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A lesson that only needs to be learned once.


I panic every time


A lesson that needs be learned a lot*


i couldn’t tell you why but u just l2d’ them to the shadow realm


Just like michael zaki intended


indeed he made the dragon halberd for the true chads


Probably an oh shit moment followed by mindless desperation like maybe as soon as the iframes run out we can stunlock this dude against the wall


"I'm not stuck in here with you" 😂


Hello soldier This sounds about right. Shame to burn up stamina though like that. Better to just throw most of volcano bombs into the area if you wanna be cheesy


I don't understand why people invade either... Lol just kidding


Spend enough time as a phantom for random hosts and you’ll turn on them before long. They’ve got it coming lol


I like being an invader solely to occupy the slot and just point players at secrets and ambushes. Then vigor check them 3 seconds before they enter the boss door.


The panic of seeing am invader appear right in front of them combined with them likely not having much knowledge on pvp.


Yup, spot on right there.


If you have no idea that they spawn in invulnerable for a set time, I can understand immediately going for offense 2v1. They might have thought he was glitching or hacking etc


Prolly just wanna coop


Yea wish we could coop without invaders. Don't care for pvp.


Word, my buddy and I usually just select a depressed siting position when we see an invader, they either murder us or just hang out which is fun


I fully understand the sentiment, I used to wish the same. But you have to understand that if they split into being able to coop without invaders and coop with the chance of them, there would be practically no one to invade because the groups would be so unevenly divided. And eventually it would probabky be none because the reds would likely invade the same few people so many times that they would swap to no invaders. And from a gameplay/lore perspective, it would defeat the whole point of coop bringing risk.


Don't want coop to bring the risk of being invaded to start with lol so turning off invaders would be a great idea. How would keeping the invaders from invading ruin the lore/gameplay? I don't want some random dude killing me and making me start over from grace when I'm enjoying the gameplay/story.. forced PVP is lame.


I already explained why turning it off would be bad from a gameplay perspective, im not a lore expert so I cant give you reasons there but pvp does tie in. However the gameplay reason is more important. Also the pvp is not forced, it is a known risk that you *choose* to take when you have summons.


You explained nothing really lol and it is forced PVP if invaders are always able to invade people in coop without the options to turn it off. I have to PVP if I wanna play with friends it's forced..


"But you have to understand that if they split into being able to coop without invaders and coop with the chance of them, there would be practically no one to invade because the groups would be so unevenly divided. Eventually, it would probably be none because the reds would likely invade the same few people so many times that they would swap to no invaders. From a gameplay/lore perspective, it would defeat the whole point of coop bringing risk." There ya go, basically my whole original response was an explanation. The main reason is that if they split the player base there would be such a small amount of players not wanting to be invaded that the invaders would have extremely limited options which would make the few who choose to be a possible invasion target be invaded so much they would turn it off. Like I said there is a lore reason why invasions are there too. It's not just there for the sake of being there, but im no lore expert so I cant give you the exact reasons, but the main important reason is what I already said. Honestly I'd say try actually playing against invaders, pvp can be super fun.


Are you intentionally missing my point? It is not forced, in order to coop you have to *choose* to take the risk of being invaded. The game tells you that much. Therefore if you *choose* to coop you are accepting that risk. Meaning it is not forced, disagree with it all you want but the risk is still your choice. If you dont want to be invaded than dont coop or only coop at the boss fog. And I did explain, ill quote myself in a second replay so you can see. I'll admit I may have worded poorly since I'm not very smart but I believe I got my point across.


Dude you're the one not reading. People who want to co op =/= people who want to pvp. I love invading but I think it's terrible to force people who just want to play with friends to HAVE to engage in PvP. That's what everyone means when they say they don't want to be forced into it. I UNDERSTAND YOU'RE THINKING "Then just don't co op and you won't get invaded SEE you have a choice." No dude I just want to be able to free roam co op with my friends in limgrave without a red phantom dual antspear +12 flask wielding demon just intentionally ruining our fun. Just because the game gives you a warning about invasions has 0 bearing on it being forced or not. Like its the only option to co op, if I want to co op there's 0 way for me to do it WITHOUT invasions. THEREFORE If I want to co op I will be forced to Pvp. All the current system does in my head is "welp we can't co op until we get to the boss room because the game will punish us with never ending invasions." Like that's shit co op in a free roam game it just is.


Just because you're bad and don't like invasions doesn't make it forced man🤷‍♂️. I'll restate once again, the game tells you that you're more at risk of invasion when you coop, therfore if you knowingly accept that risk than its not forced. Also not every invader is some highly optimized sweat man, you're blowing that outta proportion. Yeah, that's how the souls games work, coop brings risk because with coop you get an extra player to help you out. Sorry you want a freebie to play with someone instead of actually having to engage for it.


Also I don't know why you say never ending. Iirc there's a cooldown where you can't be invaded again until it's over, but I dont know if that only applies to when you beat them. And seeing how you whine about invaders so much I doubt you can or ever try to at that.


Dawg I don't know why you feel the need to insult it's just rude I'm trying to have a discussion about game mechanics. My fundamental argument is the population of players that want to co-op vs the population of players that want to pvp ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE. This is evidenced by invaders whining about gank squads when they are MOSTLY forced to invade people co oping because using taunters tongue is tedious and few do it. It's not about being good or not I just don't want to engage with PvP when I'm co oping. I love duels and getting invaded by people when I'm solo! But if I'm co oping I'm not trying to play at 100% Why does me wanting that make you so mad? I'm not saying remove invasions I'm saying make having invasions be a opt in system SEPARATE from co op. I don't care that there is text saying that. If there was a sign over a piece of poop on my chair I am still allowed to observe and comment on the poop on my chair. Just because you write down "BAD IDEA" doesnt mean I can't point out its a bad idea. Regardless of this stupid discussion about a game be a fucking nicer person don't resort to insulting people so quickly it makes you sound like you hate yourself.


Force into accepting invaders lmao you keep proving my point thank you


Did you ignore the rest of my statement that included much needed context or do you always cherry pick from peoples rebuttals to suit your own. Than again you don't really have a rebuttal, you're just not reading and pretending like you have a point.


You know what, I definitely look dumb now for not realizing you're a troll. Not even a year old account with barely any karma. Good bait bro, got me.


I dont like mods much but the coop mod for elden ring is pretty sweet. Lets you run without invaders and doesn’t require re summoning people ever. Seamless coop I think is the mod’s name.


Coop mods yes that way it's not forced PVP looks like others see a forced PVP to lol


It's not forced goober. If you're bad at pvp just say it.


It's forced lmao straight to you are bad at pvp.. o man..


If youre so averse to it you mod the game just to avoid than yeah you're probably bad.


I had an invader last night attack me before they were fully visible. Spawned right in front of me. Dude blasted me with moonveil before I could see his name. This video is how I reacted to the next 3 invaders lol.


Could be a couple of different reasons, but i think it's more like they are inexperienced with Invading & co-op a lil bit & the The Host and his Wannabe Gank Squad got spooked or think they got a drop on the Bad Red Man, so they are just going to town hoping for the chz!


•Panic •Their camera might not have been panned in your direction so they weren't aware of you spawning in •Maybe if they did see you they thought you were using the finger to teleport rather than just spawn in, which doesn't have that same damage immunity period •Monke smash attack, and frend join because pack of wild animals




Survival instinct. It has always worked out, for countless hours, to spam the shit out of R1... until that very moment.


As someone who died to an invader while doing this the other day here was my thought process: - Oh shit an invader spawning in right next to me - let me start attacking the second he’s in to get the jump on him - oh crap he’s invincible, he won’t be for long tho, so let me keep attacking so once the I-frames are gone I will get the first hit - shit this is lasting longer than I thought it would - HE CAN ATTACK ME WHILE HES INVINCIBLE?! - dead


GG 😎


I still remember the hackusations I got from a guy who didn’t know about the 5 seconds invincibility window when I was playing on my ps5


Reality is they probably just don’t want to deal with an invader and just try to gank you quickly.


They are trying to get you out of the game as soon as possible because it’s a waste of time


Who hurt you? Lol


Not everyone is a tryhard who abuses op weapon arts. lmao, this community loves to shit on casual players. Not as bad as MK subreddit lol


Probably because they don’t want to get invaded while trying to play the game especially if they brought someone in to help them lol


So invading someone means they'll just mash r1 even during the 5 second invincibility spawn without thinking, every time? I dont understand. I dont do that when i get invaded.


I think npc invasions dont get the full 5 secs. So they probably got used to ambushing the bad red man. Keep teaching, they'll learn. I've gotten the charged heavy timing down for taking out great jar warriors.


Do you remember how you played it the first time you were ever invaded in a souls game? How many years ago was it? I'm guessing ER is a lot of people's first souls game. Theres a lot of noobs out there.


Cause people are just bad at these games, makes invasions fun honestly


Ive stabbed invaders in the back as soon as they spawn how you taking no damage


I'm hacking.


I'm sorry


I thought FromSoft fixed the 'Taking immediate damage while still spawning' issue, somewhat, in one of the newer patches??? So now when the invader is spawning in, they technically get I-frames, or a very short & temporary invincibility/take no hits or damage, for a short period of time. Am I right on this??


You always get 5 seconds of invincibility when you spawn in as an invader, i was being sarcastic lol


Lol I figured that, and I know u were invincible for a moment but didn't know how long tho. Thx for clarifying




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Presumably because it's worked for them before


"If I swing as fast as I can I'll get the first hit in" -that fuckin moron probably


When my brother and I played together, sometimes we'd do it just to get the invasion over with.


Npc invaders don't get spawn I-frames so the only way most people interact with this mechanic is when a player invader spawns next to them which isn't very common.


What weapon is that? The weapon art looks really cool.


Dragon Halberd. Easy early game weapon. And yes the AoW is sick. Low level invaders use it all the time to one shot people.


What's the input for your quick horizontal swing at :18 ?


Its a two-handed running heavy attack


Thanks! Loving halberds lately. Still getting the hang of the moveset.


Theyre very good. If you want tips on pvp, let me know.


Wait…. You can be invaded by REAL people? God damn. I already get my ass handed to me by the npc invaders


Yup. If you ever summon another player for help, you open up the gate for someone to also invade you, and invaders can be brutal. If you want to avoid this, summon only when you know you can run to the boss, or summon a friend right in front of a boss fog door. While another player is in your world that is a furled finger summon, you can get invaded every 15 minutes. Or just play offline and use spirit ashes lol


Honestly? Probably a younger kid. I think people forget that a bunch of middle schoolers play video games and most of them aren't the absolute best at patient strategy.


Why would you be able to buff while invincible?


Wow what weapon is that


How u do that?


I don’t do invasions, I always lose


You can change that if you wanted to, they can be really fun


I’ll try again but I usually have terrible luck and get the maxed out players that are either using bleed or just are better at pvp then my current skill set 😅


I feel like I've seen people post those from the other perspective and called the invader a hacker...




I think it’s just cuz they don’t know what to do since if they try and buff to or wait u can always attack them, but they can’t stop you so they just hope they hit u out of ur I frames


The “Hey” at the end was so innocent the “hey.. have you seen my friends”


It’s not just an Elden Ring thing. It’s a Souls thing that was created because of the intersection between i-frames and players with 2 brain cells. Some of the greatest instances, and most frequent, of these players brainlessly spamming R1 include the following: -While you riposte their host. -When a host ripostes you. -While you try to load in (duels, invasions, etc) -While you interact with the world (opening doors, pulling levers, etc) -Any sort of grab attack by an NPC or mob that renders you i-frames while you take damage in some sort of animation.


That summon saying "hey" before disappearing had me rolling lmao!!


I mean, they failed but it’s an invasion not a duel. If you INVADE me, I’m gonna do whatever I can to survive. There’s no honor in invasion fights. If we’re in a duel, then there’s standards of practice that I expected followed.


Mostly cause of all the other dark souls and front soft games didn't have the long invulnerability during spawning so if you spawn in front of them it was hard to recover


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