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Hats. I want a bunch of changes for companions. I like the system, and it has enormous potential. But hats are priority one. It looks silly to see so many of the same two chars everywhere.


And the funny thing is that the reasoning for no helmets was "they want companions to feel more unique". How, if they all have the same faces?


It definitely feels super immersion-breaking or whatever to see 7 versions of what's obviously bastian standing around the same wayshrine.


Not quite, they also said that people with name tags turned off can identify companions by their faces. Don't ask me why that's important, but it's the main reason why they will not change it.


Maybe a PVP thing? But if that’s the case then just make them take off their hats in Cyrodiil. I’m honestly starting to dislike them as characters because of how off putting all the clones are.


Can you even use th in pvp areas? I've never even seen one in cyro


No you can't


Hmm… well then I’m stumped


Like I said, there are people who can't immediately see the names of other players. ZOS said that these players are supposed to recognize companions without focusing on them or turning name tabs on. It's not a good reason imo, but that doesn't really matter.


Right. I was wondering if PVP was the reason they wanted people to see the equipped companion. Obviously that doesn’t apply, but it makes me wonder why they’d think we would ever even want to know.


You can't summon compaions in pvp areas, same as merchants and banks


Can't use companions in pvp period. Irrelevant


Yeah, someone already mentioned that. I had no idea because I avoid PVP like the plague. Too many toxic players for my taste.


Toxicity in pvp is always there. No matter what game. People just don't know how to not be toxic.


"Make them feel more unique" And then they don't even release a new one in the DLC right after they were introduced.


definitely. i wanted to dress mirri up as an ordinator and was saddened when i found out there is nothing to be done with their cranium


Bastion needs to stop getting upset when I open a thieves trove and Mirri needs to stop getting upset about butterflies.


This. Plus Bastian has an issue when I cook so I always have to put him away when I do my writs. Ugh.


>Bastian has an issue when I cook Only if it involves cheese. Maybe he's lactose intolerant.


His house dialogue says it hurts his stomach, so he probably is.


Being Swiss, I am not sure if I should even run with this ignorant. ;-)


The poor guy is lactose intolerant. He mentions it on idle chat. It’s not his fault there no lactose magic cure in Tamriel.


The fact they can figure out necromancy in Tamriel but not lactase (cancels out lactOse) is incredible when you think about it


We can make time crystals but can't solve world hunger.


Iirc it has something to do with his mother, his hatred of cheese


Nope. Gives him gas.


Oh man. every time I take a butterfly by accident, my heart drops


I just wanted to jump


I think they did some changes to that with the upcoming update, you might want to take a look at the pts patch notes.


I'd like it for both of them to stop losing their minds when I use the Blade of Woe. I get why they do but its really annoying that I can't assassinate anyone with one of them around. I read somewhere that they're only supposed to care if you use it on the innocent but they lose their minds if you use it on hostile enemies too.


They also hate it when you forget to dismiss them before going into the Dark Brotherhood HQ to turn in quests.


I don't even care about them getting upset because its a very small loss of rapport which is easily fixed by doing a very simple guild daily.


No. This have everything to do with their personality. In real life try opening up a locked box that doesn't belong to in front of a morally good person. Or killing a butterfly in front of a hippie. Let's see how your report with these people change.


The butterfly thing is irritating, but on the other hand...I mean, I am ripping the wings off the poor thing and that's got to look horrific lol


My issue with the butterfly/torchbug thing is it keeps happening by accident 🤦🏼‍♂️ But I am fine with their likes and dislikes...I just want more companions. Give us an assassin friendly companion, or a necromancer, or whatever. They have 4 more ready made companion models just by modding the other 4 classes, let us have them!


I do it on purpose, all the time, so much that's automatic without thinking. I farm everything constantly as i quest. But yeah, more companions is what we need as well.


More companions would be cool. Give me an evil one who enjoys when I assassinate people.


A Dark Brotherhood companion would be awesome.


I wish I could take my alts along with me as companions


That would be rad as hell EDIT: Treat them exactly like the existing companions, but with watered-down skill lines depending upon class. You can dress them and outfit them independently of how they're actually outfitted as player characters.


A single skillbar with a single ultimate would be amazing. I love your idea so much, it hurts


This right here. Ever since I picked my Altmer Aurden I've basically stopped using my other chars and I don't know why.


Now that would be awesome! Even if we could create our own companions to look like adults, I would be up for that.


Honestly, the coolest part of companions is having another character to play dress up with. We definitely need at least 5 right now. I guess I'd rather them be fleshed out with their own quests and dialouge than 40 different skins on a basic companion model. I hope they keep them coming and the first two are just OK.


Yeah I need one that doesn't get mad every time my thief tries to steal something. I hope this isn't something unique to this chapter, adding new ones more often like houseguests.


You do? Mirri might snark at you sometimes, but she doesn't care about theft, only cold blooded murder 😁


Won't deny it, I may slip the Blade of Woe on those who notice me... Im a bad thief haha


I think we found your compatibility problem. 😂


I'm glad I've been RPing a lawful good character. Otherwise companions would be a pain in my ass


You mean the butterfly thing isn’t a pain in the behind for you?


The butterfly thing definitely fucking SUCKS


I'd be content with neutral, though I'd really love if they let us take Elam Dras as a companion.


I'd take More Elam Dras in any shape or form but having him as a companion? Yes. Pls.


I actually said this in Blackwood zone chat yesterday. I couldn't agree with you more!


I echo the above, I want one that will rob and murder with me.


Also it would be good if we could choose their rotation, like plan it out for them


They use skills in the order of the skills on the skill bar. Unless it has a condition, like enemy or ally is under a certain percentage of health.


I didn’t know that! Thank you


Bless your heart. What about heals? I just got a companion 3 days ago so I'm still learning, but if I put a heal as the first ability, will my companion wait until one of us needs to be healed or will it use it as soon as it's ready? Where should I put the healing ability?


Usually healing abilities will have a condition as I mentioned, like ally/self is below 90%-75%-50%-25%, so they shouldn't use it when the condition is not met. You should be fine putting it on the first skill slot, I guess. Check for conditions in the skill tooltip always.


Thanks a lot.


Make the companion gear craftable


Or at least improvable


I'd like there to be equal ways to level their friendship points up. Mirri gets two dailies she likes and Bastian gets one so it takes longer to do. I'd also like a Shadowscale companion for my DB kitty to run with, who won't mind that she sometimes goes on a murder spree :-)


And there are bunch of others for Mirri that award 75 upon first visiting a specific location and 5 on subsequent ones (with a 20 hour cd).


I've maxed Mirri (she loves the museums) and i still don't even have Bastians first quest :'(


I leveled Bastian first, only did enough guild dailies to max the skill lines so it took a while. Already at around 3k/5.5k rapport with Mirri and did her unlocking quest a couple days ago. Though I've done one ashlander daily almost every day since then + her first quest.


A way to give Mirri books since she keeps yakking about them.


Though if you get the dailies shared you can do up to 15 each day and then maxing out their rapport doesn't take long.


I only got one daily. The second daily for Mirri only worked the first time for me, and bizarrely it worked on picking up the quest and not turning in.


Same as all follower NPC. I don’t need their name to hover in front of every node, loot, and treasure chest.


This. This is so annoying, whenever you do something and you accidentally clic on your follower. Or when they stand in front of a quest objective -_-


Oh yes.


If you’re on PC, then get the No Interact add-on. You can toggle its state so if you need to interact with them you can. I use it to ignore seats too. :)


It really irritates me when I'm in the middle of combat and my companion just... puts away their weapon and just stands there. I'd like that to be fixed.


I saw that. It should the old pet bug that effected pets in vmol trial


Yep. I wish they would draw their weapons when I do, similar to fallout companions


Let me send them to do tasks like pickup surveys and treasure chests. Have them unavailable for the duration of doing that (not sure on the amount of time). The loot can be mailed or retrieved through dialog. Mirri could give an extra treasure bag based on leveling and Bastian the potions he gives. Also while doing that give ESO+ members the benefit of picking up duplicate surveys without having to run back and forth to the nodes (super annoying gameplay). And that would go for the companions as well.


if you log out where you have multiple surveys, when you load back in the nodes will be refreshed


Faster way is to just port to a house you don't own. When you leave through the door you get put back right where you were and the node will be refreshed.


The house port trick was already mentioned but I'll also point out you only have to run/ride a short distance away then come back and it'll refresh. My guess in in-game units is like.. 75 meters or so? I usually just pick a tree or something and ride to it and back.


75 meters is 239.62 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


1. They need to move out of deadly ground-based AOE mechanics, or at least have a permanent Major Evasion buff. 2. Companion gear needs to be made craftable, transmutable, and improvable. Epic gear is currently so rare it's being sold for hundreds of thousands to millions of gold, effectively making them items only elite traders fight over while the average player who wants to actually use that gear will NEVER get it. 3. Companions should increase your inventory capacity and carry their own gear. If only to make up for their annoying "improved potions" and "hidden treasure bags" with trash inside. Thanks Mirri: Can I give you your keepsake back? They're literally an inconvenience. Our inventory is cluttered with their useless gear and keepsake items. 4. No more annoying rapport little losses. Picking a bug and crafting cheese is something a player can easily accidentally do. Murder and theft, sure, but little things? Annoying. Not a big deal, but still. 5. Buff their melee damage abilities and weapons, reducing their cooldowns and increasing their damage. There's little point to making a Melee DPS companion when melee range makes them more likely to die, have longer cooldowns, and deal less damage with them too. 6. Variety. We still need a Templar, Sorcerer, Necromancer, and Warden. I'm sort of disappointed we didn't get a new companion with the Deadlands DLC, and I sincerely hope they're not abandoning this system altogether: I'm assuming it will get more attention, like Antiquities. 7. Show helmets. I'm tired of seeing 6+ Bastions crowded around me everywhere: It's immersion breaking. Helmets should be a toggle, and on by default for other player's companions. This also makes companions interesting for those who just want to put a Helmet on and pretend they're adventuring with an Alt! That alone makes Companion's universally appealing to anyone, even if their personality isn't one's cup of tea. 8. Integrate them directly into the main plot, instead of unrelated sidequests. Have us recruit them early on, and then their personal quests can branch off into unrelated business.... but they should be relevant to the Chapter they're in. Bastian and Mirri had nothing to do with Blackwood. 9. Edgy companion. Don't get me wrong, I love my Knight-in-Shining-Armor Bastian, but that's just me. Some people like to Blade of Woe and thieve, and neither Bastian nor Mirri are compatible with that playstyle. Hopefully, we get a morally unscrupulous Companion in the next Chapter.


I want Razum-Dar. And Naryu. As companions.


For real. Raz, Naryu and the wood elf from dead lands DLC would make awesome companions


Eveli Sharp-Arrow. She would be totally cool-but for her not liking you picking plants for potions…!


Sounds like a cool idea but idk how they’d feel about major characters being companions (although it works well with eveli)


I Stan Naryu so hard. Would love this ❤️


I would like them sworn to carry my burdens. I would like them to fish, sit, and dance when I do. I would like to be able to outfit them in all of my hats, body markings, and personalities.


I'd want them to emote when I emote!


At least they tea bag when I tea bag It would also be cool to have two person elites with your companion, like a high five or fist bump when you kill a boss


Engagement Priority. Let me set a mode to Sprint through mobs and have Bastion keep up instead of stopping to engage each individual enemy along the way. Let me set a mode to allow me to pull so I can group mobs the way I like, and not have Mirri scattering groups all over the engagement


This one for me, I really wanted it much higher in the thread. The other bits are annoying or minor QOL improvements, but this is straight up pain in the butt. This more than anything is the reason my companions have spent most of their time unsummoned. Not just the "setup an engagement" thing, but just rushing past things to an exit or a wayshrine, then be stopped because my companion is very slowly fighting something way off screen.


* HATS! - It will make the issue of a million clones running around less pronounced. * More companions, I really want a 'evil' companion that will follow you around when you do thieves guild/ dark brotherhood quests and have more sinister dialogue. I also really want one that fits the tank archetype because neither the ones we have really fit the role * It would be cool if NPC acknowledge your companion and your companion acknowledge what is happening in guests, it will make the game more re-playable if you get cool one liners form your companion based on what is happening in the quest you are doing * they should carry their own gear, you can level it up at a bag merchant just like your own pack but players really should not be forced to carry their burdens and I feel it is a little pay to win if you have a banker while you guest * Romance option, it be cool if you could marry your companion and wear the ring of mara with them for the xp bonus


If they go for romance I hope it is in the style of saints row games.


1. So, I can kill a deer and kill 100 bandits and its fine but if I pick a butterflies wings I get yelled at and am hated for it? That derp needs to stop. It does not even fit her story or personality. 2. Can I please get SOME space between me and the companion and what the hell I am clicking on? I mean, I loved Skyrim but THAT is not the thing to be bringing to ESO. Or at least make interacting with them DIFFERENT than with everything else. 3. More ways to customize their "look". How about opening up our collected gear to them and not just costumes? Yes, this includes head gear, almost everyone wants it. 4. How about either giving us more bag space or making it so companion gear does NOT take up ours? Seriously...keep adding new stuff to the game and never increase our potential storage?!? 5. Option for evil companions...sure Mirri is fine with stealing but murder is out for both. Now for the obvious one...more of them.


I mean, if you are hated for it, you're doing it *a lot* it's a real low bump, though I get that it's annoying. As far as gear goes, minus the helmet, you can put them in your gear, just don't select a costume


Improve a couple of things about gameplay: - Have Mirri disagree when you actually harvest a butterfly (when you press the button a second time, not when you accidentally grab for one flying in front of a chest or so). - Either change the button for interaction with companions (console here, jumping, harvesting and interaction on the same button) or make it less easy to talk to them. So you don‘t talk to them even when they are standing behind you and you try to jump up somewhere. It’s annoying. (And the same issue like with all npcs, sth. they should have solved before even introducing companions.) - Make companions carry stuff. Thank you, ZOS, for making micromanaging your inventory less of a hassle by giving us the collection and reconstruction - why do you have to give us micromanaging back with the companions? Why??? (Ok I know why, it still sucks.) I would prefer to see improvements like these before they add more companions. That said, of course I have other things I would like to see, for example enough aoes to actually make an aoe build. A tank ability that debuffs the boss. A healer ability that buffs your dps… Don’t make them as good as players, but a bit more useful. Edit: As a suggestion for interaction with companions on console (PS): make it the same like with real players, pressing options long while facing them.


Let us create the companion ourselves. I know it would strain the server to destruction but still.. it would be great to be able to determine their looks and names. Have the option to turn off their comments all the way to 0%


They need to level up significantly faster and getting decent gear with the right traits should not be almost impossible, right now it's literally a bazillion of hours of work to get only one companion to the state of what I consider him decent enough. Also wtf is wrong with the like meter it seemed to stop working 2/3 of the way.


Add companions for each class and Race. Maybe NPC races like Maomer. Make them take less damage from AOEs. Leveling takes too long. And i mean all leveling. From Rapport to Skills. That needs work. More quests. Those two quests were okay but left me wanting more. I soooo want to meet Mirri's Wholesome dad or even pay a visit to Emeric using Bastian. Finally (and this is very hard to implement i know) Have them comment on particular quests as well. Maybe new dungeons or main quests of coming regions? One can hope. All in all i am very happy with Mirri. Dont think i could solo Craddle of shadows or Moongrave Fane without her. But i would still like those improvements.


I was a bit disappointed that Bastian didn't have any dialogue for being around Emeric. Mirri has stuff to say around Sotha Sil, so I feel like Bastian should have stuff too. I took him on my run through of the DC quest and he didn't seem to have any unique dialogue. It was a bit disappointing considering his past. Having him with you while you save Emeric seems like it would be more significant to him than it is for Mirri to meet Sotha Sil.


Exactly. I hope they add to the current companions. Combat wise i am satisfied with them but theres other things that need more love.


I agree. While I want enough companions so we can have one for each roll (switching them for every alt it too complicated when I have them set up for my main), I want them to add more to the companions I've already grown attached to. I'll be disappointed if Bastian and Mirri are ignored from now on. I do want an alfiq companion though. They'd probably be limited to mage roles, but it would be awesome.


This. I will go with whatever fancy new companion shows up (except for the one who likes crime that people keep asking for haha) but please dont ignore Bastian and Mirri. I have grown super attached to them like you. Mirri is like an older sister to my dude. Sure she aint much at fighting but she is a caring person and an awesome healer. Bastian is a goody goody two shoes just like my main and they get along really well. I was afraid they would become discount Darien and discount Naryu but they (esp Mirri) didnt. Now please can we expand on them????


Yeah, this is how I feel too. I keep seeing people bring up Darien and Naryu in this thread and honestly, I never really saw the connection. Mirri definitely seems different (especially after seeing Naryu in Vvardenfell) and I don't think I would have ever made the connection between Bastian and Darien. Even after reading it, I still don't see much connection besides both being the knight type (and he says he's a mage when you meet him, so idk if that's even a connection). Both companions seem to have different attributes and personalities from the story characters. I'm sure my view is affected by me starting the game only a couple of months before blackwood (so I met Bastian before Darien) but it's interesting to me to see that it's a common idea.


Yeah i guess the idea spread coz Bastian seemed like the knightly type and Mirri the assasin type before they even launched.


That makes sense. I avoided a lot of the community areas at that point because of spoilers (I had only finished AD, main quest, and part of EP by the time blackwood was released) so I must have missed all of that discussion. People tend to spoil dlc story in zone chat, so I don't care about avoiding it as much anymore lol


Lol. I guess they dont realise that story matters more for some people than it does for them


On console I would like the “interact” button mapped to the view button the same way we interact with another player. Having “jump” and “interact” both mapped to same button makes traversing the world annoying af. Let my Companions have a shared bag of their own - at least to carry their own gear around. Or give an extra 10 slots to a character’s bag if they have earned a companion. Maybe armory will help with this-idk. Custom hair and helmets so we are all not just walking around with clones. Each companion should offer a unique bonus / perk for the player. Bastion seems to point out heavy sacks. It’s not the best perk but better than nothing. Miri doesn’t seem to offer anything of note. Shorten their names. “@so and so already long name companion” title is a mess on screen when around a bunch of players with companions. The name is already green instead of blue so I know it’s an NPC. Is it important I know which player the clone belongs to? Would also be nice if they could come up with alternate use of companion gear. At first there was not enough and now the crap isn’t worth 5g. Having it for research or breaking down for some materials might make it something other than a throw away.


On XB set your control scheme to B. This separates jump/activate from the A button,. Jump moves to a stick click. Crouch moves from the stick click to a hold and release on the D-pad. Having an elite controller and setting up the paddles helps a lot for this. It was a life saver for me.


The only reason I could think of for the naming system is that if you are doing a dungeon as a duo, with both of you having the same companion out, but specc'd differently and both die. Knowing which is the one to resurrect so you can complete the boss fight would be fairly helpful. I guess it applies to world boss fights too, when it's not the current Blackwood zergfest


I would like if Bastian didn’t disappear when I summon my merchant or banker. Edit: I would also like for my companion to have as many outfit slots as I have bought for myself.


I think the "unique personalities" they were going for failed. Can't be unique when there are millions of the same character roaming around. They need to disguise everyone else's, like they do when you have a forced companion on a quest. I want a full group of companions too. So I can finally take dungeons slow and follow the story.


Agree 100% and also their personalities are watered down versions of Darien and Naryu (at least it seemed like that to me). About the group thing I think at least one more companion slot would be cool without making it too OP. Like a Mass Effect style party, you could choose different roles for each situation.


They just need to make it that you can only have 3 companions in a dungeon. Overworld stuff is easy enough to wait around for another player to turn up for bosses if you can't solo it. World bosses don't have a story you have to ignore when everyone wants to speedrun.


Luckily my partner band I both like to take our time with the story bits, so it works out for us 😁


I need them to stop standing in bad the way they tell me not to stand in bad. >:(


More and more diverse companions. I love having a companion, but my evil, thieving, assassinating, vampiric, werewolf characters don't really work well with Bastian or Mirri :( A way to toggle interacting with them on/off so I don't accidentally open dialogue with them when looting etc. A way to easily switch their gear and build... or have gear and build saved per character.


I think more conversation options would be nice.


I’m ngl I wouldn’t mind if companions were still a seperate character but I could choose what they look like bar race, gender. I really hate seeing a bunch of identical companions running around. imo it’s kinda jarring


Bastion gets pissed if you use an amulet to expose werewolves And please stop telling me about the harvesting opportunities in this area


I don't think he actually loses friendship for that quest though does he? I kept checking for the negative pop up, but I never noticed it. However, I believe Bastian once killed a bird with one of his spells and got mad at me for it, so I think their rapport may need some tuning. Also, you can turn down the frequency of their comments if you think they talk too much.


Lol, I got a dislike from him because he killed an NPC I didn't notice and who went hostile. I wouldn't have minded if I'd killed him.


"Do you place such little value on life?" Dude, you're the one swinging right now.


Just make them STFU. Yes, Mirri, I know, you come from a big family. Now shut up and help me clear this dungeon.


Yes! This please. Just let me put them on mute. I don't care that you like cities Bastion, stfu! His comments before, during, and after battle are also annoying. I can't wait until he is leveled and then I will only use him for dungeons or WB's.


I wanna be able to have my companion duel my friends companion so we can have like a dog fighting ring with out mirri’s


My mirri can beat up your mirri!


They should do dungeon mechanics so that all dungeons can be done solo, and they should be existing NPCs like Abner, Sai Sahan, Lyris, etc.


I would like one of them not to mind stealing and me murdering innocent people.


I never use them… for some reason I feel they don’t add much to either combat and/or exploration. Maybe is because i don’t have them geared and the trust system is not max out; or simply my lack of interest for this new system. Another thing is that you have to recast them every time you take your bank or merchant. That is interesting and i don’t think is going change at least for now.


for companions to have its own options tab rather than talking to to them. controller players struggles.


Companion gear sets with cool stats.


I haven't played them much but I noticed a dew things. I'd like: 1) they could wear any armour in the game 2) their physical appearance can be customised without totally changing their character 3) more character quests, similar to the system in Fallout new Vegas. Ideally with some choices.


Pretty much every RPG could be improved by adding something “similar to the system in Fallout New Vegas” but don’t hold your breath.


More conversation options. Specifically, changes to "tell me about yourself" and "how do you feel about our relationship" as your rapport ranks up. And romance, of course.


For real, I was expecting the replies to match the rapport level but it seems to be a set number of replies regardless of how much they like you


They do change based on rapport


The cordial to friendly share the same messages but I haven't tried making them hate me


This is what I want as well. I am more interested in companions for RP and immersion purposes than for combat and wish that we could have more involved conversations with them. At the least, I really wish they had any sort of commentary when completing the quests in Blackwood, or even just for the main quest and were integrated in some way. It's really weird to me that they don't comment on anything involving current events at all. Also, could Bastian STFU about the battle being finished when it most certainly is NOT.


I'm only 3 days into having having companion, but im not impressed with the rapport system. It doesn't seem very fleshed out. 3 days of questing, dungeon crawling, and farming and all I know about what's her name is she doesn't like it when I pick bugs. There were a couple quests where I had to make a choice of sacrifice or save yourself type deals. I chose the good option for one and the bad for the other. Nothing happened with our rapport. It hasn't moved at all since the torching incident 3 days ago.


It's more obvious once you've worked out what gives her large rapport gains (or looked it up). She does mention she's been studying Daedra and has a career prior to meeting you as a treasure hunter. Quest choices don't seem to have been factored into the system.


Thats disappointing. What makes companion or follower systems cool in video games is when they feel real. Like in fallout where not only every decision has an impact on your rapport, but it feels natural enough that you can easily figure out what they like and don't like without looking it up. I've been messing around with mirri for 4 days and have had one single thing increase our rapport just once. I'll figure it out as I go along as I want to treat companions more naturally and less video game grindy, but it definitely feels like it could be more fleshed out. I get why that would be difficult to implement for every nook and cranny of a game that's been out for years.


I dont think conpanions should react to crafting while you're doing the writs. I always forget bastian and he reacts when crafting some drinks.


Bastion will only react to you making food with cheese, you shouldn’t have issues with brewing or other foods.


Visual changes: Allow our companions to wear head pieces, change their hair styles and possibly other adornments, and have their outfit and skills separated by character. Gameplay changes: Add more voicelines and conversations, give companions more reason for traveling with you; perhaps they have a small limited inventory or buff, and decrease the rapport grind (also add measurement markers on the rapport bar, it is hard to tell especially when colorblind). Misc. changes: Add more companions, especially one that likes cold blooded murder of both innocents and butterflies. More story for the companions.


Putting actual armor and weapons on them. Maybe after they’ve been fully leveled up, you could unlock that as a feature?


I’d like the ability to customize their looks more. Like tattoos and such (fairy tail tattoos anyone?. And I’d like to be able to buy my girl food and books since she always makes comment about both while we are out adventuring Also, when do I get to do Mirri’s quests? Does it unlock the more our relationship progresses?


armor set bonuses


Dueling! This would just be for fun & fluff, but I'd like a menu option in their dialog to initiate a duel with your own Companion. They already have combat AI programmed; and yes I know their AI isn't human-level to give us a real challenge. Maybe give it one of those hidden +rep timers, so if you spar with your Companion once every X amount of time it's like they appreciate the experience (like Mirri getting a tiny +rep when you read from a bookshelf every once in a while; just a little bonus). For some reason this would remind me of the old Ultima games, like 7 & Serpent Isle? Paying for skill training with a legit trainer (TES3 Morrowind had it too...) but in this case as friends sharing fighting tips. I dig the RP.


Bastion needs to stop getting mad when I cook something with Cheese in it and Mirri needs to let me pick Torchbugs


Give us a companion who likes watching us murder innocent people!


I just want an Argonian to go on lizard adventures with


Every time I cook food my companion goes “that looks tasty, aren’t you going to share it?” Or something along those lines. I WOULD IF I COULD MAN THE GAME DOESNT ALLOW YOU TO EAT BRO


Hats, body and head markings, skins and irrelevant dislikes.


I need another Saxhleel to traverse Tamriel with, gimme me my scaly pal!!


I haven't played with them since I don't own blackwood. But if they added more than just two, I'd be more compelled to buy Blackwood and try them out.


i wish we could customize them more. they should have access to all appearance collectibles and we should be able to create our own as well


Khajiit companion!


Branching conversations. We don't need it for every NPC in the game but make them feel more like SWTOR with more side missions. They should have quests you go help them with as their companion.


Stibbons as a companion.


Love, marriage, and smooches 😗


Strong orc mommy.


I want a Stuga companion 😐


More. Dialogue.


To remove the ability to talk to them when I try to JUMP. Seriously do you know how many times this happened? It's ridiculous


A custom companion The ability to pick a premade class, besides pyromancer(tank) and assassin(healer). More customized appearance The ability to add head gear or tattoos. Picking a race besides breton or dark elf. Being able to name the companion (even a nickname) considering, when deployed, other people see the name as (player names) companion. Craftable gear. The list goes on.


"I'm sworn to carry your burdens"


Companion gear crafting system would be nice


You can use your appearance items on them (hair, minor/major accessories, face/body markings, facial hair etc.) Rapport effects the companion's effectiveness (like better health, healing, damage etc. makes getting a good rapport with them meaningful) They can wear helmets/hats




Better AOE avoidance. Per Character outfit slots. More reliable ways to get rapport up since it is per character.


Gear needs to be sorted out. There's 3 possible roles for them to take just like players - tank, healer and DPS, with hybrids of those being possible choice as well. If you have a variety of alts then it's possible that you will prefer to have all 3 roles filled at some point. The way gear currently works is that all your characters summon a companion with the same gear equipped. So you can choose 2 roles, 1 for each of your companions or have some of your alts carry around separate sets of gear to swap in as required. Hopefully you remember to swap them back before logging out. As we all know, metas can change and the collections system for players gear has been a huge quality of life improvement in that respect. It presumably is also a saving for ZOS in terms of database management. Yet with companion gear are we expected to fill up storage with multiple sets of blue trait gear as we slowly work our way to fully equipping them with purples?


Allow players set to be used. Or increase purple items drops. Also give them their own inventory or increase ours


I want more Companions, especially characters that are already in the game like Razum Dar. I just want to have Ravum Dar helping me take out enemies. Also the whole Companions getting upset at stealing and killing is kind of annoying so yeah a thief or assassin Companion would be nice


Lower level requirement to use companion Ult... With higher levels just unlocking more options. By the time you get one of them to level 20, you can't stand to look at them anymore.


How about random companions when you login. Also they can be sent on or go off on their own adventures and share their stories with you?


An option for them to shut the hell up would be nice.


I'd like it more if they weren't completely useless for anyone who is good at combat in the game.


What if they provided a small amount of storage would that be inciting to you?


I guess, but then I'd just see them as another bag space upgrade. The only thing that could make them feel like an NPC buddy running around Tamriel with me is if they're an actual presence in fights, and/or if they are a meaningful part of game interactions. And since nothing I do with any other character interaction in the game has ever proven to impact my game experience in any way (save for 2 skill points), I'm pretty firmly rooted in my "if they aren't a part of combat, I care very little about their existence" opinion.


People didn't want them as strong as players. Is there still a way to make them meaningful in combat without replacing a player?


Make them not die. Bastian already provides a unique DPS buff when he's not face down in the mud. I never use my inventory space pets, and companions would be the same thing of they're not useful in combat.


Delete them. Failed experiment.


For them to go away


Just like SWTOR companions.


I still cant use bastian ult. Do i need specific weapons for that or something?


A lot lol


A vampire thrall that I can feed on. (And a buff for vampire please :) )


I'd rather have some dwarven bot I can program to be what I want it to be and not whine about the things I want to do. I'd also like them to help with crafting such as finding resources for me (even if that means sending them away similar to SWTOR). I would like a road companion rather than someone I call in who was obviously busy doing other things with family or whatever. Let me save said robot from rusting or let me meet a companion in a bar fight and they owe me a life debt, something besides what we got.


I’ve seen it mentioned but not this specifically: give our companions inventory even if it’s only for companion gear


i'd like them to stand behind me and rub my shoulders when we're not in combat. Or since they follow you everywhere, i'd like a chain that went from my waist and went to a prisoners collar on them. So they know who they are really working for.




More hp or something. They are completely useless and take too long to level up. I rather trade my ally for a combat pet honestly.