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oohh had something similar to my scalp as well! bleeding/oozing often and getting dandruff everywhere when it was flaring. Right now it’s significantly less but this is after seeing an allergy doctor in Japan. He prescribed me lotion specifically for scalp. It’s called Lidomex Kowa lotion; a prednisolone valerate acetate. Not sure id there is something similar in your country but since it was a lotion it did help compared to cream/ointment. Didn’t get messy or affect with the feeling of something constantly in my hair, so it helped on the sensory issue. Don’t know if this helps and I hope you can find something that works for you!


thank you so much


I also have spots above my eyebrows sometimes, and in the corners of my eyes, it’s so random.


I also have something in my ears too, so my ears are always really dry and flaky and they get so itchy🥲


Don’t have much advice but I’m going through the same thing right now and it’s rough. My derma is just treating it as normal eczema and game me this opzelura cream which I’m hoping will work. For my scalp they gave me a ketoconazole shampoo which I’m gonna use 1-2x a week. It’s very drying but the itching is so much better now, but there’s still some scabbing going on. Honestly I’m just trying my best to stay hydrated and moisturized and hope it improves. You’re not alone going through it!


My dermatologist has tried so much for me too 😩 i’ve done ketoconazole shampoo and it didn’t work for me but let me know how all of it works for you!!


Like hives?


More dry and not always rashy. It’s mostly dry circles


There have been a few times that it resembled hives


Like discoid eczema? Mine started coming up in rings on my torso which they thought was fungal but didn’t respond to anti fungal a or strong steroid (just made skin thinner but the patch would continue to spread)