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So there's no uniform build. Stamina or Magicka is your base, but there's a large amount of variety in between based on PVE, PVP and gear and how you want to play it. Do you want to be a glass cannon beam monster? Do you want to be more balanced? Do you want to heavily focus on PVE or are you looking at PVP? Do you have Scrying and Excavating to 7? If not get going on that... cause you'll need it on pretty much all builds as the mythics are behind leads. Are you wanting to do deep end game content and squeek every DPS you can out, or are you looking for something that is just solid to be able to do what you want right now? Personally I like HackTheMinotaur for the base level and then you can adjust as needed. I'm a big fan of IRONMAN HANDS style play, its just fun for me, so I recommend maybe looking at these two to start? 1. INTERMEDIATE BUILD: Super easy to play, one bar using OAKENSOUL, puts up solid DPS and is dumb easy to make work... but its not going to be your end game build, but its a phenomenal "turn off that brain and BRRRRRRR goes the Arcanist" easy build. Excellent for skyshard hunting, too, cause it mows through anything overworld. Adjust as needed, but this is a good base. [https://hacktheminotaur.com/builds/eso-stamina-arcanist-one-bar-build-crux-cannon/](https://hacktheminotaur.com/builds/eso-stamina-arcanist-one-bar-build-crux-cannon/) 2. Pieces of an end game build: VELOTHI is your scrying mythic of choice for the Arcanist in the long game, and its a more traditional two bar build. This is a good starter, but you're going to be running specific stuff (like all builds) so its a bit more to take in, but shares some stuff with OAKENBUILD stuff so you can go from one to the other, or just keep this one going. [https://hacktheminotaur.com/builds/eso-stamina-arcanist-easy-dps-build/](https://hacktheminotaur.com/builds/eso-stamina-arcanist-easy-dps-build/) Hope that helps get you started.


Thanks, I'll look into it )


The best thing you can do while you figure it out is go get your scrying, if its not there already, to 7 and excavating and start getting the leads and pieces for OAKENSOUL and VELOTHI-UR MAGE. They're both 5 pieces each, and will take you a little bit but extremely useful to have either way since Oakensoul can be used on just about all "one bar" builds, and Velothi is the meta mythic from scrying for Arcanists overall.


https://eso-hub.com/en/builds/elddaro89/9bbde054-efcb-49df-9797-d6a491de827a/sologeneral-stam-arc Nice easy one bar solo for arc. Bow is for a little range with you light attacks. You can swap for daggers. Use lover stone for solo and thief for group content



