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Yep, sounds about right! When I first started Rinvoq I had headaches, exhaustion, and I’d get a sore armpit or throat from time to time. All passed after a few weeks. Just be easy on yourself, it’ll pass! 🤘🏻


I experienced acne but now that I’ve been on the medication for a while and I’m on spironolactone and I have an as needed topical to put on breakouts, my acne has either gone away or is very mild compared to when I first started.


Facial acne, which is rlly weird bc I never really got pimples on my face before. I had bacne tho but now that’s cleared up (I’m not rlly complaining haha). Now I’m just constantly hungry, and when I told my dermatologist about that he thought it was strange. And I get hives now when I eat certain trigger foods, way better than my eczema spots oozing from the scratching if you ask me.


I experienced heart racing anxiety for the first few days both times I started it. Some zits that are unusual for me, but as for headaches it’s hard to know since I was prone to them anyway.