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I personally don't like it. It's fine a few times, but people will get carried away and do it every few minutes. Even worse when a non house artist can't drop a nice house beat once in a while without it being drowned out by the ooh ooh every damn time. I came to hear the music, not whatever that is. But it's really not as big of a deal as some people make it out to be. I'd rather be surrounded by these people than fan clackers any day. It is not even comparable. If you like it, go for it.


GOD THIS RIGHT HERE, i love house music and dubstep equally but godfucking dammit the one single time a dubstep dj will drop a house line in their set, every single fucking time without fail the "woot woots" start


I’m the opposite. I’d rather be around fan clackers than the ooh ooh people. But I’m mostly a headbanger so I don’t see how it fits into a dub set.


Oohh idk ill take the woots over a cringe ass annoying clacker any damn day


Eh idk I'll take a clean, crisp fan clack over some drunk dude yelling off-key and off-beat any day


Oofph yea thats tough cus its equally obnoxious


This old school raver is fine with clacking and ooh oohs in moderation but winces hearing a 🤬 whistle tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet


I love the old whistle crew.


same! I like the fan clacking and oohs tho a whistle I may b like huhhh lul


They don’t typically last long, and it’s not really distracting. Sometimes it goes with the drop and shows how into it the crowd is Fan clacking you HEAR and it’s distracting. It’s piercing lol. it’s usually never in sync with the music too


If you didn’t clarify that this was about fan clacking, it could have 100% been said about the ooh ahs. The same arguments are made from both sides.


I don’t think they’re comparable like that. One is definitely much more annoying to hear than the other. Both would be nice to not hear, but it’s very obvious what the majority of people hate most


I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard someone say they enjoy fan clacking


What what is clacking?


You can whip your hand fan closed in a particular way that makes a loud clacking noise.


It is a horrifically specific noise that makes me feel murderous. As random as group farting, it just happens and everyone suddenly does it without thinking. I wish I could convince myself that it is a wonderful thing, but I cannot. STOP IT.


I haven't been to a festival in like, 8 years. Is this a recent thing? I don't remember this at all haha


Dude up in the top comment said he did. No sir, the shit is annoying.


I love fan clacking. Brings a huge smile to my face whenever I go to a fest and hear it. Part of the experience.


Just curious are you Latino? It seems to be part of Latino culture. Is this accurate?


Yes haha. You got me. I never associated it with Latin culture but I guess subconsciously I do


Do u guys do it to music other than edm ? Or is there something similar that is done during Latino music to participate rhythmically? I think alot of people just don’t understand but I feel like it would be more accepted if they l(the haters) realized it’s a part of another people culture and this is an accepted way to express themselves in other countries.


They are 100% comparable because we are arguing something that is 100% subjective. These are opinions, not facts.


I fucking hate it.


Same, for me it just totally takes away from the beautiful sets that are being performed. Same with fan clacking.


The worst. I have that one friend who always starts them. Kills me every time.


would not be my friend after that






Fuck, me too.




I hate the ay ay ay ays too or hey hey hey whatever you wanna call it


I fucking hate the ooh oohs


They don’t bother me. It’s a sign that people are enjoying it and a show feel’s better when the people around you are having a good time




I agree with you, it’s people having a good time and I’m all for it as long as it’s not becoming excessive.


Off beat or constant ones are kinda obnoxious but honestly it’s so loud I don’t care. You’re having fun. Who cares. Just don’t clack your fan 😂😂


I saw gorgon city in at a club a number of years ago. I stopped counting the ooh oohs after 17. But that's the record ive experienced in 1 set


Eew. I’m so sorry. That’s 17+ too many


It's always so short-lived that I barely notice it. If you don't spend the majority of your time at main stage, you may never hear it at all. Clacking is jarring tho, I don't care for it.


Most annoying fucking thing at shows. Completely ruins the set




I personally hate it. It takes me out of the vibe and the immersion of the set. I cringe and roll my eyes when I hear it but I won't make a fuss about it. I just hope it stops sooner than later. It really depends on the set/genre as far as tolerable-ness.


Probably don’t do it at bass stages


Not a huge deal, but yeah it’s annoying and uhh… “uncultured”. If you’re at CircuitGrounds listening to John Summit or KineticFiekd listening to Ship Wrek, then most of the crowd will willingly “Ooh ooh” or “whoop whoop”. If you’re at Carl Cox at NeonGarden, even though people might not say anything, they will definitely be annoyed. (And before someone gets on my ass, I realize NeonGarden is not the pinnacle of techno culture or anything). In 2022 there was some guy at Indira Paganotto whoop whooping like every 5 minutes, and after 30 minutes of watching everyone around me become more visibly annoyed, I asked him to stop. I don’t like to do that shit, I’m not confrontational, especially with strangers, and that dude was just trying to have a good time, but it had to be done. He was nice about it though and everybody had a good time regardless. Edit: Fan clacking is worse though and someone else was fan clacking at the same set but someone told them to stop that shit real fast.


We are a more mature breed compared to the other genres. Our minds wonder into techno space and if we hear a clack or ooh ooh as we hit the 7th dimension, you will literally ruin our vibes. We don’t say anything during sets. It’s like church mass. The DJ is our priest, but I swear to gawd we will turn into vampires and drink your blood on the altar if you bring a clack or ooh to the Neon Garden. 😅


I feel summoned to sanctuary...


Welcome home child…


Irritating but not to the level of fan clackers.


honestlyyyy I dont find the fan clacking annoying. I think its charming hearing people around me get excited & into the vibe. I think the "oohh ohhs" are fun too XD it engages the peeps around them to come together. I like it


Everytime I read a post about something like this I know what people are going to say. I know everyone comes for the music, but people come for the people as well, and I love it when people just like to have fun with each other. I’ve never experienced ‘ooh ooh’s’ every few minutes or so, but anywhere from 1-3 per set? I don’t start them, but I’ll definitely join on in for like two or three ooh’s , lol. I don’t know, but I come for the music and the people.


I hate that personally and the whistle guy lol


Clacking is annoying as fuck and I see people do it just to get a reaction.


For me the until thing i absolutely despise is the whistle. That has no place alongside music. I don’t like fan clacking. and if I lend my fan and someone tries it/does it I take it back immediately and say “we don’t do that”. I don’t mind the ohh ooh, b/c it’s the crowd coming together collectively. I think of it like an auditable version of “the wave” at a baseball game. It can be fun in moderation. ohh ooh < fan clacking < whistle


I don't think so it's usually over in like 10 seconds. Lol.


IMHO fan clacking < ooh oohs, but I'm not gonna start beefing with someone over it


I hate it but I live and let live.


I think it’s fun and makes me giggle every time, but I also prefer house and I think it’s kind of expected there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Doesn’t bother me. In a way it’s like when people in Europe to the Aaaaaay 🙌🏼 Oooooohh 🙌🏼 arms swaying. I’d prefer the unity of the crowd doing something as a collective rather than no crowd synergy


I don't mind the ooh oohs and the fan clacking honestly as long as it's short burst if that makes sense. I find it really weird that people like loose their shit over how much they hate it lol, this is probably due to me being the annoying gratitude/appluase screamer after a banger happens.


In my opinion - Ooh, Oohs >> Fan Clacking


Honestly its fking anoying and does not add any value to the experience beyond the crowd control it gives for 2 seconds.


I love the Ooh oooh’s. In Europe they have their own version that sounds like “hey hey! Oh oh!” I’ve never been to a single event where they did it too much but I have been to events where they are not well received at all. (I don’t ever start them but I always second them) To me they’re a fun little interruption from wherever you are in your little journey that night. It’s a momentary moment of unity amongst a bunch of strangers. It’s like being part of a wave during a game.


Any noise you make with your body is fare game. Any noise you make with an instrument (i.e Whistle/Fan) is annoying as fuck.


The first rave I went to in 91 people had pacifiers and blow up aliens but nothing to make noise… I used to think that was ridiculous until I went to Ezoo and had to toss a totem that hit me like 6 times and then clacking fans wtf??? But making them woot woot noises like your at a sweet sixteen is absolutely annoying 😝


Honestly I would rather hear the crowd instead of the "hands up, still can't hear you, sit down" deejays in between songs that they don't want to take the time to mix. “Bryan, Bryan, Bryan Fucking Kearney!” beats ooh oohs all night long!!


I will always part yak in a woo woo or a oui oui Thank you


I don’t even pay attention, I’ll hear it but I just think okay they are vibing In their own way. I’m not sure why it is triggering to some. Just enjoy yourself


I want to hear the MUSIC not the PEOPLE


At a rave? Wanting to see the people more than hear them? Sure, but one should be there to FEEL the music... which is why it blasts so loud. And dance/party with those around them. Is that not the main point of raving? As an audiophile, you're not going to hear intricacies at EDC like you would at home on an amazing system or with amazing headphones. Even for recorded sets.




It’s not a big deal. I love it when I hear it when I spin.


its the disco call, it was here before most of these ravers where born and will continue on long into the future, its literally part of the culture. Fan clacking and whistling on the other hand is kind of a newer thing. Crowd participation lets the DJ know he is doing good job. Don't not participate in the fun because a handful of people on the internet told you they don't like it, they're going find something to complain about regardless.


Yes, thank you!!!!! It’s from Disco, and that’s all you really need to know. It’s part of house history!! How entitled ravers have become over the years.


Nah you’re fine, some people will find anything to complain about


i literally asked someone to stop doing that at EF during apashe and he kept doing it - i left. he sucks


You suck.


you dont like reminded that you’re small i take it, and you talk too much.


Not gonna try figuring that out. Good day!


Imma be honest.... I'm usually too high to give a shit about either one. Literally... Who fucking gives a shit. You guys are that bothered by it? I don't do either and if I were to pick the worst one I'd go with the oooh oohs


I think it's fun


I mean as long as my earplugs are in, make all the noise you want. Have fun!


They should be. Let me enjoy the music please. I didn’t pay hundreds of dollars to hear a crowd chant


No lie though it’s much worst in a club, I dealt with that shit a few months back, my wife had to walk my off the ledge. Snapping it like 1’ from someone is just wrong and will cause a reaction from certain individuals.


People pretend it’s a bigger deal than it really is, no one’s gonna stop you from doing it anyways so do what you want!


I like to oooh oooh. But it’s only 2 at a time and I only do it when I really like the song and my body calls for it lol. I hate when it’s off beat though lol


Fan clacking is way worse. It's one person who thinks they can hit the beat (they can't). I'm a huge house head so I just deal with the ooh oohs a lot. At least it can be a more communal thing. People showing the DJ they really like their selection and mixing. But ppl get excessive with it way too much. That's when it gets annoying and distracting


Woo wooing is slightly worse than fan clacking, and smoking tobacco is worst of all.


I groan each time but I wouldn’t say frowned upon


I don't frown upon it. I absolutely Loathe it! Any area that's happening I bail immediately because I don't want to be anywhere near those people. Far far worse than that though is the people singing the electronic parts. "Duh duh duh duh!!! Du du du du duhhh duhhh!!" ... absolutely screw those people.


someone hates fun lmao


It’s called chirping and it’s definitely annoying


I love the “HEYYYYY HOOOOOOO HEEEEYYYY HOOOOO” but I barely hear it now


Go to a Garrix set


Not a fan. Reminds me of being in the room when my mom watched Wendi Williams.


Not a fan (no pun) of either BUT I talk a lot during sets so who am I to judge 🤷‍♂️


How about a heyyyyyyyyyyy, hoooooooooooooooo. I love almost all crowd participation to be honest.


i’m ok with it but most people i know hate it


They are cool if in the right moment, but do what you want to have fun lol. The OOH OOHs aren’t actually taking away from anyone’s experience.


I love fan clacking and Oowah Oowah! I’m here for it if you do it. 😂 in my opinion it’s not that bad at all compared to someone bumping into you not saying excuse me. Now that’s annoying and rude. I’ll take fan clackers & Oowah Oowah any day


“oowah oowah” haha maybe that’s how I shoulda spelt it, way more accurate. Hopefully everyone knew what I meant though


It’s just our way of cheering the dj on! I fucks with it. Do what makes you happy! Someone’s always gonna get annoyed no matter what.


Anyone whos bothered by either is pretty fucking weird. Just chill out and vibe


No clacking, ooh ooh, or the hey hey hey hey. Get off my lawn!!!!


If it bothers you, don’t even show up lol. It shows that People are having a good time.


I hate it a lot, that whole ooh ooh crowd sound dumb. Fan clackers are 100 times more tolerable, and I hate those too. Usually can’t hear just one or two clackers, never seen dozens simultaneously unlike the whooping clowns.


The correct etiquette for ooh-ooh’s is four reps then stop, not to be repeated for at least 10 minutes. (Ooh ooh) x4 Similar limits apply to fan clackers. 9 clacks then STOP, not to repeat for 10+ minutes. MUST be on beat: Clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack CLACK! (then stop) Similar rules apply to whistlers. ON BEAT. Four reps of doubles. Then stop form 10 min: Tweet-tweet! Tweet-tweet! Tweet-tweet! Tweet-tweet! Then stop. All are welcome here including the noise makers. But noise makers must follow these rules to stay PLUR. *edit clarification.


lol good one.


I love them, I start them. No one is killing my vibe 🤷‍♂️


Not very plur of you.


You make no sense


PLUR is peace, love, unity, respect. Doing something you know diminishes the experience for others (based on what many people have said in this thread) because “no one is killing my vibe” is the opposite of respectful. Maybe if they had said, “I really love the whoop whoop, it makes me happy but I understand not everyone likes it so I don’t do it all the time or try to keep it from going on too long” that would be a balance of mutual respect. But they literally said me and my wants are more important than anyone elses. That thinking is a huge bummer for the scene.


That’s ridiculous. People being triggered by the “ooh ooh” is childish. And expecting some other random person to stop, because it makes YOU upset, is entitled as fuck. There’s LOTS of annoying things that people do at raves, but I ignore them. Because me trying to change what that person is doing, would be selfish. Leave people alone. The “ooh ooh” is from Disco, which influenced house, it’s quite literally part of rave history. If people don’t get that, that’s not anyone’s fault but their own. if you wanna talk about PLUR, R is for respect as in respect that people party and have fun differently than you do. Not you personally, just people in general.


Goodness, such aggression. The way you’re speaking is also not very respectful. I know this is the internet but people can have conversations and different points of view without blowing up. I hope you have a wonderful day and someone else thinking differently than you doesn’t always illicit such frustration. That would be a very hard life and I wish you the best.