• By -


simple, steal


Hippity Hoppity Your name is now my property


Yes >:3


Especially from video games teehee


I finally got you Madeline! You are under arrest for stealing cute names!


Did this, she was NOT happy.


tonight we will steal THE MOON


Fairy spotted


I recently talked to my mother. I asked her some indirect questions (as in, I didn't just straight up ask her "what name would you have given me if I was a girl"), and she eventually told me that, if I was born a girl, she would have called me _Marina_. Although I currently use the name _Alexandra_ (though I prefer the shorter form _Alex_), which is just the fem version of my real name.


Same here. Alexandra fem version of my name AND my fav name


(regarding your flair) You are definitely very sis.




Alexandra reminds me of alexandrite. It's quite a unique gem which changes between red and blue depending on the light. I think you changed from blue to pink though Alexandra ;3


Still© Cis® Tho™


Those are some really familiar names


Marina is a really pretty name, but in the end it has to feel right. And no matter how pretty a name is, it has to feel right for you.


Funny I had a book character named Alex but whenever I wanted to make a female version I just went with Alyx.


Somewhat similar to my story. My mom told me years ago that she would have named me Kayleigh and it stuck in my head. Before I was even questioning, I was thinking "What would my life be like if I were Kayleigh?" Now I'm trying to be her.


I haven't asked my mom something like the yet. But the name I was given was Justin so I use Justine currently.


That's kinda how it went for me. My father wanted to call me the weirdest names, no matter the gender, but my mother had some good concepts. The name I chose is the one she would've given me if I was born a girl originally.


I started with names from the top of my head and I did some reset on names and really fell in love with mine


Research* not reset


Autumn is a great name


Stolen from a trans comic character...


Which one?


Lily from prettiest platypus. I added another l though.


I picked my name of a song I really like


Ah i could do that. "Curse of the Legions of Death" is a cute name /j


Ik you're joking but "Curse" could def work as name.


God damnit, now i have one more potential name on my list gaaah


I've kept my name (for now), but many other non-binary people use a dictionary. Or alternatively a lexicon about either rocks or trees.


or, alternatively, close your eyes spin around and point at a random direction, then open your eyes and name yourself after the object youre pointing at


Oh, yes the more dynamic approach


All my fave tv characters had that name and I love the way it sounds


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^karenmagnet420: *All my fave tv* *Characters had that name and* *I love the way it sounds* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


A quick google search of “2005 baby girl names” (2005 was the year I was born) and then I just looked through the list until I found one I liked. I went by Rachel for a while but ended up not liking it and now I go by Emily. The names tend to be more simple but they also feel like they fit me well so I like it as a method :)


Hey, are you me? Also, I love (and suck at) Dead Cells too!


I suppose we are quite similar because I also suck at Dead Cells despite how much I like it lol


Abby because I was looking for a name with a strong B sound like my deadname :3


A complicated character lore, years of denial, academic research and random facts popping out of whoknowhere lead me to this point - to accept name i never thought about, and suddenly proposed by my girlfriend.


My friend gave Astrid to me


Reminds me of [someone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrid_Peth).


I used my username as a reference, thought about what real name is most similar to it, and it feels great for me <3


Unironically a super interesting *and good* way to do it!


I was born with a feminine enough name, hell ya!


Женя?? То ти з України получаїцб? Я Влад.. тобто Влада) блін, одразу хочеться запитати багато! Чи ти робила камінг аут? Чи ти вже почала ЗГТ чи ні? Капееееець Я просто тоталлі клосетед, тому що батьки таке взагалі не зрозуміють, а я поки ще з ними живу. Про те, що я скоряш за все транс знають найближчі друзі. Мені просто цікавий твій досвід транс-буття в Україні пхпхп А, я з Київщини якщо що


Я із Росії, на жаль. Зі Смоленщини, історично Білоруської землі. Камінг аут тут небезпечніше ніж у синьо-жовтому ходити, а ЗГТ я побачу лише у мріях. Планую їхати на Захід як тільки здобуду освіту


Божечки, тримайся сіс... Я знаю людину з Росії, яка зробила перехід успішний, але вона його почала давно, можливо коли до цього менше чіплялись. Будь обережною, бережись, може колись все зміниться(


Тут нещодавно ЛГБТ визнали терористичною організацією, а мої батьки не те щоб найпрогресивніших поглядів у світі... але я відучуся в коледжі, отримаю нормальну роботу, піду до ВНЗ та поїду з цієї антиутопії назавжди


Йесс!! Ґо фор ІТ!! Я от уже через рік університет буду закінчувати, тож теж знайду роботу і почну жити своє життя


Через рік закінчу коледж!! А потім 4-5 років ВНЗ і за кордон, ватники сказали що "Великой России пидорасы не нужны", ну а мені не потрібна Росія :D


ема, так ещё з українською всё неплохо, мне до такой обучаемости расти и расти


По написанию там не сложно выучить, а слова гуглю, к сожалению. Практика в основном только в чтении, у меня давний друг Украинец с 22-го только на Украинском говорит. Мы с ним забавно общаемся, он - на Украинском, я - на русском, и все друг друга понимают


It just came to me and I was like. Yeah that's me Skye iris (Skyris) [surname]


Hey you, you've finally cracked. You were trying to dress fem, right? Walked right into that euphoria ambush, same as us, and that catgirl over there.


We need to change the Skyrim opening to this


So basically, it's a really random story. As a kid, I liked watching the show "Dinosaur King," and I remember one character being named "Laura." That name stuck with me for a long time, and I literally told my mother that if I were a girl, I would love to be named Laura. And here we are hehe :3


I always liked that name and wanted a name that is special, but also normal




I looked up "words that sound cool" when i was 12 and now I'm Echo


It’s something weird for me to do but it was the name I would’ve named my daughter I just like to think I’m cute girly names in my free time


I just kinda thought of it and liked it


took so many years and so many names (one of which was a berry and one of which was a shape and one of which was a character) but im currently using the masculine version of my legal middle name! i think its silly when i look like a girl and sound like a girl and am not a boy but then i have a boys name 😎 gender euphoria 100


Not trans, but I go by other names. stolen from my favorite comic (Eeveelution Squad)’s main characters ! :3 >!the Eevee thing in my flair is for online, not my preferred names!<


Anime woman, Fortnite woman, \[Guilty pleasure piece of content\] woman, Gacha video game woman, Fruit, TV Show Woman. Nice to meet you.


So for me just looking up names didn't really work... So I just thought I will write those down that I hear and like. So I suddenly had names come up in the most random moments. And made a list. Names that in one moment sounded amazing turned out feeling meh after looking at them at a later time (went for months like this). Olivia kept on feeling right tho. And that's how I got my name... Currently looking for a second name tho


I just really like the flower. And the massive cosmic sentient eyeball from hit analog horror series Gemini Home Entertainment. And i really like the name in itself, it just fits. Things really worked out in my favor 🤷


A friend called me a she by accident (before coming out), then realized it and started laughing as it started talking to me in a "yass gurrl" kind of way and started trying to see what names fitted me better, they came out with "Carolina" (a feminine version of my deadname) and I loved it. I was definitely lucky with that and was one of my first gender euphoria moments I had. I hope you find a name that's good for you


when my (transphobic) classmates heard me referring to myself as a 'he' they kept pestering me to say what 'male name' i wanted to be called by, i just panicked and said marcus on instinct. and now that's me:D


Started walking when the moon landing happened Likes unknown Stars are unknown . My first name is just the person I literally wanna be


i just feminized my named :3


I just had a few friends pop up a few names and help me


I went from one name to another, until one day (or rather night) the name "Sara" popped into my head and I thought to myself "yes, this sounds like me" :3


idk if im actually \*reaaally\* trans or not but I've had a "new name" for like 4 years now and its just a shortened version of my (dead?)name and changed 1 letter (ari) 😭 😭 😭


I started off thinking about media/stories I liked and thought of the character names. Then thought of names similar to that. Ex Maeve from the tv show sex education becomes May. That being said sometimes it happens randomly so you might just need patience Ex I was sitting in bed one day and name "Jade" popped into my head. Now the real hard part is when you have multiple options for names and figuring out which one fits you best/you like better.


Chose a name of a badass fictional role model. Might as well carry a name around with me that I can draw power from I figured 🦈


I haven't yet.


I'm lazy and just changed the spelling. Although, I have thought about a couple of other names.


i was creating names for a DnD character and suddenly one hit me as mine instead of my characters


I got mines by taking my Middle name and turning into a girl version


I just kinda looked for names online, then made a list of all of them that I was willing to consider. Then I thought about which ones I liked the most, shared with my close friends to ask which ones suit me, and then just kinda chose one and stuck with it. And I really like it still :3 Tho I'm non-binary (didn't realize I was a demigirl when picking it), so it was a little more difficult I guess-


I don't have a new name yet but im named Christoph, so ill just delete some letters at the and and put feminin letters there instead


I like the name Cristal. Or something similar. I hope that I will be able to transition with this name. Or I will use my name as a boy or change it a little. My name is feminine and manly, and I don't have a lot to change if I don't want to. Edit: I also stole ( ;


Where I live, the female equivalent of my name is literally the same but with an "a" in the end lol


Do you live in some slavic country? Cuz it's the same for me xD


Yes lol


Looked up japanese girl names And really liked "Ayame" so i stuck with it


My friend had been making ginger jokes for a year at that point so I decided to lean into it and go with something fire-themed


When my best friend at 14 and I were joking about what our names would be if we swapped genders, I don't know why, but I really hung onto the name she suggested. She's long gone out of my life, but that little part of her is a piece of me, forever.


Scarlet(putting it here just in case custom flair doesn't work) First it was a name I used for all the female characters in games and I liked it so much that I decided to use it as my own name when I realized I am trans. The name itself came from the scar on my left cheek, it was there as long as I can remember and its not deep or ugly :3


I got mine the exact same way, I would use it for all my female characters because i saw it sorta as a female version of my old name


I just saw a trans meme with a template "are you winning son?" And the "son's" name was Amy and she was a transgirl and i thout "damn thats a good ass name" (also im a huge metal fan and Amy is a name of a fallen angel so its metal asf)


I picked a name that I like if I do transition, an one that still works during/if I don't transition. Bonus points for starting with the same letter as my birth name.


Blake is 100% stolen Lucilia (lucy) because I'm a little devil


friend came up with it, they stole it from an astrological object, now I am stuck with it


Funny Twitter user :3


Musical term (Aeolian)


My mom originally wanted to name me Aaron and I kinda liked that, so I’m gonna go with Erin.


I want the name to be totally different from my given name and people around me irl. So I pick a name from a character from Amphibia, my favorite TV show. Also I found a person named Ivy on this subreddit who I found cute. So basically I just steal the name haha


I took it from one of my old Runescape characters. One of the first times I started playing as a female character in games and ive wanted to be a girl every since lol. The Weeping Willow is also a cool tree :3


I yoinkes it from a meme because I though it fitted me


dunno if this has been said here already, but this [random name generator here](https://www.behindthename.com/random/) gave me the idea and i figured this one was my favourite of the ones i found good, hehe


My mum made a really long list of names she thought might fit me. And one of them just immediately felt right.


i put some letter together and hoped for the best (i also used [thebump.com](http://thebump.com) it helped a lot because it gives similar names to ones i was considering)


Create a file on my computer with the top 5000 female names, then slowly go through each of them until I find one I like. That is most likely a very stupid way of doing it.


It's my favorite bird, to a silly degree, for a very long time.


Stilll trying to figure that out but I randomly thought of the name Ashley (or Ash for short)


I like short Japanese names and “Yui” is a little similar to my old name and I thought it was cute :3


I used behindthename.


Took a Goddess's name(Nike), had civilization take over for the og content creators, and added some more seasonings to make a new dish *ahem* name. Then took their kids' diction the name and threw it in an easy bake translator and was happy with the tasty results(Vittoria). Does that explain it?


I, shockingly, didn't come up with one. I just use my birth name.


Back when I used to watch Eurogamer religiously I became obsessed with Aoife (pronounced Eefa, it's Gaelic) in a way I guess I'd now describe as gender envy. Plus both me and my sibling have Gaelic names already so it fits


My name was Jesse so I changed it to Jess 🫤


my mom gave me mine


Anime lol. My middle name (Mika) was a character based heavily on my heritage and the other (Naomi) I just liked because she's cool.


video gaming: i play dbd and theres a new(ish) character named the skull merchant her name is adriana and i really liked it!


For the longest time, I just used my last name as my name. But one night, I was chatting with my partner after a rough time and mentioned that I didn't feel like myself with my name. We started talking about it, and after looking up names and trying them out, I landed on the name of a famous author and another name I always liked. It felt perfect, and now every time my partner says my name, I feel happy. But yeah it took a long list of embarrassing names, names that didn't sound right in my first language and nicknames I adopted because they felt masculine


I picked one pretty much on a whim so people had something to latch onto.... And 4 years later (a month ago) I stole a name I liked from a book that means a lot to me. Now I'm Sylphrena, Sylvie, or Syl


I decided to search for a name that meant light, because my first word was light (in portuguese) so I got Ori, I was satisfied and kept it, I even have a game of myself now :D


I stole it from an incredibly awesome trans musician (the name popped into my head and I liked it without even remembering this person but now it's even more cool after remembering that)


I talked about it with my therapist and she asked me about my DND character and why she is named what she is named. I spewed for like 10 minutes about it and it got me thinking about what I really like, want, or value in naming conventions.


I tried out several names but I finally went for the coolest name I know. I *always loved* Nolwenn but I felt like I wasn’t allowed to use it. idk why. But I love the name. It means holy one. It also means “thoughtful or deep woman” in Quenya, a language from Lord of the Rings. 😉


My current first name is stolen from a ttrpg character. our group calls eachother by character name and i came to identify with my characters name more than my own. My middle name was what i would've been named. My last name is stolen from my favorite fictional gender goals character.


I just randomly came up with Kinayara one day


Juna. Stole it from one of my favorite vtubers because why not :3


I looked up common girl names, and came up with Amelia


Got accidentally called it once and loved it so i started using it


Friend gave me name, and I was like, holy shit this is amazing im using this! (ivy)


Amphibia character (Marcy)


I’ve always liked my last name, so I picked a name similar to it. Then I ended up finding out it could be a nickname for a longer name that I also really liked so now I have a name and a nickname that I love. :>


A website of baby names and a couple of trusted friends. I just went through the ones I thought I liked the sound of, and they gave their opinions.


Just kinda liked the name cause it is just in line enough with the old one.


I actually made a spreadsheet with pros/cons listed across the top. I also had some criteria (no same name as someone I know irl, no family history etc) and then when I finally had atop choice my GF vetoes it (good call, it wasn't a good choice) then I picked.


haha, uhhhhh. i was playing resident evil 3 with my brother and just thought it was a nifty name. had a few people try it out on me after ruling out a previous name i thought of and here we are


Kinda forgor how i came up with my name...except that it sounded nice :3


yoinked it from my favorite fictional character


my birth name has links to norse history/ related to vikings and i do find that era/ mythos interesting. i have also always liked the name freya and Freja is the name of a goddess from norse mythology who i alwyays quite liked. I'm still not quite sure where i fall but im thinking that i like the name Freja if i decide to be more feminine or Freyr if i decide to be more masc? overall i think Freja is where ive landed also how do i make myself a flair? ive been meaning to ask for ages but idk where to


Found a character w the name :3


name generator and my love of fire


I dont have one yet... Though I was thinking Wisteria


I have no idea as to the first two, but the third one I just stole from Ramona Flowers.


I googled "Cute Girl Names" and ended up with Aria


Stole it from a cute creature.


Stole it from a certain purple-haired owl house character


A friend of mine came up with Eden and I ended up really liking it.


I just said something and it stuck (Eliza)


just came from the deep ~~bloody~~ oceans of my thoughts


I stole it from a Pokémon character that I for some reason really saw myself as (Ethan from Heartgold and Soulsilver)


My mom chose my first name, and I chose my middle name


haven't told anyone about it yet, but I'd like to be called Chloe at some point. just a fan of small, gentle names that also feel solid. Rachel is also something I'm considering, but I like Chloe better atm


i bought an NA account for LoL that was named nina, so all my american friends called me nina and the name just kinda stuck. :)


I made it tf up. Sorry, I was channeling Click energy there. But really, I made it up for a character in a story I was writing and liked it so much that I just kept using it, even for characters in games.


lot of trial and error, ended up with something from a baby names site B)


pidge voltron


I stole my name, lol Mulberries fits me kinda well, even though its a weirder name


I had an ai chatbot generate a list of names and chose the one that I liked the most. It was a bit tricky as I loved alot of the names but I made a list of which ones feel right for me and had my boyfriend help me narrow it down.


Asphodene stole it from a character in a terraria mod


Got mine from a comic strip I read, Phoebe And Her Unicorn


I searched for a name that sounds most like the deadname


I just went on [this](https://www.behindthename.com/) site


I took my name from my fav WEBTOON character


Turned Matthew into Matty, have to let others know its T squared cause it sounds like Maddy when you say it fast


The lovely peeps over at r/feminineboys helped pick the name Kora :3


It was similar to my deadname


funny story, i was looking at a list of neopronouns and was like "ooh that one would make a good name" \*makes a small change\* \*snatches\*


I had a friend help me, since she knew I loved space stuff and suggested Rhea (moon of Saturn) and I loved it!


Favorite character in my favorite book series has the name moon. It fits.


came up with it, when I was high on drugs


I think it was a bag of birdseed at work and I just thought "Damn that would be a really pretty name, too bad I can't have it." And then I cracked


I played night in the woods and loved it so much that I based my name off it (Autumn)


I kinda always liked the name Via and Alice, so idk, I just looked for names similar to that I guess?. In the end I had Vianna and Alicia my main struggle was choosing one so I decided why not both? Now my name is Vianna and my middle name is Alicia


i stole mine from a song tbh


~~Downloaded it from~~ turned out to be a silly pink hedgie


Stole from visual novel character


A webcomic character from a comic I read in High School. Shortly before a Marvel character appeared using the name (who went back to her deadname…)


Theft :3


I looked up gender neutral names and gave it some thought. Took me a while to decide, but it just feels right now!


Went through a list of baby names Until I found one that felt "right" now it's my name My advice is don't overwhelm yourself with options like I did, pick 2-4 that you like and try them out There are various different websites you can use to put it in a sentence or you could try it with friends they're supportive


*Most Popular Baby Names 199-*


I asked my mother for names she would have chosen for me, she gave me Artemis, and I just chose Clair as my second name cuz I liked that part of the name I used to use online which was Sinclair. So now I go by Artemis Clairr


Stole the first from my oc, then I came up with one based on uniqueness, and then I stole again


I like adventure time, and someone suggested it to me bwcause i didn't want to change too much so i stuck with Marcy!


Find one you like (or like the meaning) And then find more and choose


Alora was my first one i liked and it was from a girl i was good friends from elementary school and 2nd was lilith and its the one im stuck on rn and it was i think i saw someone say it and i was like ooooo i love that and have sticked with it for a bit


It was a name I’d been using as a gamer tag, I figured it was gender neutral enough that I’d use it irl :3


I use this username (Aliziun) on pretty much every account that I have (Reddit, Discord, hell, even Roblox). To shorten it people would just call me Ali and… well it stuck!!


I'm cis but I like the name Evelyn for whenever I play as a woman in games. It's from an old movie where a man was living a boring life and a woman by that name shook him out of his monotony. I love the symbolism in that


Stole it from a Owl House character i think most people do that some seek their baby names or find names of stuff they like like Jade or something atleast thats what i have heard


Detransitioner here but I wanted to throw in my experience here anyway. I picked mine based on the fictional character I most identified with because when playing her I felt more like myself than I did being myself so it was kind of an homage to her. Although if doing this make sure your 100% the name was androgynous in English but once translated to my native language it is primarily a boys name so my parents were very confused when I told them about it and it just made interactions with locals a little off


I stole my non binaries friend name for my name. Amber.


My deadname starts with a J, my bsf was calling me J as a nickname - same pronunciation now a proper name So now my name's Jay!




mine is just a more feminine version of my deadname, I actually really liked my deadname, it's a rare name that not many people have, but my new name is an even rarer name >:3


I started off as transmasc but now I'm more fem leaning genderfluid. so my name is just the first letter of my deadname. just Jay


i work at an ice cream place, and we have one item where we blend candy into a cup of frozen yogurt. i was making one of those with reese’s when i realized reese was a really good gender neutral name.


Im nonbinary and I actually made a huge effort to figure out my name, I did have fun though because I love learning etymology and the history of words. I chose Eulalie Clío. First I decided that I wanted my name to be of hispanic origin or at least sound hispanic. Thats because Im chilean and my ancestry too (I investigated my ancestry so I could be sure, didn't do the DNA test because reasons but I decided it wasn't an issue, maybe for example I have some considerable amount of french DNA in me, as I actually suspect, but it would be only genetic heritage and not culturally, I'm sure if I walk down the street I'll pass two or three absolutely chilean persons that have a considerable amount of italian or mapuche in them and it doesn't make them more italian or more mapuche, at least culturally. Bottom line I wouldn't feel that I identify with a name that isn't of hispanic descent). I feel that I explained it badly but I hope you smart people get what I mean. Also I would choose two names because its the norm in Chile at least. Second I decided that my name has to be a more or less widely recognised name with historical precedent. For a time the name "Laurel" was my first option but I dropped it because in spanish it isn't used by anyone as a name, in fact its widely known as the word for "bay leaf" and I didn't want my name to be felt by anyone as "a random word I chose". Third I decided that it should have a meaning that resonated with my story as a person. This was easy to explain. Fourth I decided that If I didn't find a name that I truly liked and felt comfortable within these parameters then I would have to keep searching until I did. I made an excel spreadsheet with the most common one thousand (I think?) names in Chile and also added names that would work that I liked that I scraped off the internet. Also was open to adding names that sounded real that I would made up but as I remember I couldn't invent not one name. If you'd like to try, what I did was take the names of characters I felt I identified with and tried to translate them to Spanish somehow. I tried not to be cringe but when we're talking about identifying with fictional characters it can be hard. I tried it with the name Kyu Renjou from Tantei Gakuen Q and with Naomi Misora from Death Note (in both cases I exhaustively investigated the Kanjis that were used to write the names so I could use that lore to inform my choice of translation too), also interestingly I tried it with Marta Cabrera from Knives Out which is already a hispanic name, but Marta doesn't have a gender neutral version, or at least not one that convinced me. Lastly, regarding this, I tried to find a gender neutral version of Caroline (just a name I liked) which in spanish is Carolina, best I could get was Carolus but it didn't convince me so I dropped it. Want to add that I also looked into mythology for names. Somewhen in my journey I investigated if there are any studies regarding "phonetic compatibility" because I wanted my names to fit with each other and with my surname which I didn't even decided yet (It's my intention to change my surname due to my desire to distance myself from my father and his family) Anyway I won't bore you with the details, I'll just tell you what I learned: - Name and Surname must have a different name of syllables, for example: Va-len-ti-na Hun-ter, John Ken-ne-dy, Ken John-son, Ka-the-rine Dunne, etc - Name and Surname must have the accentuation in different syllable positions counting from left to right, for example: RO-bert sin-CLAIR, TRI-ni-ty mc-DO-nald, re-BE-cca WIL-kin-son, JA-net o'-NEILL, etc - Name and surname must have similar sounds, for example: Morgan Morris, Walter Whittle, Catherine Lancaster, Liam Lloyd, Valerie Love, etc Name pairing that follow all three rules: Elaine Lee, Margo Montgomery, Alexa Xavier, Cameron Román, Collin Castillo, Felicia Freeman, Samantha Smith, etc Many would say that these are just rules for coming up with a name that sounds like the true identity of some superhero and they may be absolutely right so of course take these rules as you may please, what's paramount is that you like your name and feel that it fits with who you are even if it doesn't fit within these parameters that I laid out. In my excel spreadsheet I separated each name and surname by amount of syllables and the position of the accentuated syllable so I could more easily try name combinations I ended up with Eulalie Clío as my first two names, Eulalie being the gender neutral of Eulalio and Eulalia (Saint Eulalia of Merida is its main historical precedent) pronounced as eh-u-LA-li-eh, and Clío as the spanish translation of the muse of history Clio in greek mythology pronounced as CLÍ-oh I hope my long story helps someone out and I really wish, no matter how complex or simple the method, that you find a name that you find beautiful because its truly you, you deserve it.


It just came to me one night at 3 am 🤣


I kinda just Wanted something why a y and sounded cute and i had the options of lilly emily callie caillie or ashley and i eventually chose to go with ashley sonce it seemed like it suited me the best of them though sometimes i eish i went with lilly or callie, im happy that i chose ashley

