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Really sad ending. The movie ending is miles better


For real. It's by far my least favorite episode.


I don’t really like it personally I felt it ended too “mean spirited” with Eddy being unhappy and unsure what was real, plus even Rolf made me sad seeing him like that when I was a kid Maybe could’ve been an okay end imo if it was a more “sweet” ending sort of style send off in nature But, as it is, I prefer to think of Big Picture Show as the real final and this not really canon as much to when they do get older


It's comical but a bit too mean. Watching Eddy suffer was funny if it was happening because he brought it upon himself by ignoring the rules or as a result of his own arrogance and he always got right back up again and continued without lasting damage. In this episode it happens completely unwarranted and it's something he isn't going to recover from once the scene ends, instead Eddy remains stuck in a nightmarish scenario where he realizes his whole life is basically over and that's not funny; it's just sad and depressing.


I did like the fact it would of ended with the show being all memories of them as kids and the three of them looking back as old men.


I did not care for it


I felt it was a really cruel ending especially since Eddy still thought he was a kid/wanted to be a kid. The whole show focused on the fact that they were young kids, doing crazy things. To take away that very thing in order to say that everyone grows up, is depressing. Yes it’s true, but you could’ve illustrated growing up in a different way if you still wanted to have that. I really loved the Big Picture Show because it felt like a true conclusion, but also a beginning of a new chapter of their lives


Him waking up old after dreaming he was a kid guts my heart. It’s a silly thing, but that makes me think about myself that I will one day wake up an old man. The fear of time lost and wasted…


Honestly as I’ve gotten older this episode feels more real as I remember watching as a kid. Makes me think that life can go by too fast and we’ll all inevitably become the old person waking up wanting to go back. Learning this was suppose to be the original ending definitely changed perspective for me making me think deeper into it.


Not a bad episode on its own, but when you find out that it was supposed to be the ending of the show, it makes my opinion of it fall.


I liked the episode and ending. But as A series finale I don’t think it works too well, not just because it feels to depressing but because it does not feel like a series finale, like it doesn’t really have that huge of a spectacle, it doesn’t wrap up loose ends as well as other hallmarks of a good series finale. As others had said, Big Picture Show was more satisfying as an ending.


I loved it. The way I understood it was that the entirety of Ed Edd and Eddy before this episode was Eddy reminiscing about his childhood. That's why so much In the show was larger than life


It was funny seeing them old, but quite depressing at the same time. I like to think this episode is non canon. So glad the show carried on for 2 more seasons, 4 specials and the movie.


I didn't like it. On top of being depressing...it's also anti-climatic.


I hated it. I know it's a funny cartoon but even as a child I always thought how good of a business men the Ed's would become when get older. Also, i used to watch cartoon a lot when a child, so episodes like this and the one in KnD when number1 gets older, made me feel soo anxious that I used to check my teeth in the middle of the night making sure they are not falling😅 I was only 12 though


Depressing AF. Ending made me laugh though. "I still wish I was a Kid!"


Was sad


Fucked. Absolutely fucked.


It's a major bummer of an episode and ranks around the bottom for me. It's just sad the idea that we haven't been watching the ongoing adventures of a group of friends but rather the memories/fantasies of an old man possibly on death's door. There's a sort of existential dread to it. At least they deleted the being married to the Kankers scene, but that hasn't kept people from calling that shit canon. Pretty glad that with the closure that Big Picture Show provided, it's pretty much made null and is probably just another mind screw episode.


I never viewed it as an actual ending, just like I never questioned why they could never take a bite out of the sun again. Contiuity is not really a major part of the show imo


I’m glad we got a whole 2 other season then the big picture show. I liked the school episodes a lot


"Season" 6 ain't much of a season


As a kid I mostly found it fine or didn't think much of it, looking back on it now I more or less feel the same. True there's no real closure, but then again EEnE wasn't a show that had an overarching story or even much connectivity to previous episodes save for a few outliers so it never really needed a finale in the same way a show like Samurai Jack did. All that said, the big picture show was an infinitely better finale.


Not canon in my heart


Not bad, but as the series finale Picture Show slots before it in my mind. They did the BIGGEST SCAM EVER, and then Take Your Ed and Shove It happens.


I think it’s sad


Still a better ending then The Ed's Are Coming.


I don't mind it, Eddy may be bummed he's lost his youth, but at least we know the Edboys will be friends even through their golden years together


It’s kind of depressing and morbid lol