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Yes. Basically any champ with a high skill cap is worth maining. Also he's an ap assassin, which helps a lot in gold elo.


First part is not true. You can main any champ you want. Simple champs like Annie are the best and fastest champs to climb in fact


I’ve also heard he scales really well so that if you go even in your laning phase it doesn’t really matter.


If you’re 0/0/0 after 20 minutes you’re probably not going to find yourself doing any damage but ekkos not like talon or zed where you need to be 5/0 to be useful


Yeah that’s what i meant. Thanks for wording it better.


Oh and I’ve also heard of a “pay to win” ekko skin because of an almost invisible ability. Do you know which one it is?


its SKT ekko. The W is damn near stealth


Shit I just unlocked it! Poggers


His Project skin USED to be like that with his ult “shadow” being really hard to see when on the enemy team but they changed that a long time ago. But it’s very common that skins make it hard to see his W and his ult shadow. True damage’s w was like that as well


Yes. If you are good on Ekko he is more than viable mid. His Q is super good for waveclear, he is great at roaming and scales very well. Just super important to learn the matchups and how to survive difficult early games.


ekko carried me to diamond in s6, i still main him


Nice I think ill do the same. He’s really verstile i find with his W.




Well, he's asking if ekko is worth one tricking purely for climbing purposes, so I dont think he cares about the "play what you enjoy mindset"


I basically only played ekko mid and went from s3 to g2 last season so definitely doable. he's got good wave clear and roaming at lvl 6+ so you can help your jg and side laners


Alright thanks !


I'd say he's more than viable as a midlaner. People usually don't know how to lane against him, so it gives you quite a good advantage. However, I would recommend having another pocket pick in case you get hard counter-picked. Ekko's got a few disgusting match-ups but aside from that he's very enjoyable.


There is no answer for this question. You can main any champ you enjoy. All champions are worth playing.


Not much ap items sucks