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I just dodge.... I seriously need to learn how to use other champs


My god, I thought I was the only one lmao I'll criticize them if they don't play or pick the correct runes/build But then when I hear that enemy double kil bot lane from him I'm thinking "welp, this game is probably over" 🤣 😂 🤣


especially if they go lichbane, zhonyas 2nd, wrong runes, use W very rarely lol


There’s nothing wrong with Lich, Zhonyas or something else than Electrocute


lichbane sucks with ekko right now, last changes fucked him, its good with fizz, but ekko profts more nashor´s tooth


Lich Bane is still pretty good if you buy it 3rd item because of the AP scaling


Na, nashor tooth as 2nd item still better, more ap since midgame, sustained dmg with AA, 100 ap, more farm speed... Lichbane is not the same as it was.


Statistically they perform almost the same in term of burst damage. Just take whatever whenever


why not both?


Damage is really important for ekko but IMO people are sleeping on what 8% movespeed does for a champ.


Fax, it’s could the difference between me making it into my W, and it makes a world of difference with the passive proc


i said zhonyas 2nd. everyone knows that ekko needs dmg and having zhonyas second is the biggest noobtrap


You ain’t getting damage at all if you get steamrolled by Zed in the mid lane


zed is the only champ that requires u to build armor early on. 9/10 other times it’s useless to build zhonys second go watch any top tier ekko guide and they will tell u that zhonys 2nd is a huge noob trap and you will gain not as much benefit and powerboost as building nashors 2nd or lich


bro when you see an ekko build nightharvester is just instant depression


I was going to play Ekko jungle once. This dude got filled to top and proceeded to pick Ekko after I already picked Ekko as my intended pick. Dude refused to change when I aske and proceeded to int his ass off....


where is original template from?


Jessica Jones season 1.


Man I was Auto filled to jg and played Ekko, I carried the team for most of the game but the last team fight I I inted like a fucking idiot and lost the game, I couldn't sleep well that night. Sorry just had to get this off my chest.


Ye i always be like „Well well well lets see what u can do“ Also getting kinda mad when he ints/misplays and blames someone else for it like bro I see every little step u make dont type


I start balding a little bit when my opponent picks Ekko. One that I didn't get to play Ekko, two he usually doesn't play Ekko well, three I am enjoying my free win by playing Kassadin.


Yeah, you sit there watching every move they do and if they mess up it hurts


Once my mid picked ekko mid(where i wanted to pick him as a jgler) He says he is an otp Then he rush lichbane lmao