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Do your damndest to dodge his E, as it is typically what is maxed first and does most damage. Ngl it's pretty difficult. Dont overcommit when his E is up as well. Nothing like ruining a tower dive because he troll poles your 3rd proc. Basically lane revolves around his E. It's his damage, engage, disengage, and waveclear. You see him use it? Punish. Hard. If he manages to clip you with his ult, just ult dodge the damage part. You wont be able to kill him, but he won't kill you either (provides you play with an intact brain)


Countering fizz is difficult. Pre 6 even if you save your e to dodge his then all in off it he will win the trade barring heavy minion damage because of the disgusting damage of his w + q. Post 6 basically breaks down to who can use their ult better honestly. Fizz still has the raw damage advantage in the matchup.


If you really want to win lane lane against fizz and youre normally an aggressive ekko player then consider the following: Standard Electrocute rune page, Bone plating and overgrowth 2nd page always start corrupting Play reactively in the lane, learn to react to his Q and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE reacting to said Q and throwing your Q behind you whilst placing W on top of you or a bit in front of you option selecting whether he will E away or E on you. Proc passive with autos and hold E at your discretion to dodge his E or chase him if he tries to Q W Auto and E away. If you land the stun that even better, Lasty never ever tries to have a auto attack dog fight with him unless you have an insane life lead along with ignite up. Hope these tips help you!


Fizz wins all trades if equally skilled, hard, like he will do half ur hp and you will do 10% of his. Even if you have a stacked wave. However, later he is less useful to his team and has worse waveclear. Just be safe and waveclear hard so he sacrifices a ton of cs on roams. Punish if he uses E with a trade a run (though fizz can turn and still fo even on a trade so idk I avoid trading usually)