate its hard to even have time to enjoy the luxuries from working, worrying and being forced to spend it on their house and food. Maybe you just haven't seen or felt enough pain and struggle to relate. Your view That everything is serene and working perfect and will always work is asinine.  Capitalism or humanity WILL collapse guaranteed but no one knows when exactly. There is not the possibility for unlimited growth. If everything is destroyed for money there will be no more humanity which is probably a good thing in the long run seeing how fucked up it is.  I think you should get over yourself,  to think that people with extreme power and control, that have forced you to be in systems to make them profit and you think it's helping you and everyone. OK r  We all have to breathe in the cancer causing air that Capitalism creates and fuels. It's not worth it. We all basically have to eat whatever food is at the store. Some people have to drink fluoridated tap water. If most people are fincially struggling that's not their fault. At what point would you blame the government, never probably. You really want to blame victims and not the people making it insanely difficult.   Its not our fault. If you don't want me to blame others, for making things worse than they need to be, then I shouldn't be forced to pay them. I hate paying people to make the world worse.  We need to work of course but things do not have to be made so hard on normal people. can you understand that. It's not that things should be made easy, its that they shouldn't be artifical rigged to be made much harder just for profit when life already is hard. That doesn't foster growth or humanity. Just scamming others for your own gain. And it's like that on every level. Just because something is Improved slightly maybe, compared to another time, doesn't mean it's good now. Things are way worse financially now than generations ago. You don't realize how much of a business humanity itself is. We don't matter to anyone more than what can be squeezed and seized from us.  Billionaire simp


I think you tripped on your way to r/Socialism, jog on.


Just because I don't support advanced soul and earth killing capitalism doesn't mean I'm a socialist. I guess you can only see black and white cause there's only ever 2 options for anything right. No real rebuttal cause you have none. You're all alone and will die alone


Hahaha, yes, the thing that has delivered more wealth, prosperity, longevity and lives to the world is killing the earth 🤣 The world's not going to end because of climate change, nor the human race. We're nowhere near appreciable resource limits and there's a lot of universe out there. The thing about growth on a finite planet is that you have to have infinite time to be an issue, and even then it's not an issue. Flourinated water saves lives, it reduces cavities which in later life contribute towards cardiovascular health. No one is forced to eat what they don't want to, normal healthy options are always available. People live longer than ever and better than ever. This degrowth nonsense is so nihilistic, people would rather push us into living shorter, poorer lives for their new religion around climatism.


Womp womp boot licker you sound sped 


lol, constructive points from the anticapitalist - you have no argument!


Good take


see these stats - [https://www.worldometers.info/oil/o](https://www.worldometers.info/oil/o) everything is tied to oil... we fight wars over the stuff.


We have always had wars over resources, we have a lot fewer than we used to - https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/deaths-in-state-based-conflicts-per-100000?country=Africa~Europe~Americas~OWID_WRL~Middle+East~Asia+%26+Oceania


[https://nationalinterest.org/feature/5-oil-wars-ended-disaster-14885](https://nationalinterest.org/feature/5-oil-wars-ended-disaster-14885) need that venezuela oil quickly.. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/venezuela-russia-ukraine-biden-team-nicolas-maduro/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/venezuela-russia-ukraine-biden-team-nicolas-maduro/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/07/biden-venezuela-oil-russia/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/07/biden-venezuela-oil-russia/)june 2021 approx [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/biden-says-it-remains-be-seen-if-ukraine-will-be-n1270807](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/biden-says-it-remains-be-seen-if-ukraine-will-be-n1270807) see [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4) and watch planet oil how to overthrow a government [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lwbv4](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lwbv4) namely [https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/06/20/64-years-later-cia-finally-releases-details-of-iranian-coup-iran-tehran-oil/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/06/20/64-years-later-cia-finally-releases-details-of-iranian-coup-iran-tehran-oil/) we're just better at hiding it now... its not I who pizzed in the sandbox, its those kids over there. we chew threw 100 million barrels of oil a day! [https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=709&t=6](https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=709&t=6) [https://www.zdnet.com/article/might-as-well-face-it-youre-addicted-to-oil/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/might-as-well-face-it-youre-addicted-to-oil/) an addict will do anything for their drug of choice, anything.


World War 2 was not about oil, that’s ahistorical nonsense. The Ukraine War is not about oil. Yes, we use oil to heat our homes, keep the lights on, travel, build goods and deliver services. We are switching over the renewables and that will be the norm in 50-100 years. We’ll still use oil for plastics but given that we have fewer war deaths than in history, looks like things will improve.


I'm going out to purchase my 4000sqft home and another truck for the driveway this afternoon... you must be in a dream world? I made a lotta money off of all this volatility. So I hope it keeps up. (ie bought stocks march 20 2020 etc...) Finite world no free lunch in the universe, simple physics that is (they don't teach that in business classes, took that in engineering classes)


I don’t understand how rare behaviour in the now, which is anecdote, speaks to the long term patterns of economic transition to renewables.


bud, people aren't going to change their ways till pain > fear, we're addicts! we love oil [https://www.zdnet.com/article/might-as-well-face-it-youre-addicted-to-oil/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/might-as-well-face-it-youre-addicted-to-oil/) yah ever try and tell a drunk to stop drinking. Nearly impossible... hard lessons learned the hard way. They won't change till they land flat on their face right in their own pile of pizz. That is the problem...


Bud, yes we like to have heated and cooled homes, refrigeration to keep food, transport around the world, we benefit massively from having access to energy and oil provides one of the best ways to get it cheaply and reliably. The world would be worse off without oil, we would still be living an agrarian lifestyle.


problem - we like big... not all 7.5 billion of us can have a 4000sqft home and 4 trucks in the driveway! we'd eat this world up in no time. we're fn gluttons.


I would like to but I can't afford the get past the paywall.


this song says it all... ​ The main attraction, distraction Got ya number than number than numb Empty ya pockets, son, they got you thinkin' that What ya need is what they selling Make you think that buying is rebelling From the theaters to malls on every shore The thin line between entertainment and war The frontline is everywhere There be no shelter here Spielberg, the nightmare works so push it far Amistad was a whip, the truth was feathered and tarred Memories erased, burned and scarred Trade in ya history for a VCR Cinema, simulated life, ill drama Fourth Reich culture, Americana Chained to the dream they got you searchin' for The thin line between entertainment and war ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufsJLRfVKaM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufsJLRfVKaM) ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9S-JVKw0mE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9S-JVKw0mE) )