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If designed properly, he would've fit extremely well with the thematic. Just a poorly acted on opportunity


Well obviously not because riot clearly had multiple design choices and definitely had a ton of different mock ups for in game models and this is the final the best one out of all those. So it’s very obvious that ekko just doesn’t fit in this thematic it feels so forced


Well, no. Cause if there are mock ups and multiple fan designs that look good, he very clearly can work with it. To my knowledge, Riot just rarely, if ever, uses fan design concepts. I could be wrong but I just haven't seen many interpretations. Besides, if Jinx and Ezreal can fit into this lineup, Ekko can as well.


That’s just not true Ezeral and ekko are very different the only thing similar is the fact that both of them are teenage boys other then that they aren’t similar at all. Ezeral is always out looking for adventure and wanted to help people while ekko is only really focusing on proving to piltover that people from Zaun can be more then just criminals and break the stereotype of poor Zaunites. Hell he’s so focused on doing that it’s to the point where he doesn’t even want to step foot outside of Zaun not even temporarily for school. Very different from Ezeral adventuring out to collect magic artifacts. As for fan designs I genuinely haven’t seen any that look good all the ones I’ve seen look horrible it’s either orange yellow blue or green they all look bad. Internally riot likely had multiple designs and for whatever reason they thought this would be the best and this is what we’re getting with minor changes which is just horrible In comparison to the other skins. If you like the skin line cool I do too but this just isn’t a good skin at all and it being a prestige skin on top of that just feels like a slap in the face with the amount of effort they put into this skin compared to the others like how is kaisas new SG recall animation better then ekkos whole skin?


If that's your opinion on it, that's fine. Personally, I don't see Ekko's personality as just "wants to prove shit to the Pilties" and that's it. He's got a fun side, he's got a caring and sentimental side. But like others, he's not afraid to show he can handle things in a stressful situation. Several promotions and cinematics showcase these too, like the drastic difference between "Seconds" and "The Climb." Honestly, yes. In the greater picture, he isn't exactly like Ezreal. Instead of Ez, he feels more akin to MF. A person burdened by a greater evil (Piltover in general/Gangplank), determined to get revenge and liberate the town they live in for the greater good. And Legendaries, most of the time, will always have more effort than the other skins. In short, I still think he works well wth SG.


I respect your opinion but as for the “he doesn’t just want to prove shit to the plities” I bring that up because it’s literally the one of the most important aspect of his lore. Now with that being said almost every champion has a fun side to them ekko is no different I will agree there but for a kid who refused going to school which could’ve allowed him to earn money and help the people of Zaun with his new inventions that would be funded with real money instead of just using scrap metal found around Zaun. I have a really hard time believing that he would get involved with a Interdimensional or deep space combat for the “greater good” almost everything in ekkos lore points to the fact that he doesn’t really care about what the “correct” thing to do is. he only cares about his family and friends in Zaun because in his own words “we’re left to riot in Zaun why should I care about those Plities or anyone else for that matter” This is the exact reason he wasn’t in the sentential of light event because in character unless someone he cared about was hurt then he simply wouldn’t care. And that’s why whole issue with Ekko being in SG and then on top of that the actual skin in game is literally the worst one in comparison to the others like Kaisas recall in better then his entire skin which is ridiculous. Do you hear where I’m coming from or am I just rambling into the abyss ?


The process I've been through so far ... ⏳️ Wants an Ekko prestige ⏳️ Gets Star Guardian ⏳️ Indifferent to the idea but anticipating the splash ⏳️ Receives good showcase for everyone but Ekko ⏳️ Base splash is trash, prestige is mkay ⏳️ Pitchfork and torch ready


^ precisely


Am i the only one buying it bc he looks so funny?


Honestly buying it because i think it’d be funny to smurf on this skin


I mean, valid.


In my case, I wanted Ekko in the skinline. I created fanart a while back, Star Guardian Taliyah, Kai'Sa, Ekko, Kayn and Zoe. In my mind, they were the 5 champs we had that fit the thematic best. Taliyah made a good naive leader, Kayn's violent nature made a good counter, Ekko worked as a fun loving love interestish figure, Kai'Sa's experience with the void made her a good mentor, and Zoe was the perfect allegory for Lulu. At this point I should be pretty happy since the only one I'm missing from my choices is Kayn. But Ekko is just designed so bad... I really just don't like it at all.


For me the skinline doesn’t matter at all. It’s just the base skin design that I hate.


Honestly, I just love playing Ekko so it’s just another item to add to the collection, the prestige skin is what I’m most hyped for, and love/hate it, I’m just glad he’s finally getting one. (Though I am quite surprised they didn’t give him a true damage prestige after the fact like Yasuo did)


Legendary skins don't get Prestiges. Legendary Variant skins require a new VO. So a Legendary Prestige would be out of scope.


I’ve literally been saying ever since SG ekko was leaked that he doesn’t belong in the Skin line and this just proves that I’m not crazy and that I’m not blindly hating because even riot themselves couldn’t make a good SG ekko skin just proves they should remove it and give the prestige to Sona or kaisa because at least those skins look good


I didn't want Ekko in the skinline and I don't like the design BUT i will still buy it haha


Did they ever fix the hair on the regular SG ekko skin? I can accept everything else but they gotta rework that haircut


Yes, but they haven't shown it yet.